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Bloodly War ((Ryouta Basket x mitsukixlin))


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i peeked my head from under the blanket "wait....im not letting you go alone" i hurried myself out of bed and and dressed myself in a hurry and go after you quickly. i grab your arm tightly and walk whit you my hair still somewhat messy. and whispered to you "im not going anywhere whit out you im going to fallow you everywhere" i smiled to you softly


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I was happy when u accepted to come, I sigh while we were walking"Thats too bad!if u are going to follow me everywhere , I can't have fun with vampire girls anymore"i looked at u then I laughed loudly"Its so fun teasing u Hikaru...."then I winked "hey, hey come on , don't hold my arm that tight, u know that we might both fell and it still hurts u know, it might crack again"then I squeezed ur cheeks "if someone see us like this we will be in trouble"We went to the yard"the break should will begin after an hour, what do u want to do until then??"I asked

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i puffed my cheeks when you said that about vamp girls "you better not. hmpf" i looked at your arm and loosened my grip on your arm walking whit you and thought about it "hmm... maybe relax in the yard or you can show it to me" i chuckled softly "i love this kind of beautiful nature its rare to find" i blushed slightly.


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I got happy when u liked this nature ," want to see it from a higher place, Hika?"without waiting for ur answer I picked u up"hold on tight my princess"then I jumped high and strong to the bell tower of the mansion.I put u down .we could see almost everything from that top, even the jungle and the big rever next to it,"be careful not to fall , hikaru"

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"uwa" i squeaked as you lifted me up wen you put me down on the clock tower "wauw" i was astonished by the view holding on to you tight "this is the most beautiful think if ever seen" i blushed looking at the view then looked down and gulped "its a good thing im not afraid of heights but this is really high" i pulled your face closer to mind and kissed you softly blushing


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I looked sad after I pinked u down, I saw u look happy by the view "afraid of haights..."u suddenly kissed me I looked shocked"what are u doing? Whats with that in this kind of place??"I sigh and looked at u"i admire ur feelings hikaru but .."I looked down"i can't im so sorry "then I kissed ur cheek'please forgive me hikaru.I love you but sorry..."I said and pushed u when u were on the edge."Goodbye"

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i looked at you confused "i get your having a hard time" i said before you push me to the edge and fall off my eyes widen when i knew i was falling down hearing the words good bye. tears came out of my eyes as i fell down at full speed. it was still a long way down. i just closed my eyes and waited fo the impact to hit and the light to disappear for ever.

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I jumped and shouted"baka!!"I held u in the air and put away ur tears"Don`t give up so easily,Hikaru...I was just kidding.I will never let u go ,I promise"I slowed the speed down and we both landed on the groand ,I was still holding u tight ,petted ur head."I won`t leave unless ur life is in danger! I promise "I smiled "but finally I`ve said..."I stumped and looked at ur tearful eyes"That I love u ,Hikaru "I put away ur tears"my Hikaru...Love...I love u"I held u again.

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i felt arms around me and opened my eyes seeing you catching me. i felt the soft landing as i held on to you tight still somewhat in shock of you trowing me off the clock tower. my breathing was irregular trying to calm my heart down from being scared to death i wasnt listening to a word that was said until i heard the words

"my Hikaru...Love...I love u"
i just stared at you "a...am i death?" was all i could say


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I laughed slowly"baka.Like I said I won`t let u die,never"I punched ur head weakly,"Stop daydreaming"I held u even tighter "I just started loving u,U are not allowed to die ,Silly Hikaru"I looked down "I`ve been wondering for a while Hika..If ur heart stoped breathing for any reason ,I`m going to make u a vampireWill u forgive me If I did?"I sadly looked at u"Are still scared Hikaru?Are u afraid of dying?"I asked.

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i blushed and smiled putting my hand on your cheek "of course im scared to die" i paused "i really will forgive you. if it means i can spend more time whit my favorite mean bakayaro's vampire" i chuckled weakly "s..sorry...im still a little scared" i admitted "from the fall i mean" i blushed "my heart is still racing" i grabbed my shirt on the place of the height of my heart "Hisashi. i love you"


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I got ur hands and kissed them both"I love u,too"I made a funny face"Hey,I`m not ganna tell u that,not always.It`s just that today is a special day"I got my belly and laughed more"U are my only fun,So I might do something like that again"I lifted u up from waist"Don`t u dare leave me,Stupid Hikaru"I wanted to kiss u that the bell started moving and Ringing .I got ears mand shouted for u to hear me"Let`s go.Its time"I said runing away.

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i smiled "i understand" i pouted slightly "you want me in death situations?" i raised an eyebrow then heard the bells ring i hold onto you tight as you started to run off till you would set me down and i could walk whit you to the family breakfast. i was still slight worried of what it would be like and if i would survive


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We ran to the the hall and started walking to the dining room.When we got to its door , I made ur collar'Don`t be worry.I`m here."I smiled then I went inside frist .Every body were already there.My mother glared"U are late !"I bowed "I`m so sorry.I was too tried so I slept more."I stood stright looking down."I was practicing late last night."She smiled'Dont worry dear"she held out her hand"Come on hear"I walkd to her and kissed her hand"I bowed to father .Then I went to my four uncles and Uncle zensa ."good morning ,uncles."uncle zensa glared"u are late,Hisashi!"I looked down"I`m sorry"I said then I sat on my chair on the ig table.I turned around"U should stand behind my chair all the time ,sorry Hika.."I said slowly then The breakfast begin.

