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Snake Eyes~ (mik3la & Sosuke0549)


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Raven groaned in protest. She curled up on the couch and weakly snapped her fingers, opening her study so the other could leave.


Meanwhile Venom was out, planning a few things for Shinoda. He wanted to show him how he felt and wanted tomorrow to be the best night ever for his boyfriend.

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Shinobu went in the kitchen and found gis brother sitting there all alone.


"Hey ... whats with the long face?" asked Shinobu pouring some coffee in his cup.


"Nothing. Its just so silent that i am not used to it. What about you? Why are you so happy?" he grinned at his brother.


"I am not too happy ... i am normal"


"Yeah .. right ... whatever yiu say and makes you happy" smiled Shin at his brother.


"I'm serous .. its just ... i dont know ... its odd for me"


"What? Being in love with a girl?"


"Yeah ... A girl ... she is different than the others i've been daiting in the past. She is crazy but at the same time rational, she is wild but at the same time shy and she behaves. Its really confusing but ....


"But you like her ... a lot" said Shin


"I guess i do" replied Shinobu to his brother. "It seems we both found love in unexpected places"


"Yep ..." said Shin drinking from his cup thinking at Venom and where he could be.

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The day went by slowly but around 8:30 was when Venom returned. His hands in his pockets looking rather smug. By then Kie and Raven had awoken.


Raven was wearing black leggings and a tight low cut purple shirt. Her hair tied back in a messy pony tail. She was crashing on the couch, playing Video games with Kie.

"no....No...NO! NOOOOO!"

"I win again~"

"Shit... ugh! I hate playing you."

"Whatever. You just can't stand the fact that a girl kicked your ass."

Kie frowned.

"Damn straight. One more round! "

The Girl laughed at the other. Who was shirtless and in sagging jeans. Venom smiled hearing the two of them.

"Do I get a turn? "

"Only if you want your ass kicked~ "

"Well, Well, Well look who's back. Where'd you disappear too?"

"Somewhere..I had something to do.. Where's


He glanced around for his lover.

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After the coffee time that the twins had it in the kitchen, they got upstairs trying to get some rest. They made it only for a few more silent hours because from downstairs started the battle between Kie and Raven. Both twins woke up with a grumpy face but after a shower they were fresh again and changed in clean clothes. They were getting downstairs when Venom was just asking for Shin.


"Did you missed us Casanova? I thought you never will" started Shinobu making the stairs down the living room, smiling at Venom, more like grinning.


When Shin saw Venom back he wasn't able to say anything, he just lightened and was smiling like a stupid idiot that he was around the demon. More like a 'your back, safe' smile.


"Hey, babe ... mind if I join?" asked Shinobu sitting in the other side of the coutch, right next to Raven. He looked at Kie, feeling a little pressure in the room. Shinobu was jealous even if he would never in his life say that he is.

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"Did you missed us Casanova? I thought you never will" [/Quote]

Started Shinobu making his way down the stairs grining at him.

"You.. No.. Everyone else..yes"

He smirked messing with the other as Shin came down. He saw His 'your back, safe' smile and sighed.

"Your so hopeless. "

He muttered, grabbing the other and pulling him against his cold body. Venom was cold blooded. And often cold unless they were having sex..then things got pretty hot and wild.

"Tonight your all mine. "

He muttered.

"Grab your jacket, I want to take you somewhere. "



"Hey, babe ... mind if I join?" [/Quote]

Raven turned, smiling when she saw Shinobu sitting right next to her on the couch..

"No way- get in line. I'm determine to kick her ass."

Raven rolled her eyes, getting closer to Shinobu and leaning on his shoulder.

"Sure, just let me kick his ass one more time before I kick your~"

She winked .

"Fat Chance! Your going down! "

"Gee- I wonder how many times I've heard that one before. "

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Shin narrowed his eyes hearing the oys whispere. Ehy was he hopeless? Because he was carrying for him or because he was worried? That was stupid.

Being in his arms he hold his hand on to his chest looking at the rest with the corner of his eyes and then bavk at Venom not knowing what he meant it. He turned his head like a confused puppy but did as he was told. He went grabbung his jacket from the room and got back downstairs not knowing what to expect. It was fustrating.


"Where are we going?" he asked in a low voice.


"You guys, dont forget to use protection"yeld Shinobu not watching them, smiling while he was holding Raven by her waist closer to him.

