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The Magus Users of Khazaria: RESTART [GROUP RP]


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I'll join as the wild card, if it's still available? This rp looks major fun! ^^ I have to go to work in a couple minutes, so I'll try and come up with his magus at work if I'm not busy xD and I'll post the sheet later when I'm back - if of course I am accepted x3

Everyone give props to the amazing

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for recruiting me :3

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sorry i didn't make myself clear. I meant you have to modify your skills so that it wouldn't be too powerful. The RP would be no fun when we're all too powerful. We should have room for improvement.

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okay. thanks for joining ^_^

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is right,
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. Maybe you can tone it down a bit at the 1000 soldiers. That is too much. That's basically god. So About 10 soldiers is enough. You can have more of the Mortem ones maybe. Idk About 2 to 3 will do. Also he killed a WHOLE village when he was about 5 to 9. That's basically Gaara in Khazaria. So maybe you can choose a different path for him.


Also. Thanks

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I'll watch out for the violation

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I guess it's cool. it's still overpowered in my opinion but I really don't want to interfere the way you make your character. Just don't powerplay in the RP ^__^

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Which part do you consider to be overpowered? Maybe I can change it so that it becomes okay? ;3

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there will be no posting order for the first cycle. Those who can post may post. however, from second cycle onwards, we will follow the posting order done in the first cyle.


- - - Updated - - -

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... let's see... hmmn.. nah, your's should be okay. Bel's a lil OP too.. but just remember to give your character some slacks when we're in the RP ^_^


I'm doing some sort of preparation to make the RP look cool. look forward to it guys :3

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Oh, I see~ As for overpowering, I think I'll be able to cut the powers down at first ^^" I've been thinking that dragon and hydra will only appear somewhere along the way of this rp, as for others, the forms will be weaker, take up more energy and stay less at first... As time goes, I guess they'll grow ^-^

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I hope this is okay for the 'unknown/wild card' spot. If anything isn't to your liking, or anything, let me know ^^




Name: Liam Hatser


Age: 20


Orientation: In-denial Gay


Seme/Uke: uke


Work: Bartender


Lost Magus: Senses


Magus Skills:

Nociception Magus [Dolor]:


Nociception is specifically the body registering pain levels. Liam can take away this sense - to an extent of time. This could be used for allies and against enemies as well, but it is one of the most risky and dangerous. This is because Liam can take away the sense of nociception, meaning if done so for allies, they can continue fighting even if say, with a broken arm, or such other serious injuries. But that injury doesn't go away, simply there is no pain from the injury. Therefore, one must be extra careful when fighting if under the loss of nociception. This is how it can be used against enemies as well. By being put under this, they are easily risking and endangering themselves, not aware of their limits, causing them to act recklessly and harmfully to themselves. While using this, Liam also loses his sense of pain, but he can hold this for however long, days if need be, though, usually it isn't. He can hold it for so long because the fact he loses his sense of pain as well, so therefore does not know how tired he is from using it for so long, this being good and bad. In addition to taking away pain, Liam can increase pain, and cause pain. He can do this either by simply creating the pain through the power itself, or, he can connect himself with an enemy, meaning any pain he receive, they receive, and visa versa though. This specific part can only be done one at a time. Cannot use this with any other ability simultaneously.


Breath Magus [spiritus]:


Allows the ability to take away someones breath. Of course, if that's all this was, it'd be easy to kill mass amounts of people. Like everything, there are limits, and risks. He can only take away one beings breath at a time. With this, he also can take away their breath so long as he can survive without breath longer. Meaning, if he takes ones breath away,his breath is taken as well. So this is really only useful, if he can go without breath for longer than his enemy, and his enemy passes out before him, or even dies from lack of oxygen. This is why some may often see Liam holding his breath a lot, practicing breathing control, as to perfect this mostly useless ability. Cannot use this with any other ability simultaneously.


