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My Demonic Slave (Bellala99 and Pigeon)


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Lousal moaned loudly as he watched Tartaros climax. He thrust into the demon a couple more times before he came deep inside him. He panted softly and pulled out, flopping down next to him. "was that fun enough for you?" he said with a smirk, reaching over to untie Tartaros' hands.

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Tartaros let out another soft moan when he felt Lousal's cum spilling deep inside of him, making the few last tears roll down his cheeks. The demon just layed there, completely exhausted while breathing heavily - he felt like something inside him broke... When his arms were untied, he didn't even have the energy to move them - all he could do was turn slightly and move closer to the other while sweat rolled down his body. "Enough..." He replied softly as he closed his eyes, trying to catch his breath after all this...

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"poor thing, you look so tired..." Lousal murmured, still smirking. He pulled Tartaros closer, gently running his hand through the demon's hair. "just rest for a bit..." he closed his eyes and sighed happily. "I'll take good care of you Tartaros..."

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A lazy smile appeared on Tartaros' face as he snuggled up closer and exhaled slowly. The demon was close to falling asleep - Lousal's arms around him felt weirdly... Safe, at least right now. He opened his eyes slightly to look up at the other as he smiled slightly, without saying anything else. Soon enough, the blond was sound asleep, snuggling up close to the human. He deserved to rest, after all.

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Lousal opened his eyes after a minute to look down at the sleeping demon. "fuck..." he muttered to himself. He had always done his best to keep himself from making any kind of emotional connection. But he could tell that he was starting to have actual feelings for Tartaros. He closed his eyes again and let himself drift to sleep.

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During the night, Tartaros' sleep wasn't exactly pleasant or calm. He dreamed of his family, and even the head of the whole clan yelling at him, making him feel weak. The demon awoke with a soft gasp, his body covered in cold sweat as he bit his lip. He had to go back... He didn't even belong here. Even so, the blond's gaze turned to Lousal... How could he leave him? He knew he was already addicted to him.

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Lousal slowly opened his eyes when he heard Tartaros gasp. "hmm? Is something wrong?" he mumbled, still half asleep. He yawned and pulled the demon closer. "I'm right here sweetheart... I'll keep you safe..." he closed his eyes again, starting to drift back to sleep.

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Tartaros flinched slightly at the sound of Lousal's voice - he was so sure the other was still asleep! The demon still couldn't hold in a smile at the silly nickname - sweetheart? Really? The demon sighed out softly as he was pulled closer. Guess he'd wait until Lousal was asleep... He had to at least check, after all.

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Lousal quickly fell back into a deep sleep. He had barely been awake in the first place and was exhausted from the long day. His grip on Tartaros' body slowly loosened until his arms were just loosely wrapped around the demon's waist.

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Tartaros waited quietly until Lousal was fully asleep; only then did he remove himself from his already loosened grip. The demon let out a small smile as he leaned down and placed a light kiss on the other's cheek - after that, he put on some clothes and left the building. The portal to demon's world wasn't to be opened somewhere in the city...


He wasn't going to be back any time soon.

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Lousal woke up a couple of hours later. He got up and got dressed, assuming Tartaros was downstairs. He went to the room he had left Tine in and frowned when the demon wasn't in there. He started to search the house, slowly getting worried about Tartaros.

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Tartaros headed off to a forest far away from the city where he began opening the portal. The process alone took an hour at the very least... Once the entrance to the demon world opened, the blond stepped inside - and immediately, his appearance changed into a full demon. He grew in size, while his appearance changed into a creature with horns, wings, tail and fangs, all covered in black fur... After a while of searching, he found his family. Or more like, they found him.

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Lousal sat down on his couch. "fuck..." he rested his head in his hands. "he fucking left..." he sat there for a few minutes, angry at himself for getting attached and at Tartaros for leaving. He stood up and stomped into the room that Tine was in. He pulled the gag out of the angel's mouth and shook him until he woke up. "hey, how do I find a demon?" he snapped.

