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Bloodly War ((Ryouta Basket x mitsukixlin))


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i smiled and kissed your lips "im sad when i think about it but im not that sad please dont worry im happy when im whit you as long as i have you im happy" i smiled and kissed your forehead and wiped away your tears and finished my cakes then looked back at you "so were to now?" i asked looking at you whit a smile leaving my past behind


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I saw u felt better so I kissed ur head"yogata!"Then I put my hand on ur shoulder "Let`s go and walk around !"We went out of the place and started walking next to the trees ,When we walked forwarder,It got more quiet and the number of humans decreased ,I felt something and I felt u in danger so I defended u "Hikaru,Don`t move!"I got sure that something was really behind the tree .I got out my knife and pointed at the tree"Come out"I shouted as I did ,three vampires attacked us and hurt my stomach,They wanted ur blood'That human is ours"They shouted and attacked again."I won`t let u "I said attacking them back.

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i was enjoying the walk until you shouted not to move so i stood still. i watched the scene unfold i got pissed as you got hurt since i could use some magic now i shot a ray of lightning trough one and growled i quickly gathered stuff to make mini bombs and threw it at the one who i perralized whit lightning killing it whit the bombs letting you handle the other two as i protected myself and our child whit lightning so they couldnt touch us. when im finally ready to fight vampires head on i had to think of our child and stay out of it the best i could.


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I saw your courage of killing one of them,I smiled "Well done,Hikaru"I saw ur lighting coming weak,I fast beat another vampire and protect you with my own power ,create a blue circle around you .I sneered at the third vampire "You seem strong but Do you know who am I?"He looked strangly at me,I threw him my special power that only a Yuras has.He scared"A yuras!'He said and jumping from a tree to another ,Tried to escape,I lifted you up and put you in my back,Helding your leg tight"Hold on tight,Hika"I said jumping to the vampire"You won`t get away!"He found out that running its no use so he suddenly stopped and beat me by his power.I got angry and killed him by stabbing my knife into his heart.He fell from the tree ,I felt Akiko and when to the truck he was in.I landed next to the truck and Akiko and put you down ,held ing my stomach.

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i held onto you tight as we started to run i was pissed when he hurts you but you already killed him before i could do anything. we arrived at the truck and whit Akiko i was sat down and looked at your wound concerned not sure what i could do to help you my belly slightly started to hurt and i grabbed it whit widened eyes not sure of what was going on. then it hit me our child was reacting to the smell of your blood i distanced myself slowly "Akiko you have to heal him fast" i said almost commanding


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I saw you felt a pain by the kicks of or child.Akiko ws worried and He covered my wound with a bandage.I held you tight .then I cut my hand with my knife .I got my hand closer to your mouth and feeded you ,With the other hand I pettd your hair ,put it on my chest .I knew you didn`t like it but I couldn`t do anything at the moment but to feed you.I kissed your head and held you tight after you drank my blood.Like two stupid lovers ,We were on the ground ,held eachother bodies.I looked at Akiko"I ordered the stuffs for the child in that market .Go and put them in the truck,I`ll stay with Hikaru for a while."He agreed and went to bring the things with som other trusted vampires.I whistpered into your ear"I couldn`t see you hurt so I protected you with all I had"I put my head on your shoulder"Sorry...Hika...!"

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i looked pissed at you trying to move away from you "baka!! your hurt now is not the time to feed me baka!!!" i sit in front of the truck wanting to put distance between us because i really didnt want to have to drink blood outside of your room. you forced it down my trought. i wasnt pleased whit it at all but i drank it when it was forced.


i was held in your embrace and rested against you "im not that weak. but im glad you did" i snuggled myself against you and closed my eyes resting abit still wide awake cherishing this moment


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I saw Akiko called me"Hisashi,It done."He Shouted at me,I lifted you up and looked at Akiko shouting back"You come with the truck,I`ll go with magic."He waved at us "Hai,Hai!"He said then I disapeared and Got visible in my room,I kissed your head and then I kissed your nose,cheek ,I held your hand and stroked it ,put you on bed and kissed your hand,then I held you tight"It`s alright,Hika...!soon your pain will end,so wait a little longer."I put you on bed and lay next to you"so rest well,darling."


Time passed it was only a day left to be a month but we still weren`t sure that it would be exactly the day after that you gave brith to the child,But I was stilll worried.

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i held onto you and nodded my head to Akiko as a goodbye and thank you. We arrived in your room while i was being showered whit your attention i didnt dislike it more like the oppasite. I was to exited to sleep and beraly slept the next few weeks less and less as the time of birth came closer.


