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Breathe again (private raimeowmeow × yukino kyo)


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Josh was playing the piano and he was emerge into it, playing the ebony and ivory keys softly, "i really hope someone can hear this with me."he murmured. His dad today had a late meeting, so he was alone.

Before, Chris wanted to resign from work and take care of his son, but Josh has refuse it sayingbthey should live normal lives, and that's all he wanted.

Earlier, Josh called his mother, and they chatted for quite sometime, he misses her, but he knew life isn't easy with her mom as well, as she was pregnant wiyh her second child. It was a few months when Josh heard the news that his mom is going to remarry. His father and him were really happy. "Atleast she won't be alone."he thought,


As soon as Josh recieved the mail from Antonee that evening, he felt a little less lonely."I guess having a friend is fun." He said , "well let's see if i can give him something in return,." Josh decided to record his music, the piano piece he loves to listen and then..


Sender: Evans Josh

Subject: Goodnight


Thank you Antonee, and have a good night. Here is something i recorded just now, enjoy..



Clair de Lune(moonlight) - Claude Debussy




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Sender: Evans Josh

Subject: Goodnight


Thank you Antonee, and have a good night. Here is something i recorded just now, enjoy..




Antonee received a message from Josh, he read and listen to the piano record that josh have made for him. He was very touch, as he listen to it he did really fell on a deep slumber.


A ray of light was waking his eyes,"Oh,,, dis I sleep??"he look at his watch and "shit I was so late" and run through his closet and change to his uniform.


At the school. Antonee keeps on walking fast, he see's no one. As he reach the class room he open the door and shouted "sorry I'm late" as he look's up, every one was there and a shout's "Welcome Back" he was shock and ask "where's our teacher?". All teacher have a meeting so we are all free and even 2nd year and 3rd year's are also free today. He put his bag and escaped. He remember his promise with Cherry so he think that if cherry see's her she will not let her go.


He was walking very fast, almost running to the 2nd year building and trying to massage Josh.


Sender: Antonio Kelly

Subject: Are you also Free today?


Josh my classmate say's all teacher has a meeting can I see you, I mean can we see each other and eat lunch? please? I am on my way to the 2nd year building see you at the cafeteria.




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Sender: Antonio Kelly

Subject: Are you also Free today?


Josh my classmate say's all teacher has a meeting can I see you, I mean can we see each other and eat lunch? please? I am on my way to the 2nd year building see you at the cafeteria.




When Josh recieve this, he was already sitting at his usual booth at the cafeteria.. the far end corner of it.

He replied to Antonee and said.





I only have two class today, the first class ended and the next one was cancelled because of the faculty meeting, meet me at the cafeteria, i'm already here.




As he hit the send message to Antonee, his dad called shortly after.


"Dad? What's up?"

"Josh, i had an a sudden business trip i had to attend to, i dont want to leave you alone at the house, so please go to your aunt's for meantime, i already contacted her. I will be home in two days." Chris voice boomed over the phone, it's obvious he is very worried.

"Geh, i dont want to stay at Aunt's place, her kid is an annoying brat." Jish thought.


"Ammm, actually dad, can i ask a friend to sleep over? That way i wont be alone." Josh said

"A friend? You have a friend? That's wonderful son! Sure sure, i will be glad to. You stay safe and enjoy, when i go home, tell me all about this friend."his dad said cheerily.

"Take care dad, see you soon."

"Take care Josh, i love you."

" Anch'io ti amo, papà ( i love you too dad)" Josh spoke in Italian so that the others won't hear him say i love you to his dad.


"I wonder if Antonee will sleep over." He said to himself.

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I only have two class today, the first class ended and the next one was cancelled because of the faculty meeting, meet me at the cafeteria, i'm already here.




He stop at the corner as he received the message of Josh, he read it and then suddenly he saw Cherry he let her pass by a little and massage Josh.





Gomena Josh I'll be a little late an enemy arrive hahaha, don't bother I just need to let them pass by so they will not disturb us. . .


I'm really looking forward seeing you today, so please wait for me. . .


Just a little longer and I'll be there. . .






OK, now I need to see another route, He run's and jump at the back of the cafeteria he enter the Staff room and excuses him self, the worker's on the cafeteria let him pass because he is good looking and they know him for his family back ground.


