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America's Prodigy

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Hello, I am Untouchable Prodigy, and it is a pleasure to be here and to meet you! As of right now, my profile and things are rather lacking, but I cannot seem to edit the profile on a mobile, so I will have to deal. In any case, I am quite excited to be on this website. I made one of these a bit ago (I can't delete on mobile) and it wasn't great, so I made this one.


Do's and Dont's


I do have a few things that you really MUST do, if you are going to role play with me. I am flexible though, so don't think Ill end our roleplay just because you misspell something.


1. Please be at least semi-literate. I am not super picky, but if I am going to be literate, I would like that kind of response. I know that people make mistakes and have bad days, but at least try, please.


2. No one-liners. No exceptions.


3. Please be patient if I disappear for a bit. I have college classes and I work most days from six in the morning until about three or so in the evening. I'm sorry I can't post more, but that's how it is. If you're patient with, I'll be patient with you.


Now then. Things not to do/Things I don't do!


1. No. God-modding. I swear, it is sad that I feel like I have to tell people this.


2. Potty Play/Blood Play. Just... Gross. I can't even think about it.


3. Mpreg (male pregnancies). Well, I'm not totally against it, but I've never done it and it would take some convincing.


4. No rape. I'm not necessarily against it, but people never seem to tell me first, so I just stay away from that.


4. Tentacles. No. Just. No. I'm sorry for those of you who love it (because you either love it or hate it) but it's not an option for me.


NOTE: I am definitely a Plot > Sex person, but I still love the smut, so yeah. Ill do plot-less ones sometimes, but only if I am really just CRAVING smut.

Really, that should be it. So, steamy hot plots.


I don't actually have any plots set out yet (there will be some soon!), but here are some of my favorite pairings. Also, a warning. I prefer to be uke, most of the time. But if I am seme, I do a lot of teasing with the uke. I just love making them blush!


Teacher/Student - I love to play the oh-so-innocent student uke in this. I can play the teacher, but I am in love with playing the student.


Master/Slave - This is just... *Shudders joyfully* I love this sometimes. Like, right now. I will roleplay this anytime and as much as anyone wants. I essentially play the slave. I'm no good with being the Master...


Love/Hate - More of a theme, but it gets to me. One person loves another, but the other hates him. I usually play the one who loves. Uke or seme.


Doctor/Patient - This is one of the few plot-less ones I will do. I prefer to be the patient, but the doctor is a ton of fun too.


Vampires or Supernatural - Once again, more of a theme. Vampire/Human mostly. I usually play a human uke.


Yep, that's all. If you are interested, please PM me. You can respond here, but I prefer PMs. Details will be worked out that way. I usually do character profiles/bios as well.

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Plot One - Unbelievably Chosen


C1 was new to town and he knew nothing really nothing as in he didn't know anyone or anything in this new town. But this town had a secret, The boys in the town picked a certain person to be their love. But the thing is in this town there aren't many girls, so when C1 arrives, the boys in the town find the younger new comer to be every irresistible and they all want him, but one. C2 doesn't pay any attention to C1. He's kind of known as he choses who he likes not who shows up at their pitiful town. When he sees others trying to hurt C1, he steps in and tells them to back off because he has chosen the younger male as his lover. C1 doesn't believe any of this and tries to stay away from C2 But now that C2 has chosen C1, he has to be with him.

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Plot Two - Burning Sparks


C1 has just lost a long term partner. He meets C2 one day while drinking away his troubles at the bar. After a lust-driven one-night-stand, they're both feeling awkward. After avoiding each other for a while, C2 seeks to reconnect and take things slowly. C1 is feeling guilty, and doesn't want to talk to C2 at all, nevermind actually fall for him. However, the spark of their first time together hasn't completely died.




Plot Three - Extra Credit


C1 is a college student, who is very worried about his grades. They are slipping in one class - C2's. So C1 decides to confront C2 about his dropping grade. When C2 offers extra credit, C1 accepts without any hesitation. But he doesn't know what he's getting into.


(A little more sex-based. Eh.)

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Plot Four: Paid Services and More


Shiri is a prostitute, plain and simple. While he does not exactly enjoy his occupation, it pays the bills. He has been working on this for the last four years, slowly working toward being able to have a real job rather than spending his time on street corners picking up whatever men he can find who want him. Normally he has no trouble with anyone becoming too interested in him since most people just want sex and leave. That's fine with him since he is used to providing what people want, so long as they don't expect more than they paid for. So long as he can hold this balance he is relatively happy. People are welcome to think what they want of him so long as they pay. But if someone wants his feelings, then the price may be higher than money.




Plot Five - I Didn't Sign Up for This


MC works as an escort so basically he gets paid to go on dates with women that basically want to use him as a trophy to show off to all their friends or business partners. He is not required to sleep with them however it does supply him with an excellent chance to get laid when he wants. However he is thrown a curve ball when the company tells him that he is going to be going out on a date with another man(YC). MC feels quite uncomfortable by the situation but he is a professional so he goes through with it. Shockingly he has a good night enjoying the date but things get awkward again. MC is not required to sleep with YC but kissing is completely expectable and as part of MC job he is required to make sure that he is convincing that they are a couple. Looking for a seme that can seduce/handle a very resistant seke. Note: I have yet to experiment with a seke.

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I suggest you write that as well i the Roleplay Rules section :)) Anyway, I would like to RP with you. But uhmm... I can't decide between 2,4,5 T^T

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I suggest you write that as well i the Roleplay Rules section :)) Anyway, I would like to RP with you. But uhmm... I can't decide between 2,4,5 T^T
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, 2 is taken for now, so 4 and 5 are open. I'm personally interested in 5, if you'd like my opinion. Feel free to choose 4, if you like, though.

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Okay. I'll take the fifth one. Let's talk about this later.

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Plot Seven - Unwanted Reunion


It has been ten years since that day. The day that C1's bully - C2 - in high school kissed him. After that he ran away. Losing all contact. What did that kiss mean? Now ten years later it was their high school reunion. The man finds himself running into his former bully and old memories are brought up. Will he fall for him or will he continue to run away?




Plot Eight - Mail Ordered Husband


The new generation of people are picky about their taste in husbands/wives. Meaning that there is a decline in marriage. To increase this the Japanese government has created an agency solely for training men and women to be the perfect ideal match. A website was created for people to customize the looks and traits that they want in an ideal match. A rich man of a successful business - C1 - is picky about his taste, so using the criteria that he wants in a perfect match his family customizes him the perfect wife. The perfect wife is to arrive in the mail in a box. When the package comes there is not a wife in there, but a husband (C2)?




Plot Nine - Shame


C1 was just a normal high school boy, but one summer day his father's small company goes bankrupt. The truth is then revealed, his father is loads of debt and has borrowed millions of dollars from a Loan shark, C2. This Loan shark comes to find his family. He threatens to kill his father if his family does not pay up. Seeing that the young school boy is beautiful he decides to take the young boy. The schools boy is trapped as a slave to the loan shark. With the Loan shark he is put into prostitution with wealthier gentlemen. But the Loan shark gets jealous and wants the high schoolboy for himself. Will the school boy escape or is he doomed to be bound to unwanted love?

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