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~Two sides of a man~ (Bellala99 and Ayakashiu) 18+


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Pierre was definitely annoyed when he realized that Liam was holding in his moans. The blond grabbed his chin and forced his mouth open to hear them, a satisfied expression on his face as he continued jerking both of their cocks. "Yeah, you're definitely naughty... Getting erect from a dance... Heh~" The blond smirked slyly as he began speeding up some more, but... He wasn't anywhere near close yet.


So, when Liam came, he was slightly disappointed. Bringing his hand to his mouth, he licked off the cum and winked. "Remember what I did to you in the park~?" He asked in a suggestive tone, his cock still erect, just waiting for attention. The stripper ran his hand through the white hair of his boyfriend and smirked. "I'd really appreciate it, cutie~"


It wasn't really embarrassing for him to ask for this kind of a thing. He wasn't close enough to cum yet, and he already did it to Liam once. Of course, if he didn't agree, he could make a little show of himself stroking his cock, probably teasing Liam and, hopefully, making him aroused again, but... He would have to go back and dance soon, so it wouldn't really be all that good.

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Having his mouth forced open, it was impossible for Liam to stay quiet. He felt embarassed, by how much he moaned, but Pierre didn't seemed to mind, so he tried not to think about stuff like that. The blonde licked his hand clean and that made Liam gulp hard. Why is he so damn tempting and irresistible??


Liam was again the one, who came almost instantly and that was starting to weight down on him; he was starting to feel kind of undeserving of Pierre.


When he heard the question, he answered hesitantly, "Yeah, I remember.." He wanted to ask why, but he soon had his answer. "Oh okay..but..I've never done it, so..tell me if I should do something differently." Liam went down on his knees in front of the blonde, kind of nervous, since he hoped he won't suck at this, but curious too, to see how the other tastes like. He took his member in his hand, sliding it in his mouth, licking the tip, before starting to move. He could feel the taste of the blonde's precum in his mouth and he found that he likes it. He tried gripping him thightly with his mouth, when he was slowly sliding down and up again, doing the same motion with his hand.

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Pierre smirked and leaned against a wall when Liam got down on his knees. "Don't worry about that... First time for everything~" He said with a chuckle as he ran a hand over the other's hair lovingly. The man closed his eyes quietly, now simply waiting for his boyfriend to start.


"Mmnn..." He let out a soft noise as Liam finally began. His hand tightened in his hair as he let out a soft grunt, his expression slightly annoyed. "Add some force..." He muttered out quietly as he opened his seducive eyes and smirked. "You can bite if you want." The man said with a sly smirk, hoping the other understood those were meant as nibbles and small nips rather than real bites.


His eyes soon closed again as his fingers tightened in the other's hair. "Try using your tongue a bit..." He muttered out as he thrusted lightly into his mouth - not enough to make him gag, just to show him to speed up. He didn't enjoy slow blowjobs that much... They weren't all that amazing for him at all.

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Liam tried to do everything that he was instructed to do. When he was told to add more force, his hand squeezed the other's member more and his lips thightened around it more too, while he added some sucking, when he came to his tip. He wasn't used to this and it was harder to keep up, than he imagined. When the blonde said that he can bite, he let his teeth graze the member he was holding gently, nibbling at it's tip, but he soon got another order. He tried using his tongue too, remembering how it felt when Pierre was doing it to him, but he wasn't skilled at this, so there was no way he could repeat after him. Now he tried to combine all what was said, while he started to suck on the blonde quicker. He switched between gently nibbling and using his tongue to tease his tip, his jaw already hurting from all the sucking. He also kept jerking him off the whole time, his mouth focusing more on the upper half of Pierre's penis and his hand on the lower half.


When Liam got used to the quick tempo, he sneaked a peek up, to see the blonde's expression. He hoped the other was at least enjoying this a little, since he was really trying hard here. At the same time, his hand slided up the inner side of the blonde's thight, comming to a stop on his balls, gently massaging them. Liam didn't know if the other likes this, but he usually did that to himself, when he was jerking off, since it felt really good.