Antonee saw Josh sitting on the cafeteria, Hi look's at the door glass and look at his reflection "Oh my!, now I'm really self conscious" and he ware his eye glass and walk through Josh. He wan't to play a little prank to surprise Josh he come to his back and cover Josh eye's. "Guest who?" he ask. "Oh sorry!" he said and pull his hand with really red face,,, I was so excited that I don't really know what I was doing. He bow's and say Gomenasaii. . .




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Josh was using a earphones that day, listening to a lovely sound. Something he enjoy very much. It was Chopin's 'Fantasies.' When all of a sudden, a hand covered his eyes surprising him.

Guess who?
after a few seconds, the man who he recognize as Antonee gave an apology as he withdrew his hands. Josh held his fast beating chest and squeeze it a little. The shock instantly gave a number on him. When he regained composure,he pointed at the seat infront of him and said,


"Antonee-kun, one thing you should know about me, since you are being way too careless around me.. i have a heart ailment... so never-ever- shock me again..." he said as he fold his earphones and put the ipod on top of the table..


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chopin's fantasies




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Antonee sit and said "I'm really sorry Josh - senpai, I won't do it again I promise . . .". To change the mood he pull out some fresh fruits wanna have some,,, they give it to me when I entered . . . "will I tell him that I enter a prohibited area?" asking his self. Antonee continue, when I entered the cafeteria then smile. Then put the plate on the table.


He really don't know what to do and keep quiet . . .



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"Dont be so nervous around me Antonee,. And sorry, but i have a specific diet i've already packed my lunch.. and as promise . Go ahead and pick one of the meal set, and i'll pay."he stood up and gave a nod at the ladies who pass them by. He gave a look at Antonee who is still looking flustered and he gave an exaperated sigh..


He smack Antonee's head lightly and chuckled.. "Hurry up and get up.."

He walked towards the cafeteria menu board.

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Antonee was upset but did not show it, he follow Josh and many kind of dish at the menu board. He really like to eat a lot when his upset. He sit's and eat and did not stop till his full.


After he eat's he just stay at his sit and look at Josh. "Is he still mad at me?" he ask himself. How can I really improve the at mood her? So he try to open a topic, "you know" he started. My Mom and Dad was having a fight lately I know they don't want me to see, but some how I can feel it. I wish, I can leave the house for a week or even for a day.


He suddenly see cherry coming near to them, "crap" he shout out loud. Cherry hear it and look for Antonee. Antonee suddenly signal Josh to keep him and hide under the table. As cherry passed there table a classmate call her and left.


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Josh was startled when Antonee hid under the table. He didn't know how to react to his sudden panicking, all he knew is that he needed to act normal. A few girls past by and he nodded at them. "That's weird.... i thought i heard Antonee.." the girl he knew as Cherry said out loud searching the cafeteria. She looked at Josh table and said "Is Antonee with you.. Josh senpai?" She said eyeing the plates of food on top of the table. "No.."he answered non challantly and stare at her. The intimidation won over and she nodded and left in a hurry. He waited a few minutes more before saying,.."you can come out now Antonee..the coast is clear." And since he is with Antonee, might as well tell the subject.

"Antonee, im alone for a few days.. would you like to sleep over at my place?"

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Antonee was really happy the mood was really good and more on Josh ask him for a sleep over. "Yes!" he said without even thinking how long it can be, as long as he can be with Josh. That time he really want to jump for joy, but controlled himself because Josh is looking...


The bell rang, Oh It's time for me to go need to pack my stuff. Antonee unconsciously hold Josh hand and say "thank you Josh I'm looking forward to this just text me the time and I will be there". He let go Josh hand and run to the car as he wave's "bye bye Josh Senpai" then he went home.


At there house Antonee accidentally saw his parents fighting. He run to his room and cry, he started to pack his things up. He have decided not to tell his parent's about the sleep over, "may be when they think I'm gone, they will need each other and help each other to look for me then they will be fine" that was the only thing on his mind as he pick hiss stuff. Then texted Josh.




Josh can we start tonight? Well my parent's was going out of town tonight so I'll be all alone. Can I stay with you?







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Josh can we start tonight? Well my parent's was going out of town tonight so I'll be all alone. Can I stay with you?



