yaoi_MiRu Posted July 3, 2014 Share Posted July 3, 2014 Reveal hidden contents Personal ID Name: Namikawa Keita Nickname: Keita Sex: Male Position: Uke Personality: quite, quite a rebel Years: 18 Eyes: brown Hair: brown redish Biography Keita is from a well-known family. Ever since he was little, his father always taught him not to bring shame to his family and always do the best for the sake of his family. When he started highschool he find out that he was gay and start to seeing another man behind his father's back. But, one day, his father found out about it and Keita was kicked out from the house by his father. His father is the type homophobic immediatelly told his son that he won't have a son, who spreads legs for another man. Ever since then, Keita lives in his school secretly. Random information - he loves sweets - hates anything that crawling - likes spend time alone - his mom helps him with his school tuition. In class, Keita was watching the other class on the field, without any interest at all. They seem to be having fun in their activity on the hottest day he ever felt, while the teacher in his class kept explaining something about the history of Japan. To him, this class was really boring, since the teacher just kept talking without paying attention to his student at all. Keita kept thinking what will he eat on lunch break. "Maybe I'll buy some breads today" he mumbled to himself then his look moved away from the field and to the board to find out if there’s anything worthy written on, in case he needed it for the exam. After writing some notes, he felt sleepy while listening to the teacher and eventually he fell asleep. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ayakashiu Posted July 3, 2014 Share Posted July 3, 2014 Reveal hidden contents Picture: Name: Kurosawa Katashi Nicknames: Katashi, Tashi Sex: Male Position: Seme Years: 18 Eyes: green Hair: greyish-green Personality: Looks quite innocent and acts like that too, hiding his dark side in front of his classmates. Only a few of his closest friends actually know him. Biography: Katashi had a normal childhood, but as he entered middle school, his parents died in the car crash. Since then, he was passed on, from one relative to another, not staying anywhere for long, unwanted and not cared for. Before entering high-school, one of his aunts took him in and finally gave him a proper upbringing. She is one of the few people, Katashi really cares about and is grateful to have her. He's still living with her. Random facts: - his favourite color is green, - he adores cats, but doesn't like other animals, - studies a lot only because it makes his aunt happy. Tashi was only half-listening in class. If it was his choice, he wouldn't be here at all, but it seemed like it meant a lot to his aunt, if he got good grades. So he made a little effort, scribbling in his notebook from time to time. But in the moments that he wasn't paying attention to the teacher, his thoughts wandered to more pleasurable topics. Most of people didn't know that Tashi was actually a pervert. Just because he put on an innocent smile and was polite to others, they thought he was a nice person. Well they couldn't be more wrong. His thoughts were interupted by the sight of a classmate on his left, falling asleep. Tashi thought of waking him up, but why should he bother? If he's stupid enough to sleep in the class, he deserves to get in trouble. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
yaoi_MiRu Posted July 3, 2014 Author Share Posted July 3, 2014 At the time Keita woke up, the class was ended. He stretched his body and looked around the class. Keita noticed that everyone already had their lunch and they were making a couple of small groups all around the class. Looks like I missed half of the lesson he thought to himself. For a couple of minutes, he just kept staring at some of the group unconsciously. What am I doing? he sighed, then moved from his desk and walked out of the classroom. Keita went to the cafeteria to buy some bread then he went out to the schoolyard. He choose a place that was rarely passed by other students. That was his favorite place to spend most of his time, because it was quiet and cool. He opened one of the breads, he bought before, and start to eat it. He took his time eating the bread while enjoying his surroundings. After finishing eating all of the bread, he lay on the ground while thinking about couple of random things. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ayakashiu Posted July 4, 2014 Share Posted July 4, 2014 Tashi decided to make use of the lunch break. He quickly ate what his aunt prepared for him, heading for the spot where he agreed to meet a girl from another class. She confessed to him a while ago and he agreed to date her; maybe it will be fun. They met in the abandoned corner of schoolyard. She proved to be fun in the end, but their make-out session was interupted by someone deciding to eat lunch here. Luckily, they were hidden behind the corner of the building, so Tashi just continued doing what he was doing before the interruption; but the girl didn't want to cooperate anymore. She got nervous by someone being so close and she tried pushig him away, making some noise. Toshi pinned her hands on her sides. "If you don't shut up, we will really be found out and you don't want that, do you?" he asked with a menacing voice, hating when people bailed out on him. He wanted to have some fun, so he'll have some fun. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
