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Snake Eyes~ (mik3la & Sosuke0549)


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"Calm down babe"[/Quote]

Raven slowly calmed down in his arms hearing the other whisper in her ear. Calming down more as he kissed her neck.

"Please dont make a break down now. Your the rational one besides me. Your strong and smart so dont give up"[/Quote]

He said making her look at him.

"I'm here by your side" [/Quote]

He softly touched her cheek, making her blush as he pressed his lips to her.. quickly invading her mouth with his tongue, she moaned against him feeling his hands on her back, keeping her close. She gripped his hair and kissed him back deeply, twirling her tongue around his. Until she got an idea.

She pulled back from him.

s-Shinobu...your a genius!"

She pulled away from him, and pulled her book out from her shelf.

"To counter act the spell we can over flow Venom with Shinoda's memories of him! If his memories are trapped inside his head.. then the spell will break once he sees the truth. And all he has to do is kiss him with an elixir!"

She quickly kissed Shinobu one more time as she quickly started grabbing things off her self and throwing them in her cauldron, making a potion.

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Shinobu was confused not understanding what she meant and what exactly was in her mind so he stood next to her looking carefull on what she was doing.

"What do you mean? Shin already tried but he just ignored him. How the hell he can kiss him now to give him the elixir? Its a little confusing babe, please enlight me" he said scratching his head being more confused than he was before.

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Raven sighed. Thinking of how to explain it to him.

" Its like I said before. To counter act the spell we can over flow Venom's mind with Shinoda's memories of him. So he'd see everything that's happens between them.

If his memories are trapped inside his head.. then the spell will break once he sees the truth. If it's not then...Shinoda will have to actually look for Venom's lost memories. And to help him remember, we'll have to force the elixer down his throat, so what better way to do that then for Shinoda to kiss Venom and doing that will allow him to see into Shinoda's thoughts...connecting them for a brief moment... hopefully that will wake Venom up."

She grabbed a book and started flipping threw pages.

"Think of it as jogging his memory.. you know?"

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"Ok, that iunderstood but he will not let Shin kiss him or get near him. Yiu heard what Kie said, that Venim was about to hit him and so on. I dont want by brother to get hurt because I will forget that he is the lover of my brother and I will kill him. Simple as that" he said letting his hair on the back, leaning with one hand on the desk to see what she was doing.


"So we will have to find another way to force the elixir into his system. The kissing part fals down from the start. Maybe with some meal? I can make him something to eat and pour the elixir in the food or his drink" he raised softly his shouldrrs as he looked at her.

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Raven shook her head.

"They have to connect so Venom can see into Shinoda's memories. He has to kiss him... We'll have to tie him down and Shinoda has to force himself on him, and feed him the elixir. And while he does that he has to think of every moment he's spent with Venom for this to work. Call Kie and Shinoda back.. I think I can finish this in about 10 hours. And I doubt Ichijo is still in town anyway. "

She said, sighing, running a hand threw her hair. The others were lucky that she had all the ingredients needed for the spell. Other wise it would of took her week's to get them all.

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Shinobu saluted her like in the army and smiled while getting out his phone out from hia pocket.


"Ai ai captain" he kissed her forehead and call Shin asking the to get back home. Meanwhile he got some food in the room where Venom was.


"Hey dude ... here is something to eat" he said letting the plate on the table near the window.

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Raven smiled at her jokful lover. Watching him leave. She got to work on the elixer.


Venom was laying on the bed sighing as Shinobu entered. He didn't say anything To him as he looked away from the other. Turning his back to him. He was having a really bad headache and wasn't in the mood to deal with anyone.

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"Still grumpy as usual. Honestly I dont know what my brothe liked about you" he said aighing letting the plate in his room in case he wanted to eat later.


Meanwhile Shin and Kie returned home not knowing what exactly happened. Shin sat on the coutch getting his normal breath back.

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Venom rolled his eyes.

"Do me a favor...shut the hell up."

He hissed rubbing his head. His head was now starting to pound.


Raven told Kie and Shinoda her plan and that it was only a 50 / 50 shot. And that's if Venom's memories are sealed away inside him.

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"Hey, are you alright?" asked Shinobu looking with fear at the boy because he didnt know what was wrong with him and what he could do to make him better.


"Raven, are you sure that it will work? To do that we will have to tide him up because either way he wont let me get near him" said Shin with sad eyes and sighing.

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"I-I'm fine! "

Venom lied. He winced a little Gripping his head. His headache was getting worse and worse.


Raven sighed.

"Its a 50/50 shot. But you got to force the elixer down his throat he has to take it...I suggest using your tongue..you don't want to waste your chance. And while your doing that you have to remember everything you guys did together. Show him your memories of him....and uh.. a warning...it's going to taste horrible. "

She poured a black elixer into a small bottle and gave it to Shinoda.

