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Bloodly War ((Ryouta Basket x mitsukixlin))


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I laughed"It doesn`t need a magic,Have u forgotten ?We was a spell ,u should just have to memorize that,Hikaru"I laughed and petted ur hair"hontony!u are just a child!'I turned to the wall and then I read the spell.it was somehow like the snake`s language .Atfer a while I stoped making strange voices or in the other word finished saying the spell.The wall went back and then aside.I went inside and used my magic so that I could see around"Hika chan,Stand close,or the master eats u.because loves the childs like u"I laughed and started walking.

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i puffed my cheeks "ill try to remember it but i cant read it at" i looked away as i said the last part and held onto you walking whit you "dont be so mean or i might let myself be eaten" i said whit a hmpf tone we arrived at the training room and i looked for my weapons i used last time and looked at you "Ne...Hisashi are you sure you want to keep me" i asked a little concerned. fidgeting whit the small knifs in my hands


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I got serious"of course I do,I feel like that miami place in my heart isn`t empty anymore since u came,U give me happiness Hikaru and I`m sure there are kind and nice humansd like u out there.I don`t want to see them get hurt,more Importantly..."I held u tight and smelled u"I don`t want to lose u ,now I understand how Miami felt,I was fighting for humans sake because I loved her but now I`m doing it because I want to ,my heart wants to,Hikaru"I kissed ur neck slowly"Don`t u dare leave me hikaru,never!"I said the last part loudly.Then I whistpered into ur ears"Nee,Hikaru.Can I drink ur blood for a little?"

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i looked at you relived and smiled and watched you come closer kissing my neck i titled my head slightly and grabbed your shirt. my body loved your touches specially the small ones. i blushed slightly "hmm....you can..but i might not be able to train much after" i said softly "ill never leave you Hisashi. i love you" i was embarrassed by my own words


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I blushed slowly"Don't say that easily baka!"I said and I slowly kissed ur neck , left a mark"This is my gift to u, Everybody will ask who put this mark, what are u going to answer?"I licked ur neck, that way it would hurt a little then I slowly put my fangs inside ur neck, sucking from ur blood, I didn't drink a lot to hurt u and that way u could practice.I walked back"oyshi, not only ur blood but also this down..."I said putting my hands on ur butts"They are soft, Hikaru!"I grined at u"Should we do it before we begin practice?"I asked

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"ill say you put it there...im not ashamed of this" i moaned and held on to your shirt tightly once your fangs were pulled out again i still hold onto you and blush hiding my face in your chest "if we do it now....i cant practice" i said softly "lets do it after and in the room....on the bed preferably" i said in a shy manner


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I laughed and let u go, I laughed so much that my stomach hurts"Whoo, Hikaru , u are such a stupid, I was just teasing u"I looked seriously at u took out my knifes "now , u have to take revenge of me from teasing u"I grined"Come on, show me that my partner isn't a weak one"I ran to u"BRING IT ON,"I attack u but I disapeared and got visible behind u, I pushed then I got disaoeared again"get help from ur sences , ur ear, ur nose.I don't expect from u to do it now, but I 'm sure u will in the close future,"I got visible and disapeared"Try"

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i glared at you "ts" i closed my eyes i waited for you to get close en of but i couldnt hear you i moved my hand in my pocket and trew somethings on the ground around me whit out attracting to much attention to it. i could hear movement on the ground and could somewhat pinpoint your position standing his ground against you the stones glowing again slightly and once you attacked me one more time i almost blocked your attack fully starting to get it.


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U were going well I was glad"That was a good trick, Hika...but try to use ur own senses , by ur own.If learn to do that u might learn something that no ordinary human can learn , so focus !"I said then I disapeared again.Then I got visible in front of u using my knifes to attack u "U are dodging good, but when they are more then one attacking u its no use, U should fight back"I grined was kinda enjoying this ."Bring it on, Hikaru"As I said the stones of my knifes started to shone , I attack u faster and stronger.Then I disapeared"Relax and focus on my voise , where is it coming from? Keep searching for me"

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"i was doing it whit my senses" i groaned and pushed you off. "ts" was the only sound i let out my body wasnt used to this much combat training "my ears arent that good dammit..." my eyes and ears were better then most humans but it wasnt good en of for this. he pulled out a small trowing knife and threw it at you using my sense and hit a the edge of your clothes whit one the other 3 missed. i was starting to get tired.


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I saw u trying hard , but u were tired breathing dast, stumped and looked down.I smiled and walk to u"Well done hikaru, U did well."I kissed ur head"Don't push ur self so hard.U are not accepting of doing this for the frist time , are u?"I smiled"U are a good learner but its enough for now, We 've been practicing for hours.If u learn how to use ur senses , U can surely use the same magic that vampires are using without being a vampire . It's an ability that exists in some humans, But of course not a strong magic like Yuras has.But it's useful for fighting"I put my hand on ur shoulder"I'm sure if u try , U can soon use ur own magic, It's somewhere inside u , I can feel it,"

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i was displeased whit myself "of course im expecting it to happen as soon as possible..i hate it when it wont go as i want it" i signed and clinged to you "im sort of a perfectionist on myself" he cuddled myself in to your chest "i hope i can cause it will be useful but im not sure if i can" my eyes started to close on there own and i yawned "im tired~"


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I looked at u passing out, I lift u up "It's enough for today, We are going back"I said walking through the tunnel .I saw u already felt asleep.I got the wall and said the spell, I went out .suddenly An idea came to my mind , I went to my private doctor so fast.she bowed at me"What can I do for u , my prince?"I put u on the bed "please inject him some anaesthetic frist"She agreed and she injected on ur hand"He is now fully asleep"I seriously looked at her"Frist, no body has to know about this or I will kill u myself"She bowed"Trust me master, I won't betray u."I said"examine his belly." "Hai"she started connected ur belly many diffrent machines.I was kinda worried.It was a monitor in the room.She sat behind her computer and started checking, then She clicked the enter on the keybroad and a picture of the inside of ur belly appeared.I was shocked.She said looking down"He is pregnant of u prince"She was kinda suprised too,"should I abort him?"She asked .I looked at her with a fearful face"no, it will hurt him."She got serious "If u abort him later , it might hurt him more"I looked down'what should I do??'I said inside"Let me think a little "She took off the machines then I buttoned ur shirt , lift u up "thank u"she bowed "my pleasure, but please think fast"I looked away "mm"I got visible on my room .I put him down, and sigh "How should I tell him?"

