Ayakashiu Posted July 2, 2014 Share Posted July 2, 2014 Max didn't think of it this way and he didn't remember the arhitect telling him to slow down. But he liked cumming inside of him; it was much more intimate if they didn't use a condom. Well I guess I can give it a try.. "Yeah sure..I'll be more careful next time" he said, but not really convincingly. He planned to make the arhitect forget about it the next time they have sex. He wondered why Kyou was so embarassed, getting red in the face, not looking him in the eyes..but the moment passed and the arhitect was talking about work again. Does he live for his job?? That's one boring life then.. "If you say so..boss." He smirked at that, wanting to tease the other guy a little. "I'm here for you, ready to satisfy all your needs." ( Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rhye_Meow Posted July 2, 2014 Author Share Posted July 2, 2014 Kyou's face twitched a few times when he heard Max's inuendo. "I'll leave you for now." He made a wrong step and his hips ache so much he clench on it. Shit! he groaned, making him feel much more embarassed than he already is. "Ugh." He straighten his back and pound on his hips. "You're paying for lunch later." He said and walk on out of there with a little haste. This is so embarassing. Why am i being shy after all the slutty things i did. he covered his face and head to his room, locking the door behind him. "This is why i don't believe in relationships." He said outloud. -- moments past and Kyou is already dress in his business attired, hair all comb neatly. He open the door and head on out, waiting for Max at his garage. ( Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ayakashiu Posted July 3, 2014 Share Posted July 3, 2014 Max noticed that the arhitect was in pain, which was no wonder compared to all the stuff they did, not to mention the positions. He wanted to say something about him staying home again, but the arhitect left the room in a hurry. He sighted. At least we're having lunch together..that's something, right? Max thought to himself, his mind thinking about what he would prefer instead of lunch..maybe Kyou, all wet already, leaning over the table..or Kyou, in the bathroom, begging him to enter him. Those were all pleasing thoughts, but Max knew he needed to get dressed and ready for work. While he was walking towards the garage, he felt a little strange wearing the arhitect's clothes, especially since Kyou had broader shoulders than him. The arhitect would look so much better in this clothes. When he arrived to the car, he noticed his stomach grumbling. "Yo, boss, we have enough time to pick something to eat right? We kind of didn't get a chance for that earlier." He flashed a wide grin towards the arhitect, while he climbed into the car. ( Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rhye_Meow Posted July 5, 2014 Author Share Posted July 5, 2014 Kyou close the drivers seat door and fasten his seat belt. He heard what Max has said and look at the time, still enough time to grab a quick bite. He did not say anything else, but just drove off. A few times, he glance over Max side, eyeing him in his clothes. Strangely enough, it kinda turned him on. He wonder what's so special about it. It doesn't look all that bad, but it's different from what Max used to wear. Somehow , this feels like 'kareshirt' doesn't it? he thought, parting his lips and drewing in an audible breath. A few minutes and they arrived at a family restaurant. Parking outside, he unfasten his seatbelt and spoke. "They only serve western breakfast here. Are you okay with that?" He ask while fishing out his cigarette about to light it up. "You can come inside if you're okay with it. I'll finish this and join you." Is what he said. I need to calm down. a flicker of light and the smoke followed. Filling up the car, even though the windows are all open, ( kareshirt- boyfriend shirt) ( Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ayakashiu Posted July 5, 2014 Share Posted July 5, 2014 Max was really happy when they stopped in front of the restaurant; he wouldn't be able to work like this, half-starved. Who knew a good sex can make you so hungry? he thought to himself with a smug face. Before he could exit the car, the arhitect lighted his cigarette. "Can't you at least do this outside?" Max asked him with an annoyed voice. "Your whole car will stink and you'll leave stains on the upholstery." If he hated something, it was when people didn't took care of their cars, especially good ones. He climbed out of the car with a sigh, heading inside and ordering for both of them. If he would wait for Kyou to finish and then wait for his order, it would take too much time, so the arhitect will have to be satisfied with what Max was eating. ( Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rhye_Meow Posted July 7, 2014 Author Share Posted July 7, 2014 "Tch!" Kyou click his tongue when Max made that remark about his car. He knew that, but can't help himself. He needed distraction and needed to calm down. His head is filled with such muddled thoughts about what happen last night and this morning. What exactly does he want?He is not sure what. Sex? Yes. But what else? He doesn't