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My tutor is blackmailing me (Bellala99 & Snowberon,17+)


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The idea is based in a realistic setting. It would be the idea of a guy losing his notebook(journal), which has a lot of private secrets. These can range from an interest in a guy, to something like the fact that he's been shoplifting, to even sexual fantasies. Eventually, your character finds this journal, and begins to blackmail my character. Their relationship can be anything, from neighbors, to friends- to teacher and student. The blackmail can be sexual, or not. However, It's mostly light-hearted. It should be teasing, sensual, and erotic. Things will get sexual, and eventually it should spark a romance. There should be a balance between plot and smut. Oh and preferably I'd like to stay away from the incestual for this RP.



-blackmail (duh)

-light bondage


-older partner

-forced clothes wearing

-Imaginative writing

-Descriptive writing (The more you add, the more I'll give!)










Some more twists that can be added:


-My character likes your best friend or you (Revealed in Journal)

-Your character is my tutor, teacher, or older brother's friend






Eye color;Yellow

Hair color;Pink

Likes;Music,drawing,writing,sexual touching

Dislikes;Not sure yet

Personality;Kind,sweet,and somewhat good at lying,almost always honest


Occupation;Student but is homeschooled



Bellala99's character


Name: Rick McCabe

Gender: Male

Age: Twenty-four

Eye color: Both should be blue

Hair color: Black

Likes: Teasing, cats, some alcoholic drinks from time to time, an occasional cigarette.

Dislikes: Dogs, people who always go by rules and milk.

Personality: Teasing, cheerful, quite romantic but also quickly gets into the mood, a bit curious.

Position: Seme

Occupation: University student and part-time tutor.


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Rick sighed inwardly as he stood in front of a house he knew so well by now. Why did he take up on this job back then?.. Oh, right, student loans. An irritated mumble left the young student's lips as he shook his head, ran a hand over his dark hair and walked to the door, gently pressing onto the doorbell while putting on his gentle smile. Nah, he couldn't say he didn't like this job. He got to eat delicious food, and the boy he was teaching... He was rather cute. The blue-eyed male's thoughts drifted off to maybe finding the other asleep - once that happened, and he couldn't forget how peaceful Marik looked...


When the doors were opened by Marik's mom, he greeted her softly and smiled before stepping inside where he took off his shoes and let out a soft breath. Today they should be paying more attention to biology, or at least they talked about that last time. Rick always loved biology - it was the easiest subject for him in school, and he even decided to become a biologist, so it was one of the main reasons he studied biology in university.


After a small chat with the woman, Rick went upstairs to his student's room - or at least he meant to. A book which was somewhat carelessly dropped on the ground under the stairs caught his attention. Being the curious guy he was, Rick went to pick it up and a grin immediately lit up on his face once he realized what it was. Quickly hiding it into his bag, the tall male chuckled to himself and walked to Marik's room, knocking gently before entering. "Morning~" He greeted with a smile as he stepped inside, looking around until his gaze fell onto the boy. Guess he could play around with him from now on...

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It had been a long night for the younger teen,he was out late at a friends house for a party and had gotten home late yet he wasn't tired so he had stayed up studying for the next day when his tutor was going to be there. He wasn't happy that his tutor had to be there so early but that meant he could have the rest of the night to himself. Marik was a bright student but did slack off a lot during his studies if he found them boring.


When he heard the sound of voices downstairs he suddenly jumped up off his bed and frantically began to clean up the papers that was scattered all over his soft white carpet flooring and his messy bed. He placed the papers in a neat pile on his desk before he started to fix the sheets on his bed,his yellow eyes were wide when he heard his door open,he wasn't dressed.


Turning his attention to the tall older man walking into his room he smiled softly and gulped. He was only in his boxers and his pink hair was all ,messy it looked like he had just woken up but he stayed up. "Good morning" He replied in a soft shaky voice then ran to his closet to find some clothes "Sorry I forgot you were coming early I didn't have time to dress" He quickly added before taking a pair of tight jeans off a hook.