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"Where are we going?" [/Quote]

"You'll see~"

"You guys, dont forget to use protection"[/Quote]

yeld Shinobu not watching them, Venom rolled his eyes, holding back His witty insults for now.

"Don't wait up, we'll probably be back tomorrow, late."

He took Shin's hand and lead him outside, closing the door behind him. When they reached his car he opened the car door for him, like a gentleman for once.

"Get in. "

He smirked.

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Shin widened his eyes hearing what the boy was saying being to surprised. He felt his heart beats beating a litle faster but maintained calm.


Shinoda arched an eyebrow while looking with the corner of his eye to the two lovers and smiled, being to amused.


"Come on babe ... knock him down already" he said laughing, looking at Kie.


Once out Shin as he was told. He was verry behaving and he liked the new Venom. He was confused but happy at the same time. Couldnt wait any longer to see what was he up to.

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"Heeey! Who's side are you on?!"

He frowned, as Raven finally beat him again. Kie cursed under his breath. Tossing the controller to Shinoda, pissed!

"Fuck this game. It's stupid! "

"Its only stupid because you can't win against me~"

She smirked, looking at her boyfriend.

"Ready to lose?"


Venom started the car and drove off. He was quiet and didn't say much of anything as they drove farther and farther away from Raven's place. He some times would glance at the other but he didn't say anything. After an hour he stopped, and pulled into a beach parking lot. It was already dark out...the stars and moon at there brightest.

He got out of the car and went around to open the door for the other.

"By the way...don't get use to this.."

He muttered, taking the others hand, and leading him to the ocean and sand. The smell so peaceful and serene...

He lead the other to a soft blanket...beside it were lit candles, and a picnic basket with food inside. It was a romantic sight. Vevom sighed, smiling softly.

"Cheesey.. I know"

He muttered, before roughly pushing the other down on the blanket, hovering over his body.

"But your all mine now~"

He grinned, leaning down and kissing his lover deeply.

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"Heeey! Who's side are you on?!"


"I'm on my girl's side of course" said Shinobu narrowing his eyes at the other then paying attention to the game. When Kie lost he laugh but tried to be serious.


"Ready to lose?"


"Ready when you are babe" he grinned at her, winking and taking the controller, preparing to play and win the game only to show Kie that he was to stupid to win.



The silence in the car was strange but he didn't make a sound. He knew that Venom had a twisted personality and that's why he was trying not to ask anything. When they stopped he looked around being amazed of the location and of his gesture but his comment made him smile.


"I wont ... but it's nice from time to time" he said fallowing him, breathing deep the cold see breeze that was there. When he saw the blanket, candles the picnic basket. The whole image was too much.


"Cheesey.. I know"


He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. He was too amazed. Venom made all that for him? For real? He couldn't believe it. Being pulled from his thoughts he woke on the blanket with Venom on top of him, feeling his heart beating so fast that he could catch the radar.


"But your all mine now~"


Shin wanted to say again something but no sound went out and he didn't had time for anything else because he was kissed by Venom and he was melting. Everything was like a dream that he didn't want to wake up from. He kissed back the boy, keeping his hands on the boys back.


"Its amazing .... Thank you .... " he whispered pulling from the kiss looking him in his eyes caressing his cheek. "You're really amazing" he smiled, being overwhelm.

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Raven sighed,

"Best 4 out of 5- winner take all?"

Kie grinned.

"I wouldn't~"

"Shut up! I'm gonna beat him! "

She glared at her boyfriend with determination.

"Come on- unless your chicken~ "

She suddenly stopped her teasing when she heard her phone ringing. She pulled out her phone and her smile slowly faded. Kie saw it and stared at her.

"You gonna answer that? "

She bit her lip , standing up and moving into another room before answering it. Leaving Shinobu and Kie down stairs. Whoever it was. It turned her smile upside down.


Venom smiled down at his lover,

"I know~ "

He through his lips against Shin's kissing him slowly one more time before pulling back.

One of his hands slipped underneath the others shirt. Feeling his slim stomach.

"Lets take off your clothes"

He whispered, while kissing his neck. This was a private beach...and he could do anything He wanted to the other.

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"Best 4 out of 5- winner take all?"


"You got it babe" said Shinobu, grinning at his girl waiting for the game to start when Raven phone began to ring and her cute face disappeared, turning into a serious one.


