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Master x slave brothers {17+} with Ayakashiu


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Koga looked away pulling back from the kisses "Don't kiss me if you don't enjoy it. I know you much rather kiss your brother" He suddenly lost interest in fucking Nozomu so he stopped him and pulled him off before zipping up his pants and standing "Ill be back" He walked away from the table and outside leaning on the wall as he lit up a cigarette and began smoking it.

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Nozomu was shocked. He called after the older male, but to no avail, so he plomped down on his seat, pulling his pants back up. "Toshi! What did you do to make him angry?? I still didn't come," Nozomu whinned.

Toshi sat back on his seat too, confused about what happened. It's not like he didn't enjoy kissing Koga, but he would prefered if they did this things in private. "Keep your voice down, Nozomu," Toshi answered, but his little brother didn't stop whinning. "Okay, let's go to the bathroom and we'll take care of this there."

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Koga glanced into the resturant through the window and saw the two boys getting up to leave,he scoffed and shook his head slightly "Course he is going to fuck his brother but not have fun with me...see if I touch them two ever again" He shook his head and walked back inside and hollered to them "Toshi! Nozomu! Let's go I'm heading home." He turned and walked back outside,letting the door slam behind him and he started to walk down the street.

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The boys only followed him quietly, not knowing what they did, to make their new father angry. Toshi couldn't take the silence long, so he cleared his throath before speaking, "Koga..I'm sorry if I made you angry..I didn't want to." He didn't know what else to say, so he was quiet once again.

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Koga shook his head and continued walking down the street til he reached his house and went inside without a word heading to the kitchen. He leaned down on the table and hit his head a few times and then glanced at the boys.


"Nozomu you done nothing. Toshi you ruined my mood, you only want to fuck and kiss your brother never me! I can't always fuck Nozomu maybe I'd like to fuck ypu and also be fucked. Nozomu isn't big enough to full fuck someome yet"

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Nozomu was glad when he heard it wasn't his faul, so he just shot a dark look at his brother, pouting. Toshi was surprised to hear that. "W-who said that? I never said I don't want to..kiss you." He blushed a little. True, he was jealous of him, when he was fucking his little brother, but it was not like he wasn't enjoying himself with Koga.

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Koga looked away and shook his head a bit sighing and turned facing them both before walking towards them and stopped. "But you much rather fuck your little brother! From now on you two pleasure eachother I want no part in it anylonger. Now i'm going to bed, do as you wish but don't even think about leaving this house." He scoffed and pushed Toshi a bit walking by him but then stopped and knelt down to Nozomu "I'm sorry son... I love you.. be good" He ruffled his hair and stood before walking upstairs.

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Toshi frowned at his words, hurt by what the older male just said. What hurt even more was, how he was still nice to his little brother. It's more like you would rather fuck my brother than me.. He was really pissed; they finally had a family, but their father only loves Nozomu. Of course he does, who wouldn't.. He looked his little brother, who was grinning widely because of the affection that he just received. "Toshi, we can still play, papa allowed us." Nozomu said, but Toshi just turned around, stalking to his room, saying before he left, "I don't feel like it.."

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Koga went to his room and shut the door and sighed going to the bed. His father walked out of the shadows and shoved him down, and grabbed his crotch and rubbed him. He let out a few moaning noises and wiggled "F .father!"

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When Toshi passed Koga's room, Nozomu still following him, not wanting to give up, he heard some noises. He stopped abruptly, listening, then deciding to check if everything's okay. "What is it?" his little brother asked, but Toshi just sushed him down. He knocked on the door. "Koga, is everything alright?"

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Koga tensed hearing Toshis' voice at the door and he panted softly "Everything is fine, just get to bed boy" He looked at his father and tried to pull away, he only liked the boys touching him but when his father was doing it he felt connected, since the boys no longer wanted to touch him.


His father grinned and once the boy walked off he tore his sons pants off and then his own and slammed his cock inside his ass. Koga slightly screamed but before it got too loud he was kissed. He whimpered, his father was huge and he was only used to the boys small dicks inside his entrance.

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Toshi went to his room, as he was told, still having a feeling that something is off. Nozomu followed him, pouting now, for not getting what he wanted. Toshi just ignored him, plopping down on the bed on his back, covering his eyes with one arm. But he soon felt something heavy sit on his belly.


Nozomu was still a little aroused from the restaurant and he wanted to feel good. Since Koga didn't want to play with him, he planned to bug his brother, untile he gives in. He climbed on top of him, then poked his cheek after getting no response. "Toooshiiii, why don't you want to play? It won't take long and I'll make you feel good too!" He moved his hips a little lower and started to rub himself against his brother.

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Koga couldn't stand it any longer so he shoved his father off of him and hollered loudly. "Nozomu! To-!" Before he could finish hollering for help his father climbed ontop of him and gagged him and then tied him up to the bed tightly. He pulled off his pants and slammed his cock inside his sons ass hard. He grinned. "They won't save you son."

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Nozomu stopped as soon as he heard his name being called, but Toshi was the one who reacted first. He threw him off himself, rushing out of the room. He only shouted over his shoulder, "Nozomu, stay here and lock yourself in!" Toshi didn't plan on letting anything happen to his little brother, who was his responsibility. He tried opening the door to Koga's room, but they were locked, so he had no chance but to break in. It took him a few tries and a hurt shoulder, but he managed, the rush of adrenalin giving him extra strenght. The scene in front of him, made him pause for a moment. "W-wha..what do you think you're doing??"