yaoi_MiRu Posted July 4, 2014 Author Share Posted July 4, 2014 While Keita enjoyed his time alone, he suddenly heard something from around the old building near his favorite spot. Though, it was just a small noise, he still heard it clearly. He thought it was weird, because there's no one around, and just a few people come to this place. "Hello?" he looked around his surroundings. But, just as he thought there's no one to be found, "Maybe just my imagination.......or not" he decided to investigate out of curiousity. Keita got up and walked to the old building while looking around the area in case he missed something or someone. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ayakashiu Posted July 4, 2014 Share Posted July 4, 2014 Tashi was just about to continue kissing the girl, when he heard footsteps coming closer. He waited a moment and the footsteps were soon followed by a person walking around the corner. He let go of the girl with a sigh, not wanting to get accused of harrasment and she made herself disappear quickly enough. Tch! And here I thought she was fun.. Tashi thought to himself, before turning around to face the person who interupted them. It was the same guy who fell asleep in the class. Tashi only raised his eyebrows and said with a cold voice, "Lost something shorty?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
yaoi_MiRu Posted July 4, 2014 Author Share Posted July 4, 2014 Keita turned around as soon as he heard someone talking to him and the source of the sound was one of his classmate, Kurosawa Katashi. "E-eh? No-not really. I thought I heard something before so....umm.. I came to check what was that sound" this is the first time Keita talked to him. So he felt kind of nervous since he rarely talked to someone at school. "Sorry to bother you..... Kurosawa-san" said Keita and he decided not to make any futher contact with him. So, he just turned around and started walking away. Sigh... why is he in here? he thought while walking away. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ayakashiu Posted July 4, 2014 Share Posted July 4, 2014 Tashi listen to all that without making a sound. That boy looked way too innocent for his taste. "Oi, don't just leave, aren't you forgeting something?" he screamed after the boy, wanting to make him stop. He disrupted his fun and now Tashi wanted him to repay that. If he didn't do it now, Tashi will seek him out later..and make him repay his debt with interest. That girl proved to be no fun at all, maybe this boy will instead. Tashi smirked at where his thoughts were heading; the boy was cute after all. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
yaoi_MiRu Posted July 5, 2014 Author Share Posted July 5, 2014 "Eh?" Keita turned around, when he heard Tashi scream at him. "Uhh, I don't think I forgeting something. If you don't mind, I'll be going now" Keita quickly turned around again and leave Tashi alone, to avoid anymore contact with him. I should have know, I can't let my curiosity win over me he thought, while walking away. Keita now regreted what he was doing. He should just ignore that weird sound and this kind of event would not happen. Because he knows that he can't make a lot of contact with people at the school. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ayakashiu Posted July 5, 2014 Share Posted July 5, 2014 Tashi scowled. Annoying brat..I'll make him regret ignoring me later.. They went to the same school and they were even classmates; there was no way that browned haired boy could stay away from him forever. Tashi headed back to the classroom, to his usual group of friends. He didn't like them all that much, but he put up with them. That way, nobody bothered him, he just needed to act like he was interested in their talks. But this time, they might come in handy. "Hey, you guys, do you know the name of the guy who seats next to me?" He pointed to the seat, which was now empty, but was occupied by the brown haired boy during class. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
