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My Demonic Slave (Bellala99 and Pigeon)


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Tartaros rolled his eyes as he rolled on top of Lousal and smirked. "C'mon, don't make fun of me..." He pouted fakely as he leaned down and pressed a small kiss to the other's lips. "Isn't it common knowledge to take care of your partner after doing something like this?" The demon asked with a light chuckle as he rested his head on the other's chest, closing his eyes.

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"I've never cared about my partners before" Lousal kissed Tartaros' cheek. "so I guess I wouldn't know... But don't worry, I'll take goo care of you all day tomorrow" he trailed his hands up the demon's back. "will that make you happy?"

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Tartaros raised a brow before letting out a chuckle. "Oh? So, I'm special, hm?" He teased softly before laughing softly. The demon smiled as he lightly trailed his finger over Lousal's jawline. "I think that'd make me very happy~" He said with a rather soft expression on his face.

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"you didn't know you're special?" Lousal smiled gently and pulled Tartaros closer to lightly kiss him. "I thought you would have figured that out by now" he ran a hand through the demon's hair and sighed happily. "I hope you're ready for me to pamper you tomorrow"

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Tartaros snickered and smiled as he kissed back softly. "Nope, I thought I was just an ordinary demon~" The blond said with a chuckle as he smiled at Lousal. The demon closed his eyes as he placed his head on the other's chest and sighed out softly. "I'm ready for pampering whenever you want." The demon joked, already half-asleep like that.

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"I wouldn't murder an angel for just any demon" Lousal murmured as he closed his eyes. "I think that alone proves that you're special" he yawned and wrapped his arms firmly around the demon's waist as if making sure he wouldn't leave. He started to fall asleep after a minute.

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Tartaros let out a soft chuckle as he nodded and smiled lazily. “That's true...“ He muttered out without fully understanding the meaning of those words... The demon was slightly too sleepy to manage that. He was asleep quite soon, lightly nuzzling into the other male. The blond curled up into a small ball to keep himself warm as he slept calmly on the other's chest...

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Lousal fell fast asleep after a few minutes. He slept peacefully until the next morning, holding Tartaros tightly in his arms the whole time. He woke up fairly early the next morning and smiled at Tartaros, still a little bit sleepy. He lightly kissed the demon's head.

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Tartaros let out a sleepy mumble before yawning softly when he felt the kiss on his head. The. demon pulled his head away for a bit before burrying it into the other's shoulder. He didn't really want to wake up yet... The blond yawned widely as he groaned and tore his eyes open. He slowly lifted his head up, a rather cute, sleepy expression on his face. “Mmh... Morning...“ He muttered out softly.

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Lousal smiled at him and gently stroked his hair. "good morning..." he gave the demon a quick kiss on the lips. "You can go back to sleep for awhile if you want... I'll make some breakfast" he slowly pulled away and got out of bed. "is there anything you need while I'm up?" he asked with a yawn.

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Tartaros mumbled sleepily and shook his head at the question before rolling off to the other side. "Don't take too long..." He muttered out sleepily before yawning rather cutely - who knew a demon could be this cute... The blond closed his eyes again and curled up into a tight ball before pulling on a blanket. He was going to take up the offer gladly!

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"okay, I'll be back soon" Loudal smiled at the demon before quickly putting on some pants and going downstairs. He made some pancakes and put everything they needed for breakfast on a tray. After about fifteen minutes he went back up to the bedroom with breakfast. "Tartaros, I have food for you" he said lightly, sitting down on the bed.

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Tartaros managed to fall back asleep without any problem. Those extra fifteen minutes felt so good... Or at least they would have if it didn't feel like fifteen seconds. The demon groaned out softly when Lousal got back and sleepily rolled over to him, opening his mouth slightly. "Feed me..." He murmured out while slowly sitting up, rubbing his sleepy eyes with one hand.

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"You really do want to pampered today don't you?" Lousal chuckled and poured some syrup on the pancakes before cutting one into little pieces. He held a forkful up to Tartaros' mouth. "here you go, open up" he said gently, smiling softly at the demon.

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Tartaros blinked a few times before taking the pancakes into his mouth. He didn't actually expect for Lousal to agree... But he wasn't going to complain. The demon licked his lips as a small, lazy smile appeared on his face. "They're good..." He mumbled out sleepily as he opened his eyes to look at the other.

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"I'm glad you like it" Lousal pulled the demon closer and kissed the corner of his mouth. "Are you sore from last night?" he asked in a low voice. He took a bite of food before holding up another forkful for Tartaros to eat. He liked to pamper the demon, but at the same time he wanted to push him down again.

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Tartaros blinked at the question and huffed softly. “What do you think?“ He mumbled out before taking the pancakes into his mouth again. This time he made sure to do it as seductively as it was possible - he hoped to remind Lousal of the blowjob he gave the other before. “What, you plan on fucking me like a hungry tiger again?“ The demon asked with a light smirk on his face.

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Lousal licked his lips as he watched Tartaros. "I might be thinking about it..." he murmured, taking another bite of pancake. "You're too sexy to resist" He kissed the demon before offering him another piece of pancake. "but you seemed to enjoy it"

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Tartaros snickered and just continued eating the pancakes. “Too sexy?“ He repeated with raised eyebrows. “I don't know if I should be honored or scared now~“ The demon chuckled with a wink before laughing. “Who wouldn't enjoy such a nice fuck from time to time?“ He joked with a smirk. The demon then silenced down for a bit before letting out a sigh. “Are there others you also do this with?“

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Lousal went silent for a moment, his face turning serious. "There are lots of people I sleep with... But I have issues with attachment, everyone I know is completely expendable to me. That's why it didn't bother me when you ate my cousin. You're the only one I actually care about, so if you want me to cut ties with everyone else I'll do that" he watched Tartaros' expression. "If you were like everyone else I would have kicked you out of my bed already" he said seriously.

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Tartaros was visibly surprised by the answer. While a soft smile lit up on his face, the demon leaned in closer and pressed a light kiss against Lousal's lips while closing his eyes for a moment. “I'd really prefer if you were only mine, but... Eh, who am I to not let you enjoy another toy from time to time?“ The demon grinned as he licked his lips and smiled. “As long as you don't force me to be fucked by other's I'm all good.“ Tartaros said with a light smirk on his face.

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Lousal rolled his eyes and wrapped his arm around Tartaros' waist. "of course not, I'd kill anyone who did something like that to you" he grumbled, lightly kissing his cheek. "Of course I'll always focus on you more than anyone else... but I might play with a pet every once in awhile"

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Tartaros grinned as he pushed the tray aside slightly to get on top of Lousal instead. “I hope you don't plan on doing that today~“ He nearly purred out as he lightly pressed his ass against the other's crotch and continued enjoying the pancakes. “I'd love it if you gave me some toys to play around with when you're not here~“

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?"I think I'm good for today" Lousal grinned and rested his hands on Tartaros' waist. "I'd be more than happy to find you some toys... was there anything in particular you had in mind? Age... Species... Appearance..." He lightly kissed the demon's neck. "or should I just find one that I think you'd like?"

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Tartaros blinked a few times before letting out a soft laugh. “I meant actual toys... Like that vibrator~“ He said with a grin while lightly grinding himself down onto Lousal's cock. “Don't you humans have something called dildos?“ The demon asked while pushing himself downwards to add up more pressure. All the while, he was slowly finishing the breakfast. It felt nice being like this...

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