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I see the beauty not the plain reality.


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Most people see the plain reality, just like that

coffee bean and some water over it. At first glance,

people either pass by it with a brush off, or just

curse for the "ruined" coffee bean by water.


Of course, I make this thread to actually share

things I see in the 'plain reality'. Take it as,

telling a short story of what one has seen once.

You can also share or if you have taken a picture

at that time - do share it. ;D


The Red Letter.


I was heading home the late afternoon. And I live like in a pretty new building, there is that gate you gotta pass to enter the building space. What is noticeable once you enter, there are a lot of post boxes - you know, getting daily newspapers or annoying posters. *rolls eyes*


As I walked in, I noticed the mess. All boxes stuffed with posters, or commercial short of sheets newspapers that speak of rubbish and nothing else. Just people coming with more annoying ideas how to take your money. But as I walked by it, I saw on top of the boxes space, the very top - a bright, red letter. It was placed there, like alone in that trash-looking mess of nothing but the economy and industrial rubbish advertising. I stopped there, turned to it and plainly smiled. It was such a simple thing. Probably stood for like 3-4 minutes there? It was art. Beauty. Beauty in the filth.

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I know what you mean.





This is an Image of the "Blue Hour", a Phenom that occurs everyday, between Sunset and Darkness.

The only Color that remains visible from the whole spectrum of colors of the Sun, is this purest if all Blues,

but because all the artificial Lights that we are surrounded by in Cities, we cant see it!

In this Hour (in reality just about 30 Minutes) everything is colored Blue, thats what the Picture shows.

Its just an example of what Nature does every day and for what we lost our sense for :/

And be honest, the first thing you thought was "Some Trees with white Snow... Huh?"


I would wish to know nothing, in order to SEE everything!

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  • 2 months later...

The Portal.


I often greet the sunrise, sadly I haven't seen as many sunsets though.

--And so I live in a busy city, each next day I find myself suffocated by

these tall and modern buildings. Probably it's very hypocrite-like to state

that technology sucks for I am actually right now using such to write that

very post.


However, if there is one thing I do realize that technology is a way of 'connecting'.

Selfishly though..probably either because I don't obtain any professional camera

or because I don't feel like bothering, whenever I see something really beautiful

I rather engrave it in my mind than taking a picture.


And so there was that morning magical hour, when the you can't really tell

the hour. Simply because it "deceives"; is it dawn or is dusk?

I was smoking outside on my balcony,

usually the time from four o'clock in the morning

until five, it's really quiet outside. Or should I say, the nature is loud then.


And because I didn't really stroll around the town or anything of the sort;

plus I live on the first floor so, you see, I can't obtain any mesmerizing

city sight-view. Never really paid attention to those ugly buildings that surround

my own building.


However, I was kind of spacing out. There are two huge towers opposite of my

block so if I want to see sky, I have to either look at the space between the

towers or look up at the small patch of 'heaven' accessible in between the space

formed from all the buildings around.


That morning I just stared forth, in the space between the towers.

There it was, something I never really noticed. Something like a portal.

The night couldn't really draw the vivid countures of the towers, nor

it could form that certain amount of light which steamed as if about to

burst out of "the portal". The sunrise was like imprisoned, rather in a need

to break free out of the created for a few minutes portal. And mind you,

that "portal" lasts only a few minutes, only in the morning.


I don't have picture, but to show you how it looks, I will give you

a similar image. (:


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All stories are so beautiful with the images. :leaf15:


When I was in a vacation in the countryside and there was a cropfield with grass with some small flowers through the glass. Just one single dandelion. I don't have a picture but this picture remind me of that dandelion.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I mentioned about this somewhere here already but I'll write it again. It happened just recently.



One afternoon I woke up feeling really good for an unknown reason. I just felt so good and I also felt the strong urge to read a lot of old books. Then I noticed something was quite different with the brightness from the outside that passes through the sliding glass door in my room that heads to the terrace. The normal everyday brightness of the sun here in my place from 13:00-16:00 hurts my eyes but that particular afternoon’s brightness looked soft, I don’t know why. I don’t even know if ‘soft’ should be the term but I jumped out of bed and opened the glass door and I saw just this beautiful, perfect blue sky. The unseen sun from my room’s terrace made the surroundings looked so vibrant and the heat wasn’t painful to the skin. The wind wasn’t strong but enough to make the leaves of the trees sway a little; it was slightly cold but I like the coldness every time it brushes on my skin; and when I inhaled it, it felt so clean as if it wasn't polluted. I was amazed by how an everyday normal surrounding can turn into something that I described and gave me a feeling of hope for something that has a hint of positivity and the rest of those feelings are indescribable and I know it'll take long before I feel them again.


And so I stood there for I think 10 minutes or so (can’t remember but it was long) with eyes closed and I felt like I can hear everything. Suddenly, memories from when I was kid came rushing in my head. It was like a quick flashback of things. Then I opened my eyes and the feeling was unexplainable. It’s the first time that happened to me.


Thinking more about that afternoon now, normally when I see something beautiful or interesting, I’ll always take a photo of it but that time, I didn't even bother taking one so I apologise if I don’t have something to show in this post. I tried finding an almost similar photo but I was not able to find one. But I think I’m kind of happy I didn’t take a photo. I want to say that that afternoon is mine alone. Selfish, eh? It's okay, I think. Just this one time because it's special. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Today I went to a friend's commemorations due her second born child. Large amounts of people, small sized house, narrow corridors. Not my thing.


Finally needing some air after a couple of noisy children started a cake throwing war, I went to the swimming pool area, to cool my head. When I arrived there I stumbled upon a beautiful creature. It was drinking in the pool. A stunning huge black fowl. It's slightly moist wings glittering below the sunshine, making the scenery truly memorable. Before I could notice my breath was already lost and I was step by step approaching the unknown feathered creature.


Suddenly a scream startled both me and the animal. It belonged to a child,probably one of those that were playing not long ago inside the house. Calling her mother the little girl went inside crying. Gradually more people started to arrive and call for help to take away the disgusting wild animal from there.


A little stupefied upon all the huge commotion, I took one last glance at the creature. On a closer inspection, Its wings were slightly torn, its beak had a deep scar and it seem to be missing one of its claws. By its skinny appearance, it looked as was sick. The child and the overall guests had reason to be afraid, it was a wild animal, it could harm them. However was still the beautiful creature I saw. Which made me continuing helpless gazing at it whilst the ruckus occured, until it whether was scared or tired of that place. Decided to spread wings and go to its own path.


After it, I wondered why I got so impressed at a creature that at everyone's view was a dangerous disgusting wild animal. I've seem very different species of animals during my life and never got so fascinated by any. There weren't many things that took my breath out like that strange fowl.


Maybe today I was too tired and got delusional or maybe because that creature had so many imperfections that it made the being so perfect in a way. All it gathered together was what made it so hypnotizing.

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