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Master x slave brothers {17+} with Ayakashiu


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Koga groaned and leaned back pulling out his phone as it started to ring,it was his boss and he sighed then threw his phone at the wall and it smashed. He wanted to set everything right and show those boys they were safe with him,so he stood and grabbed his house phone and called the police back as he walked up the stairs.


The officer who he talked to just hours ago answered


"Sir it's Koga again,those kids you want to take from me are not to blame for anything the fire,it happened on it's own"

"How do you know?"

"Well I saw the fire it looked like it was an electrical fire"

"You crossed onto a crime scene"

"Well..I saved those boys and gave them a home! your wanting to take them away. away from each other and I won't allow it"

The officer sighed "Koga,you know they need to come in for questioning and seen by a judge"

"No! ill take the boys some place else,tell the judge they were found dead in the fire! Those boys will never leave my house,I finally have a family"

He hung up and collapsed in the hall knowing the boys heard everything,he wasn't lying about anything those boys were considered part of his family. Yes he had sex with them and abused them but he saw them as both family and slave.

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The boys were really shocked to hear the conversation. They only heard what Koga was saying, but it was enough. Nozomu started to cry and he collapsed on the floor, his heart hurting from all the feelings. Toshi approached him, hugging him. He didn't know what to think anymore. He always wanted to have a family too. He and his brother were always alone. Now that he heard what Koga said, he couldn't help but feel affection for the man. He did basically save their lives and gave them a home, although he wanted..that kind of stuff in return. They didn't move from the spot in the middle of the room for a long time and the slowly drifted to sleep right there, on the floor, still hugging each other. Just like they used to sleep when they were little.

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Koga threw his phone on the floor and leaned his head against the wall still sitting on the stairs,closing his eyes tightly and tears fell down his cheeks. Koga had a bad childhood his parents had died when he was only 3 years old,and the guy he calls his boss raised him and gave him a home,he wanted to do that for those two but also wanted sex and fun from them.

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The boys woke up the next morning, stiff from spending the night on the floor. Nozomu knew, his brother won't start this subject, so he did it. "Toshi" he gently touched his arm "we should probably talk about what happened yesterday. Do you think Koga really sees us as a family?"


Toshi sighted, wanting to avoid this conversation. "Well I don't know. He did saved us from the police and everything, but he didn't really treat us as family members right? I mean, he did all those things to us.."


"Em..that's true..but..we did those things to each other too, didn't we? It's nothing wrong with that, or so Koga told me" Nozomu answered.


Toshi tensed, knowing that what they did to each other wasn't right, but not wanting his little brother to feel guilty. "Yeah..we should take a shower now. We can talk about this later." He didn't wait for his brother's answer, but escaped into the bathroom instead.

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Koga soon woke up and groaned as he was partly stiff,he could barely turn his head because it hurt too much,he groaned. He stood up and walked slowly down to the kitchen and began to cook,he cooked the boys eggs,toast and bacon hoping they liked it. Setting the food on a plate he turned and made a pot of coffee,setting a glass next to the pot,and he leaned on the counter thinking.

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Toshi was finished with his shower first and as he was putting clothes on, he smelled the bacon. His mouth wathered instantly. He called to his little brother, "Nozomu, hurry up! Breakfast!" He knew they need to talk to Koga, about everything that happened and about what he said yesterday. Toshi wanted to see, if he really ment it. When they were both dressed, they headed for the kitchen. They murmured good morning and stopped awkwardly at the entrance, not knowing what else to say to Koga.

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Koga nodded to the boys as they entered the kitchen "Oh good morning boys" He turned away and headed off to the fridge opening it and grabbed the glass jar filled with orange juice then grabbed a couple glasses setting them down on the table. He filled them full with the juice before he looked back over to the two boys,and smiled "Please come and eat,enjoy your breakfast I have a meeting soon with my boss" He looked away and then headed over to the window where he stared outside at the scenery.

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Nozomu smiled happily, forgiving the older male already. He just decided to forget about what happen and think of him as family now. "Thank you!" He sat behind the table, starting to eat immediately, since he was starved. "Oh Koga, this is so good!" he mumbled with his mouth full of food.


