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Masterxslave rp ((pandamunium and bloodbunny.))


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His legs trembled as the handle brushed agansit his prostate bit he bit his lip so he wouldn't moan."But......its my ...job...I love...pleasuring you....master."a couple pants separated the words

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Isaac grew a bit furious.

"who said that you had to pleasure me? I've never even told you to do shit, just stay by my side."

He pushed the handle roughly on the same spot

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He gasped ."N-no master please be easy on me!"he looked back tiny little tears forming."I'm your slave we are meant to if we don't it's agansit our nature. "He managed through moans as the other roughly moved the handle inside him.

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Isaac grew angrier. He began to move the handle more roughly.trying to draw blood.

"i don't care, i want someone to love me. I don't need a sex slave."tears began to form in his eyes.

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Fox screamed in pain."Master your hurting me!"he tryed to escape the other."A-are you sayying your replacing me?!"He qhimpered

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Isaac pulled the brush handle our and dropped it. He measly down and began to cry uncontrollably. He tried to calm himself, before responding.

"no... I would never replace you. You won my heart. But *sigh* I never saw you as a slave of any sort. All i seek from you is love. I just feel. Afraid that you'll leave me." He stood up from the tub and grabbed a towel, heading towards the bedroom

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The small tears that where in Fox's eyes began to roll down his face as he collapsed and cryied out in pain the water now mixed with blood and tears

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Isaac felt his chest hurt, but didn't return to the bathroom. He felt terrible, but his anger was too great for him to ignore. He wrapped himself in the towel and laid on the bed. Eventually falling asleep.

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He got out and grabbed his clothing and ran out the room wispearing to himself."I can't believe he hurt me......"He ran out the door and began his jounery.

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He awoke several hours later. He sat up and noticed he was in a towel. He was cold and went to get dressed. Once dressed, he went back to the bedroom. Fox want to be found. He liked setting, but couldn't find him. He began to grow worried and went outside.

"Fox! Fox, where are you?"

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Fox was on a train going to a town a few towns from where they lived people looked at him and felt awfully bad for him for he was beaten up slightly and had blood on him

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He spent hours searching for Fox. Why had Fox left him? Had he grown tired of him? He was confused as to what could have caused Fox to leave him. He eventually gave up, with tears in his eyes, he headed home. He dragged himself to bed and laid there. Staring at the ceiling diving softly. Until he finally fell asleep.

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There was a letter next to him but the blood on it smeared out a lot of the words so it was hard to read.Fox had whem t back to the slaves market .

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Isaac awoke after sometime. He remembered about Fox leaving him. He felt hurt and angry for what he had done to him. He wouldn't give up Fox without a fight. He stood up and went outside. He'd left his home on the search for Fox. Could he have gone into town? He made his way into town.

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There two girls on a bench talking about a guy who fitted Fox's description. "Yeah I saw him to he looked like he should have been in a hospital.

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They nodded."He was on a train headed about two towns over.....you should be able to catch it at the museum. "They smiled.

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The train had just pulled in he saw him on the platform and putted his hood up to hide his face."Why is he here......."he tucked his tail into his sweater.

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Isaac had bought a ticket and got on the train. He searched inside the car, before the conductor asked him to take a seat. He nodded and sat down. He liked around, searching for Fox.

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The train began to move. The conductor came over and clipped his ticket. Once he left, Isaac went on the search for Fox.

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He was in the dinning car sitting at a booth talking with someone that looked the same but blonde hait .They where both chatting and eating .

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He had reached the bar and food car. He sighed and took a seat on a stool.

"what can i get ya?" The bartender asked.

"I'll have a whiskey on the rocks, please."

The bartender nodded and went to get his drink.

He returned with his whiskey and set it in front of him. He took a sip and set it down. He felt like crying. He felt so last without Fox.

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He looked over and saw him and felt bad but kept his hood up hoping he wouldn't notice the blonde walked over."Ya alright mate?"He said as he made his away over.

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