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Given Name and Surname [GAME]


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Well...Let me explain this.:hamtaro-005 (10):

This game is so popular in my country but on the paper!I don`t know if you ever heard of it or not!

I managed to change it a bit so that we can play it in here!!!

The poster above you tells you a letter and you should give an answer (word) for which of the following subjects starting with the right letter!


1.Given name













13.Super Star

14.Things around you



Well...If you couldn`t find a word starting with the right letter about some of these subjects, Not a big deal! You can even delete some of them If you like since they are a lot !:hamtaro-005 (6):

If you found something other than these topics, you can name it "16" and create your own subject!:hamtaro-005 (9):


For example:


Poster one: Say words starting with the letter "P"

Poster two:






15.Ping pong

Say words starting with the letter "S"

Poster three:





And so on!!

Hope you guys like it!


Well, I start!!!

Say words starting with the letter "O"


(Sorry if there is a mistake with my grammer!!!):hamtaro-005 (21):

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1.Given name - Oliver


2.Surname - Olaf


3.Meal - Omelette


4.Fruit - Orange


5.Animal - Orangutan


6.City - Ohio


7.Country - Oman


8.Car - Omnibus


9.Color - Octopus Ink


10.Flower - Orchid


11.Movie - Old Boy


12.Music - One and only you


12.Anime/Manga - Orange Road


13.Super Star - Oasis


14.Things around you - Oily sheets


15.Hobby - Overtime gaming xDDD



I like this game :)



Next, letter "K" , please :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Given name~Karen





City~Kansas City



Color~Kiss me pink


Movie~Kiss The Girls

Music~Killing Me Softly


Super star~Kyo

Things around you~Knives





The next letter is............S

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Given name~ Stella




Meal~ Salmon


Fruit~ Strawberry


Animal~ Snake


City~ Seattle


Country~ Spain


Car~ Subaru


Color~ Scarlet


Flower~ Snapdragons


Movie~ Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back


Song~ Sugar, We're Going Down (Fall Out Boy)


Anime/manga~ Seito Kaichou ni Chuukoku


Character~ Sawada Tsunayoshi


Things around you~ Siblings


Hobby~ Singing


S was pretty easy... I changed a category though... Next letter is: V

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  • 4 months later...

1.Given name: Vito


2.Surname: ...Corleone? I dunno...


3.Meal: Vegetables


4.Fruit: ...Man, Im bad at this....


5.Animal: Velociraptor!


6.City: Venice


7.Country: Vietnam...?


8.Car: VetteCor V8!


9.Color: Violet


10.Flower: Veilchen


11.Movie: V - For Vendetta


12.Music: Vock&Voll!


12.Anime/Manga: Vamned if I Vnew Vome...


13.Super Star: Van V***ing Damme!


14.Things around you: Vhiskey


15.Hobby: Vleeping?


Vmade it! Vorry my Vmouth vwas so Vull...


Vext is..... *Vrum vroll...* G! :D

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1.Given name: Gackt

2.Surname: Genosuke

3.Meal: Grill steak

4.Fruit: Grapes

5.Animal: Goat

6.City: Ganges (Canada)

7.Country: Greece

8.Car: Golf

9.Color: Gray

10.Flower: Gardenia

11.Movie: Gladiator

12.Music: Gothic...whatever.

12.Anime/Manga: Gintama

13.Super Star: Gackt!

14.Things around you: Green chair.

15.Hobby: Gagging on.. XD! I couldn't help it, sorry.


Next shall be... "Y"

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1.Given name: Yoda

2.Surname: Yoshikawa

3.Meal: Yorkshire pudding

4.Fruit: Yam

5.Animal: Yak

6.City: Yamato

7.Country: Yugoslavia

8.Car: Yokomo

9.Color: Yellow

10.Flower: Yucca Aloifolia

11.Movie: Yes Man

12.Music: Yiruma's River Flows in You

12.Anime/Manga: Yellow

13.Super Star: Yo Jo!