It was still days to go but my belly started to hurt and my breathing heavy "Hisashi....i......i think.....its....time" groans

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I looked at you with fear "Really! Then ...I think I should call the maids to come here!"Suddenly Somebody knocked and came in, It was Akiko , He looked troubled, he looked at me"Hisashi , your mother wants to see you!"I shocked , I was confused, I held your hand and said him with a shacking voice"Tell her I'll see her later, now Hikaru's belly hurts!"He shocked"Mazata!....Right now!"I shouted"Hurry up!"He shouted back"But she said if you don't come, I'll come to your room."I didn't know what to do .I wanted to be want you when you are giving brith, I held your hand and squeezed them, I sat on my knees"I'm sorry, Hika, I can't keep on my promise, But I try to come back soon , ok, please do your best!"I said looking at Akiko"Go and call my private doctor and Ayaka san, Tell her that bring some trusted maids."He ran to the door "Ok!"I shouted"Akiko , please stay next to him while he is giving brith."He smiled "Of course !"Then went out of room, I held you tight and kissed your head , tried to give you relaxation until they came, I looked at you once more and stroked your cheek"Please be strong, ok?"I said cried slowly then I left the room fast and walked to my mother's room, but my head was messed up

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i was groaning in pain "of course do you think i would act like this otherwise" i growled not taking your words and stuff to heart you left the room and i was sweating from the pain groaning and grabbing things tight till Ayaka-san came and helped us out. i had to watch you leave but i knew you had no choice at this moment. i squeezed Ayaka-san hand so tight she even self it. it was hurting like crazy they decided a section would be best and started to prepare me for it. they made me unconscious and cut open my belly.


i lost a lot of blood whit the birth and i was critical for a moment but i pulled trough the child was a healthy baby girl. when i woke up she was in my arms our beautiful little baby girl


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I walked fast through the hall, and after a while I started running to my room, I saw Ayaka san and Akiko in front of my room , They were talking to eachother , I went to them with a worried face and asked with a shacking voice"How is Hikaru , is he fine?"Of course , I was worried about the child too, but my head was messed up with Hikaru, They smiled but they looked also a little worried, Though I hadn't told Ayaka san that Hikaru was my lover , she looked like she knew everything.She answered"Your doctor is checking him."Akiko put his hand on my shoulder" congratulations! Hisashi, your daughter is beautiful though she hadn't still opened her eyes, she is asleep."I got happy"But I'm worried about Hikaru"Ayaka san said"He lost too much blood ."My smile disappeared,the doctor came out of the room and looked at me"He is fine, I inject him blood, He needs to rest"I was happy that you still could be a human , I went inside and saw you on bed, sleeping peacefully and I saw a Little girl next to you with a short golden hair.so it was true that our child's both body and hair would grow up fast.I looked at the small child,more I looked more I fell for her cuteness, I kissed her head slowly and then I kissed yours"You did well, Hika..."I said, held your hands in mine , looking at you until you woke up, I looked at you with fear"Hikaru..."I said helping you to sit on the bed then I gave you our child,then I leaned your body on mine, looking at our daughter,after I gave her to you , she opened her eyes, looking at yours.Her eyes were blue just like yours , I smiled and kissed your head"She is like you, I'm happy that she has your beauty."I said helding her small finger

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I chuckled "she doesnt look only like me now does she" i looked at her face and it reminded me of you. I kissed the girls forehead and signed softly "i hate the fact that your in danger as long as your whit us." I glanced sadly at you still a little pale "i dont want to let her go or give her to Ayaka-san" i signed deeply again and snuggled our little girl in my arms.

i had been holding her for an hour orso now. I was gently stroking her hair lost in to the little girl.


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I got sad as you said you don't want to let her go, Kissed your hand and managed a smile at you"You know it's for her good , Hika but soon we will go and see her, I promise!"He said looking at the beatiful girl staipring only and only at you, I laughed slowly "She seemed to like you..."I looked into your eyes"What should we name her? "I asked , I wanted you to choose one of the two name the had been chosen before. I waited for

your answer and asked the maid to bring something to eat.

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i looked at you and smiled "Yuras Tara Mio. or Mio for short" i waited for the food as i stared at our little girls eyes who were the same color as mine but had a small circle around her pupils whit your color and chuckled "im glad shes doesnt look only like me at all. she has your face and both our eyes" i leaned towards you and kissed you softly "i am not really hungry"


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Akiko smiled as he saw me happy but he was a little worried , I smiled at you and kissed you back"It's a beautiful name, Hika...Then I will call her Tara"I petted your hair"Dame! You sould eat probably since you lost too much blood, Please listen to me, ok?"Akiko and Ayaka san walked closer to us , Ayaka san bowed "Everything is ready for moving her to the mantion you prepared , I shall protect her with my life, My prince."I stood up and bowed back"Thank you so much Ayaka san, please be ready, You will travel tonight. "She moved her head to say yes and went out , Akiko looked at me"Hey, Hisashi, can I talk to you?"I walked to the other room"Oh , ok! Come here!"We entered the room and I closed the door"What is it?"He touched the piano and looked at the picture"What did she said?"I looked away"The ceremony is getting near!"He closed his eyes"I knew it! What are you going to do? Can't you get another blood source?"I moved my head"No, she has a plan, I know, I hate her!"Akiko saw me shout"Hisashi, calm down! What are you going to do?"I walked to the door"I don't know, I must think!"I said opened the door , forcly smiled and sat next to you.