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Rick blinked a few times as the image of Marik only in his boxers came to his sight. A soft chuckle left his lips as he shook his head and smiled, walkin to sit down on a chair. "Don't bother, we're going to study biology. Bones, to be exact... I don't really have anything proper to show you everything on, so if you're not cold, you can stay like that." Besides, I like you being like this... The last thought was left unspoken as the student smiled and leaned back comfortably against his chair.


"Come on, stand in front of me so I can show you where the bones are." The student said with a gentle, warm smile as his thoughts came back to the notebook in his bag. He was definitely going to read through it once he gave the boy some excercises to do...


His blue eyes were sharp, gazing straight into the other's yellow ones. A soft smile stayed on his face - it was obvious he didn't mean any bad.. At least not now. Some games were needed from time to time, but not too much. The boy's mother was still here, anyway.. A soft sigh escaped his lips as he stood up and placed a hand on the other's lower jaw. "Let's start with the skull, mm?"

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Hearing his tutor telling him to stay in just his boxers made his cheeks turn a light red color and then he faced his teacher and walked over standing in front of him with a gentle friendly smile on his lips. Nodding his head he placed his arms by his sides and stared at the taller man.


Feeling the hands on his lower jaw sent a chill up and down his relaxed body,but then he stiffened up while he watched his tutor. He began to wonder why he wanted to do biology first,they always did math first but maybe he wanted to start with a new subject today.


Marik stood still until there was a small knock on the door it was his mother,with a sigh of relief he spoke "Come in mother,or are you heading to work?" His mother stayed by the door letting out a soft chuckle "Heading to work sweetie I'll see you later" Without another word his mother walked away and the front door closed,soon the car started and she left. Now they were alone to study,or so Marik thought.

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Rick smiled as the other obeyed him so nicely - this would be easier than he thought! His hand gently trailed over the other's lower jaw just when he heard the knock and his heart dropped a bit. Well, if she saw the scene, it definitely would come out wrong.


Thank god she walked away... With a slow exhale, Rick smiled and lifted the other's chin up slightly. "Well, this would be your mandible. It goes from here.. To right here..." The student murmured out as he slowly trailed his fingers to both sides of the boy's jaw, his touch gentle, yet firm enough so the other wouldn't back away.


While Rick explained about other parts of the frontal skull - maxilla, zygomatic, nasal, lachrymal and so on, his eyes were kept on Marik's eyes. Soon he moved to the parietal skull, also briefly mentioning the brain, though it wasn't the main part. His eyes showed a somewhat mischievous glance as he looked at the boy and smiled. "Do you know how all these bones are connected?" The man asked, removing his hand for the moment.

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Watching him explain all of the bones and moving his hands all over his head he couldn't help but wonder why such a handsome guy like him would want to teach this kinda stuff. When asked a simple question he just stared blankly at him and swallowed hard before shaking his head "No sir"


Marik suddenly felt really stupid for not knowing the answer,but that's why this man was here so he could learn. Shifting a little so his stance wasn't uncomfortable he looked at the floor to think for a couple seconds but nothing came to his mind he remembered learning about it but must have forgotten it all.


His throat suddenly feeling dry he coughed softly into his arm and looked over at Rick with a smile "May I go and get a glass of water? Would you like a drink too?" He asked in a friendly yet somewhat seductive tone before turning and headed towards his room door.

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Rick sighed out and shook his head when he heard the answer while raising a brow. "Fibrous joints. Tell me, what other joins are there and what do they connect?" The student questioned as he let go and tilted his head, leaning back against the chair.


When he heard Marik's question, the dark-haired male let out a chuckle and let a small smirk appear on his lip. "I didn't say you could go~" The man said with a low chuckle as he reached out and gripped the younger one by waist, pulling him back. "Ask very nicely and I'll let you... If you answer my questions correctly."


His hand slowly moved to the boy's back as he trailed over the middle, where the spine was. "How many spinal cords does a human usually have?" The student asked as he looked at the other. "Which bones protect your heart and lungs from physical injuries?" Rick asked and waited for a few moments before asking the final question, "And finally, how many bones does a human have overall?"

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Seeing how upset his tutor was when he couldn't answer the question he frowned looking down,he knew he had already messed up by not answering. He felt his hands on his waist letting out a soft noise glancing back. "1 sir but maybe 2" He felt his hands go down his back.