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Tartaros... Was definitely not in the best kind of situation. At least, not for him. From another person's point of view, he should've been happy - his mother was hugging him right now, thanking him for coming back, but... The blond himself felt awful. He shouldn't have come back. Still, he spent some time explaining about what happened - yet didn't say a word about Lousal. He wasn't supposed to tell he got attached. His family wasn't supposed to know... But how should he ever get away?

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"I-I don't know..." Tine whimpered, his shoulders shaking. Lousal stared at him for a moment. "well then... What would happen if I killed you?" he asked in a low voice. The angel gasped. "T-the high angels would notice my presence lost and find you, i-its a horrible idea." he tired to pull away from the man. Lousal smirked and pulled out his knife. "we'll see about that" he murmured, pressing the blade to Tine's throat. The angel screamed and Lousal slit his throat. He let the corpse fall to the bed and pulled up his own shirt, dragging his knife across the mark Tartaros had left on him. "traitorous bitch..." he snarled.

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Tartaros was, weirdly enough, slowly relaxing. Being with his family, even for a demon that was quite nice... Though a dull ache in his chest reminded him of the fact that he'd left Lousal. After some time, he finally got a moment alone with his mother and quietly explained about Lousal. At first, she seemed to be terrified - her own son was with a human?!? Only after a while did she calm down. She didn't let him go though... He was to stay there for at least a few days - during thst time, they would think of some way to leave it hidden...

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Lousal only had to wait a few minutes before two powerful angels appeared in the room. He watched them with an expression of vague disinterest and put up no fight when they grabbed him, dragging him off while saying something about making him pay for his sins.

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Tartaros was finally smiling as he met up with his young brother, who, in fact, had not even seen him yet. The blond lightly rocked the now sleeping young demon in his arms while sitting in the kitchen. So much had changed while he was away... There was a new clan leader, his father died on a mission and so much more. Tartaros promised himself to at least visit his father's grave...

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Lousal was locked away in a dungeon like place, the angels spoke to each other about his punishment for awhile. It was completely unheard of for a human to actually kill an angel, most humans worshiped them. After a few hours the angels sent a messenger to the demons. They were at a complete loss of what to do with the human. Lousal just lay on the floor of his prison, refusing to show any kind of regret for his actions.

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The messenger first reached the king, then each of the clan heads and finally every demon - including Tartaros. He was both surprised and terrified from hearing that... It didn't take long for him to leave his family again and get the green light on going to Heaven. He hated the place... Filled with angels, light and clean... Disgusting... The blond was forced into changing to his humanoid form - only then he got to see Lousal. “Idiot. I leave you for less than a day and this is what happens?“ Tartaros mocked as he crouched down next to the man. “Why?“

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Lousal stared up and the ceiling, refusing to look at Tartaros. "you disappeared... I didn't think you were going to come back" he murmured. He rolled onto his side to face away from the demon. "I'm an idiot, I let myself get attached... You're like everyone else in this fucking world, you'll just betray me..."

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Tartaros blinked a few times while staring at the man - gosh, had he made something really really bad by leaving? “Hey... C'mon, I haven't seen my mother for twelve years. My father is apparently dead and I have a new little brother! If I would've left you forever, that mark wouldn't be here anymore. Idiot.“ The demon muttered out with a sigh before reaching out to lightly touch Lousal's cheek. “I won't betray you.“

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Lousal didn't move and let Tartaros touch him. "you could have told me... I thought you were gone forever..." he sighed. "so... Am I going to get executed or something? I doubt I can just tell the angels I was pissed because I thought the demon I've fallen for abandoned me..."

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Tartaros bit down on his lower lip before letting out a quivering sigh. “I'll work something out.“ He promised quietly before leaning down and lightly kissing Lousal. The demon didn't say anything else afterwards - he just walked off to find the powerful angels. The blond knew they were just itching to kill him, but... He had to at least try to save Lousal.

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"Don't get yourself in any trouble..." Lousal mumbled as Tartaros left. "If I get killed it's my own fault..." The higher angels were sitting in a private meeting room. They were still discussing Lousal's fate, whether he should be killed or sent straight to hell for the demons to torture, or something else.

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