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Snake Eyes~ (mik3la & Sosuke0549)


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Shin almost felt when Venom opened the door but he manage to hold himself on his legs. Looking at the boy he started laughing.


"I want you" he said in a low voice making one step after another towards him. Hr was to drunk to even know what he was about to do, to ask and to experience. But he didnt care anymore. If the boy forgoten him than he had nothing to live for anymore. He better was a stone statue than to be that broke as he was now.


"One .... last night ...." he stoped in front of the boy, breathing deep. "Fuck me Venom. Or your not man enough?" he continued making him angry.

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Venom stared at the stranger. He was insane! Venom clinched his hands into fists. He didn't even know this guy!

"Disgusting. "

He hissed, raising his fist and punching Shinoda in the face, He then hit him in the stomach, knocking him down.

"I can't even bare to look at something as weak as you. Leave....I don't ever want to see you again."

"Venom? "

He turned seeing Kie. He must of come to visit him.

"Dude... what hell are you doing? "

He went to Shinoda's side, looking up at Venom,

"You know this fucking idiot. "

"What do you mean? You brought him with you last night. You said he was your boyfriend. "

"Bull shit. I did no such thing.. I don't even know this loser."

Kie bit his lip looking down at Shinoda.

"H-hey...what's going on? Venom acts like he doesn't even know you.."

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Shin tried to stand up but his body was hurting him. He was beat up before but thist time the pain was much painful. He looked at the boy that started to speak and came near him. He was amaized to see Kir there.


"You ... asking .... me?" he asked starting to laugh like a crazy person, cleaning his lower lip from blood, getting on his feet.


"Your asking me? Yoyr the one that put him in my arms when he was unconstion. How the hell should i know when I was outside and you both inside the club .... its your fault!" he screamed at Kie in anger.

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Kie stared at the other completely confused.

"What the heck are you talking about! You guys bailed on Me! I didn't see you at all! I don't know what your talking about."

He said with completely honesty. Venom glared at the two, not understand what was happening.

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Shin narrowed his eyes not understanding what the other was saying. It was stupid. He saw him carrying Venom on his back and letting him in his arms.


"How can that be ... you braught him out of the c...." Shun widened his eyes wakung up from his sobber thinking more clearly.


"No .... this can't be happening" he started to say stroking his hair and breathing hard. "It was Ichiko or what was his name. Oh im going to kill him" he started to say trough his teeth.

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Kie's eyes widened at the mention of Ichijo.

Was the guy in town? He hadn't seen his old "friend" in so long... he bit his lip slowly standing and suddenly placed his hand over Venom's face.


Venom's eyes grew heavy and he fell into Kie's arms, asleep. Kie picked up venom, tossing him on his back and carrying him.

"Come on..If Ichijo did something to him then Raven might be able to do something. You got a car?"

He asked, actually wanting to help Shinoda.

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Shinobu was in a few minutesbavk at Ravens house parking the car starting to knock on the door like crazy.

"Raven!Raven open up!"



Shin was looking at Kie not knowing what to do.


"Dont be surprised. Is not the first time his doing something to Venom" he said vreathing deep being now full awake from his sobber.


"We can take Venoms car. I can drive it" he added heading to the hall taking the keys from a plate and ipening the door waiting for Kie to fallow him.

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Raven sighed, she open the door frowning at Shinobu. Wearing a bright orange and tight tank top, with no bra... so her nipples were easy to see. She hand long fluffy and stretchy pants on, with little bats on them and her hair was a mess, thanks to bed head.

"What the hell Shinobu! Its three in the morning! "

She crosses her arms over her chest, mad she was forced to wake up in the middle of the night.


Kie nodded.

"Alright... lead the way"

He followed the other and once they reached Venom's car, he put Venom in the back seat and hopped up in the front.


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Shinobu was looking at her from head to toes and back up, making sure she was alright.


"Thank god your alright" he said hugging her tight, breathing her hair parfume. She was fine. Now he could relaxing.

"Sorry babe but ... when i got home Shin was gone and Venom couldnt remember me at all, not to mentiin Shin. Something happened last night while they were clubing with Kie and i was affraid for you" he added hilding his hand on her shoulder looking her into her eyes. But he turned his head when he heard some tires on the alee. IT was Venoms car with his brother and Kie.


Shin had drive like crazy for the first time in his life, stipping the car in front of Ravens hiuse with a beautiful drift.

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Shinobu looked her up and down. Looking worried.

"Thank god your alright"[/Quote]

He suddenly hugged her tightly. She looked at him confused. Was something wrong?