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I knew by instinct i shouldnt look around the room and walked whit an appropriate distance behind you the collar on my neck was irritating but i tried to bare whit it i stood behind you annoyed whit the setting but not showing it on my face at all. i stood there whit a perfect body statue my hands itched to do something. a setting like this always made me anxious to make trouble just to see them shocked but i knew it will cause you trouble and myself since there was no way i could do it whit out anyone noticing plus it would be to obvious to gather the stuff i would need. i really wanted to hurt that uncle of yours he pissed me off so badly.


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I saw u uncomfortable around. I looked at u and whistered"Hikaru, Relax"I turned back and started eating the breakfast.All of the foods were made by different sort of bloods .human's-rabbit's-wolf's and other animals .opposite of the other days I didn't touched the human's.Mother became curious"why aren't u picking the human's blood dear? Its so delicious today"i looked down while I was cleaning my mouth with tissue"sorry , mother but I decided to drink only my source's blood in humans because no ones blood is like him"Every body glared as I said that"Is he that delicious? "My father asked "I looked at him in the eye"yes, he is"My biggest uncle looked badly at me like always"its not still the time, but when it comes , u know what do u have to do to him , don't u?"he asked seriously.

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i didnt care much for the conversation untill i heard the uncle speak again. he was getting so badly on my nerves i wanted to rip his head off. although i knew i wasnt able to do it. i let my mind wander off to thinking of all the fun ways to torture your uncle in my mind my face was still blank and dumb looking my natural poker face. i took all i had not to show my sinister thought on my face and keep it as if i was to stupid to know anything.


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I saw u got angry, I got too after he reminded that rule to me"maybe thats our rule that we have fun with a human for a while and after a month we kill him or her, but..."I stood up fast "I'm not going to kill him, he is going to stay with me until I'm alive."the others suprised of their prince's behavior, My other uncle stood with shock"mazata hisashi! U are going to make him a vampire"I looked at him with a grin on my face"yeah, maybe"I saw my parents in silent"I'm ur prince , I think u should at least accept a little thing I decided to do Father , mother."she looked at me "ok,darling , u can leave"my father's silent showed his agreement. I turned back wanted to leave that my cousin attack me by jealousy"damn u, hisashi"he wanted to punch u frist but I fastly defeneded u and throwed him away with my power"don't u dare to hurt him"then I put my hand on ur shoulder"let's go"the father of my cousin, the third uncle shouted"what are u doing hisashi? That was rude of u!"I looked back"teach ur son not to attack his master, im the prince not him, do he should repect me"He whistpered"damn u"I left the dining room with u.

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i was amused by what was going on. when the cousin tried to attack me i was far from scared when we were at the door i stopped turned around and bowed to your family whit a slight smirk on my face that was only there for a second then turned back and walked whit you "so were to now...master" i said slightly teasing and stretched not really caring who saw me behave normal around you. i was really relaxed and put my hands in my pockets going were you lead me to.


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I said slowly"u should be careful from now on, Hikaru,my cousins or my uncles might hurt u"I looked seriously at u "so don't try to go out alone, got it?"I saw u careless about this situation , I got angry and slaped u strong then I shouted"didn't u saw what just happened , I have an arguement with them because of u and u are so super relax.Didn't u heard our conversation? When u spend be my source for a mouth ,they will surly plan something to kill u or suck u dry,"I huged u tight"ur the only one I have right now"

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"i know i said softly i rubbed my head after you hit it "sheez. you of all people should know i wont die that easily. and i have n intention to go out alone whit out things to defend myself whit" i smiled at you "and do you really think its wise of me to be scared now?" i ask trying to make a point

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I saw ur courage , I walked back and laughed slowly"ya, ya."I stood stright"u have to learn not not be afraid of anything, but u can't defead all things againt u alone"i walked to the kitchen"u need me , and I of course need u"i looked back while walking"we should gather some other peaple to fight, they can be both humans and vampires"i stoped in front of the kitchen"even...."I stoped

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i nodded knowing you were right "i know." and walked after you again "even what" i looked at you confused i was getting curious on what you were going to say next but had an eery feeling and stayed close to you since i didnt have anything to defend myself whit

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I felt u are uncomfortable and stood behind me, I smell around then I laughed"U should work on ur sences too, hika, hontoni! U are funny."I heard a voice from behind, it was Ayaka san's "HISASHI? Why are u here? What about the family breakfast? "I turned back and pointed at u"he ruined it, though he was luckly that I protected him"I smiled"we are going to practice again,don't want to show us the way we know where it is"she smiled and walked aside"ok, take care not to hurt urself"I petted ur hair"Don't worry"we walked to the wall , I looked at u"U try"

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"what my senses are better then most to all humans" i puffed my cheeks. i looked at Ayaka-san and scratched the back of my head...."only because he said he wanted o keep me" i blushed slightly and walked whit you to the training hall "im tougher then i look" i said confidently to her. i looked at you weirdly "i cant use magic how can i open it"


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