like the train of thoughts running inside him so he just went out of his car wearing an annoyed expression and open the restaurant door. He found Max and he approached him , void of any emotions he sat across him and look at the man's face. This is not going to be rewarding, is it?. he sigh and speak. "Try to help out my assistant after we are done with some client calls. I'll be gone to do some meetings so..." he didn't finish what was simply plain in his words. Be casual like nothing happen. ( Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ayakashiu Posted July 8, 2014 Share Posted July 8, 2014 Max just started to eat, when the arhitect joined him. Damn this stuff is good.. He listened to what Kyou was saying, then pointedly raised his eyebrows. "Do you really think you need to tell me that?" Of course Max knew what the arhitect meant. He probably thought, Max will announce their little arrangement to everyone or something. Hell no.. If he hated something, it was someone else butting on his private life. It was private for a reason! "Just eat your food, or it will get cold. I ordered for you, since you were indulging yourself in your nasty habbit.." He usually didn't mind people smoking, as long as it wasn't right next to him, but he didn't know why he was being bitchy with Kyou. Maybe because of the arhitect's words and his back-to his-old-cold-self attitude. Nothing changed between them since they met and Max was a little bothered by that, even though he would never admit it! ( Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rhye_Meow Posted July 9, 2014 Author Share Posted July 9, 2014 Kyou rolled his eyes at Max and started to dig into the food he ordered, but not before he clapped his hands and give thanks. It was fairly okay. Common for the hungry middle class people. He took big sips at his coffee and looked at the watch. Over 35 minutes to start their day. This is so akward. I have nothing to ask or talk him. What should i say? Should i ask personal questions to get to know him? But that would be so uncharacteristic. Kyou unintentionaly forked his food a little annoyed and stuff it in his mouth with great speed. It's depressing that a man his age would get all flustered by this kind of things. He doesn't know what to do. Damn. "So Max, so far how was working with everyone?" He choose the safest topic so far. Since he cannot bring himself to ask things about him. Yes, remain like this. Nothing good ever comes out fro being unnecessarily close to anyone. ( Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ayakashiu Posted July 10, 2014 Share Posted July 10, 2014 Max obsereved the arhitect while he was eating; he looked annoyed to him. Is he bothered that we stopped here to eat? But he needs to eat to, so we didn't just come here for me.. Max was a little surprised by the question, but he guessed this was the usual small talk workers have with their bosses. That kind of irritated him, since they weren't at work yet and he didn't want to act like this, when they were alone. "It's okay I guess.." It's not like he really wanted to work; it was just to spite his father. "So how come you decided to become an arhitect?" Max was more interested in Kyou, than talking about work. He wanted to know more about him, especially more about his family..and his brother.. ( Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rhye_Meow Posted July 11, 2014 Author Share Posted July 11, 2014 Kyou was a little shock to hear Max with a personal 'get to know you' questions. He smiled , geniunely happy. Then caught himself after and schooled his expression to stoic once more. What the hell am i being happy about! "Well at first it's more of the love of art. I tried taking up Fine arts, but my family is against it. Saying it doesn't fruit very much career wise. At that time, i had no choice but to oblige." He answered in all honesty. Given that this is not a secret anyway. "Here i pour my love for art. And beautiful things." He took a sip of his coffee and lean back. He wanted to ask something back but didn't know where to start. "Being old is kinda hard. I don't know what to ask you. I'm not very good in opening conversations. Or so people told me."he said and chuckled to himself. That's right. He forgot about basic human interactions along time ago. ( Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ayakashiu Posted July 13, 2014 Share Posted July 13, 2014 Max raised an eybrow at the mix of expressions on the arhitect's face. He really is a puzzle.. "I can relate to that..my family's been forcing me to find a job they like too. But screw them." He said, not really caring anymore what his father thinks of him. He wanted to live his life his own way, even if he'll be poor. Max chuckled when the arhitect reffered to himself as being old. "Just ask what you want to know. Or better yet, just let me ask the questions." He grinned at the arhitect. Max was actually happy that Kyou opened the subject of his family by himself. "So you never thought of rebelling against your family? How come? Do you come from a big family?" ( Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rhye_Meow Posted July 16, 2014 Author Share Posted July 16, 2014 Kyou smiled a bit