"Your lucky I had all the ingredients... don't waste a signal drop.. other wise I can't guarantee anything..."

She turned away and called for Venom. Yelling out his name.


Venom got up from the bed and grunted heading down stairs yelling at Raven.

"What!!! "

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Shin took the little bottle in his hands whaiting for the other to come. Hearing the angry answered of Venom he shivered a little.


"Venom sit dow" said Shinobu from behind him. Shin drank the bottle holding the liquid in his mouth approaching the boy.

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Venom glared at Shinoda as he took a seat on the couch. Raven smiled at him.

"Sorry Venom~ "

She snapped her fingers and a glowing rope wrapped around him, tieing him up. He glared at the beautiful witch.

"What the hell Raven! Untie me!! This isn't funny!!!'

He hissed, as he lunged at Shinoda.

"What the fuck do you want. Raven! Get this stalker away from Me"

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"Its for your own good" said Shinobu making a sign to his brother to do what needed to be done.


"Shin got near the boy, grabbing his head and pressing his lips onto his but the other wasnt opening his mouth. The his brother put his head on Venoms arm making it bur so that he can open it. Once the mouth was opened, Shin poured the liquid into his mouth thing of the moments they had togheter. How they first meat, theyr first time togheter, how they both where hurt and how they got back togheter. How they saved his brother, how he saved Venom from Ichijo and tryed to make him feel better. How they were fealing for one another. Shin was putting all his hopes in this. He wanted him back. He wanted to be shout at, to argue with him but then to kiss back and to get over it.


Shin broke the kis making a few steps back feeling a little dizzy, leanning on the table and breating hard. Shinobu was holding Ravens hand being to nervous about the whole damn thing.

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"Its for your own good"[/Quote]

Said Shinobu. Venom glared at him.

"Its for your own good my ass! Untie me!"

Shinoda suddenly got near him and grabbed his head, His eyes widened As the demon pressed his lips onto his. He struggled to pull away, refusing to open his mouth. He suddenly felt a painful burning on his arm and winced-


The pain caused him to open his mouth slightly,

and he quickly started to struggle against his restraints as his mouth was filled with a disgusting liquid. What the hell did the other just put in his mouth! His taste buds were dying! There was no way He was swallowing it!!


I love you..


" Oh come on you grumpy little boy. You know, some fun is really good for you health"

Venom saw flashes...flashes of Him with another...he looked happy.. He saw him and a demon making love...kissing with each other...He saw everything that Shinoda was passing on to him, the liquid slowing slipping down his throat. He struggled less and less as he saw it all.

"You like to talk so dirty ... That's why you are a pervert"


" I liked it. Your a bad ass rock star love"


His trapped memories slowly came back to him. He starred as the other pulled away from him. Leaning on the table. All eyes on him. Raven freed him, holding Shinobu's hand,

"Venom... do you remember the twins...do they look familiar? "

Yes they did. He knew who they were.

"Raven..Kie..Shinobu...please leave. "

Raven paused looking at him... He looked hurt..


She bit her lip nodding as she took Kie's hand and lead the two boys upstairs with out asking questions. Leaving him alone with Shin.


Venom stood as he looked at the other and slowly approached him. Taking his hand in his and slowly intertwining there fingers together.

"...I'm sorry... I'm so sorry Shin...I'm sorry I forgot you...I was..so cruel to you.."

He cupped his cheek. Saddness in his eyes.

"Forgive me...please...forgive me"

His voice cracked slightly. He felt awful. He had said such awful things he could never take back.

"W..why...Why didn't you...give up on me.."

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Shinobu fallowed Raven, leaving the two alone, hoping that they will be back together. They diserved to be happy.

Shin looked at Venom, feeling his eyes whatering when the other was speaking to him. He couldnt handle any more, couldnt control himself and just jumped in his arms, holding him tight, hidding his face into his chest.


"Because i love you idiot.... i will never give up on you...never....only if you kill me or i will die" he said through sobbs. " I'm so happy that your back....oh so happy" he added grabbing him even tighter.

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"Because i love you idiot.... i will never give up on you...never....only if you kill me or i will die" [/Quote]

Venom held the other as he cried.

" I'm so happy that your back....oh so happy" [/Quote]

"Yeah well..squeeze me any harder and you'll suffocate me."

He teased him a little. Venom took his face in his hands, and gently whipped his tears away with his thumbs. He saw a stray tear come down his cheek and quickly leaned into him, licking his tear away with his warm and wet tongue.

"..I know I'm late... but... "

He ran his fingers threw the others hair..

"I... I..lo-"

"You guys done?!"

Venom stopped looking back as Kie came down the stairs.

"I'm starving and Raven said she'd make curry for me so hurry up. "

Venom smiled faintly at his friend.