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i chuckled at you "ill call her Mio...her second name is Tara" i puffed my cheeks "fine but im not hungry" i was slightly sad that i had to give her up so i snuggled her closely and closed my eyes as you left. i fell asleep whit our baby girl in my arms wile i was waiting for you to return and the food to arrive.


i woke up when i felt you sit back down next to me and looked at you sleepily i knew something was wrong but i didnt ask i knew it wouldnt be important for me to know now. i ate the food that had arrived as i still hold the little girl cherishing the time i had whit her for now


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It was already sunset, I was preparing the things Tara needed while traveling, I wore her one of the clothes that we bought together, she looked good on it, I kissed the beautiful girl that her hair was already long , upper to her neck.I held her tight .It was painful for me to let her go.The dauther of both you and me, I slowly smelled the girl, I was shacking.Akiko and you were there, Akiko was next to you to see if you needed anything, He felt sorry for both of us and walked to me, Put his hand on my shoulder"Hey Hisashi! I know it's hard but you are making it harder for Hikaru."As he said that I looked at you and walked to you , I gave her to you to look at her at the last moments but something strange was that the little girl started crying by seeing us both sad , She could feel that we are going to be apart.the time that was afraid of came, Ayaya san walked in and said that the protectors and the car is ready, I moved my head to say yes then I looked at you to tell you that it's time.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i give our baby girl to Akiko-san and held onto you watching her leave whit our child not wanting to let her go but knew i had to. i looked at you as i held onto you "what do we do now...were still not out of the woods yet right. we still have that issue whit your family and me being human" i signed and looked tired


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I held you back as I looked at our daughter that was taking away.I kissed your head and petted your soft hair as I heard what you said my mind went blank and I remembered what Akiko have said to me! I closed my eyes to think a little but more I thought , more I've got confused so I quit and held your hand and kissed it "You don't have to be worry! Just don't leave my side and I will protect you from everything! At least until I am alive, so just...just stay here with me, okay?" His body was shaking , think of a life without Hikaru made him suffer.

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i smile at how affectionate you are and chuckle slightly "are you still worried i will leave you" i kissed your cheek and rested myself against you while i feel your body shake slightly "lets go take a bath and relax and rest a bit" i smile at you and let go so i can go to the bath. i walk into the bathroom and run the bath wile i get undressed and mumble to myself 'i so need one'

i dip my toe in first to see if the temprature was right then get in fully and wait for you to join me.


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I was so happy when you took said that. "Yeah...I am still worried about it! I must be still a child, right?" I blushed as I heard the words "Bath" and "together". I slowly walked to the door of the bathroom, staring at you taking your clothes off. I couldn't quit looking because I missed the warmth of your body so much that I couldn't resist. I moved my head "What am I thinking? Hikaru just gave birth and his body is so weak right now!" I said inside as he looked away. "I think it's better if you take bath without me, Hikaru! "I blushed darker and remembered the frist time we did it, it was in the bathtub. I looked down to cover his face. "I can't control myself. I will ended up hurting you again..."

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i look at you and puffed my cheeks "fine..." i soaked in the water "ill enjoy it by myself then" i let myself sink into the tub till my nose was under and closed my eyes i stayed like that till i needed to come up a bit more to breath again i had my eyes closed still and relaxed almost falling asleep.


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When you agreed, I left the room but I could stop looking after all so I didn't closed the door completely and stared at you all the time, I couldn't control my body any longer, I felt that you fell asleep, I scared because if you would drop into the water, you couldn't breath so I ran fast to you. I silped and fell on the bathroom's floor. I groaned "My back! " I stood up fast and tried to moved your body "Hoi! Hikaru! You should sleep in the bathtub, if you want to sleep, please sleep on the bed! " I stroked my back "it hurt!"

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i heard a bang next to the tub and was right awake glancing over the edge of the tub and held in my laugh but couldnt when you said it hurts. i laughed and reached my hand out to you "Baka...you should be careful......." i tugged on your shirt "maybe you should join me so i wont fall asleep again and be in danger" i said in a seductive teasing voice


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