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Caution IS the word for today !


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Caution IS the word for the day!


Hi-There every one....

yup you did read the title correctly... "CAUTION" is now your best friend ...carry it in your pocket always! ..I copy/pasted this from a forum I'm Admin on ...I felt it should be shared...this happens to be MY post ,,therefore no credit is give to the author...


LOL ...yup ..read it right you did ...seems now another "windows support" scam is loose and waiting for people to bite....the official end to the much loved and stable work horse windows XP have them chomping at the bit and ready to fleece the unwary owner....


please be careful in the coming days/weeks....these people are relentless and will pursue you to hell and back again to get your machine ID and have you open up "remote assist" on your computer...


they usually are of east Indian origin and try to get as much info out of you as possible....I tell them nothing....and smack them back in the face with "Oh...thats strange I don't run that and I no longer have a computer"...with an added I'll be calling the cops now,,have a good day ...bye!


so please be careful...I can't stress this enough....

remember these simple rules of computer safety


1- Microsoft or any other software company DO NOT phone you ever...not even Email you ..


*** AND NEVER GIVE AWAY A FREE COPY OF ANY OS*** ~especially over the phone....~


.I've dealt with the buggers for years ..only way they contact you is if YOU have contacted THEM first....and even then they tend to ignore you....


2-NEVER give access to your machine by "remote assist" this allows another computer to do what ever it wants in yours ...as "head admin" ....they have full and total access to ALL your data passworded or not !!!


3-Don't answer any phone calls from people for "computer surveys"

...another ruse to get general info to set you up for another call to get the juicey stuff out of you later ...

although I mention "windows" in it please note I have encountered these types personally and they use every major OS company name not just microsoft's logo name....so it could be a Mac Rep...or a Linux Distro Rep ...they are getting much more cunning and invasive


........thank-you for reading!!

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Thank you for the warning!


I would never give personal data about my PC or passwords when someone calls pretending to be the Microsoft guys. Good try, though. I wonder what other tricks will their mind invent next time.

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they are pretty crafty...

one time was a computer repair "shop" saying they put in a wrong OS (Operating System) and needed the machine ID to verify it was said machine .....a BS line right there.... your OS does not give your computer it's ID its your mother board...plus a shop tech knows you by name...and will have given you a receipt for it all with a ref number on it ...geshhh


another time was a "tech" tracing illegal computer data and was insisting it was my computer ....at the time I had none,,,upon asking where are you calling from I got "I'm calling from "carlo-forneia" I work of the FBI ....yup ...surrre ...buddy...and I go to england twice a day to wash feet of royalty...


but the best happened to be just a few short months ago...

was a person saying they were from "windows support"(I do in fact run a windows OS) and they needed me to enable remote-assist because my computer was sending THEM viruses and THEY wanted to stop it....I clean and clear my comp every week ..its squeeky clean....plus I disabled the out going call for "assistance" service in my machine(its a little box in advance tab it lists both remote-assist for in bound help and a out going one for you to call out for/to assist...both are disabled...always!)


another very new thing is "you have won free software" please tell us your email,street address and phone number and let us into your computer(aka the ever popular enable remote-assist/remote computer) so we can give you...uummm dude ..you just phoned me and wth...just what ARE you ON !! (this was in the last few weeks!!)


I swear the local cop shop must know me by name once they see the phone number ...lol

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Thanks for the warning :D I can't understand how some people are so tricky O____O

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It's good that you are quite computer savvy and you figured out the traps. I'm sure many people fall into their traps.

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Thanks for the warning I can't understand how some people are so tricky O____O

they are just mean selfish people...


It's good that you are quite computer savvy and you figured out the traps. I'm sure many people fall into their traps.

I hope by posting this that it will help people be aware of some of the modern dangers out there in the world,,as things get more and more complex the less every day people actually know about whichever device or machine they own..and this will make them too trusting to give personal data to whom ever asks for it...not a good thing to do at all

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