Sound Magus [Vestibulum]:


Gives Liam the ability to take away the sound of those he chooses. Can do this to multiple persons at a time, up to twenty people. Or, in place of this, can take away the sound of all those withing about a quarter-mile range of where he is - this unfortunately would be inclusive to any and everyone within that range, including himself, and any allies or innocents that may be within the range. Able to use this with others that are also able to be used with another (Sight magus).


Sight Magus [Visus]:


This is pretty much the same as the sound Magus, same amount of persons capable of targeting at a time, as well as same range. The only difference is that Liam is able to keep his sight when using this (unlike how he loses sound when using the sound magus)- that being because he needs his sight to know the range of where he is to use it. Able to use this with others that are also able to be used with another (Sound magus). Another different aspect to this magus, is that if Liam so wishes, he can further the damage of the attack by not just making one lose their sight, but also creating physical illusions before them. If he does this, it is far more exhausting to him, and he can only use this one at a time and it is more risky to Liam's eyesight. However, its more of an offensive attack, where the illusion can physically harm and damage the foe.


Abyss Magus [Abyssus]:


Liam's most powerful magus - meaning the most dangerous to himself as well. With this, Liam is able to make any targeted person lose all of the commonly known five senses at once; touch, sound, sight, smell, taste. Though specifics like taste and smell seem useless, it is especially helpful if encountering unknown species or minimalistic enemies that may rely more on their such five senses, including taste, and most especially smell. Can use this on any persons up to the amount of ten at one time. Though Liam's own senses aren't immediately effected in turn from using (like they are with sound magus) it is especially dangerous because of the effect it has on him more in the long term effect, than immediate. The more he uses it, the more of all these five senses he loses a little bit every time. Cannot use this with any other ability simultaneously.




Liam is much of an introvert, tending to keep to himself. He likes to bother himself with things that only concern him. This makes a lot of people falsely accuse him of being selfish. Really, he isn't, but sometimes it highly appears that way. Simply, in Liam's mind, he cant be trouble with others, because he's such a recluse and introverted. He is nice though, deep down, simply on first greetings he seems cold and detached.



Liam was born to a poor family, yet they were very loving. His mother and father were deeply in love so romantically it was hard not to envy their love for each other. Though they were poor and struggling, they were happy, and excited to start a family with a son, even though they did worry about the money to care for him, they knew they would manage. Or so they thought, before Liam's mother's (Emily's) pregnancy turned complicated. She grew ill during the pregnancy, but knew they couldn't afford medication, as they were saving money for the delivery visit itself. Unfortunately, because of the lack of medical care they were able to get because of their poor status, Emily didn't get medicine for her simple illness during the delivery, that easily could have been cured. Instead, she ended up dying in the pregnancy because of her weak health.


Growing up, Liam's father Chester grew violent and drunk. He blamed Liam for his mothers death, and he had become completely and utterly heartbroken over the loss of his wife. Ever since Liam's birth, he hated the child, and only care for his infant form until he could care for himself. Since he could take care of himself at the age of four, his father grew violent then and worse. He was constantly drunk, and physically abusing Liam who now looked like his late wife more and more. Because of the bruises and everything, Liam was outcast, and he preferred to stay by himself, as to not have to explain them to anyone, or to have to talk about his situation. Age ten, he ran away and lived on his own, living on the streets for a while. He eventually managed to get himself a job at a bar in his poor section of town.


When he ran away, he didn't know it at the time, but this sort of sixth sense was able to guide him to a safe place to stay for the night, where he wouldn't be attacked or anything like that. He later heard a voice, one he heard frequently when younger. An unfamiliar voice in his ears that told him what to do whenever attacked by his father or in need of assistance or anything. That night he ran away, that voice clearly spoke to him, telling him he was one of the original six, Lero.



Liam is the descendant of Lero Hatser, one of the original six of course. He has a secret guilty pleasure of chocolate - yes it is a sweet, but the addiction is only to simple plain milk chocolate in specific.