He turned his head to think of the other answers that his tutor asked,if he got them wrong he would fail not only himself and his teacher but his chance at finishing school. He looked around his room thinking some more, he started to get nervous


Looking back at his tutor he swallowed hard and opened his mouth to answer the questions. "The bones that protect your heart and lungs are the sternum and the ribs I believe. And adults have 206 bones and children have over 300 bones" He started to tremble when he answered hoping that they were all correct.

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Rick tilted his head and smiled, nodding slightly. "Correct, but you forgot the joints. I'll repeat the question - what other joints are there and what do they connect?" He asked calmly, pulling his hand away as he smiled softly, resting both hands on his lap.


The student blinked a few times when he realized the other was trembling and sighed softly. "Are you cold? You should dress now, I'll give you some excercises instead." Rick offered gently as he reached for his bag and took out some papers with various excercises about the bones - skull, spine, limbs - everything was there.


"If you need some more help, tell me. For now just do the excercises about skull, and if you know something about the others do them as well." Rick said simply as he smiled and stood up, placing the bag aside. "I'll go and make some tea, you just focus on these." The student said with a smile as he lightly ran a hand over Marik's hair and smiled.

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Smiling nervously at his tutor he bit his bottom lip and ignored the question again before reaching over and grabbing his wrist tightly "Please don't make me do these I'd rather do activities outside in the backyard or in my room" He slipped out and stared at him.


He wasn't cold he was just nervous around his tutor and him only being in boxers still was humiliated in front of someone. Pulling him back to the chair and having him sit he smiled and reached over to the mans bag and dragged it over "You must have a game or something in here right?"


After asking that he reached into the bag and rummaged through all his things and then felt a small object. He smiled thinking it was a game he pulled it out suddenly his face paled and he stared at it "W..where did you get this?" He said in a studdered voice.

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Rick groaned softly as he was dragged back to the chair where he displayed clear dissatisfaction and crossed his arms, his eyes slightly cold. "No, you're doing the excercises and that's that." He said firmly as he tilted his head and sighed out, leaning back slightly with a small huff.


The student watched how Marik pulled out the notebook from his bag and chuckled before snatching it out of his hands into his own, a smirk on his face. "Hm? Could it be something important~? I found it lying on the ground... You must've dropped it~" Rick almost purred out in a teasing manner as he laughed and lightly brushed a finger over the book.


"Now, I'm sure there are some things you wouldn't like to be published... So, how about you just be a good boy and do the excercises?" The older man offered with an overly-sweet smile. Clearly, if the other dared to refuse, he'd find the best secret in this little journal and publish it in each and every way possible.

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A sudden urge to hit his tutor ran over his thoughts but he looked at him with a sweet look on his face he crawled up into the name lap and frowned "Please don't share any of that,I'll do anything. Anything Rick please." He reached for the book and failed.


He stood up slowly and bent down in front of the male with his back to him so he could grab the papers for the exercises. His ass was close to the man of course but he didn't think he liked males as much as Marik did,he loved everything about males,from touching them,kissing even sex...


He would never tell his tutor he liked males of course but it was in the book,even a very descriptive drawing of Marik giving Rick a blow job he didn't want him to see any of it. There was nothing for him to do other than follow the rules and do as he asked.

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Rick rolled his eyes as he chuckled lightly and crossed his legs, watching Marik with a small smirk on his face. "For now just study... No complaints, alright?" He teased with a grin as he tilted his head, licking his lips slightly when the other turned around and bent over. Ah, such a nice, round ass...


Unable to hold back, the student reached out and have the other's ass a light slap. "Go dress up first." He said with a chuckle as he smiled and stood up, instead walking to the other's bed to sit down comfortably. His blue eyes gazed at the cover for a while as he smirked and looked up at Marik with a snicker. "This will probably be the most interesting read I've had in a while~"


As he opened it, Rick skimmed through the pages at first - until a certain something caught his eye. Furrowing his brows slightly, he found the page again, his eyebrows raising at the picture that was drawn. Uhm... Was that him? Receiving a blowjob?!

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Placing the papers down on his desk after his ass was slapped he swallowed hard and looked towards his closet then headed over. He grabbed a black shirt with a skull on it then grabbed the tight blacks jeans he was holding before and slipped into them.