yaoi_MiRu Posted July 5, 2014 Author Share Posted July 5, 2014 Keita returned to his place. He sat and leaned on a tree, trying to calm himself. Everytime he talked with someone, he always felt uneasy. What he need the most at time like this, was some sweets. He reached in one of his pocket and took 4-5 sweets at once. He always keeps some sweets with him everywhere, in case he needs to calm himself. He savoured the candy one by one as if candy was the best things for him. Before he realized it, the bell was ringing. But, Keita doesn't move a bit; he decided to not attend the rest of the class today. He want time to be alone. Even if he come to class now, he'll meet with the boy from before. And, he didn't feel really good about that right now. So, he'll spend more time in here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ayakashiu Posted July 5, 2014 Share Posted July 5, 2014 Tashi was a little pissed; the guy from before apparently decided to skip class today. There goes his plan of ambushing him after the lesson finishes. After the school day was over, Tashi decided to pass by the spot where he met that cute boy before. It was just a hunch and it turned out to be true. Near the corner of the building, which was his favourite place, was that boy, leaning on a tree. Tashi smiled at that. Jackpot.. He didn't really have any plans today, so he decided to observe the guy for a while. He spiked his interest, since he acted totally different from all other high-schoolers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
yaoi_MiRu Posted July 6, 2014 Author Share Posted July 6, 2014 Keita was woken up by the sound of school bell. I fell asleep again he yawned, still sleepy. Maybe I should buy something from the convenience store he got up and left his favorite spot. Before he left, he made sure that everyone was already gone. He walked to the classroom and felt realived, when he saw his class was completely empty, especially the seat next to him. Good, he's already gone home Keita picked all his stuff leisurely, knowing that no one will bother him now. After making sure he didn't leave behind something important, he headed to the enterance, changing his indoor shoes and going to the nearest convenience store. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ayakashiu Posted July 6, 2014 Share Posted July 6, 2014 Tashi was considering leaving, since the guy slept under a tree, but just as he was about to turn, Keita moved. He knew his name now..Keita or at least that was what his friends said. He started following him, making sure he wasn't noticed. Maybe he can ambush him on his way home; it turned out, the guy was heading towards convinience store. How boring.. Tashi thought, but something made him follow the cute boy still. It was some kind of hunch and Tashi always trusted his intuition. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
yaoi_MiRu Posted July 6, 2014 Author Share Posted July 6, 2014 Keita bought a couple of water bottle and a bento. He spend a few more moments in the store. When the sun was set, he looked back at the school, making sure it's already empty. He walked out from the store and head to the back gate of school. The gate was locked, so he walked even further to the bushes, right behind the old school bulding. He knew that there was a hole around there, small animals like foxes used to go through it, and the hole was big enough for him. After making sure there's no one around, he went through the hole. I'm glad my body can go through this hole this was one of times, he was glad that he has a small body; usually he hated the fact that he's smaller than most of his classmates. After succeeding climbing through the hole, he made his way to the old school building. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ayakashiu Posted July 6, 2014 Share Posted July 6, 2014 Now Tashi was getting really bored. He already texted his aunt, saying that he won't be home soon and now he had nothing to do but lurk in front of the store, watching the guy shopping. It was almost evening already and he was just thinking how he wasted his day, when Keita moved again. And he was headed back to school? Did he forgot something? Now Tashi's interest has been piqued and he watched his classmate climb under the fence and head towards the old building. He checked the hole, but it was too small for him, so he searched for the part of the fence that was lower, threw his bag over it and then pulled himself over it too. Following Keita from a safe distance, he was interested to see what he plans to do here so late. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
yaoi_MiRu Posted July 7, 2014 Author Share Posted July 7, 2014 Because, there was no light in the old building, Keita took out his flashlight from his bag and went into the building. He went through the hallway, knowing where he should go. Then he went in one of the rooms along the hallway. The sign was missing, so Keita never knew what this room used to be before. Inside the room, there was an old mattress, a lots of candles and a pile of plastic junk in the corner. The window was covered by black cloth. It was Keita who covered the window in his 'room'. Its prevent any light from inside or outside the room. Then Keita light up the candle. Much better he smiled to himself when the candle brighten the room a bit. He always prefered a little light than a total darkness. He sat down and start opening his bento, starting to eat it. It wasn't the best food in the world, but Keita always enjoyed his time eating the bento box. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ayakashiu Posted July 7, 2014 Share Posted July 7, 2014 Tashi followed Keita inside the building, wondering if he was meeting someone in secret here. He couldn't think of any other reason for the guy to be here this late. It was really dark inside, so Tashi bumped into a few things, cursing silently and hoping he didn't make too much noise. Luckily, his schoolmate lighted a candle in one of the rooms, so Tashi saw where he went. He neared the room, not bothering to cover his presence, as he steped through the door frame, taking in the scene before him. What he noticed first was the matress and the stash of candles. So he's here often.. "Bon apétit" he said out loud, wanting Keita to notice him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