"I'll concentrate better if you shut up"

"I didn't ask for your help"

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My char sheet! I hope the skills are good, I've been struggling with them @-@



Photo: assassin-79822.jpg

Name: Dante Kerruish

Age: 21

Orientation: Bisexual

Seme/Uke: Seme

Work: Mercenary, for the correct amount of money, he'd anything: kill, hunt, track, protect... All things considered too illegal for people to do, were up to him.

Lost Magus: Assassin

Magus Skills: All of his skills are related to make him a sneaky killing machine. His Lost Magus basically changed his common human body to making him faster, stronger, more agil, and all that kind of skills. Being able to move around like an acrobat without making a sound, is an example. Besides that, his five senses had also improved, making him be well aware of his surroundings and making him more sensitive to people's reactions, so he's also able to read them well.

Some of these skills he developed to creat some especific abilities, like:

- Teleport: Dante doesn't actually teleport, he just concentrates his energy on his muscles and for less than a second he increases his speed to the maximum, going to another point, which makes the illusion of him actually teleporting. That, of course, can't be done too often, or else he'd blow up his muscles.

- Tracking: with his high sensitive senses, it's easy to him to track and hunt anything, from a person to an object, since the smallest details, like a scent or a covered footprint, kind of pop out to him.

- "Sweet Talk": Actually, I don't know how to name it, but as was said, he can read people's reaction and expressions really well - of course he can be fooled, but that's a hard thing to do - so he uses that to come up with the best action, the best phrase, to get what he wants. That's useful to get some information when needed or to sneak out of a trouble without getting into a fight and... well, to flirt.

- Camouflage: that's is actually the only ability that he has that is pure 'magical', but requires a lot of concentration. He needs to be completely imobile, barely breathing, then he lays next to a place, concentrate in the whole pattern of it, that's when he is able to became 'invisible', to became 'the same pattern of colors as the place'. What the ability actually does is to make any person that would look there, look to another place, make them kind of not think about where he's camouflaging at the same time that it does a playing with the lights, making him reflect the same pattern of colors. That can be disturbed when someone focus really hard where he is or when he makes some abrupt movement or lose his concentration.

- Faster thinking: It isn't exactly an ability, he was already really smart before, and his magus kind of improved all his skills, so it made him able to analyse a situation faster than most people and come up with a solution.


He has three weapons and they are: a

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, that is usually attatched to a chain that is on Dante's wrist, he uses it to sneaky attacks or to long attacks with the use of the chain, a
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, light and thin to match with the high speed, and a pair of
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Personality: He's the sarcastic type, with a smirk always plastered on his lips and an answer always in the tip of his tongue. He's a very cunning person and uses a lot his good skills on talking to hide his true thoughts and usually makes the others think they know him well, when he's actually not like that. He's a reserved person who keeps his personal stuff to himself, and when he's asked about it, Dante either lies about it or hides some parts of it. He never let people go deep inside his life, but despite that, he truly cares about the ones close to him and, in his own way, shows his afection. He's usually loyal to the one that pays more and it's kind of hard to him to have the sense of 'helping his kingdom', so he has to remember himself everytime that he need to do that, that is his fate to do that, and to not fall in other temptations.

Bio: He grew up in a really poor family, being everyday remembered the importance of the gold by his parents. He'd often see his parents working their lifes out to be able to bring some food to him and his little brother and, even being just a child, that would always make him frustrated and sad. Frustrated, for not being able to help because of his age. Sad, because he could clearly see what this whole hardworking was doing to his parent and he didn't want to think about what it would lead to.


One day, then, he saw an old lady from his village looking for her cat and since he wasn't doing nothing, he decided to help. The thing is, Dante, since little, always had more agility than the other kids and this high sensitiveness to his surroundings, so in less than an hour, he found the cat, that was on a high branch on a tree. Dante easil climbed the three and brought the cat to the old lady, that was so happy about it that gave him a silver coin. He immediately brightened up and figured out what he could do to help his family. Dante started to do all kinds of tasks, like finding lost children, hunting animals to old people, even making some acrobatic movements to make the other kids laugh, always asking for coins for doing it.


