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hahaha my Star. It really looks strange. So lil sis say no, hahaha. And this will wait for me one day too.

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yummy what you shared there, now that i saw that i kind of lust for them. I know for sure those are good :>

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that look indeed unusual, but if is good, why not to try it? I think you're good at mixing food and make something tasty from it. Your sisters should try it, never judge a food before you taste it xDD


I don't have any food mix to share because im not good at this :D

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Wow did you try our traditional food? We Romanians eat that a lot. I love them with mustard. It's nothing better in a hot summer day.

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im from Romania too :D So...da micii sunt cei mai buni :> and also with them is good a cold beer xD

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you are right ne. Welcome in Yo then. We aren't so many Romanians here.

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Wow, do you wanna try this too??? xDD


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Because both of them never try strange way as I do, ne xDD Haha...





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Ohhh I didnt eat that seaweed yet ne. I must finish the spicy squid first.

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Oh, yes, this is the same type of spicy seaweed I sent you last time :)


It's yummy & crispy, ne!!!!!

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I'm curious about it ne. Let's eat some squid.

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More food I'd like to introduce here :)


Because of in Thailand, there are a lot of food that can make some of my friends @_@ and asked me about (when I posted on my Facebook Wall or while we chat :))



Yesterday, I ate Kuy Chai or กุ้ยช่าย in Thai language






Kuy means rice or flour


Chai means veggies



It's Chinese style - food, but when it was made in my country, the stuffs can be sweet yam bean, taro or water chestnut. There are steamed and deep fried, as the way you like :)





And today....


I've just had Roti Saimai or โรตีสายไหม



It's like tortilla sheet but thinner and the colorful stripes is cotton candy ...



The way to eat...



1. Spread the sheet






2. Put the cotton candy stripes on it...





3. ROLL IT...






Then ENJOY :)




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See this???





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Oh yes, the Chinese one from yesterday and the one I see today on Fb. Thanks ne.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's still too hot in my country...


So, I'd like to introduce some ice cream recipe...






As I always say about MIX & MATCH food...


Ice cream here will be...




Deep fried ice cream!!






The way to cook is easy...


Scoop your favorite ice cream in the bread, and wrap well before deep fried :)


Serve with honey, caramel sauce, chocolate or maple syrup :D










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xDDD Let's see!!

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Hello Bituin! Im here =3=


Okay i wanna share what i cook today. It's very easy and for the lazy people like me :D


The main ingredient is called Tahong in our language or Asian green Mussels.




● Clean the mussels and wash it very well. Clean it's shell and what not

-after, sautè chop ginger, and onions the amount is upto you like the italians do :p according to your liking

-put water, salt and pepper and boil your mussels there.season to your taste

-when the shell starts to open up a bit, put greens of your choice, as for me i choose something my neighbor had in her backyard ;D (dont worry i ask permission if i can pick some)

-cook in medium to low heat

Do not stir, let the leaves cook on top and put the lid on.




-after like 5 minutes, put the secret ingredient, one glass of...





Ehehehe yes i did. Put sprite in it. Sprite not any soda. :D


-after a few minutes more.. here it is!!





Enjoy !! Cause i did ^_^ the Soda gave the soup a different kick. :) i guarantee it :D


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Thank you for sharing your secret recipe!!!


So pity I don't like mussels so much...


But Sprite, I also put in raw eggs when I got drunk, I'll have it :)

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Aww, that is a pity. But do not fret, you can try this too in any seafoods you like :D

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My younger sister likes eggs a lot, and this easy recipe is called "Sunny egg"








The way to cook is so easy..


1. Crack the eggs


2. Stir and put cooked rice in, put a bit pepper and fish sauce or maybe salt


3. Fry in a pan


4. Serve with chili sauce







Remarks : Even if I don't eat egg yolk, but for this menu : It isn't bad.....

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First time for me to make pudding!!!,




Last year my cute friend @

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sent me this...







I've just made it xD




Not hard as I think!!!












Upside down!!!














Zoom, zoom!








With milk!!


















Credit :



Thanks a lot Camelliachan rabbit8

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  • 3 months later...

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Just a while ago, my mom cooked this recipe for us..


It's called "Wrapped noodles"


It's not hard to cook but really yummy, haha~~~

























Ingredients ;


1. Noodles sheets


2. Bamboo shoots


3. Mushroom


4. Dried shrimps


5. Sausages


6. Seasoning powder ; pepper, garlic, soy sauce, sugar, coriander.




How to cook :



1. Cut 2-5 in pieces


2. Stirred fry 2-5 in the pan with medium heat, put all 6 in and turn to high heat to smoke it.

Leave it a while to cool down.


3. Spread the noodle sheets and put No.2 in the middle and roll it like spring rolls, then wrap it.


4. Steam in the cooker with medium heat.


5. Serve with deep fried garlic as 2nd picture and sweetened soy sauce.










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Follow me :)

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That pudding we have it here too my Star and you add butter only if you use the pudding for a cake. There are many types too. It's cheap and not so healthy.


Wrapped noodles looks yummy and healthy.

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Here, we don't have it, I'll wait for a recipe from a friend here to make vanilla cream, ne :)


And yeah, Mommy cook is the best!!!



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