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Snake Eyes~ (mik3la & Sosuke0549)


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Breathing hard he got up and went to the bathroom from downstaires, making a shower really quickly and getting dress.

Shinobu was laying on his back, being to exausted after an amazing sex.


"Babe ... are you awake? We should get dress" he whispered, touching her back softly, kissing her foreheade.

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  • Sosuke0549


  • mik3la


Shinobu was laying on his back, Raven tossed and looked at him.

"Babe ... are you awake? We should get dress" [/Quote]

He whispered, to her, touching her back and kissing her forehead.


She whispered, kissing him softly before slowly pulling away and standing. Stretching and yawning. Her sexy perfect body a turn on. She went into her closet and pulled off some clothes getting dressed. She decided on a pink and black butterfly bra and matching underwear, with black pant sweats and a purple tank top with a zip up black hoodie.



Venom Sat on the couch shirtless, sighing just as Kie came out.

"You sure made him sing like a canary"

He grinned. Venom laughed softly, bumping the others fist with his.

"He is freaking amazing in bed, if you only saw His climax expression. He can take whatever I give him~"

The two laughed. He was bragging about How adorable and sexy Shin was when he was wet.

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Shinobu made a spell and got dress aswell in a black shirt and dark blue jeans. He mess his hair making it even worse and was ready for going in the living with Raven.


Shin was also getting back in the living room where the rest where, seing Venom shirtless.


"Your gonna catch a cold" he said to Venom sitting next to him looking at Kie and at his brother that was coming downstaires.

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Venom glanced at Shin just as he returned and so did the others.

"Will I~"

He grinned.. Venom turned his attention on raven.

"Do you think you can do a location spell on Sho's remains? That way we can find the bastards who fucked with us"

Raven thought.


"If you can...please do it."

Everyone turned seeing Ichijo. He was on the steps of the stairs. Bandages wrapped around his head. His eyes cold and hollow.

"E-even if you have to use...every last grain of his body and I have none of his remains left to cling too...I want to find the person or people reasonable...for ruining my life..."

Venom bit his lip...remembering what the two talked about between themselves. Ichijo had apologized for betraying him, rapping him many years ago when they dated...letting other demons rape him and how he just watched or joined it. Ichijo confessed.... that he truly liked him...and he still did. He didn't like seeing Ichijo like this..He remember his band mate all those years ago, and how good He once was to him...this was the ichijo he knew...not the one that he was forced to become.

Kie sighed and handed the bag of sand to Raven...

"I..picked up What I could. "

Raven nodded Taking it. She went over to Ichijo and rubbed her fingers threw his blond hair.

"We know it wasn't your fault Ichijo...Don't be so hard on yourself. "

She pulled away and headed into her witch room study .

"Give me about an hour to try and whip up a location spell--"

Raven was cut off as the house suddenly shook tremendously! Making Ichijo Stumble and Raven fall to her knees. Her eyes widened.

"What The hell was that?!"

Venom said,

"T-the protection spell on my house has just been broken, h-how is that...p-possible. "

A small amount of Fear could be felt in Shinobu's body...but it wasn't his own fear...it was Raven's. Kie's eyes widened as he stood up in panic.

"Raven Behind You!!!"

A Portal suddenly came out of no where behind her. In seconds black chains- wrapped around her small frame, and began to pull her inside by force. He screamed. It all happened so quickly! Raven was being taken! Her lower body already half way threw the portable and closing. Kie had a hold of her arm and struggled to yank her out. But he couldn't! Raven couldn't speak...she couldn't believe this was happening...not to her...Not to her!

"Raven! Shit!!"

Venom grabbed a chain and tried to brake her free but the chains were cursed, making them unbreakable. This was all cased with such dark magic that it was making her tremble.

She was terrified! What was on the other side of this portal?! Who was on the other side of this portal!

The portal Suddenly pushed Every away- a dark force pinning everyone against the wall, Raven Reached out her hand toward Shinobu- wanting him to save her, but somehow knowing he couldn't make it to her in time...and in a matter of seconds...Raven was gone. The portal disappearing with her. The room silent.


Venom was shocked.

"T-that...that didn't just happen...tell me...that...didn't just happen. "

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When the strange voice was heard everyone turned theyr heads in that direction seeing Ichijo standing at the end of the stairs. Shin looked in the other drection feeling guilty but didn't know why. Shinobu was looking at his girl heading to her room but something started to shake the house.

Shin looked panicked at the rest , not knowing what was happening but he was sure that it wasn't going to be something good. Hearing the reply from Raven Shin and Shinoda looked to one another narrowing theyr eyes. Who could be that strong to break the spell?