Toshi was still suspicious of the guy. His brother might forget what happened, but he didn't. He nodded to the blonde, sitting next to his brother. "Tch! Nozomu, where are your manners?" he scolded his little brother, for talking with his mouth full and then he turned to Koga. He took a deep breath and then said, "I think we need to talk..about everything that happened. We heard what you said yesterday. Did you really mean that? About us being your family?" The words flew out of him all at once, since he was nervous.

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Koga turned his head to look at the two boys and nodded to Nozomu before he faced Toshi. He leaned against the wall and pulled out some papers from his pocket and threw them onto the table "I meant every word of what I said,that's why those papers are signed ad I am just waiting for my boss" He took another sip of his drink and watched Toshi "Anything else?" He asked curiously.

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Toshi slowly took the papers, reading them. Nozomu was trying to see them too, but Toshi pushed him away, scolding him again. "Come on Nozomu, you'll get your food on the papers! Just eat normaly." He shook his head, his attention on the papers again. His sight got blurry, when he saw that those were the adoption papers, but he fought back the tears, wanting to ask Koga something else. "Then..why did you do those things to us, if we are really your family?"


Nozomu was irritated with his big brother, but he still obeyed him. He quickly pushed all of his food in his mouth, so he could see what was on those papers too.

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Koga stood and walked over to him and grabbed his hand gently and pulled him close before kissing Toshi on the lips "Cause I feel complete as a family when we do make love to each other,all of us... I just wanted to be happy!" He let him go and turned away from them and sighed and dropped to his knees.


There was a knock on the door and it was the boss,which was also Kagos father,he pushed the door open and walked right inside with a smile on his face "Koga? You here?" He walked into the kitchen and saw the boys,he walked towards them "You must be Toshi" He touched the older boys shoulder then glanced to the shorter male "And you must be Nozomu"

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Nozomu finally got his hands on the papers and what he saw, made him so happy. He grinned widely at Koga, wanting to hug him, but he was just talking to his brother. "Cause I feel complete as a family when we do make love to each other,all of us... I just wanted to be happy!" Nozomu just wanted to say, that he feels the same, when another man walked into the kitchen. He hold the papers against himself protectivly, not liking that someone ruined the moment.


Toshi bit his lip, really happy with what Koga said. But than a stranger entered the house and casualy toched his shoulder. He didn't like that; and not knowing who he is. Is that maybe the boss, Koga was talking about earlier? He didn't know how to react, so he turned to the blonde. "Koga, who is he?"

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Koga walked over and pulled the boys to his chest "I told you to wait for me boss, I mean father." He looked at Toshi "It's my father,also my boss. Boys go upstairs please and wait for me to finish." He knelt down and kissed Nozomu on the cheek then kissed Toshi on the head.



The older male didn't like that Koga was being so sweet and flirty with the two boys,he grabbed his wrist and pulled him over "Koga,they are your kids. Enough" He slapped him across the face,and glared. When Koga felt his bosses hand on his cheek he tensed and nodded "Yes sir" He took the papers from Nozomu and headed over to the table.

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Toshi just nodded and turned to leave the kitchen, when he heard the slap. He tensed, ready to defend Koga if needed too. They were family now and he would do anything for his family. But when he saw the older male's reaction, he decided he won't interfere. He grabbed the stunned Nozomu, pulling him out of the kitchen, leading him to his room.


Nozomu was on the verge of crying, seeing how Koga's father threated him. When they were in the room, he asked his brother why was that, but Toshi couldn't answer him, so he plomped on the bed, waiting for that hateful man to leave, so he could comfort Koga.

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Koga sat down at the table and looked at his boss before he started to go over the papers with him. He showed him where he signed and where his boss neededvto sign it as well. He grabbed his glass off the table and took a drink of water waiting patiently.


The man listened and watched, he grabbed the pen off the papers and began to sign them. He cleared his throat after he was finished and glanced at Koga "I have a meeting to get to, excuse me" He turned and left the house going to work. Once the older male left he shook his head rubbing his cheek before he stood and walked upstairs slowly "B..boys he left" He said in a soft tone.


- - - Updated - - -


Koga sat down at the table and looked at his boss before he started to go over the papers with him. He showed him where he signed and where his boss neededvto sign it as well. He grabbed his glass off the table and took a drink of water waiting patiently.


The man listened and watched, he grabbed the pen off the papers and began to sign them. He cleared his throat after he was finished and glanced at Koga "I have a meeting to get to, excuse me" He turned and left the house going to work. Once the older male left he shook his head rubbing his cheek before he stood and walked upstairs slowly "B..boys he left" He said in a soft tone.