"Curry? Sounds good. "

He looked back at Shinoda, letting him go.

"Sorry... Thank you Shin...for not giving up on me..."

He kissed his forehead and headed into the kitchen with Kie as they rummaged threw Raven's kitchen.

"What do you think curry is made out of?"

"How should I know dude?"

He laughed.

"Rice and sauce? "

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When Venom said that he was sqeezing him he let go quickly, making one small step back looking at him.


"Sorry" he mumbled softly keeping his eyes locked into his when Venom started to speak again. His heary started to beat fast as he was wayting for the boy to speak out the words that he wanted so much to hear from his mouth. But the moment was interuped by Kie. He bit his lip not wanting to curse h because he didnt want Venom to get upset again. He just got him back. He sighed, closing his eyes as Venom kissed his forehead, fallowing the rest in the kitchen.


"Exactly. Kie, would you please call Raven in the kitchen to help me with the food?" he said in a gentle voice and smile.

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Kie sighed.


He left the kitchen, yelling for Raven. The violet eyed beauty came down stairs shortly with Kie, meeting Shinoda in the kitchen. Venom smiled at raven . With out her.. He would of never remembered Shin.

"Hey..Rav.. I don't do this a lot but thanks...you..you really came threw for me and Shin.."

Raven winked at him.

"Any time Venom. We're friends. "

She started to pull things out to make dinner. Venom stopped Shinoda for a moment by taking his hand.

"H-hey Shin... y-you know..I really mean what I said back there..about...saving me..and..everything... I really....."

He broke off.. letting him go

"Thanks..I.. I mean it."

Inside he was hitting himself unable to say the L word to him quite yet. But God...he knew deep down inside He adored the demon...He loved him!

"I'll let you cook.. I'll be in the living room if you need me"

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Shin was helping Raven in making the meal for the boys when Venom stopped him. He waited for him to fynally say the word but he didnt. He sigh smiling returning back to his work making the stuff easyer for Raven to use.


"Thanks Raven. I ow you one" he said smiling at her.


Shinobu went in the living room where the boys were.


"So we're letting the girls handle the kitchen boys?" he said laughing sitting on the coutch.

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Venom was sitting in a chair, listening to Kie tell him a story until Shinobu showed up. Venom smiled faintly at him.

".. yeah... I guess We are. "

"I don't cook. "

Kie said laughing... venom kept glancing into the kitchen..checking out his lover... he wanted to do something special for him...but what? He was lost in thought.

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"Yo! Casanova! Is anybody home?" asked Shinobu pocking his fingers in front of Venom to make him react. "Dude! What are you thinking of?"


He was curiouse because he saw tge boys glance back to the kitchen and he knew that he was checking on to Shin.


"Look man, I know your over your head in love with my brother but we are having aome discutions about man stuff and your acting like a stupid lover. I know you've just been awakened but still ...." started Shinobu to say trying to be serious, but you could see his hiddend amused smile.

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Venom looked at Shinobu frowning.

"Shut up... "

He pushed the others finger out of his face.

"What we're you morons babbling about. "

He said with a slight smirk.

"I was thinking about heading to the club.. you know- to celebrate you and your return and all. You guys may be committed to one person in bed but I'm not~"

Venom sighed.

"I know what you mean~ "

"Foods ready! Come and get it boys~"

Kie jumped up, dying for some of Raven's home cooked meals. Venom laughed following after him.

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Shinobu didn't comment on Venoms behavior. He knew that he was right even if he was still in the "no" or "never" statement. He fallowed the rest in the kitchen and sat next to Raven, holding her hand and smiled, starting to it.


Shin sat as well near Venom, but didn't do any gesture. He sat in silence and was eating, looking from time to time to his beloved one. He was happy that Venom was back, but he couldn't understand why he couldn't say the simple words that he was waiting for him to tell. He looked around at the rest and smiled softly. They were like a family. One that he and his brother didn't had. This was feeling just fine and was relived that they had a moment of silence and peace in they'r life's.

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Raven blushed faintly as Shinobu held her hand under the table. God she adored him. Venom was eating but looked like he was somewhere else. When he finished eating he thanked Raven and Shin. Kissing Shin on the cheek, before putting his plate away. He had gotten a marvelous idea! He knew exactly how to tell Shin that he loved him... in a way he'd never forget.

"Raven let me borrow your computer"

"Alright. Go for it."


He disappeared up stairs and into her room a small grin on his lips. Raven smirked and looked at Shin.

"Oooooo~ He's planning something. When ever Venom gets that cute grin on his face it means he got a surprise for you~"

He sighed.

"Despite his personality Venom is very romantic~ I'm interested to see what he'll do for you Shin..."

She looked at Shinobu.

"And don't worry...your way cuter then Venom. "

She winked at him, teasing him playfully.

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