Shinobu could feel the fear that was floating into his body. It wasn't his but Ravens. He raised his eyes to look at her, and in that moment Kie shout. Shinobu widened his eyes seeing the portal and the chains that were sorrownding Ravens body. This cannot be true! he was thinking as he was reaching to her, trying to release her from them.

Shin was shocked and he could feel the magic that was coming from that place. It was dark magic. More darker than he ever felt before. And he knew how powerfull and how it was split into categories. The magic had more than two positions. More than just white and black. The black magic could be split in the one for spirits, one for elements, one for necromants and the last one, the one for demons. The one inside the portal it was the black magic for a demon. More exactly, a demons power. More powerful than Venom. Shins body was filled up with tension. All his muscles clentched , not being able to move or to say something. He couldn't do anything to help the others. The only thing he could do was to look and feel sorry because they couldn't save her. It was to much.

As Shinobu was trying to pull Raven back in the house, with one pull from the other side, her hands sliped from his own and Raven was gone in the portal and the portal was closed, letting him on his knees, in shock. He couldn't believe it. She was gone.

Raven!! Please! Babe! Say something! he was screaming into his mind, hopping she would heare him and will reply. But there was no respons. Only silence.

RAVEEEEEEN!!!!!!!! shouted Shinobu feeling his heart being brocken and turned from the inside out.


Shin had tears in his eyes, closing them, breathing deep, and falling from his feet, looking at the place, where the portal was before. He was in sort of a trance. He wasn't blinking at all. It was like he was looking at something and only at that thing, nothing else near him.

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Venom, Kie, and Ichijo were silent. So shocked at what just happened. And now that the spell was broken on Raven's house...they were all practically sitting ducks.

"W-What are we gonna do?! What if the people who killed Ichijo's little brother are The same people who have Raven! "

"...They are...I'm sure of it...They knew we were gonna use Raven to track them...or who ever they are...so they took her...FUCK!"

Venom swore. He left the room and went into Raven's study.

"What are you doing?!"

"I may not know a lot about magic like Rav, but I know my stuff. "

He came back out, holding paper charms. Venom looked at everyone.

"If I'm right, those bastard will contact us....and when they do, I want Ichijo and Shin to stay be behind--"

"No! I want revenge on the people who killed Sho! I'm coming! "

Venom bit his lip, turning to Shin.

"Fine...then I want you to stay behind. "

His tone firm.. he didn't want him getting hurt.

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After a few minutes Shin was back to his senses, looking at Venom with narroed eyes.


"No. Your not gonna leave me behind. We have to sit together" he started to say nervously taking a few steps towards the others.


"You will stay back!" snapped his brother from the floor sitting right in front of it. "This is all your fault. Why didnt you do anything to help her? Why did just stand there and watch? You are guilty for everything!" Started Shinobu to scream at his brother, being to upset about all that happened. And he was thinking that it was all his brother fault. Because ever since he was with Venom all shit happened to them.


Shin slapped his brothers face making him turned his head to one side. "Just because they knew Raven was gonna help us that doesnt make it my fault. And I am not left behind!" He said to Venom again turning his hands to fists. "I'm not gonna sit and wait for you guys to returne, or worst , never returned again. No. I dont wantto do that. I am comming with you and thats final!"


"Why? So that we can all end up dead?" Said his brother making Shin to shut up in surprise. How could his brother think that. How could he blame him for everithing. This was to much. He was loosing his brother and he could feel that the rest was starting to think aswell. I am losing them, he thought making a step behind him. Maybe if i stay behind i can do something on my own, he started to think narrowing his eyes. "Fine. I'll stay home" he said heading to Ravens room, leaning his hands on the window, looking outside, trying to think cleare.

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The three males watched the two brothers bicker. Venom didn't really understand why the other thought it was his fault for raven's kidnap. Kie quickly intervened.

"Knock it off you guys! "

Venom bit his lip looking at Shinodu.

"Raven's kidnap isn't Shin's fault, you Damn idiot. "

He glared and went after His boyfriend. He entered Raven's room and frowned at him.

"I know what your up too Shin. And I don't want you doing anything stupid. "

He glared, taking the others hand.

"Your staying behind be cause I want you safe. I can take care of myself so you don't need to worry. "

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"Shut up!" said Shinobu turned his face to the other side, ignoring Venom and the rest trying to calm down and come to his senses. It was to paifull. The feeling into his chest was to hard to resist. It felt like he lost her. He lost her for good. He was trying hard not to cry his heart out.


Shin on the other hand, looked at Venom in surprised and smiled, amused that he figure it out.