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As soon as Nozomu heard Koga calling them, he jumped up and ran to him. Jumping on him, hugging him thightly, he said. "I hate your father! Why does he treat you like that?!"


"Nozomu, wait.." Toshi yelled after his little brother, but he was already gone. Sighing, he followed him, seeing them hugged. He felt a pang of jealousy, feeling like he was being left out. "Koga, are you okay?" he asked him, although what he really wanted to know was, if they are officaly a family now. But he didn't have the courage to ask him that. He didn't want to have his hopes crushed again.

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Koga sat down on the stairs and wrapped his arms around Nozomu hugging him back "He threatened me like that because he is both my father and my boss,he doesn't like it how I am so sweet to you boys and let you get away with anything.." He smiled at the younger one then glanced to Toshi and reached out grabbing his hand and pulling him down and hugging him. He leaned against the wall trying to relax,and the mark where his father slapped him was still visible on his cheek. "He signed the papers,you are legally mine now" He looked at them both with a smile on his face,his eyes were droopy,he didn't get much sleep that night at all but didn't care,he wanted to spend time with his kids. "If we ever again do sexual stuff,just know it's only because I feel closer to you boys that way,I will have equal fun with both of you. Neither will get more pleasure than the other."

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"B-but..I like it how you're sweet to us! Please don't stop." Nozomu said, looking the older male with puppy eyes, then hugging him even thightly. "I love you Koga. Or how should I call you now?"


Toshi felt moved, with what the blonde said. He had a feeling, that he likes his younger brother more than him, but his reassuring words calmed him. He reached up, to caress the spot, where his father hit Koga. "Thanks for everything you did for us. How do you want me to call you now?"

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Koga nodded knowing they both enjoyed him being nice he wasn't going to stop anyways. He leaned into the older boys hand and smiled "Thanks boys i love you both" He pulled them into a big hug gently "Papa or just Koga" He yawned and closed his eyes holding them close.

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"Papa..I like how that sounds.." Nozomu murmured to himself, leaning onto the older male with a happy expression on his face. He finally had a father, something he always wished for, but his older brother couldn't give it to him.


Toshi smiled, but wasn't sure he could call him "papa" right away. But he was really happy that he was allowed to call him that, if he ever wished. Seeing the blonde half-sleeping already, he tapped Nozomu, getting his attention. "Let's get Koga into the bed okay? He needs rest." The three of them manage to get to the bedroom and the boys tucked their neww father in.

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Koga smiled and nodded his head sleepily and yawned a little bit,once he felt the warmth and safety of his bed he turned his head over towards the boys and whispered "Please don't wander to far...I love you boys" He slipped out before he managed to drift to sleep second after and snuggled down into the blankets to take a nap.

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Nozomu didn't want to leave the older guy, so he lied down next to him, looking at his sleeping face. He looks so peaceful.. He was so happy now and he wanted to spend every moment he could, with their new papa.


Toshi smiled a little, satsfied that his little brother seemed so happy. He wanted to make himself useful. He headed down to the kitchen, cleaning it, then continued till he was finished with the rest of the house too. He felt plesantly tired and a little hungry after that, so he decided to check with the other two, if they maybe want to eat something too. He opened the door quietly, pooping his head inside. "Hey you two, still sleeping?"

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Koga was sleeping for a little bit before he woke up to the sound of a door opening and voices,he felt something warm next to him and he glanced over seeing Nozomu sound asleeping hugging his arm tightly. A smile spread across his face and he leaned over and kissed his forehead before speaking quietly to Toshi "I am awake but before I can move Nozomu needs to wake up,my arm is kinda being hugged" He chuckled softly and glanced over towards the door.

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Toshi sighted, walking over to the bed. He shook his little brother, not being gentle at all. "Oi you, wake up! I'm pretty sure you're starving by now.." And as he thought, when the food was mentioned, Nozomu woke up, jumping out of bed. So predictable.. Toshi smirked and shook his head. He turned over to Koga. "Do you want me to cook something or will we ordered the delivery?"

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Koga sat up chuckling softly and then stood up from the bed and walked over to them both and grabbed both of their hands and pulled them close "I will take my boys out to eat for a special first night father and sons lovely dinner" He kissed both of their cheeks and headed out the door pulling them with him,closely.

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