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Pierre's lips parted to let out a quiet gasp as the other complied to his request and added force. The blond groaned out in pleasure and closed his eyes completely. Feeling the other nibble on his cock was just... Amazing... He was used to treatment a bit rougher than this, but... It felt so great! His hand tightened further in Liam's hair, holding him tightly to make sure he didn't move away or anything of the sort.


The blond didn't even notice his boyfriend looking up at him - he was too focused on how great it felt, especially seeing as this was his first time doing it... When the white-haired male began massaging his balls, Pierre nearly lost it. His head fell back against the wall with a pleasured groan leaving his mouth as he forced a little bit more of his cock into the other's mouth and came, without any warning.


As he panted, he slowly pulled away and lifted Liam up to himself. With his arms around the younger male, he let out a lazy grin and lightly wiped his mouth with his thumb. "Sorry." He murmured out with an apologetic, smile, yet clearly satisfied with what he got. The man pulled up his pants and fixed them before pressing a loving kiss to his neck. "You were pretty good though." He teased in a husky whisper, his breathing still a bit uneven.

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It was nice to feel Pierre's fingers tangled in his hair, but it felt even nicer to see his face. The expression Pierre was making, made Liam only try harder, but he almost gagged when the blonde suddenly came into his mouth. His first instinct was to spit the slimy thing in his mouth out, but since there wasn't any bin around, he managed to swallow it. He had mixed feeling about someone else coming into his mouth, but he did the same thing to Pierre, so he couldn't really complain.


"It's no problem," Liam answered to the blonde's apology, although he was a little embarassed about what he just did. "Pretty good?" Liam raised an eyebrow, playful smile on his lips. "If I'm pretty good right now, I'll be awesome with little practice and I'll get better than you then," he teased back. He was simply happy, that he could satisfy the person he was dating. My boyfriend.. That still sounded weird to Liam and he wasn't really sure if Pierre is his boyfriend, since they only agreed that they will start dating. Does that count as being together? Liam made a mental note that he has to ask Pierre about that.


He pulled the blonde into a hug. "So when do you need to go back? I wish your work will end soon, so we can go home already.." Liam murmured into the other's neck. Truth was, he was a little aroused again, by seeing Pierre come. Also, he didn't want to loose the courage, to go all the way tonight.

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Pierre blinked and let out a wide grin before laughing warmly. "Good luck with that." He teased back and lightly ruffled the other's hair. Better than him, huh? Like that would ever happen. The blond was pretty damn confident about his blowjob skills - he was definitely good at that, he knew it. Just as he was good with his fingers... "I can bet I could make you cum faster anyway." The man said with a wide grin.


When he was pulled into a hug, being, well, Pierre, he put one hand around the other's waist and the other a bit lower - on his ass. "I have three more dances required. All are going to be at least half an hour long... Then I might get some personal requests, and..." The man let out a sigh as he moved the hand from his waist to his hair, gently stroking it.


"You know, maybe you should just go home when you get bored. I have to stay here for at least four, maybe five hours... It's Friday!" He said with a small frown as he gently pulled Liam's head back and kissed him softly. "Don't know when I'll even come home to you, sorry..." He murmured out softly and let out a slightly sad smile.

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Liam liked to hear Pierre laugh and he felt warm inside, when they were teasing each other like this. "Hey, that's not fair! I need to..get more experience, before we try that!" He blushed again, the fact that he came first resurfacing in his mind, giving him an unpleasant feeling for a moment.


When the blonde told him how long he still has to work, Liam felt like groaning, but when he heard about personal requests, he definitely groaned unapprovingly. "Do you really need to do the personal requests too? And does that mean that you only dance for them or.." Liam left the words hanging in the air, not wanting to ruin the moment with mentioning the fact, Pierre sells his body. But he hoped he won't do it today, since Liam couldn't really imagine doing it with him after. It would just feel wrong.