"I hate how you can read me so fast" he said closing his eyes for a few seconds then open them looking into Venoms eyes. "You know me to well to know that even if I will stay behind, I will try on my own to help you guys or to find a way to end this" he said holding Venoms hands as well. "Sinobu was right. It it all my fault. My fault that all this is happening. If I would have just ignore my feelings for you in the first place, maybe none of this would have happened but .... The problem is that ... I don't reget anything" he said closing his eyes. "It was my fault that you were kidnapped, my fault that my brother was kidnaped and beated. My fault that Itchijo's brother is dead, and now Raven is gone. Maybe if .... if ..." he couldn't finish the sentence because he knew that he was to selfish, thinking that if he was gone, everithing would come to normal. But he was thinking at Venom, and how he would feel.


"But then I think of you ... And I can only imagine how painfull it would be if anything would happened. Even if the rest would be happy, I know that you arent" he sighed touching Venom's cheek. "That's why I've decided to behave. But I will do some research in the mean time. I have some magic powers as well, but never used it" he smiled gently, hopping that Venom will calm down.

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"Shut up!" [/Quote]

Shinobu yelled, ignoring Venom and the rest. Kie bit his lip and slowly went over to Shinobu, putting his hand on his shoulder and dripping him a little hard, trying to comfort him..

"Hey...it's not over yet...we'll get her back Shinobu...it's gonna be ok.."

He said softly. Ichijo Sat on the steps remaining still and quite.


"I hate how you can read me so fast"[/Quote]

"I know you like to not listen to me.."

"You know me to well to know that even if I will stay behind, I will try on my own to help you guys or to find a way to end this. Sinobu was right. It it all my fault. My fault that all this is happening. If I would have just ignore my feelings for you in the first place, maybe none of this would have happened but .... The problem is that ... I don't reget anything"[/Quote]

Venom's grip loosened around the others hands...He paused listening to Shin's words but they stung like diggers.

"It was my fault that you were kidnapped, my fault that my brother was kidnaped and beated. My fault that Itchijo's brother is dead, and now Raven is gone. Maybe if .... if ..."[/Quote]

Venom bit his lip, holding back the urge to hit Shin...to yell at him... how could he think that?! He was being selfish! So fucking selfish!

"But then I think of you ... And I can only imagine how painfull it would be if anything would happened. Even if the rest would be happy, I know that you arent"[/Quote]

The other touched his cheek.

"That's why I've decided to behave. But I will do some research in the mean time. I have some magic powers as well, but never used it"[/Quote]

Venom removed the others hand from his face.

"...So that's how you really feel.."

He looked at him. His eyes cold.

"You think it would of been better if you just ignored me...after pushing your way into my life. Your so selfish! Your so conceived Shin! Your so quick to blame all this on you when there MY friends! With out me You would of never met them! You and your brother are fucking idiots! If your going to blame someone blame me! Someone is coming after me and there using my friends to do so... I was kidnapped be cause Ichijo was forced to hurt me..your brother was kidnapped and beaten because my mother was trying to get to me. Sho's dead be cause he got mixed up with me! Raven's gone be cause of me! I hate it when you do this! Shoulder everything on yourself when you have nothing to shoulder! Just hours ago I gave you something important... that key around your neck isn't shit Shin! I thought you understood me..."

He shook his head.

"...I got Raven into this...and I'm going to get her out. Just listen to me, and barricade yourself in the guest room with the paper charms when the time comes..."

He bit his lip, clearly upset, looking away from his boy friend, as he turned to head down stairs.

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Shin narrowed his eyes when he heared Venome speak with such anger in his voice and his eyes, Why was he? He just said that he would behave and stay inside and not doing anything stupid. Why was he so upset.

"Whait ... Venom..."


When Venom spoke about the past and how he should be the blamed one he started to feel pain in his chest. Why was he reacting like this? He didn't say that he was selfish? How was he selfish? He didn't do anything knowing that Venom and the rest would get hurt. He was taking all the blame on him? Why? No.


"No ..." He caught the key from his neck into his hand , narrowing his eyes while Venom was speaking, not letting him to say a word. He was opening his mouth but he was closing back, not being able to say a word.


"Venom please ... Listen to me ..." he said but Venom was already gone, closing the door behind him. He leaned his back on the door, letting his body to slowly fall on the grownd.

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Venom didn't want to listen. He headed down stairs and signed. Collapsing on the couch, running a hand threw his hair. This wasn't Shin's fault...or Shinobu's fault...or anyone else's but his.

Ichijo, Sat next to him, looking down at the ground, staying silent. Kie too a seat on the opposite couch. Looking frustrated.

"I hate this...WERE JUST SITTING HERE! "

Venom nodded.

"They'll contract us soon enough...and when they do...that's when we can find Raven. "

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Shin hit the grownd with nerves like a bomb, waiting to explode. Bitting his lip, he sat up starting to look through Ravens books trying to find something usefull, to help the others. 'Come one Raven ... Help me here ...Please', he was thinking while he was looking in the library he found a small paper with a beautifull hand writing. He started to read it and his face brithened after he read it. He went downstairs where the rest were starting to speak really quick.


