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Dear Big Brother with Love w/Pigeon


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Natsu awoke and felt completely like crap. His entire body ached and he could barely see a thing. He fell asleep completely naked and wet from the bath. He had caught a cold. He chuckled a bit as it was his own fault for this.He blamed no one. He did his best to curl into a ball and pull the sheets somewhat over him. He would have called for Kiyo but he barely had a voice. 'Oh well... serves me right for making him upset...' he thinks as he laid there. Morning turned to noon and he was still laying in the same spot. He hadn't moved an inched since it hurt too much. The house was quiet.

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Kiyo stayed in his room until around noon. When he finally realized that he hadn't heard his brother at all he got up and went to the other's room.

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Natsu continued to lay there. He wonders if he'd fade away from existence like this. It was an odd thought but its what came to his mind. He guessed Kiyo wasn't home and surely their father wasn't either. Thus he felt so alone. This was something he had gotten use to while living with his mother. She was rarely around so if he got sick he'd just lay there lifelessly until someone found him or he finally fought through the pain to grovel to the doctors.

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Kiyo opened the door of Natsu's room without knocking. He sighed, it was easy to tell that the boy was sick. "did you go to bed without drying off?" he muttered. He walked over to his brother and gently touched his forehead. "is your bed still wet?"

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Natsu was surprised to hear Kiyo's voice. He didn't say anything in response to the question. His body hurt and so did his throat. He slowly nods his head as to reply but it was slightly unnoticeable. He really wasn't feeling well. He closed his eyes just listening to his brother's soothing voice.

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"come on" Kiyo grumbled and picked his little brother up. "you can sleep in my room until I change your sheets" he was still angry, but he wasn't heartless enough to just leave Natsu there. He carried the boy to his bedroom and set him down on the bed. "I'll go get you some pajamas" he muttered, leaving the room again.

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Natsu laid in his brother's bed. It was so soft and smelt just like Kiyo. He blushed some but he wasn't sure if the fever he had caused it or not. He felt as though he wanted to cry. Its something he hadn't done is forever yet he felt the urge. Natsu laid there as small tears rolled down his cheek. He was being stupid and he knew it. Kiyo was perfect even if he wasn't how he use to be.

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Kiyo came back with some of Natsu's pajamas. His eyes widened when he saw his brother crying. "Natsu!" he hurried over to the boy "are you okay? are you in pain?" he didn't bother trying to hide his genuine concern.

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Natsu looked at his brother as he had returned to the room. "No... I made you upset yesterday. Now your being all gentle and kind. I'm so sorry Kiyo." he said his voice barely audible and it hurt. He really was sorry to have had such a stupid fight with the other.

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Kiyo sighed and started to held Natsu get into his pajamas. "It's fine Natsu, I've already forgotten about it" he smiled slightly. "let's just get you better, okay?"

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Natsu shook his head. "You think its fine but I can't accept such a thing. You'll have to punish me for being so cruel to you. I honestly didn't think you went through anything living with father. I mean yeah being lonely and missing me is one thing but I'm here now. I don't know what happened but if your the Kiyo I'm with now I won't ask you to change." he said though a part of him deeply missed his brother from long ago.

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"just forget about it Natsu" Kiyo forced a smile and ran a hand through his brother's hair. "Yeah, I did go through some shit when I was living with dad... But I'll try to forget it and then maybe I can be the big brother you want" he sighed and stood up "I'm going to go get you some medicine"

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Natsu stayed silent after hearing the other. He closed his eyes as the fever was making him feel dizzy. He just laid there trying to ease his aching body. He'd talk to Kiyo once he was better. For now he just wanted to stop feeling so sick.

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Kiyo left and came back with some food and medicine for the boy. He sat down next to him on the bed. "come on, you should eat something before I give you anything. I made you some oatmeal so it should be easy to eat" he held out a spoonful of food "say 'ah'"

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Natsu looked over to the side. He didn't wish to eat right now. His body was in too much pain to move at the moment. His gaze drifting to the side as he tilts his head a bit. He parts his lips to take in the food the other was going to feed him. Natsu still didn't understand what Kiyo was up to.

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Kiyo slipped the spoon into the boy's mouth. He watched Natsu swallow and leaned down to give him a light kiss on the lips. "does it taste okay?" he asked gently. He had put aside all his anger towards his brother and was just trying to focus on making him feel better.

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Natsu couldn't taste anything but he nods. He was too tired and ill to really reply to his brother. Though he realized something. Just agreeing and listening to Kiyo seemed a lot easier than anything. He had done this before. Even without being sick. Natsu wonders if he became doll-like for his brother would it prevent him from causing trouble. He hated Kiyo being upset with him. For now Natsu would try and go back to his simple minded doll self once he recovers.

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Kiyo smiled and fed him another bite. "let me know if there's anything I can do to make you feel better... okay?" he kissed Natsu's forehead. "I love you, and I'm sorry I got so angry yesterday..." he was starting to feel really bad about his outburst, he hadn't wanted to hurt the boy.

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Natsu continued to eat without saying much. He felt this was enough from Kiyo. As his mind as thinking on other things at the moment anyway. He didn't expect to get sick like this. All Natsu wanted right now was to get well.

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Soon the bowl was empty. Kiyo set it down on the bedside table and ran a hand through Natsu's hair. "what else can I get you?" he asked gently, trying to think of something that could help.

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Natsu fell asleep once he was finished eating. He could have used something to drink but it was a bit too late for that. He relaxed closely to the other. He was really not well but slowly recovering.

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Kiyo pulled Natsu into his arms and kissed his forehead. "poor thing..." he murmured sadly. He hurt to see his precious little brother in so much pain and he couldn't help but feel somewhat responsible.

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Natsu slept most of the day away. He awoke late in the evening. He looked around a bit. "Kiyo-nii?" he called out. He was feeling a bit better but not a hundred percent. He wonders where his brother was. Being half asleep he wasn't fully focused.

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Kiyo was sitting on a chair in Natsu's room, reading an article on his laptop. He looked up when he noticed his brother moving. "Natsu? are you awake?" he asked gently. He hadn't wanted to leave the boy alone.

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Natsu glanced around before noticing Kiyo. "Kiyo-nii I'm hungry. Feed me." he said almost child-like. He was looking at the other with such a cute expression on his face. He could have gotten up to get his own meal in case his brother said no. He was just being a bit lazy right now.

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