at the question. "Well being happy is the highest form of rebellion. I am happy at the path i took. So yeah.." he sip his coffee and rest his cutleries at the plate. Done with his breakfast, and suddenly filled witn the urge to smoke. Oh yeah, Max doesn't seem the type who smokes and drinks well. Somewhat unsual for a -party goer -look he had. Kyou shrugged his shoulders and fish out a few bills at his wallet, placing it under his coffee cup. "Hmm, i'm not really good at asking questions, but sure go ahead and ask whatever you wan't, if it's too personal, i won't answer. But as much i could, i'll humor you. " he said while waiting for the guy to finish his meal. Kyou doesn't eat alot at mornings, usual just a salad, or eggs and bread. Then he eats full at lunch. His mornings are always busy, so he can't be too full or he'll have a problem walking to and fro. What's funny for Kyou at this setting is that, it's been awhile since he let someone ask him, and he is willingly going to answer. What is happening to me, i'm being too weak. ( Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ayakashiu Posted July 16, 2014 Share Posted July 16, 2014 Max nodded while the arhitect was talking, noticing how he avoided the question about his family. Well he did give Max the permission to ask him questions, so why not be direct? If he wanted to get to know him, he'll have to ask. There were other ways too, his father having a lot of conections and private detectives that could be trusted, but Max would prefer if the arhitect would tell him this stuff himself. He ate the remaining of his breakfast, sipping a little coffee, before speaking again. "You don't have too; since I ordered, I planned to pay too." He thrusted his head in the direction of the money, Kyou put on the table. Then he asked the question that was bothering him. "Tell me more about your family. What are they like?" ( Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rhye_Meow Posted July 19, 2014 Author Share Posted July 19, 2014 "Hm? Didn't i say you'll pay for lunch? So let me pay atleast for my share." He said sternly. He wanted to let Max know that he should atleast save some money but it's probably not a good idea to open it up. The next question startled Kyou a bit, but he knew this is normal get to know question. Or is it? Taking a deep breath before answering, Kyou looked down at his almost empty coffee cup. "I grew up in Fukuoka and the shortly after i came here to Tokyo where i lived with my father and his family. Now i have a step mother, a brother and well that's about it," he said. To avoid himself with a rather personnal conversation topic, he stood up. "Let's go. Let's continue this some other time." He walked before Max could notice his face was getting red. Not because of embarassment, but because he felt kinda happy when Maxx ask him such details. Oi Oi Oi , please get yourself together ( Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ayakashiu Posted July 22, 2014 Share Posted July 22, 2014 Max scowled a little, when the arhitect finished this topic for today. He wanted to know more. He stood too, throwing some bills on the table, before he followed his boss. He didn't know how much the other left, but at least the waiter will get a good tip today. As they were in the car again, heading for work, Max started with the questions again. The ones about his family would have to wait for some other time, but he could ask others. "So how did you become so successful? You're quite young for that. Did you start your company out of nothing?" He was wondering about that for a while now; did Kyou make it on his own or did his family helped him achieve this? This was bugging him a lot. Now that his father will most likely disown him as he gets back, he was seriously considering starting his own business. He didn't want a big company or anything like that, just a small one, but a good one. ( Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rhye_Meow Posted July 23, 2014 Author Share Posted July 23, 2014 Kyou glance at Max for a bit and sigh. "Ofcourse i did. Someone had to advice me what to do. I work with my professor back then and he gave me pointers before i started with my company. It was only me and Yuu at that time. But he was still in college so i had to hire someone as my assistant. Everybody needs help when they are starting out. " he pause for a bit to park his car infront of their office. "But you have to understand, we have to struggle quite a bit before we even landed on one job. But the way to get there was fun as well." His face light up whenever he talks about this. Indeed those days were fun. Without anything other than talent. They struggled from pitching a sales of their service, to battling with larger companies. Raising funds for manual laborers. It was all chaotic but fulfilling period of his life. Kyou can't help but put a smile om his face. He then unbuckled his seatbelt and step out. Waiting for Max to do so as well. "What's this? Max is wearing your clothes? Hoh... interesting." Yuu teased and look at the car. Kyou faces was red as it could be. "Just shut up." He fumed. ( Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ayakashiu Posted July 24, 2014 