"No, I'll wait, it's no problem," Liam said with a smile. He would only be nervous at home, alone, wondering what was happening. This way, he could at least see Pierre dance some more. "I'm enjoying the show so far and the breaks between even more," he added in a joking matter, not wanting to seem disapproving of Pierre's job.

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Pierre let out a warm laugh and gently ruffled the other's hair. "Well, if you want, you just have to ask~" He teased with a wink before leaning down to peck his nose. He wished that moments like this would stay in their relationship... And happen not in the strip club.


The blond let out a sigh as the other groaned. Gently, he cupped his face and let out a soft smile. "I'm just going to dance, nothing more." He promised and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. "I'll see if I can get out earlier for you." The man said softly and smiled. "And... If I manage to find a proper job, I'm gonna quit here." He added with a serious expression as he straightened out.


"I mean... If I really can live with you, I can get out with a little bit less money... So I could find work at some cafe and live my life properly." The stripper said with a soft sigh as he looked at Liam with a sad smile. "I still don't get why you wanted me, though." He murmured out softly.

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Pierre's answer made Liam feel relieved. He was still not really happy with the blonde giving private dances, since that was much more different than dancing in front of a crowd, but if they were only dances, Liam could handle it. "Oh don't worry, I don't want to get in a way of your job, I can wait. It's just..I'm kind of looking forward to our sleepover." He blushed a little, not voicing out what he actually looked forward too.


"It makes me really happy to hear that." Liam had a big smile on his face again, already imagining how nice it would be, if Pierre actually could find another job. Not to mention how nice it would be, if they will really lived together. "Oh, that reminds me, I still need to text my friends, so they'll come help me move things tomorrow!" Liam had his phone with him, so he'll just do it, when he'll be waiting on Pierre and he'll have time to do it.


"I still don't get why you wanted me, though.

Liam put his hands on Pierre's face, tilting it, so their eyes met. "What do you mean by that?" He was frowning, not really understanding how someone like Pierre, could even ask such a question. He should be asking him this question instead; he felt like a charity case at moments, knowing that the blonde could probably have whoever he wanted.

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Pierre chuckled softly and nodded in agreement. He was expecting a simple sleepover, maybe even sleeping on the sofa... No, definitely sleeping on the sofa. Liam probably wouldn't let him into his bed... Would he? Huh, maybe he would. That would be amazing!


The blond smiled softly at what his boyfriend said next and nodded. "Yeah, I might even get some proper sleep if I quit here." He said with a soft huff as he smiled softly again. He was thinking of quitting for a while now, actually. He liked this job, but he hated it at the same time. He wanted to be a normal guy in college already... Even if he got in just by his skills of stripping and dancing. He wished he could take this secret to his grave, to be honest...


Pierre blinked a few times as his face was lifted and let out a quiet, nervous chuckle. "I mean... I'm a stripper, plus I sell my body for living. I have even more secrets, so... I just don't get why would you want to be in a relationship with me. I basically ruin everything close to that." He said with a somewhat sad smile as he took Liam's hand and brought it to his mouth, gently kissing it. "I'm not saying I don't like it, though. I just think you'll leave me soon."

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"You don't get enough sleep?" Liam answered almost immediately, with a worried face. He didn't want Pierre to get sick, because he wasn't taking proper care of himself. "We'll just do what we can, so you get a new, better job, okay?" Liam used we, because he planned to support the blonde and help him in any way he could. But now that he thought of it, how could Pierre go to college, which required a lot of time by it's own and dance so late into the night, at the same time? This must be tough on him..


"Well, it's not like I like those things..you selling your body and everything, but you said you will try and quit it for me?.That really means a lot. And just look at yourself, you could probably have anyone you wanted. You're also so kind to me." Liam blushed, starting to feel embarassed, saying all those things. "And you think I'll leave you? Well thanks for having so much trust in me," he continued with a hint of sarcasm in his words. He actually felt insulted by those words. So Pierre didn't give them a lot of chances? Was that it? So he wasn't taking this seriously, as Liam did?