"What's wrong? Raven..." but she stood up, getting in another room, letting him and Kie looking to one each other asking what the hell just happened.



Shin breath hard when he felt Venom touch on his stomach, making him tremble. It was all so perfect that he couldn't hide his smile of happiness.


"Lets take off your clothes"


His voice sounded so lustfully and the kisses on his neck where making him moan softly. It was like a dream. Venom being so gentle, so lovable, it was all that he wanted. All that he wished for. A moment for them two alone.


"Wouldn't ... somebody see us here?" he mumbled closing his eyes, biting his lower lip.

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After a few minutes Raven returned. A look of disbelief on her face. She looked at her boyfriend and Kie.

"I... I.. just got..a call..from Ichijo...h-He needs...our help. "



Shin breathed hard, Venom's lustful touch making him tremble. The soft kisses He laid on his skin were making Shin moan softly.

"Wouldn't ... somebody see us here?"[/Quote]

He mumbled closing his eyes, biting his lower lip. Venom grinned, thinking The other was adorable.

"This is a private beach..no one but me will see you~ "

He pulled off the others shirt forcefully, and pulled Shin up, and onto his lap, His arm wrapping around his body as he cupped his cheek.

"But before I see what's under your clothes, there's something important that I need to talk to you about. "

He looked serious now, staring into the others eyes.

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"I... I.. just got..a call..from Ichijo...h-He needs...our help. "


Shinobu went black when he heard who called her and clenched his teeth wanting to hit something.


"Why the hell did that punk called you?!" he started to raise his voice narrowing his eyes. "Why should we help him? I almost die because of him" he said standing up looking at her




"This is a private beach..no one but me will see you~ "


Shin blushed at Venom's words and giggled when he pulled his t-shirt off and pulled him up. He blinked a few times not understanding what just happened, trying to calm down his breathing's.


"But before I see what's under your clothes, there's something important that I need to talk to you about. "


He was holding his hands on Venom's shoulders looking him into the eyes, trying to guess what was about but he couldn't read him.


"What's wrong?" he said in a whisper

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"Why the hell did that punk called you?!" [/Quote]

Her boyfriend raised his voice narrowing his eyes.

"Why should we help him? I almost die because of him"[/Quote]

He said standing up looking at her. Raven bit her lip.

"I.. I don't want to help him either but... h..he sounded..heartbroken on the phone...like...something really horrible happened...He was crying. Begging us to come!"

Raven felt conflicted .. she knew Ichijo was the enemy but...He was once there best friend until he changed. She looked down at the ground. Kie bit his lip slowly standing up.

"Whatever happened..it must be pretty bad if he called Us... I don't like Ichijo anymore But...if Raven says he sounded like that then some things up. We should go.."


Shin held his shoulder. Meeting his gaze.

"What's wrong?"[/Quote]

He whispered. Venom took a deep breath and a long sigh. His eyes fell to the ground.

"I have had...a hard life. You've seen...and experienced it first hand... and you know why I turned out like this. I did it to protect myself..so what happened with... Her...wouldn't happen again. I was alone...for so long.. I pushed everyone away... I was scared to let someone love me..because I destroy everything I touch.. but you... I don't know why..."

He slowly looked up in the others eyes.

"I can't comprehend why your so different. Why you want me...why you weren't afraid of me.. Why you...love me... when I can't even love myself. "

He slowly pulled out something from his back pocket, it was now in the Palm of his hand and he slowly opened it.

"I want you... to have this.."

Inside his hand was a sliver key on a sliver chain. The key was hand crafted and had Venom's name engraved in it on the side, in cursive.

"That right there... is the key to my heart...and I'm trusting you...that you'll protect it...and take care of me...it's the most important thing I think I can give to you Shin..."

He slowly put the necklace into the others hand.

"Shin...I love you.,"

He whispered, slowly leaning into the other and kissing his lip passionately.

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"I.. I don't want to help him either but... h..he sounded..heartbroken on the phone...like...something really horrible happened...He was crying. Begging us to come!"


"I don't buy that kind of crap. It's all a trap. It was to good until now and now he spoils everything" continued Shinobu to talk being angry as hell. How could he help him when he was that almost killed him to get his brother. To get Shin and Venom on behalf of his mother. No. He couldn't do that. He couldn't help him. It was to much.