Share Posted July 24, 2014 A strange expression lighted the arhitect's face, happiness, mixed with yearning and a hint of sadness, at least that was what Max saw and he liked the arhitect to look like that. It gave him a strange glow, that softened his features. What he said, also made Max thoughtful. He knew it would be hard to start his own business, but he needed to somehow save some money, so his company will at least survive the beginning strugles. He didn't know how he got out of the car, being engrossed in his thoughts, but his co-worker teasing brought him back. Max just walked past Yuu, poking his cheek as he went by, saying, "Why do you care? Jealous maybe?" Max knew that if he shows he's bothered, Yuu won't stop teasing him. It was enough that the arhitect blushed like a girl; not that Max minded, he looked cute that way. But it is really so obvious? He looked down on himself, thinking the clothes are only a little too big for him, not that much. Not that it matters.. He entered the elevator, waiting for the other two to join him. ( Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rhye_Meow Posted July 28, 2014 Author Share Posted July 28, 2014 "Hoh.. not really. " Yuu had a grin at his face. He really like to tease people. The truth is he didn't know if it's Kyou's clothes or not. He just decided to tease since the two arrived together. He is still wearing his grin when he decided to tease Kyou instead. "Kyou-nii, did you had breakfast already? I have some pan here. " he dash towards Kyou."I told you not to call me Kyou-nii when we're at work." Kyou gave him a smack at the back of his head. While Yuu is lamenting, Kyou turned towards Max. "Please help Gino prepare the materials we need for today. We're headed to three meetings, after 30 minutes. Make sure you don't forget anything. And remind me if it is time to leave. " He revert to the serious boss mode. Though his face still had that tinge of pink blush. After Kyou greeted his employees good morning, he headed inside his office and returned all the calls, while he is returning emails. Multitasking and looking at the papers he needed to review. Kyou forget everything else when he started working. It's true, he does love this work of his. This much is just a part of creating something beautiful out his idea and it's very rewarding. He browse the pictures he tooked the other day with one restaurant they renovated. A huge grin was in his face. Meanwhile, being busy Gino tap Max at the shoulders while he pointed at Kyou's direction. "He always had that look on his face after we finish a project. I think we all do. I sure hope this will happen to you as well." He smiled at Max and gave him the bag full of their proposal materials. "Go and call Matsuo-san.. i'm getting the car ready." Gino said. ( Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ayakashiu Posted July 31, 2014 Share Posted July 31, 2014 "Yes boss," was all that Max answered to Kyou's order; he knew they were at work now and that they had to act properly, but he couldn't help himself putting stress on the word boss, just a tiny hint there was something more to it. He did what he was told, getting busy, still having a little trouble with adjusting. The issue wasn't that he couldn't do the work, but he was slower than others and that irked him for some reason. Max knew he'll need time to get used to it, but he hated being the one who is dragging the team down. He tried his best though, resolved he'll do what he has to in the quickest time possible. When Gino pointed towards the arhitect and explained his expression, Max found himself smiling a little too. The big grin suited the older male, making him look younger and he looked genuinly happy. Max found himself thinking, how he himself never smiled like that. His smiles were always planed. Quote I sure hope this will happen to you as well. At that, Max could only nod and give a small smile; he didn't want to disappoint the man. You can hope.. The truth was, he only took this job because of his own selfish reasons, not because he actually liked it or wanted to work here. Not to mention this job will probably cost him his car, which was the biggest blow to Max at the moment. He made a mental note to look for some cheap apartements later, since he didn't know when his dad might come home. "Boss, we got to run," he called out to the arhitect, after knocking at the boss' office door. He was holding all the materials, which were too damn heavy, and he hoped Kyou will get his ass to the car soon. ( Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rhye_Meow Posted August 4, 2014 Author Share Posted August 4, 2014 When Max knocked on his door, Kyou started to come back from his reverie. He still wore the smile on his face and nodded at Max. He grabbed his suitcase and other material he needed, and went straight to him. He playfully smack the rolled up paer to Max head and grab the rest of what he is carrying. "I'll help you with these." He said and past by him, not giving him time to refute. He address everyone at the office, " I'll leave the rest to you guys. Please don't slack off." He address that last part to Yuu. He look at Max "ready?" He pressed the elevator button and