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Koga tensed and screamed into the gag that was in his mouth and he shook a bit. He looked at his father as tears streamed down his cheeks, when he saw toshi he gasped and shook more. His father started thrusting harder inside his sons ass and blood splattered over the sheets. He turned his head to see the oldest boy in the room and snickered. "He deserves it for what he has done!"

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When Toshi saw blood, he sprung into action. He rushed into the old male with a scream, pushing him away from Koga and into the wall. He turned around, pulling the gag out of Koga's mouth and started to undo the knots that tie Koga to the wall. "Fuck!" he cursed, the knots being tight, but he managed to free one hand. "A-are you alright, Koga?" he asked with a trembling voice.


Nozomu first obeyed his older brother order, being too scared to do anything else. But when he heard Toshi scream, he thought something might happened to him too, so he rushed out of the room, towards the noise.

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Koga grunted and felt his father being pulled out quickly and he cried hard and looked away feeling like Toshi would judge him. When the boy fought with the knot and his hand was free he nodded. "Get your brother and run!" He tensed up shaking as he saw the blood on the sheets,and fought to untie the other knot.


His father gasped and glared at Toshi when he was pushed off of Koga and into the wall. He grunted and started to stand up. He glanced up at the two, he noticed Koga had one free hand and the other was still tied. He smirked.

"You will never get your hand free by yourself, now stop."

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Toshi noticed his little brother at the entrance, watching them in shock. "Nozomu, go get a sharp knife. Quickly!" he ordered, trying to free Koga by his hands. "We won't just leave you here," he murmured, turning to see what the old man was doing. He was afraid that he will jump on him, because Koga was still helpless, being tied to the bed.


Nozomu rushed down, not knowing why, but he know he needed to obey his brother. He grabbed a big knife from the kitchen, running back up, but stopping in the entrance to the room, scared of the old man.

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Koga glared at his father and then looked over watch Toshi he hoped his father wouldn't try anything so ridiculous and if so he'd be the one to stop him. He winced and wiggled his arm around and finally without needing a knife he pulled his hand out of the knot and screamed,but managed to stand and glare at his father once more. "Toshi get your brother out of here. I'll be fine just go!" He ordered.


His father laughed and when he turned around he spotted Nozomu and walked over towards him and quickly grabbed his arm and yanked him up into his embrace and took the knife from his hand and threw it down on the floor. He leaned into Nozomu and licked his neck roughly before tearing his clothes off,seeing he was hard he grabbed his member and rubbed him so roughly it probably hurt him,and he grinned. "Come closer and ill kill this kid!" He slurred out and bit into the boys neck kinda lovingly.

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Nozomu was in shock. He couldn't think, he couldn't move, all he could do was breathe, but even that was hard, as the panic took over him. He wanted to scream for help, for his brother, but his throat felt like it was closed shut. He hated the man touching him, but he could do nothing to make him stop.


Toshi was never so scared in his life, as he was, when he watched his little brother in the arms of that man. He wanted to snap his neck, for doing this to his little brother, but he didn't dare to move, not wanting Nozomu to get hurt. "Koga.." he whispered, hoping the older male can stop this.

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His father released his member and picked Nozomu up and kissed his lips hard before throwing the boy at the wall and grinned stepping over him and watching them. "Want him alive? Now Toshi come here!!" He waited.


Koga glared and moved Toshi aside only to run at his father and tackling him. He punched him over an over, slamming his head against the floor blood already appearing. His father was bately alive, he had blood going into his brain. Koga let him him go and groaned getting up. "Boys?"

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Nozomu was still in shock, his eyes now fixed at all the blood on the floor. Toshi ran to him as soon as he could, hugging him tight. "Are you okay? Nozomu?" His little brother didn't respond and Toshi was getting really worried. "Yes?" he answered, when he heard Koga call him. He tried to ignore the sight in front of him, fearing the old man was dead, but not feeling any regret at that.

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Koga frowned and walked over towards Toshi an Nozomu then knelt down grabbing the younger one "Toshi go get some bandages, a wet wash cloth, and a needle with the stitch kit. He will be okay" He held Nozomu close as tears began to fall down his cheeks slowly and he cried burying his face into Nozomus chest.

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Toshi just nodded, before rushing out of the room to gather the things, Koga ordered him to bring. He was concentrated on the task at hand, not wanting to think about anything else right now.

Nozomu felt the older male shaking and wetness on his chest. "Papa are you crying?" he asked, slowly getting out of his frozen state. Tears gathered in his eyes too; from the fear, the disgust, the relief. He hugged the other back thightly, so relieved that everything is okay now.


Toshi was back soon with all the things and he was happy to see Nozomu started moving. "Koga, here are the things I needed to bring," he said, his voice slightly trembling, as he kneeled down beside the two. "Nozomu, are you hurt? And you Koga?" he asked both of them, since he was the only one who didn't suffer any damage, so he needed to take care of them both now.

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"I am alright don't worry about me" Koga took the things and smiled at Nozomu then began to wash off the dried blood on the young males head and then looked at Toshi. "Can you hold him down,the stitches need to be put in his head and he will want to move away cause this will hurt" He said and started to put the stitches into the needle to have it ready for when Toshi held his little brother down. He was still feeling pain,his ass hurt like hell but he ignored it to worry and focus more on his son then himself at the moment.

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