"Oh but wait! You said you had even more secrets..what kind of secrets?" Liam frowned a little, hoping it wasn't anything bad. But what could be more bad, than selling one's own body? He figured if he accepted that, he can accept other things about Pierre too. It's not like he didn't have any secrets, although his weren't as great as Pierre's, obviously.

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Pierre sighed quietly, rolling his eyes. "Yeah, I mostly sleep for a few hours after and before college." He answered with a small, carefree smile. "Look, I'm used to it by now. It's fine." He said with a light grin as he took Liam's hands. "But thanks, anyway." He added with a warm expression. It was good to know there was someone with him finally... And not for the sex, too.


While his boyfriend talked about why he wouldn't leave him, Pierre couldn't help a growing grin on his face. "Why would you think I can get anyone I wanted though?" He asked with a grin as he wrapped his arms around Liam's waist to pull him closer. "Also... How could I not be kind to someone like you? You're so innocent, it's just cute~" He said with a teasing grin as he pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. At moments like this, Pierre's cuddly nature showed itself. He wished they would just lay around or hug a lot... That would be fantastic.


When the white-haired male mentioned his secrets, Pierre let out a sigh and shook his head. "I'll tell you at some point, if you stay." He promised in a soft murmur as he pecked his forehead. "There's too much you don't know about me, to be honest. If I could, I would make it stay that way, but... It'd be unfair, right?" He asked with a sheepish smile.

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"Well if you'll live with me, you'll need to take proper care of yourself! I don't want you collapsing from exhaustion or something." Liam said with a solid tone of voice, being really serious about this. He wanted to take care of Pierre, but since the other was a better cook, he could at least make sure that he gets enough rest and takes proper care of himself.


When he was pulled into a hug, he wrapped his arms around the blonde's neck a little shyly. "Well isn't it obvious? People adore you. You are really hot and you can dance and you are a really good person, who wouldn't want to be with you? And you can stop grinning like that, 'cause I'm not saying anything else, that will fatten your ego!" Liam chuckled and rolled his eyes exaggeratedly actually happy that Pierre was smiling. But he needed to make sure not to compliment him too much, or it might grow over his head. "And can you please stop mentioning how innocent I am??" he groaned, burrying his head in the other's neck. It was really embarassing as was being called cute.


Liam sighted at the other's words. "But I want you to want to tell me everything about yourself, not because you feel you need to. But yeah, it would be unfair." He noticed how the blonde mentioned him staying again and he was bothered by it. Why is he so sure I'll leave him? It will probably be the other way around..


Liam suddenly pushed himself away, holding Pierre at his arms lenght. "Wait, how long is your break?? You are already here quite long, won't you be late?" He was worried, because he felt guilty for making him distracted. It would be the worst, if Pierre had problems with his boss, because of Liam.

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Pierre blinked a few times at how the other continued on being stubborn about him getting enough sleep. He felt a grin tugging at the corners of his mouth as he leaned closer and pressed a loving kiss to his lips. "Thanks, babe. I will." He promised with a soft expression on his face as he lightly patted his ass. "Anything for you~" He added with a wink and a laugh.


The blond only laughed at what Liam said next, lightly shaking his head as he pulled his boyfriend closer to himself. "Me? Ego? Please, I think you're mistaken." He said in a slightly teasing manner as he kissed his cheek. The stripper raised a brow at what his boyfriend asked next. "Why should I? You are innocent... And you're extremely adorable, it's almost irresistable~" As he said that, he lightly bit on his earlobe. "Makes me want to keep you all to myself." He murmured out into his ear and grinned against his skin.


Pierre let out a sigh when he realized that Liam wasn't really going to drop the subject about his secrets. "How 'bout we pick some night and you just ask me questions, kay? I'll answer as many as I can, but... Don't get mad if I don't answer something, okay?" He asked softly, his smile saddening a bit.


When he was so suddenly pushed away, Pierre felt his eyes widen - until he heard the reason for that. Groaning out quietly, he leaned down to pick up his vest, putting it on with a pout. "I still have a few minutes..." He muttered out and took Liam's face into his hands, kissing him deeply, lovingly.