He was showering that afternoon when his phone rang. After he got dress, he carefully replied at Antonee so that he will not seem to be so eager. Antonee was his first friend afterall, so he is fairly knew at this camaraderie thing.





Yeah sure, do you know the coffee shop near the Xx train station? Wait for me there. I am driving a black mazda. I'll be there in about 15minutes. I'll see you then.


He got dress in a casual tshirt and jeans, and wore a head band,cause his bangs was long. He warm the engine of his car and played a soothing sound at the stereo. In under 15 minutes, he parked outside the coffee shop and wait for Antonee.

"Gosh, why am iso nervous."

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Message: Antonee,


Yeah sure, do you know the coffee shop near the Xx train station? Wait for me there. I am driving a black mazda. I'll be there in about 15minutes. I'll see you then.




He was already at the gate when he received the message and after he read he jump up the fence. Then call a taxi. The driver was keep on staring on him not because he was good looking but all his clothes was branded. It was his first time riding one so he just give the driver some dollar, the driver thank him.


At the coffee shop "he was really looking at Josh but can't really move". He walk and sit besides Josh the say "Hi Josh" with a bright smile he was really excited...



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Antonee sat beside him and he tried to be as calm as he could. "Buckle your seat belt Antonee, though my house is really not that far." He said as he start the engine.

The ride was in fact short, it took them under 12minutes and they are already at Josh's house. They parked at the garage and opened the front door."Come on in," he welcomed Antonee inside. Josh house was big, with a classic feeling to it. The entrance was filled with paintings, and expensive vases. He led Antonee to the living room. "Ah.. here's where i recorded that piano piece i sent you." He pointed at the black grand piano. "Feel at home Antonee,.. and oh by the way.. are you hungry? I can cook for you if you like,but only basic food." He smiled as he look at him.

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Antonee was amaze with the house it's a new view, It was really different with their home his house was more on high technology style due to his mother's influence. He sit on the chair as hi blushes "It's feel like were a newly wed" talking to him self. "Oh, I smell the food that Josh was making" now I'm really getting hungry. He stand up and walk to the kitchen "shit I, can't take it now I'm really curios if Josh was wearing an apron. I really need to see it" still talking to himself.


"But if I go to the kitchen Josh what will he think?" keep talking to himself and enjoying his day dream about Josh and the newly wed stuff...




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Josh didnt know what to cook for Antonee. All he had is eggs and vegetables. He quickly search the internet and decided to make omelets. Following the procedures carefully, he prepared Antonee's share of diner in no time and made an oatmeal for himself. He set the dinner table and called Antonee.

"Ahm...i'm sorry i don't know what you eat.. if you don't like what i made.. please tell me and i'll order something for you.." Josh was blushing deep red as he scratch the back of his head. He was very shy cause this is the first time he had guest at his house.. "I'm sorry Antonee, i'm so nervous.."

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Antonee was still feeling heaven when he sited, no,no I really like it and said "itadakimasu, oh,,, Oishii" and started to eat. "You know will be a good husband" say it out of the blue to Josh as he blush red as he continue to eat. Actually Antonee was so happy that he really can say it out loud, he just try to hide it.


Josh was his first puppy love, crush and developing into true love. His everything was on a hyper mode so he keep on hiding it under the table even he was done eating he still did not stand up.


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As they finished eating, Josh cleared the dishes and place it in the dishwasher. "Let's move back to the living room." He said to Antonee. "We can watch a movie before heading to sleep. It's still early anyways..." He still feels akwardly shy about all of these.

He prepared orange juice and chips for Antonee while non for him.. As he was holding the tray, he shakily walked towards the living room. "Ahm Antonee, what would you like to drink?" As he was near Antonee, he trip and spilled the juice all over him. " in his panic, he drag Antonee to his bedroom and gave him a shirt..."Sorry Antonee!! I'm so sorry!! Here change into this!! Oh no... ahm.. take a shower!!" He was really blushing and breathing heavily.

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As Josh drag him he was really blushing red and wet. On Josh bedroom he was trying to avoid his eye's because he think that if they did he must really lose his self control. "AH, damn why did this have to happen, shit I hope he will not notice my thing" keep on thinking. He Take of his cloth's slowly and put a towel before entering the shower.