The tasks got darker and darker as he was getting older and his skills were improved. Now, stealing, killing, kidnapping were also on the list and never got caught for it. Especially after his parents' death. Unfortunately, because of all the hard working, their body became weaker and with the simpliest sickness, they passed away. He was left to take care of his younger brother, Koda, but he got too greedy, too obsessive in obtaining more and more gold, his prices, now, were the highest and his skills were the best in the area, he was desired by both women and men and he'd spend nights away in lust and wine. And with that... his brother ended up forgotten. As much as he give everything to him, food, good clothes, good education, he was never there and they barely talked at all. One day, then, Dante came to his house just to find it empty. He looked everywhere, used all his energy and skills to find his little brother, but as his feelings were too mixed up and the guilty was taking his mind, he couldn't be the best he always were and could never find him.


One day, while walking through his village, he thought he saw his brother. Dante couldn't believe it, especially because he thought he saw a young Koda, not the fifteen years teenager he would be now, but went after him anyway, following him into the woods, until he stopped and Dante passed out. He, then, dreamed about Virgil Kerruish, his ancestor, one of The Great Six, that he didn't know it was a part of him. He gave his same Lost Magus, the Assassin, telling how to use it and to use it wisely, and told him about the war that was coming, also saying that if he embrace his fate, he would be able to meet his little brother again. When he wake up, he knew it wasn't just a dream, and without thinking twice, he tried to find his brother with his now improved skills. As much as the kingdom he needed to save was were he lived, in his mind was always the memory of his parents working hard while no one else cared about their poverty, and wasn't like he was angry about his kingdom, it was just he didn't really care about it, as no one ever cared about them. But, once again, he couldn't find his brother and after remembering Virgil's words, he decided that when the war comes, he will help too. He'd to this for Koda. He'd embrace his fate at any cost.

Extra: Dante is the descendant of Virgil, a member of The Great Six and of the High Council, that was known to be a loner and a skilled assassin.

Quote: "First, how much are you going to pay me for this?"

"No, I don't think I'll be able to do it. I am going to do it."

"Aren't you a little piece of a beautiful diamond? *smirks* Sorry, you should be a bigger one to catch my attettion."



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Okay guys. With this, we can now begin. Give me some time to create the thread. It'd probably take time since I'm planning on making some stuff in the RP first..

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I actually have read the modified character sheet of

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. It should be alright now. They're quite fine. And
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character sheet is fine. Maybe it's just because you don't see the limitation of him

YAY we can begin now

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for the first time LOL

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i actually see a character's a bit weak compare to the rest and more lean to physical than magic. Maybe you can upgrade his skill to a bit more if you want. Maybe you can change it into invisible idk. Maybe able to grow like 6 arms to have more effect on attacking, able to set trap, bombing. If you know Diablo 2 and 3, the assassin and demon's hunter. You can base on their skill to do it.



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. I mayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy wanna add quick sand skill to my character's earth skill. Like a small puddle of quick sand is created to merely like a small trap, can only capture 2 to 3 people at once, but then my body also will be effected by getting heavy, hard to move.

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Ugh.. bad day =_= i posted the RP, but i had few problems with the spoiler.. i can't find the error so i left it at that.. mehh... and by lowering the resolution of the pics the color changed.. mehh.. =__=


also, all OOC posts like mentions and questions are to be done here... not in the RP.

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Yeah, I kinda notice that too, the problem was that I couldn't come up with something stronger. I don't know about Diablo very well, but I'll look through it and eventually add some stuff ^^ Thanks for the ideas, btw!

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Fixed my skills! Shamelessly took them from Diablo II xD And I saw some good stuff there, so when they come to the part of training, I already know what he'll develop :3 Also, I've changes his ancestor name to Lantis, as

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asked me ^^



Photo: assassin-79822.jpg

Name: Dante Kerruish

Age: 21

Orientation: Bisexual

Seme/Uke: Seme

Work: Mercenary, for the correct amount of money, he'd anything: kill, hunt, track, protect... All things considered too illegal for people to do, were up to him.