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Liam felt a slight tingling in his stomach, as the other said "anything for you." It sounded so sweet. "Oh come on! It's horrible that you call me those things!" Liam pouted a little, but he couldn't stay serious for long. Pierre was such a tease; he touched and kissed him so casualy, but Liam's skin kept tingling on all the places, he was touched. He wanted to touch the blonde this way too, so he caressed the back of his neck, where his hands were and rubbed his cheek gently against the blonde's. "I want to keep you all to myself too."


Liam didn't really want to do that, ask him all the uncomfortable question, making him answer to them, since he would prefer if Pierre told him things about himself when he himself wanted to. He also wanted that moment to arrive soon, but you can't always have everything you wish for. "Mm..sure, we'll figure something out." He wanted to finish this subject, since he felt like he was making Pierre tell him. He did want to know, but not so badly; it was more that he wanted Pierre to trust him that much that he will want to tell him.


"Then let's make the best of this few minutes," Liam murmured back, before responding to the kiss. It was a nice, long, deep kiss. Liam's hands slided down the blonde's sides, stopping at the curve of his hips, before they moved sideway, behind his back. He started to caress the blonde there, on the small of his back, feeling his body heat radiating through the vest.


He didn't want to end the kiss, but Liam knew it can't last forever; sadly. So he just enjoyed the feeling, while it lasted.

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Pierre had a hard time believing he really got such a cutie as a boyfriend. Seeing Liam pout nearly made him melt - he looked like a puppy... So cute! A grin was stretched out on his face as he leaned into the younger guy's touch on his neck, a satisfied expression on his face. That felt nice. When Liam nuzzled his cheek into the blond's, he hugged him tighter and let out a happy, warm chuckle. This also felt nice! Soft touches like this were exactly what he needed.


The taller male let out a smile when Liam agreed to his offer about taking a night to answer all questions. "Thanks." He murmured out softly, not saying anything else. He had a feeling that night would come sooner than he'd expect it to. They would probably just start talking about something and Liam would end up with a lot of questions. He was certain that would happen at some point... The blond let out a quiet sigh as he closed his eyes, keeping his grip tight around Liam.


When they kissed, everything around them disappeared. Liam's hands on his body were nice and warm, so he placed his own on the other's hips before gently sliding up. He slipped underneath his shirt, gently carressing the skin for a while before he had to pull away.


"Feel free to touch yourself if it gets too hot~" Pierre teased as he gently squeezed the other's ass. "I'll be watching you." He muttered out and pressed a kiss to his ear before turning to walk out. He would have to dance now... And he was in the mood for something especially erotic after all with Liam.

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Feeling Pierre's touch directly on his skin, made Liam shiver. He didn't know what was more arousing, the hot, sexy Pierre or this loving, gentle side of him. He liked them both, but he couldn't help but end up thinking about sex or other similar stuff when he was around the blonde. The guy was dipped into sex appeal and you could feel it ooze from him. Not that Liam minded; which guy wouldn't like a partner who was a god in bed. Well most would probably prefer a godess in bed, but Liam was slowly getting to terms with the fact, that he might be bi or even gay.


"Feel free to touch yourself if it gets too hot~"

So typical for Pierre, to say something like this, but it still made Liam's body heat up. I just came, there's no way I can get it up so quickly.. He was aroused, but not hard; he needed some time, before his body will be able to do that again.


"I'll be watching you too," Liam answered with a grin, before the blonde left and he returned to his spot in the small room. He was really happy that Pierre brought him along, instead of trying to hide this from him. As he was waiting for Pierre to enter the stage, he pulled out his phone, texting his friends.


"Yo guys!need your help tomorrow morning, gotta move some stuff at my place. Anyone have time??"


After a few seconds, he got the first reply; it was a friend who was in the same class as Liam. "Why do you need to move things?" Liam replied. "Got a roomate, need to make room for him (:" The next reply came even faster and Liam was surprised; it usually took the guys longer to reply. "Who is it??" His friend was really acting weird. "Remember that uperclassmen, I came to class with? It's him." Liam just had time to notice the next reply came, before the show started and his attention was elsewhere; he could always read it and reply later.