"Guys ... I've found a way how we can track persons, and we can search for Raven. Who ever took her has to be responsible for everything. So, if we find her we will found the others. We just need something that had a spiritual connection with. An object or ...." he stopped and looked at his brother for the first time since he got in the living room. "Or you brother" he added not knowing if he would let him help them.


"Me?" asked Shinobu in disbelieve, but than he thought better and it was a good point. He was spiritually connected with her, and she was connected with him. Well, that's what he wanted to think further. "Well .... I guess we can try but .... How can we be sure it would work?"


"We can only try. What have we to lose. Unless you want to stay and wait", said Shin looking at his brother and after at the rest. "Here are all the ingrediants needed and I have you guys to use as elements. I can try to summon the tracking but you have to help me to" he said looking at Venom. "Please .... Let me help" he whispered.

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Venom glanced at the stairs hearing foot steps. It was Shin.

"Guys ... I've found a way how we can track persons, and we can search for Raven. Who ever took her has to be responsible for everything. So, if we find her we will found the others. We just need something that had a spiritual connection with. An object or ...."[/Quote]

He was talking really fast until he stopped and looked at his brother

"Or you brother"[/Quote]

His brother was skeptical...but decided to do it.

"Well .... I guess we can try but .... How can we be sure it would work?"[/Quote]

Venom look away from the two listening. Ichijo seemed a little confused but Kie's eyes light up.

He wanted to do it!

"We can only try. What have we to lose. Unless you want to stay and wait....Here are all the ingrediants needed and I have you guys to use as elements. I can try to summon the tracking but you have to help me to"[/Quote]

"Count me in! Anything to find Raven. "[/Quote]

"Please .... Let me help"[/Quote]

He whispered, Venom knew Shin was looking at him. He sighed.

"Do you even know what your doing. Magic is dangerous especially when none of us really know how to us it... but... I guess we have no choice..."

He stood. Not looking at Shin.


Just now...Shinoda would feel fear in his body...it was faint...but clearly there..however it wasn't his own fear...


Everyone froze as a black portal emerged in the middle of the living room. It was massive! Taking up half the room. Inside stood a male with white short hair. He had bright red eyes and sicking smile. He wore a black hoodie with black jeans. And behind him was Raven...chained up. Her hands held captive above her head, and her ankles spread apart chained. Standing next to her were 3 men, grinning mischievously.

"Hello everyone~... Venom."

Venom glared at the other.

"Who are you, and what do you plan to do with Raven?!"

The Warlock laughed.

"I've been hired. And my client wants me to destroy every thing you hold dear and her?... she's just here to piss you off. I thought it would be rude of me if my friends and I didn't give you a sneak peak of the fun~"

The white haired boy turned nodding to his friends who immediately began to rip off Raven's clothes. The girl's fear grew as she tried to resist her attackers.


"What a pretty little thing you are~"

A man whispered in Raven's ear. He yanked her hair, as he took off her bra- teasing her breasts. Raven panicked. The other males took off her under wear laughing. She screamed as all three men assaulted her. Abusing her body. Pain shoot threw hee behind as one of the men began to annually rape her.

"Ughh! Haaa- AHHH!!"

The man licked her face, fucking her harder, making her cry and scream.

"Damn your so tight~ "

"Don't hog the Bitch-"

Another make said. Shoving his fingers inside her other entrance. Squeezing her area.

Tears spilled from Her eyes. Shinoda would be able to feel her suffering...the hands that touched her...the embarrassed and pain she felt. Shinobu would feel it all!


She couldn't bare Shinobu to see her like this. The white haired make stood, grabbing a metal pole. He grinned approaching Raven.

"I want to hear you Scream you little Bitch- put on a good show,"

He spit in her face, as he snapped the pole in half.

"I'm curious guys~ how far could this go up her pussy~"

Raven's eyes widened! As the man did the unthinkable- he shoved the metal object inside her! Taring her insides..she screamed. She screamed so loud....

"What a lovely scream. "

He laughed until he noticed a mark on her chest. He looked back to his audience, Raven's blood now spilling on the floor.

"What's this~ a blood bond~ haha...haha..HAHAHA!! "

The man laughed out loud!

"I could kill her with just one...little...kiss~"

He touched her mark. And drew his lips closer to her chest. She began to thrash!

NO! No! Not there! Shinobu kissed me there! Its Shinobu's DONT! DONT RUIN IT!

"Don't touch it!! Please! PLEASE! "

She begged. One of the men laughed As he yanked the bar out of her, and hit her across the face with it...Making her dizzy...blood now on her face.


He looked back at Venom and his friends and moved closer to the portal. Just as one of the other guys, brought a hot metal branding iron over to Raven.