Lost Magus: Assassin

Magus Skills: All of his skills are related to make him a sneaky killing machine. His Lost Magus basically changed his common human body to making him faster, stronger, more agil, and all that kind of skills. Being able to move around like an acrobat without making a sound, is an example. Besides that, his five senses had also improved, making him be well aware of his surroundings and making him more sensitive to people's reactions, so he's also able to read them well.

Some of these skills he developed to creat some especific abilities, like:

- Teleport: Dante doesn't actually teleport, he just concentrates his energy on his muscles and for less than a second he increases his speed to the maximum, going to another point, which makes the illusion of him actually teleporting. That, of course, can't be done too often, or else he'd blow up his muscles. Can be use with most of his other skills, except Camouflage.

- Tracking: with his high sensitive senses, it's easy to him to track and hunt anything, from a person to an object, since the smallest details, like a scent or a covered footprint, kind of pop out to him.Can be use with most of his other skills, except Camouflage.

- Camouflage: that's is actually the only ability that he has that is pure 'magical', but requires a lot of concentration. He needs to be completely imobile, barely breathing, then he lays next to a place, concentrate in the whole pattern of it, that's when he is able to became 'invisible', to became 'the same pattern of colors as the place'. That can be disturbed when someone focus really hard where he is or when he makes some abrupt movement or lose his concentration.

- Cloak of Shadows: As the name says, it creates a shadow cloak, like an dark fog, and it both raises the defense of Dante, as it decreases the defense of his enemies in the radius, since the enemies get confused on the fog, while Dante has his high sensitiveness to guide him. It can be used with any other skill, except Camouflage, but the time is limited since it consumes Dante's energy and also affects his allies, decreasing their defenses, so he normally uses this with a plan already made, not everytime he needs.

- Fire Blast: Gives him the ability to manufacture and throw a small incendiary device. This ordinance explodes on impact, damaging any foe within its small blast radius. Can be use with most of his other skills, except Camouflage and has a limit to be used only 5 times in a row.

- Shadow Warrior: That ability allows him to project a "shadow" of himself. This Shadow Warrior can use normal attacks and only one of his others skills, that is chosen by Dante when he conjures the warrior, and has a time limit to be 'on', that changes on how much stamine Dante has while conjuring it. He can't conjure two warriors and can only use Tracking or Fire Blast or Cloak of Shadows or Teleport while using this one.

- Venom: This allows him to secretly coats his weapons with vile toxins. He can use this only one time, since the poison produce is deadly and requires a lot of concentration on him, so he can't be affected too by the poison. The effect is really quick and normally kills the enemy, but if he's strong enough, he can endure the 'poisoning time' and instead of being killed, he just get his senses blurried and feels like his energy was drained. This is the only skill that can use along with Camouflage and all the others skills, except Shadow Warrior. He normally hides himself with it and the attacks with Venom.

- Blade Sentinel: It's anothe trap that allows him to throw a razor-sharp device that flies back and forth between Dante and its target, slicing any hostile creatures in its path. Can be use with most of his other skills, except Camouflage and Shadow Warrior and has a limit to be used only 5 times in a row.

He has three weapons and they are: a

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, that is usually attatched to a chain that is on Dante's wrist, he uses it mostly while using Blade Sentinel, a
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, light and thin to match with the high speed, and a pair of
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, that he usually uses it with Venom.

Personality: He's the sarcastic type, with a smirk always plastered on his lips and an answer always in the tip of his tongue. He's a very cunning person and uses a lot his good skills on talking to hide his true thoughts and usually makes the others think they know him well, when he's actually not like that. He's a reserved person who keeps his personal stuff to himself, and when he's asked about it, Dante either lies about it or hides some parts of it. He never let people go deep inside his life, but despite that, he truly cares about the ones close to him and, in his own way, shows his afection. He's usually loyal to the one that pays more and it's kind of hard to him to have the sense of 'helping his kingdom', so he has to remember himself everytime that he need to do that, that is his fate to do that, and to not fall in other temptations.