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Pierre redied himself in the room before actually walking out. He fixed his vest and pants, lightly messed with his hair to make it more wild and put on his best smirk. He was going to make everyone aroused and he didn't care what he would have to do.


As the blond slowly made his way out, his hips already swaying in rythm with the music, the man began his slow, teasing dance. He seemed to be giving more of his attention towards Liam, however. As his body slid down the pole, leaving him crouching with his legs open wide, he placed a hand directly on his crotch and put on the most suggestive expression as his lips parted like he was about to moan. The girls in here did even worse stuff, so it was no biggy.


After that, a few more dances followed, and then Pierre had to leave Liam alone for a while to give the private dances. After each one, he seemed to get more and more stressed until he was finally done - that was around 1 am. His body made way to his boyfriend, arms wrapping tightly around his waist as he pressed his face into his neck. "...Home..." He mumbled out as he nuzzled his face into the other's neck.


He didn't usually feel this strained after a day of work, but god, today was horrible. The customers were awful. "Coffee..." He groaned out, pulling Liam towards himself. "Bath..." He added with a soft sigh, lightly lifting his head to kiss the other's cheek. "And then you." He murmured out and let out a tired smile.

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Liam's whole attention was on the dance. Well, it would be more correct to say on the dancer. He thought he couldn't get hard so quickly after coming, but when Pierre put a hand on his crotch and made that expression, Liam definitely got hard! He didn't touch himself, like the other suggested though; he was too big of a coward, to do that.


Liam patiently waited through all the dances, enjoying himself most of the time and when Pierre had to give private dancers, he pulled out his phone again. He got three messages, one from his classmate, which replied him earlier, but Liam didn't have time to check it out and his message only said, "I'm coming!" and the other two were from his friends too, who will also be coming. Three people and himself will be enough to move everything and that got him in an even better move. Everything will be ready for Pierre tomorrow!


Finally, the blonde was finished, but when he returned, he looked really beaten up. Liam hugged him back thightly and ruffled his hair. "Yes, first home, then some food, no coffee. If you drink coffee now, you won't be able to sleep! And after a bath, it's bed for you, you look horrible!" Liam was actually a little worried; the blonde looked like he barerly stands on his feet.


"Come on, let's get you changed, so we can head home." He started pulling the other's clothes off, to help him and he really enjoyed the task. He handed the blonde his clothes after, so he could get dressed. Liam figured, they won't be doing nothing tonight and he was kind of disappointed, but they will be able to spend the night together, so it didn't really matter what they do, just that they can be together.

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Pierre let out a low, irritated groan as he pushed his face deeper into Liam's neck. "Coffee..." He grunted out, his arms only tightening around the man's waist. "I need my coffee..." He whined, nuzzling his head into Liam's neck. He looked way different that he did usually. All his confidence was reduced to tiredness, his ego turned into sleepiness and his way of talking was just... Lazy.


When Liam began pulling his clothes on, Pierre just moved a bit to actually get them off. God, he needed a shower. A hot, long shower... Or a bath with Liam. Yeah, that could work too. As he was handed the new clothes, Pierre barely held in a groan. This meant that he had to put them on... His brown eyes closed as he sleepily put on his jeans and his shirt, then tossed on his jacket and slipped his hand down to grip Liam's.


"I took everything I need before... Let's go to your home..." He mumbled out, covering a yawn. That was how he usually left work - after the selling his body part. His expression morphed into a lazy smile as he tugged Liam closer and began walking. "If you don't get me some coffee... I will go out and get some myself.. I feel like I'm gonna dieeee...." He groaned out with a soft huff.

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Liam only raised an eyebrow, at how the blonde acted. He thought it would be best to just get him home quickly and make him rest, seeing how tired he was. It was clear on his face and in his posture, that he worked hard. But Pierre just kept saying he wants a coffee. Is it a good idea to let him have one?