"A sneak peak~ Are you guys enjoying the show~ "

"No! No!!! Please "

You could hear Raven sobbing.

"Sadly I'm gonna have to let you go~ You might want to hurry up and find me...other wise you'll find another dead body~


A burning pain could be felt on Shinoda's abandon. As The sick monsters burned Raven's flesh.

"Ah~ she sounds so lovely~ "

He grinned.

"The Names Grell. And I look forward to meeting you~"

He looked back at his friends smirking.

"Cut her down and hold her down for me, "

He said pulling out a knife.

The portal Suddenly fades to black...disappearing....now....only Shinoda could only guess what they were doing to Raven.


Venom watched...He watched every thing happen with out saying a word. His hands clenched into fists... shaking in rage. His glare was terrifying. Kie- couldn't watch and looked away along with Ichijo. They didn't give the stranger Grell a reaction, knowing that was what he was after. Now that the portal was gone...Venom picked up the living room table and threw it across the room, breaking glass and the wood into pieces.


He screamed. Gripping his hair...

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"I know what I am doing" said Shin with the same passive voice as Venom did. When he was about to start the incantation Shinobu felt something inside his body and could hear 'her' voice. She was alive.


"Wait" said he as he was trying to focuse to find her but as soon as a sparckle the portal appeared in the room, making everybody to cover theyre eyes for a few seconds.


When the man saluted them Shin and Shinobu widdened theyr eyes seeing Raven behind him. Shinobu wanted to run and get her but couldn't get pass a barrier. He was only able to look and do nothing.


"NO! RAVEN! LET HER GO!!!" he started to scream, punching the barrier that was keeping them outside. Shin was covering his mouth and started to cry, knowing what was about to happened. No ... Not Raven ... Please , Shin was saying in his mind and whispering as quiete as he could, not beleiving what was happening and what they where about to see.


"RAVEN! DAMN YOU!" cried Shinobu holding his eyes in her, bitting his lips because of the pain and feelings that where floating inside him from her. "I SWEARE I'M GONNA FIND YOUR AND KILL YOU! YOU HEARE ME!!! I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!" he scriemed when he saw how the men where treating his love. Shinobu fall down screaming in dispaire because of the pain that he was feeling when they burned Ravens flesh. He could feel everything. Shin couldn't watch the scene so he turned his back.


As the portal was closing back Shinobu screamed after them and after because of the pain. They where making small cuts on her arms and he could feel them like it was on his.


"Venom please" said Shin running to him, stopping him to hurt himself. "Please calm down. I ... I know it's all messed up but .... We need to .... we need to focuse" he started to say as he was breathing hard. "Don't you get it that if we lose controle they win? We need to track Raven quickly, and now that Shinobu is feeling her, it will be much easier" he said waiving with his hand, using the power of wind to arange candles in a circle. After he summon the fire to lite them. The eart to give him streight and the watter to purify everything. And the last but the most important, the spirit. Itchijo was earth. Kie was watter, Venom was fire, Shinobu was air and final, Shin was the spirit. All five elements together but the spirit was the dangerous one. Even if he knew that he would be weak and almost with no power, he wanted to save her. No one deserved such thinks to happen to them.


Closing his eyes, he started to use the magic of the elements, combining them with his, starting the incantation:


"Zod ah ma ra la ee la gi ro sa." he started to repeate it a few times and after he stopped, opening his eyes looking forward, once where the portal stood, summoning further.


"By the Stars in her soul, I call Starlight to cut through time and space so that Raven can be found!" he shouted narrowing his eyes feeling dizzy.


Seeing that nothing was happening he started to do it even harder. He was giving all his energi but couldn't understand why wasnt takenit.


"Stop it brother ... There is no use .... We cannot find her this way" said Shinobu when a light flash lighted the room. Shin opened his eyes, smiling softly. "Mission accomplished" he said falling from his feet on the grownd to dizzy to be able to stand.

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"Venom please"[/Quote]

Shin ran to him, stopping him from hurting himself. Venom looked at him. So much anger and pain in his eyes.

"Please calm down. I ... I know it's all messed up but .... We need to .... we need to focuse"[/Quote]

Venom Said nothing. Still trying to cope with What happened to Raven. What if...it happened to Shin?

"Don't you get it that if we lose control they win? We need to track Raven quickly, and now that Shinobu is feeling her, it will be much easier"[/Quote]

Shin said, using the power of wind to arange candles in a circle. Venom watched what Shin was doing...He wanted to have faith in his lover but...picturing him in Raven's shoes...he realized that this was getting serious.. and He never wanted to see Shin like that. Closing his eyes, he started to use the magic of the elements, combining them with his, starting the incantation:

"Zod ah ma ra la ee la gi ro sa."[/Quote]

When did he learn such a thing? He repeated it a few Times.