"Whatever happened..it must be pretty bad if he called Us... I don't like Ichijo anymore But...if Raven says he sounded like that then some things up. We should go.."

"I don't care!" he shouted. "He can die or be dying. I wont help him. It's a trap I tell you, and I wont be fooled by him again" he added heading to the kitchen to have a glass of water.


As Venom started to speak Shin was really quiet and listen carefully, looking at him and nodding from time to time, narrowing his eyes not understanding where and what he wanted to point out.

"I can't comprehend why your so different. Why you want me...why you weren't afraid of me.. Why you...love me... when I can't even love myself. "

Shin smiled slightly and wanted to speak but he shut his mouth when he saw Venom taking out some sort of a key with his name on it, looking confused.

"That right there... is the key to my heart...and I'm trusting you...that you'll protect it...and take care of me...it's the most important thing I think I can give to you Shin..."

He looked up at the boy while he was putting it on his neck. Shin grabbed the key into his hand holding it in front of him, looking at it and not knowing what to say. His lips were apart but no sound was coming out. He was surprised. But he was even more surprised when he heard the next words.

"Shin...I love you.,"

He couldn't believe his ears. Was it really true. Was Venom really confessing to him? This was to good to be true, just like a dream that he had from the beginning and now was coming true. His heart started to beat fast and eyes started to watered. He crossed his arms around his neck, kissing him back with all his being, starting to cry because of the happiness that he was field in with. He was an emotional person, what could he do.


"I love you to" he whispered pulling a little back, looking him in his green eyes. "I always will" he added, starting to kiss him back even passionately.

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"I don't buy that kind of crap. It's all a trap. It was to good until now and now he spoils everything" [/Quote]

Shinobu said, being very upset. Raven listened looking down at the ground and gripping the phone.. recalling Ichijo's words.

Please..please help me!"

He sobbed into the phone crying.

"I-I Need you.. please... God please help me.. I'm begging you! Begging you Rav!"

"I don't care! He can die or be dying. I wont help him. It's a trap I tell you, and I wont be fooled by him again"[/Quote]

He added storming out of the room. Raven glanced at Kie.

"I... I don't think...he was lying.. he was...sobbing..Kie.."

The other sighed.

"...Maybe Shinobu is right.. all he's done is cause problems... it's best if we ignore it."

"How can I ignore it Kie!"

"YOU JUST DO! damn it Raven. If he is somewhere dying then he'll stop causing us problems, "

Raven frowned and turned, grabbing her jacket as she slipped on some shoes.

"And where the hell are you going. "

"The north pole. Where do you think stupid. I'm going with or without you guys...something just...didn't sound right with him.

"Your insane! "

"May be,"

She muttered, opening the front door.


Venom was happy the other expected his gift. He watched his expressions, smiling faintly At his lover.

"I love you to"[/Quote]

He whispered back to him, meeting his gaze.

"I always will" [/Quote]

And then...Shin started kissing him passionately. Venom couldn't fight the urge to hold back. He wrapped his arms tightly around Shin, and roughly started making out with him, shoving his tongue down his throat.

Groaning softly against his lips.

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Shinobu heard the arguing but only small mumbles but when he heard the door he went quickly in the living room looking frowned at Kie and after at her.


"Where do you think your going? Damn it Raven, why are you like this" he sigh trying to calm himself and then he got his jacket heading towards her. Stopping near the door he turned to Kie.


"Are you coming or staying?" he said through his teeth hating to go for that scam bag, but he wasn't going to let her alone.


Shin was in the 7th heaven in that moment. It was like a dream that he never wanted to wake up. Nothing could make him unhappy. He said it. He admit it. He loved him aswell. He knew it but, he wanted to hear him say it. It was a wonderful moment. And the fact that he gave him his key heart, was so overwhelming. All that he had to give was love, and now he was receiving a lot.

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"Where do you think your going? Damn it Raven, why are you like this" [/Quote]

Raven paused hearing Shinobu, her eyes falling down to the ground. She only spoke when she realized Shinobu was coming with her. A small smile grew on her lips.


"Are you coming or staying?"[/Quote]

He said to Kie who looked very unhappy. He eyed the two crossing his arms.

"Damn it...I fucking hate being your friend sometimes."

He hissed, agreeing to come along.

"Thank you...you guys. We'll take my car."

She hurried out, making sure the others followed. And she left as soon as possible.