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i fell asleep and was carried around after a few hours i woke up in the bed i groaned and sat up "Hisashi?" i looked around and saw you on the sofa. i got out of bed and sat down beside you and cuddled whit you "you seem down and worried is somethings wrong" i looked at you concerned.


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I saw u sat next to me and held me tight, U asked if I'm ok.I looked at ur blue eyes.As I did I felt terrible inside'I should tell him otherwise he'll be hurt .'I said inside .Sigh and looked seriously at u"Do u remember I said that u might be pregnant then I said it was a joke?"I looked down"I did that to see how whould u behave if u understand that u have a child inside.I saw u so angry so I just split out that I was joking.I wasn't sure that time but..."I put my hands on my face, I was shy"I examined you.You...you are."I could feel better as I said everything but I knew everything was about to end.So I waited for u to shout

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my face turned dark as i heard you bring it up again and listened more "WHAT~!!!" it sank in i was pregnant of your child "...and what now" i was calm and really really shocked trying to processes the fact that i was carrying your child "i mean" i blushed deeply "i..i mean are we keeping it....or what or " i was at a loss for words looking at you almost asking what to do now


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I saw u in shocked"I'm so sorry , Hikaru"I held u tight , started crying"The frist time we did it, u were nothing but a toy to me so I didn't care if u would be pregnant or not.But now I can't forgive myself , I did such a thing without ur permission .I know u want to smash me and if I tell u this u'll be more angry..."I got my hand down to ur belly"Our child..."I whistpered "I don't want to kill this innocent creature ,the child Of me and u"I put my other hand on ur cheek"But if u think that it's not right for u to have a child, I have accept and abort it."I said while tears came down.Knew that it was all my fault. just grew our distance by doing this.

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"...w..would..it hurt..." i paused "to....to g...give birth" i blushed more resting myself on you "i mean....i wouldnt like it....i mean having a child already.......but" i paused again "its ours" i snuggled myself into your chest "but it will make our fight on a hold i dont know how long does it take till its full grown?"


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I said "not long, probably a month and It won't grow a lot inside ur belly , Just like the vampire's , That way nobody would suspect , so it won't interfere ur training a lot, I don't think a month would be a lot but..."I squeezed u since u were shocked" I don't really know the other details of a child of a human and a vampire, So I don't really know what kind of child would it be..."U asked if it hurts, my whole body shaked"I don't know, since I'm a male too."I smiled at u with hopeful eyes"Just think , wouldn't it be nice, A child of both of us , have both of our blood."I kept my smile but I made a sad face"but if u really reject it's not late"

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i smiled at you "no ill keep it" i kissed your cheek "it will be thou....do you know someone who knows more about this?" i asked slightly hopeful i rested my head on your lap reaching my hand up to your face. "i guess well have to wait and see were things end up whit us...i hope your family wont try to kill it since im human and your a price"


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I got angry"I won't let them touch our child, I will think about how to keep it safe.But I won't absolutely let them notice"I was happy that u accepted, I softly kissed ur cheek"U don't need to be worry about such a thing, Just relax and think about our child,"I put my hand on ur belly, stroked it ."think about me as well, I have nobody but u two now..."I whistpered."I don't know somebody that might know some information about our child, but I know somebody who might find such a person.He is a close friend of mine.I will tell him to come to the mansion. "I kissed ur head "What should we name it, Hikaru?"I was just a little excited about this , so I asked a silly question.

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i looked please "i guess ill have to wait for your friend to find someone" i chuckled "we dont know if its a boy or a girl yet....what were you thinking of for names" i looked interested in what you would pick wile i think of a few names myself "wait are you sure its just one?"


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I looked at u, laughed slowly"Sorry, just a little excited! "I put my finger on my lips started saying a few names then I stood up and lift u up , went to the other room,Put u on the piano seat , then I sat next to u"Vampires can't have more than a child at once."I started playing the piano , I was happy so I played a beautiful note .I closed my eyes , smiling to the world.i finished the music and stick myself to u"I can't be with u for a month .that sucks"I sigh and looked at u, made a cute face"u will pay me back after a month , won't u?"I asked

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i chuckled "i can see that.. well decide on names later" i looked at you as i sat on the piano seat "but im still human so who knows" i looked at you play and closed my eyes enjoying the music when i heard you say about not seeing me for a month i had a wtf face "what why" i asked confused


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I looked at u with suprise then I kinda understand what did u mean, I laughed and got my face close to urs, weakly punched ur head"Baka! Thats not what I meant!"I smiled and softly kissed u"I mean I can't have sex with u for a month!"I sigh and looked into ur eyes"I wonder..."I held both of ur hands keep staring at u"If our child's eyes would be the same colors as urs"I brightly blushed"In that case it would be beautiful!"I fell more in love as I kept looking"U..."I looked strangly at u"...are beautiful, Hikaru!"

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