Turning around facing the man that was now going through his book he gritted his teeth and made a saddening face "Rick.." He slowly walked over towards his bed and fumbled with his fingers and then froze as he saw what Rick was studying.


Quickly he walked away grabbing the papers and a pencil out of the drawer and sat down at his desk. He started to do his work his body heating up rather quickly from being a little humiliated by what he drew and now the guy who was receiving the blowjob was staring at it. He wondered if Rick would realize that it was him,but then he remembered he wrote underneath the picture saying this "Rick is my fantasy lover,I'll always enjoy pleasuring him once I get to finally see him naked".

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Rick stared at the picture for a while longer before a chuckle left his lips and he glanced up to the other, a smirk gracing his features. "Aww, are you embarrassed?" He teased the other with a small laugh as he trailed a finger over the picture. "You know, that's not something I expected you to draw~"


The dark-haired man smiled in satisfaction as he looked through other pages - there seemed to be drawings like this in more places. Each time, Rick couldn't help but let out an amused chuckle, as well as he couldn't stop the thought that seemed really silly at the moment. Marik definitely had some skill in drawing.


His blue eyes slowly raised to look at the boy as he smiled and stood up, pushing the book into the bag with a smirk. "Let's get one thing clear. Don't even try to get the book back..." He murmured out as he leaned down to the other, lightly placing his hands on his shoulders. "Need any help?" The student asked in a somewhat husky voice, right next to Marik's ear - now the teasing would begin.

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"No! I just.. I mean a little but who cares if I am" Marik replied in a deep tone as he stared at his tutor and then frowned. He turned his head back to look at the work in front of him. Writing down answers after knowing what some meant and leaving a few blank.


Once Rick put the book in his bag again his cheeks heated up as he started to wonder if he was going to share that stuff with anybody,even his own mother had no idea that Marik was into men,and older ones not ones younger or his age,he wanted Rick but was to afraid to admit it.


Feeling his warm grasp on his shoulders made his body tremble and a small chill coursed through his veins. He dropped his pencil and blinked a couple times "No thank you" He replied softly before flipping the page to another set of exercises.

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Rick barely held in his laughter as he nodded and smiled. "Are you sure?" He asked somewhat teasingly as he lightly, just barely brushed his lips over the other's earlobe. "You left blank spaces, let me help~" The dark-haired male purred out as he took a gentle hold of Marik's hand and flipped back to the previous page.


While quickly looking through the questions, the student, as if accidentaly, leaned closer, his dark hair tickling the other's cheek. "Now, look, this one... Radius is the one that connects to the wrist on the thumb side." He murmured out and took Marik's hand to trail his finger over the said bone. "It's also slightly bigger..."


His blue eyes turned to his student for a moment as he chuckled and pulled away, gently tucking a few hair strands behind his ear. "I'll go make some tea, while you do these, hm?"

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"O..oh thanks" When his teacher touched his hand he blushed and looked over at their hands but then returned his focus on the papers he needed to finish. The sooner he finished the sooner he could be alone to do as he wished. Hearing the answer for one of the questions he wrote it down.


As his tutor leaned closer and the mans hair began to tickle his cheek he let out a little giggle before turning his head to push his hair away then noticed his teacher held his hand once more and moved his finger over the bone. His eyes widened.


Hearing a phone ringing he bit his lip and stood "Sure,but I should answer that" Smiling he walked over to his bedside and grabbed the phone before answering. It was his mother,he smiled acting like nothing was happening between him and his tutor.

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Rick let out a slightly irritated grunt when the phone rang. Like hell he was going to let his fun slip away... The older male watched closely how Marik answered the phone while a smirk reappeared on his face and he slowly walked to him, silently, calmly so that his mother wouldn't hear anything unneccessary.


With one hand, the tall male gripped the boy's ass and squeezed it a bit harsher, letting a breathy chucke escape as he did it again, this time with the other butt cheek. He couldn't get enough of how soft the flesh was... The student kept the smirk on his face as he massaged the other's ass in his hand, never going far enough - still teasing, hoping to get out some noises from him as well.