enter, waiting Max to follow. ( Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ayakashiu Posted August 5, 2014 Share Posted August 5, 2014 "Yeah, I'm ready," Max replied, as he stepped in the elevator. "Isn't someone in a good mood today? That must be, because you've had a good start of the day..boss." Max chuckled, teasing the arhitect, but he was actually happy to see him like this, but he couldn't just admit that; teasing and sarcasm were easier. They were alone in the elevator and there were all kinds of ideas running through his head, but he promised he will be good at work, so they stayed just that, ideas. "So what will I have to do today? I still don't know a lot of things, so will I even be of any help to you?" Max decided to at least do what he could, even if it wasn't much. But he wanted Kyou to take it easy, since he was still not completely healthy. If it was my choice, I would make him stay at home in bed.. ( Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rhye_Meow Posted August 7, 2014 Author Share Posted August 7, 2014 Kyou eyed Max and he can't dispute what the man is saying. "Yeah, you're probably right." He decided to play this game. He's too old to know what is the young man is thinking. Ofcourse sex with me is awesome. he chuckled as he thought of this and grinned at the man. When Max ask him about the work, he is quite happy that he is taking the initiative. Since at the beginning, Max didn't show any interest at all. He rummage through his coat pocket and gave Max a tickler and pencil. "Here, take note of how we present our products. This is what we call 'sales call'. Hoping to secure the slot for bidding. Basically, we suck up to them to trust us. Afterwards, we show them our plan at their recruitments, within their price range. This is necessary tool, in order to start a business. Though i must admit, talking isn't really my strong suit. That's Gino's job." Ding The elevator open up and he step out. Walking towards the parked car at the basement, with Gino waiting by the door. "Wanna drive?"he look at Max, on the roll with his good mood. Maybe it is true, sex did improve his mood. "What happen to him?" Gino blurted out in disbelief when he saw Kyou had this unknown aura towards Max. ( Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ayakashiu Posted August 8, 2014 Share Posted August 8, 2014 Max was a little surprised at the arhitect's reaction, hoping he would make him blush; but laughter was good too. He listened carefully, as his boss explained him what to do today and so far, it didn't seemed so hard, so Max hoped he could do his job properly. "I don't know," Max answered to Gino in the same disbelieving voice, but he didn't know when he would get another opportunity like this, so he quickly answered with a grin, "Hell yeah!" He stepped quickly to the driver's side, not wanting the arhitect to change his mind. "Keys please~" he almost sang out, excited like a little kid. he always liked to drive fast cars, not to mention he will loose his soon, so he needed to take what was offered as long as he could! Climbing into the car and adjusting his seat, he murmured, "Sweet. You should make me your personal driver boss," he said to Kyou, grinning widely. "Oh Gino, you like speed right?" He planned to drive this car as it was meant to be driven; he was good enough to drive safe, even if he used high speed and he knew his limits. ( Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rhye_Meow Posted August 10, 2014 Author Share Posted August 10, 2014 Looking at the young man's reaction, Kyou grinned also. He knew he will be happy, not to this extend though. Gino sat at the back while he climb into the driver's seat. Gino handed the keys to Max and rolled his eyes. "I'm pretty use to speed driving a long as you make us there in one piece, or unharm.. i'll be fine." He said. "Come on Max, step on it." Kyou said and lean back. It's really obvious that he is in a good mood. What is this feeling? Is it really because i have release my sexual frustration? he kinda felt uncomfortable where this is all going. It's not his style. He sighed and tried to schooled his expression to serious one. Before he get caught up in all of these. ( Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ayakashiu Posted August 10, 2014 Share Posted August 10, 2014 Quote "Come on Max, step on it." Max grinned widely, hearing that and since it was an order from his boss, he did just that! The day passed by quite quickly, Max being busy all the time, as he tried to keep up with everyone and learn as much as he could. He was starved, when it was finally the time for lunch. "So where will we eat today?" he turned to the arhitect, while they were preparing to leave. He hoped Gino won't be tagging along, 'cause that would totally ruin the mood and he wanted to learn more about the arhitect, which would prove impossible, if there was a third party there. "Can I drive again?" he added, looking at his boss with puppy eyes. He really enjoyed driving good cars. Maybe I should find a job as a personal driver, that should be fun.. Max thought to himself. ( Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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