14.Things around you: Yellow pen drive I call Bob

15.Hobby: Yodelling like this ~


Next person - 'Q'



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1.Given name: Quentin

2.Surname: Qarrell

3.Meal: Quesadilla

4.Fruit: Quince

5.Animal: Quoll

6.City: Quebec

7.Country: Qatar

8.Car: Q-Car

9.Color: Quartz Grey

10.Flower: Queen Lily Ginger

11.Movie: Queen (2014)

12.Music: Queen of Hearts

12.Anime/Manga: Queen's Blade and the Evil Eye

13.Super Star: Queen

14.Things around you: Questions Lol

15.Hobby: Quarrel (Lol what a hobby)


(Thanks friend Google for the help :D)


Next letter is D

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1.Given name: Daisuke

2.Surname: Darius

3.Meal: Dumplin

4.Fruit: Dragon fruit

5.Animal: Dinosaur

6.City: Dublin

7.Country: Denmark

8.Car: Danbury mint

9.Color: Denim

10.Flower: Dandelion

11.Movie: Da Vinci Code

12.Music: Dancing Samurai

12.Anime/Manga: Dash

13.Super Star: Daniel Radcliffe

14.Things around you: Dish

15.Hobby: Driving



next letter Z

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  • 2 weeks later...

1.Given name: Ze

2.Surname: Zeni

3.Meal: Zucchini Bread

4.Fruit: Zucchini

5.Animal: Zebra

6.City: Zachariah, KY

7.Country: Zimbabwe

8.Car: ZELE

9.Color: Zucchini Green


11.Movie: Zoolander 2

12.Music: Zoo Station - U2

12.Anime/Manga: Z/X: Ignition

13.Super Star: Zac Efron

14.Things around you: zipper from pencil pouch

15.Hobby: Ziplining

That was hard. XD

The next letter is [C]

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  • 1 year later...

1.Given name: Chelsea

2.Surname: Chomsky

3.Meal: Chickenpea soup

4.Fruit: Cranberry

5.Animal: Cat

6.City: Calgary (Canada)

7.Country: Caledonia

8.Car: Chrysler 300

9.Color: Cadmium yellow

10.Flower: Caltha

11.Movie: Cabin Fever

12.Music: Cannibal Corpse

12.Anime/Manga: City Hunter

13.Super Star: Cameron Diaz

14.Things around you: Carpet

15.Hobby: Cheerleading


Next letter is [M]

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  • 2 weeks later...

1.Given name: Monica


2.Surname: Manson


3.Meal: Macaroni soup


4.Fruit: Mangosteen


5.Animal: Monkey


6.City: Manhattan


7.Country: Malaysia


8.Car: Mazda 3


9.Color: Maroon


10.Flower: Magnolia


11.Movie: My Girl


12.Music: Man In The Mirror - Michael Jackson


12.Anime/Manga: Momoiro Heaven!


13.Super Star: Madonna


14.Things around you: Motorcycles


15.Hobby: Mix & match my meals~~~


Next letter " W ", please :)

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1.Given name: Warren

2.Surname: Williams

3.Meal: Waikiki Meatballs

4.Fruit: Watermelon

5.Animal: Whale

6.City: Waco, TX

7.Country: Western Sahara

8.Car: Wiesmann GT MF5

9.Color: White

10.Flower: Weigela

11.Movie: We're the Millers

12.Music: Won't Let Go - Negative

12.Anime/Manga: Warui Koto Shitai by Sakuraga Mei

13.Super Star: Woody Allen

14.Things around you: Wallet

15.Hobby: Writing


Next letter "P"

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hahahahaha this is kind a hard but I try...


1.Given name: Paisu

2.Surname: Penrin

3.Meal: Pancakes

4.Fruit: Peach

5.Animal: Panda

6.City: phoenix

7.Country: Pyongyang

8.Car: Plymouth Cuda 440

9.Color: Platinum

10.Flower: Poppy

11.Movie: Pitch Perfect

12.Music: Palace(Wild Beasts)

12.Anime/Manga: Prison School

13.Super Star: Patrick Fugit

14.Things around you: Pen

15.Hobby: Playing


Next letter is "Y"

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  • 2 weeks later...

1.Given name: Yui

2.Surname: Yvansel

3.Meal: Yogurt

4.Fruit: Yuzu

5.Animal: Yak

6.City: Yeosu

7.Country: Yemen

8.Car: Yaris

9.Color: Yellow Green

10.Flower: Yasmin

11.Movie: You're Not You (2014)

12.Music: You and I by Jamich

12.Anime/Manga: Yamato Nadeshiko Shichihenge

13.Super Star: Young Loretta

14.Things around you: Yarn

15.Hobby: Yodeling



Next letter "I"

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