He had to read through his journal... Maybe there were some fun secrets in there, maybe he could use something... Rick's face held the smirk as he let his hand slide down Marik's thigh, having a feel of the flesh there... He could bet that the skin was soft as well. The pants were in the way though.

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As he continued talking to his mother he felt his ass being grabbed and he tensed gritting his teeth tightly looking back at him,his facial expression showing slight enjoyment. He grunted and let a soft whimper slip out. Telling his mother goodbye he dropped the phone.


He leaned on the small desk in front of him he gripped the sides of it arching his small figured body and pushed his ass towards his tutor blushing "Please s..stop" He called out in a seductive tone,and bit his lower lip rather hard and tried to contain the urges to moan.


Feeling all these soft and gently touches made his body go crazy and he wanted more but how could he tell his tutor that. It was wrong for them to be doing this when he needed to be doing work,besides his mother would be home soon within the next few hours.

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Rick's breathing got caught up in his throat for a moment when he felt the soft flesh pushing further into his hand. The student gulped as he observed how Marik's back arched out into an erotic bow and quickly pulled back, clearing his throat with a small cough. He wasn't going to go any further than teasing.


"Go and finish the excercises, Marik." He said simply as he lowered his hands and frantically thought about anything, absolutely anything disgusting. Like, fat old ladies in bikinis. Old fat guys in those freaky trunks. Shit. Pooping dog. Cow poop. Why wouldn't anything work?!?


Rick swallowed down a lump in his throat as he turned away and walked to his bag, grabbing out the notebook with a soft sigh. Great. He got an erection over a minor who also happened to be his student. Simply amazing! The dark-haired male bit his lip as he sat down on the bed, pulling one leg up to cover his groin area as he opened the book again - gosh, he hoped that not everything here was about sex...

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Marik stood up after hearing his tutor telling him to do work,with a nod he fixed his shirt and pushed his hand through his hair nervously. Walking back over to the desk he grabbed his pencil and sat down in a comfortable seat once again trying to turn back to his work.


Leaning against the desk he sighed softly before looking over the questions for the rest of this page then started to wrote down answers. His eyes wandered over to his tutor teacher and a frown appeared on his lips knowing he had took it too far.


He was feeling different,and was craving the touching from his tutor teacher but knew it was terribly wrong and forbidden. Sniffling he turned away rather quickly before standing up from the desk and headed to his door. His hand was on the knob "I'll get a drink for us both' Before his teacher could answer he hurried out and down to the kitchen.

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Rick could feel relief flowing through him when he realized that Marik wasn't complaining. Still, the feeling of the soft flesh in his hand lingered here... The student gulped down and slowly exhaled as he fliped through the pages, stopping at some parts - sheesh, there were a lot of things about him here... The dark-haired male furrowed his brows as he read through one of the side-notes that seemed awfully close to a sex fantasy... Yep, it was a sex fantasy.


The older man bit the inside of his cheek and set the book away for the moment. His cock was throbbing. Bathroom, now. That was the only thought in his mind as he stood up abruptly just when the younger one did as well. Unconsciously, Rick covered up his lower regions and nodded at Marik's words before slipping out of the room and heading towards the bathroom.


Once inside, the student worked quickly - unzipping his pants and pulling down his boxers partially to free his aching length as he bit his lip and began stroking it slowly, closing his eyes... While the image of Marik came to his mind. The picture of him giving a blowjob was next.

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Marik quickly walked downstairs and into the kitchen grabbing a hold of two glasses and filling them with cold iced tea then set them on a tray. He grabbed bread off the table and some lunch meat with cheese making a couple sandwiches. Picking up the tray he turned and headed right upstairs towards his room smiling.


As he walked back into his room his tutor teacher was gone and he frowned, before setting the tray on the desk. He turned walking over to the bedroom door and walking towards the bathroom seeing the light on. "Teacher?" He knocked on the door.


He bit his lip hard and knocked harder "Are you alright? May I come in??" He asked curiously before grabbing the knob and pushed open the door slowly. He froze seeing his teacher,and he dropped to his knees "T..teacher.." He swallowed hard and stared at his teacher as he saw what he was doing. Did he need help? Should he try to help? He waited

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