At the shower room, "Ah, I'm hot, Ohhh crap, I wish he left the room. I think I'm gonna blow up!" he was murmuring. As he take a shower he hold his thing and said calm down please. He just take a fast shower then put the towel back, but he can't see the changing clothes that Josh gave him and he was looking for his glasses.


He walks out the shower with only a towel covering his thing and look for the clothes and his eye glasses. But suddenly slip with something on Josh room and fell on a soft stuff.



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Josh was pacing his bedroom back and forth lamenting what to do next, he was so sure that everything he did from the start was a freaking mess. He wanted sceamed but he needed to calm his heart. So he just breathe in and out and sit at his bed. He placed his hands crossed at the back of his head. "Gah... i sure he wont hang out with me again." He murmured.

As his door opened, he saw Antonee was wearing just a towel around his waist. He questioned himself whether or not this is acceptable as male bonding. When Antonee walked , he triped and landed on a file of clothes. He rushed forward and helped him get up, but he stopped and blushed very deeply andcover his mouth and looked at the ceiling."uhm... Antonee, i can see your penis..." he said pointing at Antonee

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Antonee hold on the chair near him and stand up with out noticing his towel was already on the floor, his eye sight was really bad so to see things he need to go near it. "OH,,, where did I fall?" keep looking on the ground. Josh are you there sorry I did mess your laundry. Antonee wanted to clean the mess and pick the clothes when he grab something familiar "feels like" he said and look closer on the clothe then he saw Josh brief "Holy shit" he say's to himself then trow it away.


Antonee feel dizzy and walking near to Josh. Then he suddenly heard Josh say's


"uhm... Antonee, i can see your penis..."



The clothes were far and he cannot hide so he grab Josh and embrace him, "Sorry Josh I can't really see anything. "I can't grab thing's I'm afraid to make thing's worst sorry..." as he started to cry as he blush in heat.



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"Sorry Josh I can't really see anything. "I can't grab thing's I'm afraid to make thing's worst sorry..."

"Ahm.. r-right,..then the clothes... yes.." Josh was stuttering as he get Antonee's clothes and shyly gave him in half kneeling position.. 'oh no, this is so akward.' He said as he feels his face was overheating. "Ah, Antonee, don't feel bad.. i'll look for your glasses now." He stood up too quickly and stumble because he felt dizzy from the rushed of blood in his head and collapse on top of Antonee..

"Ah..ouch!" He said as he felt his knees touch the floor. However, his hands was touching something warm. "Oh shit,.. i touch another guys penis..."he blurted out in total shock..

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Antonee was really on a cloud nine state, by pleasure as he feel's like floating. But at on a hell state when it come's to body temperature. He was now under pressure, yet there was two options on his mind. "If I push him he will be mad at me and I don't want that to happen" or "If I give in with this pleasure he will also hate me" keep's murmuring on himself.



"Ahhh" he whisper when his thing getting hard on Josh hand's. He looked at Josh with a teary eye's like begging for more. Then his knees shake's as he loose his strength giving up to the pleasure. His face was really red and he put his hand's above his head like giving a signal. "You can go on, I won't mind if it's you" keep's on thinking.



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"W-wait what??" Josh pulled back and sat at the floor. He thought he heard something outrageous. "I- i just landed and i dont have those intensions.." he stutteed as he is starting to feel his chest tightens. He grab onto Antonee's shoulders and grunt in pain. Feeling the eyeglass near his knees, he took it and place it on Antonee and said."My chest hurts... from all the surprises.. please i'm begging you... find my medicine. It's in my school bag at my bed.." He slowly collapse at Antonee's arms. And held his chest tighter.

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"Antonee was full of terrifying thought "what have I done?", "It's my fault, it's all my fault". Antonee cover his self with a bath robe, ware his glasses as he carry Josh to the sofa "Here, Is this your Medicine?" he ask Josh. Then pure water on a glass. You can drink this when you feel better.


He sat on a chair far from Josh, "Now I don't have a face to show to you..." he keep's on thinking and evaluated all his thought's while looking at Josh.


"I think I'm not the one that can fill your empty hear, wish you can find some one whose more than me " he speak's those word's like a prayer. Tear's fall. Josh I'll leave the water and your medicine beside's you I'll just clean the broken glasses earlier.




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