"By the Stars in her soul, I call Starlight to cut through time and space so that Raven can be found!"[/Quote]

He shouted,but nothing happened. Venom looked away. Everyone being on edge. And even more depressed that Shin failed. But he tried again.

"Stop it brother ... There is no use .... We cannot find her this way"[/Quote]

Until a light flashed .

"Mission accomplished"[/Quote]

Shin said falling from his feet and on to the ground. Venom caught him quickly and gently sat him down on the couch. Still unsure if the other actually opened a portal to Raven's location.

"Stay here.. we'll go threw..."

Was all he said. He glanced at Kie, Ichijo, and Shinobu before sighing and nodded, stepping threw the portal first.


"Hey! Don't faint on us You fucking Bitch! "

A guy grabbed her chin, Focing Raven to open her mouth as he tried to force his dick down her throat.

"now no biting~."

The men laughed, and Grell pulled out a whip.

"Keep the hore Steady~ "

Raven shrieked as the whip hit her delicate skin. Grell grinned hitting her repeatedly until a white light appeared in the room. He stopped, a smirk on his face.

"There here~ kill her-"

"Consider it done~ "

Raven screamed and thrashed as the guys pulled her to her feet, holding her hands behind her back, her body completely vulnerable...she was completely naked. One of the others grinned and went to kiss her blood bond mark...one kiss...and she would die for being.."unfaithful" to Shinodu.

"NOOO! NOOO STOP! Please! Please! "

That Mark ment every thing to her....She sobbed and cried begging for life just as Venom stepped out of the portal.


"Glad you could make it~...Venom. "

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Shin could only hear the other what was saying, not able to open his eyes. He was exausted because of the big energy he used to open the portal to let them get to Raven. He only hoped that they would get her back safe.


"LET HER GO!" shouted Shinobu looking with anger at the men that where holding Raven, being ready to kick some asses in the next five minutes. As he still got the element of air, he pointed his hand in the direction of thous men and flew it in the air making them jump away from Raven, letting her go. He run to her, covering her with his jacket, freeing her hands, kissing her forehead.


"Come on Venom .... Kie, help me here" he said looking at the others.

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"LET HER GO!" [/Quote]

That voice...that voice was Shinobu's. Was he here...to save her..Raven felt a gust of wind and yelling as the men suddenly fell away from her.

Her hands and knees hit the floor, hearing foot steps run to her, and something warm coverings get body. It was a jacket...her eyes dull, as if the torture she went threw Was so bad that she numbed herself to it. Shinobu freed her hands and kissed her forehead. Tears began to fall from her eyes. She had missed this sent...this touch....these kisses!

"Y..you came...they...k-kept telling me...y-you wouldn't..b-but you..did...you did..."

Her voice creaking and soft as she fainted in his arms. She wanted...to go home...

"Come on Venom .... Kie, help me here"[/Quote]

Venom was attacking Grell. Snacks shooting out from underneath his sleeves but Grell was grinning dodging Venom with ease even tho the two were so fast they were nothing but blurs!

"already on it!"

Kie's eyes turned completely Black as he fought two of the men who assaulted Raven.

Ichijo quickly joined in, torturing the other man.

Kie and Ichijo took care of the men, and Venom was fighting Grell, now was Shinobu's chance to get Raven to safely.


"You just gonna dodge all day!"

"Why not~ you can't hit What you can't catch"

"You sure about that?!"

Venom suddenly appeared underneath Grell and kicked him! He flew! Hitting the ceiling, but landed on his feet, holding his now bleeding chin. He stood upside down on the ceiling.

"That was a cheep shot~"

"Get you ass down here! "

The man smiled.

"Mmmm- I don't know~"

He suddenly appeared behind Venom and stuck a needle in his neck quickly. Venom's eyes widened As he turned around and punched Grell in the face.

"What the fuck did you inject me with! "

"Oh~ nothing serious. My jobs done~ "

He glanced at his friends who were getting there asses kicked.

"Best to leave them...until we meet again Venom- "


He attack the other but his body vanished in a cloud of black smoke. He cursed the Warnock and looked at the three men...Ichijo had killed one and Kie had the other two bleeding and pinned down on the floor. Venom went over to both of them.

"Tell me every thing you know..."

He hissed, stepping and breaking one of the guys hands. The man screamed

"NOW! and you best not lie to me"

Venom eyes we're flickering in rage...trying to control his eyes and temper.


Venom was the last to leave the portal. Before it closed behind him...it was done...for now...the other two were dead...now that only left Grell. Venom looked a little concerned. He rubbed his neck...the place Grell suck a needle in him...injecting him with who knows what... but no one knew what happened other then him... and he wasn't going to tell Shin.

"I'm going up stairs..."