"Sorry babe but ... when i got home Shin was gone and Venom couldnt remember me at all, not to mentiin Shin. Something happened last night while they were clubing with Kie and i was affraid for you"[/Quote]

"What do you mean. Kie wouldn't hurt a fly. And what do mean Venom doesn't remember you.. ?"

She met his eyes until she heard some tires shriek on her drive way. She looked out her door seeing Venom's car, with Kie and Shin in the front seats. She frowned.

"Hey! Don't streak up my drive way!!"

Her irritated expression turned into a worried one when Kie got out, carrying Venom.

She took a step back as the others brought Venom In.

"Put him on my couch... What happened you guys? Why is Venom unconscious! "

"My bad. He was about to kick Shinoda's ass so I had to save him. He doesn't remember the twins at all.. looks like he's under a spell, but I'm not good at spells so I figured you'd be able to help."

"Why cause I'm a witch? Your so stereotypical! "

He shrugged Grinning at her, She glared at him sighing... She was clearly grumpy with out her "beauty sleep"

"Fine.. I'll take a look at him but I'm not making any promises. There are multiple spells! "

She snapped her fingers making a hair tie appear and tied her hair back into a messy pony tail as she went over to Venom and gently touched his forehead.

"Everyone shut up..no talking. "

She hissed trying to concentrate.

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Shinobu looked in disbelieve at Kie, not trusting him at all. It was to clinchy everything, making him dizzy.

Shin grabbed his hand, looking worried at Venom, but at the same time angry as hell. He could see little flames in his gentle eyes, and that wasnt something that you could see everyday. He tried to make his brother speak but Ravens voice made all of them be quiet, just waiting for her to say something in the end.

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Raven sighed after a few minutes passed. Opening her eyes.

"That's one nasty forget me not spell... Its pointless trying to force him to remember... his mind will just re-set everything. But.. "

She looked at Shinoda.

"Memories can not be destroyed. There always sealed away somewhere... or blocked off.. it looks like there locked away... I'm not sure if it's mentally locked away or physically. If it's physically...well...it's no good news. "

She stood.

"It may take me a week to cook up a counter spell..hoping that they are just locked away mentally. Until then...you guys just have to watch after him...and if... If the spell doesn't work Shin...then your best bet is to find the person who did this to him and make him or her tell you were Venom's memories are...or..he'll never know who you are."

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Shin was in shock, being to brokenheart at that moment ti think o a plan or anything. The only thing ge could do was to stay and watch Venom.


"It's a he that did this ... and you know know him very well" he daid like a puppet moving closer to the bed, looking at his love.


"It was Ichijo and God how i want to tear up his inner organs and feed him at the dogs" he said being empty. It was like he wasnt Shin anymore. The kind and gentle Shin. Now he was all poizened with hatred.

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Raven sighed.

"Shin.. I get that Venom is your lover and all but he is also My best friend. Along with Kie. And we are going to help him. Your not alone in this ok... And I'm not surprised Ichijo did something like this...if it comes to it..we will help you find the bastard. "

She crossed her arms and looked at Shinobu.

"Will you make me some coffee..it looks like I'll be up for awhile. Four creams, and Five sugars... "

She told him kissing his cheek before going over to her book case. He muttered something in urban tongue and the book case split in two.. revealing her spell room.

"Kie... give them a minute to be alone.. come on.."

He nodded, patting Shinoda's shoulder.

"He'll wake up in five minutes...try to think of something...we can't tell him what's going on..."

He said and left following Raven.

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Shin tried to smile at her, hopping that things will get better sooner or latter.


"Thanks Raven" he mymbled, nodding at her, kneeling towards the sleeping boy.


Shinobu whent to the kitchen preparing the coffee not only for Raven but also for the rest of them. It was going to be a though night.


"Thanks" whispered Shin once they left him alone with Venom. He grabbed his hand, holding her to his heart and leaning forward to kiss his soft lips for one last time until he will get his memorie back.

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Raven started looking threw old leather books, sitting at her black desk.. surrounded by potions and strange things trapped in jars. She even had a cauldron. She yawned, as she slowly flipped threw pages, Kie was touching things, being stupid.

"Don't touch anything. "

"Sorry.. but it's kind of cool. What does this do?"

"Don't touch it!!"

Kie threw his hands up in the air surrendering.

"Ok! Ok! Geez...."

She frowned looking back down at her book. Lie looked to Shinobu muttering.

"I don't know how you do it...you sure you want to go steady with her?"

"I heard that! Your an ass hole. Maybe I'm easily irritated because someone woke me up in the middle of the night, ruined my drive way, and ruined my week! Now I'm sitting here looking threw old books when a moron is messing with my potions! "

"Raven...Your so cute when your mad~"

Her face grew red like a tomato.