Never.... Venom never wanted to let Shin go.. He never wanted the other to lose that key.. Venom never wanted to be hurt again..It is very hard to lose someone you love...and even harder to fall in love again. It was hard for Venom to believe in second chances but if they existed He assumed Shinoda would be his second chance.

Venom slowly broke there long and lustful lip lock... a thick line of saliva connecting them before he licked his lips to break that connection.

"I Want you..~"

He whispered.


On this beach...laying on this sheet... with the strong smell of the ocean...Venom wanted Him right here...and right now.. He was so happy...So lustful.. he desired Shin's warm touch... his skin...his body...His shrieks....he desired him all!

Venom slipped his hand down to the others pants, undoing them quickly. He yanked them down, letting them tangle around the boys ankles.

He grinned as he did the same to the boys underwear, revealing his length. His free hand pinned Shin's hands above his head. His strong lustful gaze piercing him.

"Keep your hands above your head... "

He said seductively, before releasing his grip and moving back down. His hands caressing Shin's thighs as he forced the others legs open,

"Open your legs wide for me... and try to...relax~"

He grinned leaning down and flicking his tongue against the others length, His fingernails gripping and slowly digging into his flesh, his hot breath against such a sensitive area. He licked it again! And again! Teasing and toying with his lovers body~ He wanted to hear him moan!

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Shinobu got in the car, starting to clench his teeth, thinking that this was a bad idea. At least they should tell Shin and Venom about it. He got his phone out preparing to send an e-mail to his brother but after a few seconds he stopped, closing it and putting it back in his pocket. Not this time. His brother deserved it a break from all this shit. Biting his lower lip he started to calm down even if his guts were telling him that something was wrong.




"I Want you..~"


Only that simple phrase could make Shin moan slightly, arching his back a little. He started giggling when Venom freed him from his clothes, pinning his hands above his head. It was so erotic the way he was looking at him that was making him tremble.


"Keep your hands above your head... "


"Ok ..." he sight, starting to breath even harder while looking at the boy above him, biting his lower lip slowly. It was hard to do as the other tolled him to do because he wanted to touch him aswell, not only him to do that. It wasn't fair.


"Open your legs wide for me... and try to...relax~"


Relax? How could he ask him to relax when every inch from his body was screaming out loud that he wanted him as well. Shin parted his legs, making room for him, blushing like a tomato. Even if he had seen him until now, it was still embarrassing.


"Mmnaahh" moaned Shin when he felt the boys tong on his length, teasing him. He moved his hands but let them above his head remembering what the boy told him. He tried to relax but with Venom's tong was to damn hard. He started to breath quicker, biting his lips not wanting to make to much noise.


"Jeeesh! ... Please ... stop ...playing ....hugh" he said through lacks of breaths, letting his hands down, touching Venoms shoulder.

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Raven glanced at her lover but said nothing. She knew he and kie were very upset with her..but she had to see what was wrong. She remained quiet for the car ride until a hour or so later.. until she stopped the car at an abandoned Mill factory.

"I-Ichijo said...he was in there..."

She said, getting out of the car and slamming the door. Hesitant to go inside but forced herself forward. Kie quickly got out to follow after the stubborn girl.


Venom loved those moans! His voice...those shrieks! How Shin was embarrassed and told him to stop teasing him but how could be resist?!

He felt the boys hands on his shoulders...so he didn't keep them above his head....what a naughty boy..

Venom roughly nipped at the boys length. No doubt causing him a little pain. He came back up to his face, His eyes fierce.

"Do you want...to touch me too~"

He whispered, moving to his ear to nibble on it gently.

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Shinobu got oout from the car looking at the place where it was supposed to be Ichijo. Getting near Raven, he grabbed her hand and went beside her towards the building, being careful at surroundings.


Feeling the nipped on his length he bite hard his lip, making only a small noise, but didn't say a word. He had his eyes closed but when he opened them and saw Venoms he knew he was about to get in trouble. And it was a desired painful trouble. He moved his hands aside, breathing slowly, not wanting to make any other move.


"Do you want...to touch me too~"


Venoms breath and seductively voice was even more painfully in his entire body than anything else. Swallowing hard, he breath deep answering with a sigh.


"Y-...Yes.... "

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Raven paused when she felt her boyfriend grab her hand.. God he was so sexy when he was pissed. He was so over protective that it was a turn on... she glanced at Kie before following her boyfriend inside.