He muttered. Needing to sleep and think in the guest room.

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"Y..you came...they...k-kept telling me...y-you wouldn't..b-but you..did...you did..."

"Of course babe" he said in his mind, grabbing her into his arms, trying to stay away from the guys and the other men that had torturing her earlier but which now were beaten by the others. Waiting for the battle to finished Shinobu stood in the portal to be sure that he would get out as quickly as possible if anything went wrong.


As Venom was interogating the man down, he was looking at his lover which was a total mess because of what she went through and all because he couldn't save her. He wasn't quick enough.


In the mean time Shin was sitting on the coutch waiting for the rest to returned. As the portal opened he stood up getting close to Venom but hearing that he is going upstairs he stop, thinking that he was still mad at him. He went in the kitchen making some coffee for the rest of them. Even if they were demons and so on, they still needed some coffee to calm theyr nerves.


"Talk to ya latter guys ... need to make her cozy" said Shinobu, nodding in thanks to the other boys, heading to her room and into the bathroom, starting up the hot water and puting her in the tub, starting to wash her as gently as possible, feeling mizerable.


Shin turned back with the cups of coffee noticing that Kie and Itchijo were injured and though that he might help.


"Are you ok? I mean ... Wait..." he said turning to the kitchen, taking the first aid box, getting out some alcohool and some small tishues, starting to clean up the woonds on Itchijo and in the end at Kie.


"What happened? Who was that guy? I mean ... Do you know him?"started Shin to ask Kie while he was still cleaning his woonds.

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Ichijo and Kie watch Shinobu, Raven and Venom go upstairs. They take a seat on the couch and thank Shin for the coffee. The two looked Looked like they've been put threw the ringer. Looking tired.

"Are you ok? I mean ... Wait..."[/Quote]

The two boys looked at him as he got a first aid box, getting out some alcohool and some small tishues, starting to clean up Ichijo's wounds then Kie's.

"..thank you.."


"What happened? Who was that guy? I mean ... Do you know him?"[/Quote]

Kie sighed at his questions.

"We got two of the guys to talk but Grell got away. All three guys tho are dead. We mad sure of that. "

"They worked for Grell but they don't know who Grell works for..they just followed his orders...and there also the people who blackmailed me and killed Sho.,,.None of us have seen him before...but he's a well know powerful warlock in the magic world. He's dangerous and it seemed like he was a match for Venom.."

"Who ever is doing this has a bone to pick with Venom...and their using us as bait... they also said..you were the next target...but..we don't know what their planning next... "


Venom sighed as he tossed himself around in bed. Trying to fall asleep. But his mind racing, remembering the boys words.

"Your precious Shin is next on the listen~ "

Was that true? If so what where they planning?! If Grell did what he did to Raven to Shin! Venom

Might go insane. He rubbed his neck...as his eyes closed...



Raven sat on her bed. Holding the jacket tightly around her, as Shinobu started the bath. She didn't want the other to look at her... to see her disgusting body now. She was dirty...so dirty. When her boyfriend put her in the tub, She quickly curled up into a ball, stopping him as he tried to wash her. She knew he felt miserable and bad that he didn't protect her. But He knew how she felt as well...

Don't...don't look at me..I'm disgusting...ugly..P-please...please just leave me alone...

She didn't know how to handle her trauma, her fears and scars...she didn't know how to handle Shinobu so now she was trying to push him away Dispite the fact that she REALLY needed him.

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"On Venom?" he asked looking confused, lifting his eyes to the stairs where Venom went to his room. "But why? I mean .... Why do they want from him?" he asked putting away the first aid box trying to understand everything the boys where telling him.

"Either way ... it's good to have you all back and safe" he smiled slowly looking at both of the boys.


Shiobu was touching slowly Raven, holding her shoulder.

"It's alright babe .... I'm here ... Please calm down. Your nothing of what you are saying. I still love so don't push me away" he said lifting her face to look at him.

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"On Venom? But why? I mean .... Why do they want from him?" [/Quote]

"We don't know..."

"Either way ... it's good to have you all back and safe"[/Quote]

The boys nodded. So much had happened...and they needed some time to rest.



Shiobu touched her, holding her shoulder. She had almost forgotten what it felt like in Shinobu's arms. How could she so easily forget?