Bio: He grew up in a really poor family, being everyday remembered the importance of the gold by his parents. He'd often see his parents working their lifes out to be able to bring some food to him and his little brother and, even being just a child, that would always make him frustrated and sad. Frustrated, for not being able to help because of his age. Sad, because he could clearly see what this whole hardworking was doing to his parent and he didn't want to think about what it would lead to.


One day, then, he saw an old lady from his village looking for her cat and since he wasn't doing nothing, he decided to help. The thing is, Dante, since little, always had more agility than the other kids and this high sensitiveness to his surroundings, so in less than an hour, he found the cat, that was on a high branch on a tree. Dante easil climbed the three and brought the cat to the old lady, that was so happy about it that gave him a silver coin. He immediately brightened up and figured out what he could do to help his family. Dante started to do all kinds of tasks, like finding lost children, hunting animals to old people, even making some acrobatic movements to make the other kids laugh, always asking for coins for doing it.


The tasks got darker and darker as he was getting older and his skills were improved. Now, stealing, killing, kidnapping were also on the list and never got caught for it. Especially after his parents' death. Unfortunately, because of all the hard working, their body became weaker and with the simpliest sickness, they passed away. He was left to take care of his younger brother, Virgil, but he got too greedy, too obsessive in obtaining more and more gold, his prices, now, were the highest and his skills were the best in the area, he was desired by both women and men and he'd spend nights away in lust and wine. And with that... his brother ended up forgotten. As much as he give everything to him, food, good clothes, good education, he was never there and they barely talked at all. One day, then, Dante came to his house just to find it empty. He looked everywhere, used all his energy and skills to find his little brother, but as his feelings were too mixed up and the guilty was taking his mind, he couldn't be the best he always were and could never find him.


One day, while walking through his village, he thought he saw his brother. Dante couldn't believe it, especially because he thought he saw a young Virgil, not the fifteen years teenager he would be now, but went after him anyway, following him into the woods, until he stopped and Dante passed out. He, then, dreamed about Lantis Kerruish, his ancestor, one of The Great Six, that he didn't know it was a part of him. He gave his same Lost Magus, the Assassin, telling how to use it and to use it wisely, and told him about the war that was coming, also saying that if he embrace his fate, he would be able to meet his little brother again. When he wake up, he knew it wasn't just a dream, and without thinking twice, he tried to find his brother with his now improved skills. As much as the kingdom he needed to save was were he lived, in his mind was always the memory of his parents working hard while no one else cared about their poverty, and wasn't like he was angry about his kingdom, it was just he didn't really care about it, as no one ever cared about them. But, once again, he couldn't find his brother and after remembering Lantis' words, he decided that when the war comes, he will help too. He'd to this for Virgil. He'd embrace his fate at any cost.

Extra: Dante is the descendant of Lantis, a member of The Great Six and of the High Council, that was known to be a loner and a skilled assassin.

Quote: "First, how much are you going to pay me for this?"

"No, I don't think I'll be able to do it. I am going to do it."

"Aren't you a little piece of a beautiful diamond? *smirks* Sorry, you should be a bigger one to catch my attettion."



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I like it. LOL I suggested Diablo anyway.

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asked you to change the name? What for?

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.. well, most of us used identical names... :D


but actually i just can't see virgil being dante's ancestor xD


anyhow.... why wont anyone post T^T

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nah... it's just my intro... I think it's not really publicly known that lost magus users exists in khazaria. Although some may know that I am, since I'm a prince. You could probably use the way I constructed my post, like feeling the wind (especially since Khazaria is covered with barrier, there shouldn't be any normal wind) ... We'll probably meet once the war starts (as I said in the opening post)


also.. let's decide the color pick!! I pick golden rod...


AND BTW.... regarding the NPC characters... I'll be controlling my villainous brother - Ein.

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