Liam sighted, before trying to convince the other once again, while they were on their way home. "Don't you think it's best if you just go to sleep? Coffee won't make you feel that much better, but soft warm, cozy bed might!" He only wanted what was best for Pierre, but the other clearly had other ideas, of what's good for him. He hated seeing him that tired and he hated that job of his, that took so much toll on him. But how can he look that good, if he works so hard?


They were almost at his apartment and he had coffee at home, since he find it essential in the morning too, so if the blonde won't go to bed, he'll just cook it for him. Even if he didn't think it was wise to drink coffee so late in the evening. He unlocked the door to his apartement, letting them both in. He quickly stepped out of his shoes, shrugging off his jacket. Turning to Pierre, he asked, "So, want to take a shower first?" The blonde still had his make up on and it would be uncomfortable sleeping with that, otherwise, Liam would just make him go to sleep already.

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Pierre continued groaning and grunting as he whined for coffee. "We're probably talking about different coffees... Coffee is the most amazing thing mankind has ever created." He declared with a soft huff as he glanced at Liam. "Besides, coffee won't stop me from sleeping... It will stop me from annoying you forever because you didn't give me it." He mumbled out with a small pout.


When they reached the apartment, the blond grumbled softly while taking off his shoes and jacket. At the question, he shook his head and gripped Liam's hand. "Coffee... Then a shower. With you." He added with a small smirk as he leaned forwards and pecked his nose. "Please?" He decided to ask, putting on his best puppy eyes.


The taller male gently wrapped his arms around the other's waist and lightly pulled him closer to then burry his face into his neck. "You smell so nice..." He muttered out, a satisfied sigh leaving his mouth. The blond nuzzled his nose into his shoulder, a lazy smile on his face before he lifted his head up. When he was tired, Pierre tended to become really clingy and soft - same in the mornings. He was certain that if they slept in the same bed tonight, Liam wouldn't be able to leave the bed in the morning, simply because he'd be locked up in Pierre's arms... That happened once, actually.

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Liam rolled his eyes at the whinning, but he couldn't help but smile at Pierre; he was so adorable right now. He was really different from the seductive Pierre, Liam knew. Now, he was all cute and cuddly and when he made puppy eyes, Liam couldn't help but hug him. "Fine, I'll get you some coffee~ And then we'll take a shower." How can anyone resist a face like this? Liam definitely couldn't.


He let go of the blonde, but just as he was about to head to the kitchen, the other wrapped his hands around him and burried his head into his neck. Liam hugged him again and laughed at the compliment he got. "Well thank you, I wish I could say the same for you, but you really need a shower," he teased, smelling the blonde. He smelled weird, a mixture of his body scent and make up and something else; probably the scents from the club. Liam wanted to know how he smells, when he's fresh out of shower.


"So you want that coffee or not?" he asked, as he pulled away, heading for the kitchen. He put the water on the stove and turned to Pierre, as he waited for it to boil. "You sure you don't want to take a shower first? It'll take a few minutes to make it," he suggested, pointing at the coffee. He was still hoping he can get the blonde to bed as quickly as possible.

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Pierre's face lit up with a grin when he heard Liam agreeing on the coffee and the shower together. "Mm... You're the best." He muttered out and gently kissed his cheek. Another thing he adored was taking showers or baths with someone else. One , he could see his partner naked, and two, they would wash each other... And that always felt nice.


A soft huff left Pierre's mouth at the teasing and he pouted lightly. "Shut uuuup..." He grumbled out as he followed the man into the kitchen. Once there, he wrapped his arms back around Liam, this time from behind. His chin was placed nicely on his shoulder and his eyes closed as he let out a satisfied sigh. Liam's body felt amazing against his own...


"No, I don't want to take a shower first. I can wait." Pierre mumbled, being a bit stubborn now. "And I want to take the shower with you, not alone..." He added with a soft sigh, lightly nuzzling his cheek into Liam's. The blond's hands travelled a bit lower, just above Liam's belt to have a better hold of his boyfriend. "You're really comfortable." He declared suddenly, a lazy grin on his face. "I don't think I like the idea of letting go of you..."

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