Venom started to wake up. He slowly opened his eyes and sat up. Running a hand threw his hair. He saw a good looking boy sitting by his side, until he realized it was the crazy guy who wanted him to sleep with him. He frowned glaring at him.

"Great...it's you."

He said darkly. Looking around. Realizing he was at Raven' s but...not understanding how he got there.

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Shinobu was trying to ignore the fact that Kie was plating a liytle stupid at that moment but seeing Raven so helpful he like her even more. He looked at Kie when he asked him how hr was managing her. He wanted to answer but she cut him of.

Kie was right. She looked cute whrn she eas angry but seeing her how angry she got he left the tea and hold her shoulder with one hand and with the other touching her cheek.


"Come o vabe, calm down. We are all tired, upset and so on but lets try to focus.



Back in the living roo Shin took a step behind looking to the other way.

"I"m ...s-sorry" he started to say in a low voice. "I'll go get Reaven"

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Raven stopped as Shinobu tried to calm her down. She frowned looking away.


She glanced at Kie, hissing.

"You lucky Shinobu is here to hold me back our you'd be a frog by now"

She pushed Kie out of her secrete room. Sighing. She took Shinobu's hand and kissed his palm.

"Your going to stay here..with me right? At lest..until I find something to break the spell."


Venom frowned.

"Don't bother, tch"

He got up and found Kie and Raven along with Shinobu.

"Anyone like to explain to me what's going on."

Raven bit her lip.

"Uhhh..sleep over?"

The witch rolled her eyes at Kie. She wasn't too sure what to tell him either, what should they say?

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Shin was looking at the rest and the rest to one another not being sure what to say. When Kie spoke they widdened theyr eyes knowing that Venom wouldn't buy the lie.


"Shin Kie, you go and look fir that guy. Raven will search for some remedy and I will explain him what happened" said Shinobu putting a hand on Venom shoulder making him move towards the kitchen

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Venom frowned as he went into Raven's kitchen. He took a seat on her counter looking at Shinobu.


He Said sarcastically. Waiting for a explanation.

Raven was getting back to work and Kie grinned and headed out to look for Ichijo.

"You ready to go Shinoda? And mind if I drive...your fucking psychotic behind the wheel."

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Shin left with Kie and Raven was back on her work so Shinobu sigh and went in the kitchen sitting next to Venom starting to explain what . About the club, the forgetting spell, about Shin and Kie from back home and about who was responsible.


"Dude, we all try to help you to remember all of us"

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Venom frowned as the other talked to him. Having no memory of Shinoda or Shinobu, it was hard to trust them. And if Shinobu wasn't careful the spell would reactive and he'd forget everything He just Said. Venom looked away from the stranger.

"Your not making any sense. There's no way...no way I'd forget something...like that. Your bull shiting me."

He got off the counter and headed to Raven's front door, planing to leave.

Raven saw and bit her lip but was unsure if they really should stop him. Forcing him to stay would make the situation worse. Maybe they just needed to tail him in secret.

"Hey..Shinobu... let him go"

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Shinobu wanted to go after Venom but was stopped by Raven. He bit his lip feeling sorry for his brother, just thinking how much he must be hurt.


"I have to keep trying babe. For my brother. He doesnt diserve this. He diserves to be happy" he said holding Ravens hand and looking into her eyes hopping she will understand.


"And besides, we cant let him go. We promise we will keep him here. Try you to convince him to stay over night" he added touching softly her cheek.

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Raven bit her lip looking up at her love. She stood up and pecked Shinobu's lips before hurrying after Venom. She stopped him outside and after a few minutes. Venom came inside and went upstairs. She sighed going back to her reading. Whatever she Said to Venom worked.... She was sleepy and grumpy.. and becoming frustrated. She started flipping threw the pages. Everyone was depending on her to find a counter spell..the presser was crushing down on her shoulders. What if she couldn't do it...would Shinobu hate her for not saving his bothers lover. Would he leave her? And what would Shinoda do with out Venom in his life...


After a few minutes she threw the book she was reading on the floor. Giving a frustrated out burst. Pacing her secrete room.


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Shinobu sighed in reliefe seeing Venim was staying. He went in the kitchen ti make some tea to relax the rest from the tention when he heard some noises. He run to Ravens magical room and saw her all fustrated. He went neart her and hold her in his arms.


"Calm down babe" he whispered in her ear, kissing the back of her neck. "Please dont make a break down now. Your the rational one besides me. Your strong and smart so dont give up" he added turning her to face him. "I'm here by yiur side" he was holding her by the neck, touching ger cheeks softly with his fingers. He pressed his lips over hers, invading her mouth with his tong, letting his hands on her back, keeping her close.

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