A fading voice whispered in such agony and sorrow.

"I'm here... You'll be ok just keep your eyes open! Listen to my voice Sho!"

That voice...no doubt it was ichijo's, he was speaking quickly and his voice shaky.

"G-God...please...please someone help us!!"

Raven and the others could hear him...hear the pain in his voice.


Raven pulled her lover along, and stopped when she found Ichijo crying over a young boy.. a boy who looked to be on the brink of death. His skin was pale, his lips blue, his eyes grey, his blood veins were visible and the color of the blackest coal..

"RAV! RAVEN! Y-you came! P-please! Please your the only one that can help him!! There's no one else But you!!"

The boy had to be 8 or 9.. so young..and gravely ill. Kie bit his lip, glaring at Ichijo.

"Why should we help you...after everything you've done. "

"MY LITTLE BROTHER HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT! You'd honestly let a small boy die over my crime towards you! Kick my ass.. kill me... j-just save him...save Sho.. I'm begging you...he's dying! "

Raven looked at Shinobu before sighing.

"Let's go.. I can't help him here, but while we're heading back, I Want you to tell me what happened. "

She hissed.


Venom loved how Shin resisted to shriek, how he took the pain and only let small noises escape. But how long could He last~ He met his gaze with desire. Shin moved his hands aside, breathing slowly. His lover swallowed taking a deep breath.

"Y-...Yes.... "[/Quote]

Venom smirked mischievously. Cupping the boys cheek. His thumb slowly grazing his skin.

"Your so...cute~"

He whispered, gripping the others length roughly with his free hand, He kissed his neck before he suddenly raised Shin up against his body, letting the boy, once again sit in his lap.

There faces only inches away...there breaths quickened and hot.

"I'll let you...touch me~"

He whispered, taking the others hand and bringing it to his chest. His skin was no longer cold but warm and soft until you touched his scaly back.

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Shinobu widdened his eyes when he saw Ichijo and a little one right next to him, that was dying. He thought of his brother and that this situation had happenrd with them both went he was hostage. Shinoda didnt say anything at the comment from Kie , he was just looking around, inspecting the area.


"Lets move before is to late for the little one" he said being serious, heading back to the car.


When Venom grabbed him roughly he couldnt heep it silently anymore. "Nggha!" breathing hard he turned his head to one side, giving the boy space to his neck.

Once in his lap, Shin bened over and started to lay soft kisses on Venoms neck, shoulder, chest, letting his hands wandering around his body, while he started to move his waist, pressing against the others lenght. Letting soft moans come out from his mouth, he turned Venoms face to look at him and pressed his lips over his kissing him passionatly, wandering his hands in Venoms hair, pulling it softly.

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"Lets move before is to late for the little one" [/Quote]

"He's right. Can you carry him"

Ichijo nodded. Quickly but gently picking up His ill brother and carrying him as the headed to the car. Once they reached it. Raven got in the back seat with Ichijo and his little brother. The smaller one was laying his head on Raven's lap. The beautiful witch touched the boys sweaty forehead.

"He's burning up... Kie hurry back to my place. "

Kie hopped in drivers seat and started the car, and once everyone was in, He drove away fast!



"Nggha!" [/Quote]

That sound! The other sounded so cute! Once Shin was in his lap, He leaned over and started to lay soft kisses on Venom's neck, shoulder, and chest, letting his hands wonder around his body. Venom groaned feeling the sweet kisses.It was rare for him to trust anyone...let alone let them touch him so sexually but Shin was special, he was his lover..

"Unn~ "

Venom touched his body while Shin started to move his waist, pressing against his hard lenght. And then He started letting soft moans come out from his mouth! Venom gripped his waist, getting so aroused by the other. Shin turned Venoms face to look at him and pressed his lips over his kissing him passionatly, his hands in His hair, pulling it softly. One of Venom's weak spots was his hair.. He loved it when Shin ran his fingers threw it or pulled on it. He pushed his tongue into the others mouth kissing him wildly. Clawing at his back roughly, venom was addicted...addicted to the others touch...and love.. he hadn't felt like this in so long.. He wanted to taste, fuck, and violate Shin.. He wanted to forever know the warmth of Shin's body, and hands.

"M..more~... ugh.. s-shin~ "

He whispered, biting his bottom lip.

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