"It's alright babe .... I'm here ... Please calm down. Your nothing of what you are saying. I still love so don't push me away"[/Quote]

He lifted her face to look at him, there's eyes met. Ravens eyes had changed dramatically. They had lost that spark she had...now they were painful...sad...lonely eyes. Ones that had been swallowed up by the darkness. Her injuries were severe. She had knife cuts all over her body...but the worst, and deepest cuts were at her inner things and lower parts. She had a burned symbol engraved on her abdomen, the symbol meaning a forsaken slut. Her insides and behind were hurt badly. And she was scared....thinking The damage she took from the pole being forced inside her ruined her chances of ever having a family. She had a black eye...and busted lip. Her skin covered in severe bit marks, bruises, and cuts. She may not ever be the same...and she couldn't hide how she felt because Shinobu would always know!! She hated that he had felt her pain when she was suffering. She hated that she felt to disgusting and violated! She hated that she looked so ugly right now! How...How could Shinobu stand to look at her.....would he still love her if she changed. She somehow knew she'd never truly be the same again. Could Shinobu somehow make her forget the torture..if only for a minute? Could he be her escape. Her salvation...her hope....her only thread to climb out of the pit of darkness.


Her eyes fell away from his..he knew...he knew every thing...she didn't need to tell him because he knew...so how would he react.


A tear slipped down her face...when she realized that the men and Grell took so much from her... they took her trust...her innocence...her pride...her humanity...her respect...her body...perhaps her ability to have Shinobu's child one day...and her love...how could she every regain all of that back! HOW!!?!


It's Dark....I can't see anything...Where am I...How'd did I.....

Doesss It matter? Free yoursssself from all you pain~ Get rid of emtionssss~

Pain? ...Emotions?

Yessss, The processsss will be painful...but you will become sssstronger...so much sssstronger,You jusssst have to give in. Venom~.........yessss. yessss , that'ssss Venom~

...Give in....

What is Pain...What is friendship...what is trust...what is love...

...What is....pain....f-friendship...trust....lo--

Venom suddenly woke up. Staring at the ceiling. His skin slightly paler then normal... dark circles under his eyes. His hair hanging in his face. He felt like...he was having a bad dream but couldn't remember it...and slowly...He felt like he was forgetting something...really important...But what? What was He...slowly forgetting? And why....was the darkness suddenly so...appealing to him....

He sat up, realizing he was alone...

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Shhinobu felt all that sorrow that was inside her little body and he was asking how she could bare it. He only hoped and pray that she would not push him away because of what happened. She couldn't, because he would return back again, and again, and again. They were meant to be together and no matter how many obstacles they had to go through they would go together. He bend slowly towards her, not wanting to frighten her, and kissed her forhead as gently as possible.

"Even if I don't like the ideea but .... do you want to be a moment alone?" he said looking at her, holding her hand gently.


As the others where trying to get some rest, Shin was in the kitchen drinking coffee, trying to understand why thous guys wanted to hurt Venom. Was something in his past that had happened and was turning back on him now? What could be? Hugh! He really needed to rest also along with the rest, but first he needed a bath.


Finishing his coffee he went to the dorm where Venom was sleeping and stop as he was shuting the door behind him, seeing that he was awake.


"Your awake .... I mean .... Are you alright? What is it?" he started asking as he was approaching the boy.

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Raven could feel Shinobu's worry for her. How he wished and prayed that she wouldn't push him away. He bend down slowly toward her, and kisses her forehead. He was...so gentle.

"Even if I don't like the idea but .... do you want to be a moment alone?"[/Quote]

He said looking at her, holding her hand gently. She couldn't push him away....knowing it would hurt him.

Raven shook his head once. Her fingers curling around the others hand. She just wanted to wash this disgusting feeling off her skin. And snuggle with Shinobu. She wouldn't be able to sleep unless he was by her side.

"k-kiss me... and...t-tell me..You love me"

She met his eyes that are watering.


Venom looked to the door as a male opened it and stepped inside...a male....a male...Shin!

"Your awake .... I mean .... Are you alright? What is it?"[/Quote]

His lover asked him, approaching him.

Venom's eyes widened slightly.


W-what's happening to me?! For a split second I forget who Shin was...I forget him completely!! I....how...could I..

Venom avoided eye- contact with the other.

"You came...to check on me..I'm fine, so don't worry. "

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Shinobu smiled gently, kissing her lips slowly, touching her cheek.

"You already know that I love you. And I will say it a hundred times. I love you and always will, no matter what", he said helping Raven further with her bath. Once it was done, he took her into his arms in a big towell and layed her on the bed and sat beside her, holding her into his arms.


"Your safe now. Try to rest" he whispered kissing her hair, holding her to his chest.



Shin somehoe knew that something wasnt right but he didnt want to force Venom to speak if he didnt wanted to.


"If you say so" he said sighing, getting out from the closet some change clothes for him and went to the bathroom to take a shower. He didnt know what exactly happened with him back there. What he knew was that Venom came different. Leaning his forehead on the wall, closing his eyes for just a few seconds, he only wished that all of the misserable things would end once and for all. All that happened was to much for any normal person to handle. His heart was hurting. Little shoks that were making him close his eyes tighter. It was strange. He was having a bad feeling about all of this, and he was scared.

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