yaoi_MiRu Posted July 7, 2014 Author Share Posted July 7, 2014 Keita just started his meal, when someone disturbed him with a loud voice. He quickly turned around to the source of the voice, shocked with what was right before his eyes. It was Tashi, who was making that noise. He was sure no one was around the school, before he came here. He knew he checked it, because he was always careful, when coming to this place. And all above it, this place was abandoned in the first place, so no one would never came here at night. Keita was totally confused. "Ho-how did--Why are you in here?" Keita didn't know what should he say. He was in total shock. He never imagined that one day, someone would found him in here, especially at night. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ayakashiu Posted July 7, 2014 Share Posted July 7, 2014 Tashi smirked at the boy's shocked expression and leaned on the door frame. "Shouldn't I ask you that? What are YOU doing here?" It was obvious from the Keita's expression that he was hidding something. Jackpot.. Tashi had something on him now and the boy will need to obey him now. Finally I'll get some fun~ Tashi thought, grinning widely, while waiting for the boy's answer. He actually wanted to know what he was doing here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
yaoi_MiRu Posted July 7, 2014 Author Share Posted July 7, 2014 "I-I'm the one who's asking the question!" not answering Tashi's question, Keita tried to sooth himself, though he was still a little bit paniced about the circumstance. He got goosebumps, when he saw Tashi grinning like that. It was like Tashi had some nasty idea, or that's what Keita interpret, why Tashi's grinning. He tried to gain control over his emotions, because he didn't want to look scared with Tashi in here. "And, it's none of your business what I'm doing here" he made his voice became more sharp than before. He glared at Tashi, his eyes saying 'Get out!' He wanted Tashi out of here as soon as possible. It was enough with the incident at today's lunch break. He doesn't want any unnecessary contact with him. Since Tashi was giving Keita uneasy feeling since this afternoon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ayakashiu Posted July 7, 2014 Share Posted July 7, 2014 "Oh, kitty has claws?" Tashi laughed, amused by the situation. He definitely liked the boy; he was cute, but he put up a good fight. This should indeed prove to be fun. Tashi entered the room, looking around it with scrutinizing glare. "Nice.." He stopped in front of Keita. "Won't you offer me a seat?" plomping down on the matress before the boy could answer him. "So about why I'm here..it was because I was following you." He looked at the cute boy seriously. "You still owe me something, remember? I want payback for erlier today, when you interupted me." Tashi was really serious about this; he didn't take lightly to the people, who messed with his fun. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
yaoi_MiRu Posted July 8, 2014 Author Share Posted July 8, 2014 "Who did you called kitty!" he snapped at Tashi. He didn't like how Tashi called him. His eyes were on Tashi, when he entered the room. When Tashi stopped in front of him, he moved back a bit. He didn't know what would the so-called guest going to do here. He just listened to every word Tashi said in silence. Keita was dumbfounded when he heard, how Tashi came here. How stupid I am!! he cursed himself, for not noticing he was being followed. He was bothered by that fact, but didn't want to show it to Tashi. "So, you're just a stalker? The nice-and-popular guy like you is actually a stalker" he instead smirked at Tashi. "And what do you mean I owe you something? I didn't do anything to you" Keita didn't remember doing something to Tashi that made him owe him. Also, what did he mean by interupting him, there was nobody, except him and Tashi, at that time. It made no sense for Keita. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ayakashiu Posted July 8, 2014 Share Posted July 8, 2014 Tashi laughed out loud at Keita's words. "What gave you the impression that I'm really that nice-and-popular guy?" He grinned widely at the cute boy, moving closer to him. "And I called you a kitty. Since you look like one.." His words trailed off, when he grabbed Keita's jaw and pulled him towards him, so they were face to face. "You..owe..me..a lot of fun. There was actually a girl there, who you chased away..and I really don't appreaciate you doing that." Tashi looked at the boy for a few moments, deciding on what to do with him. "Kiss me!" he ordered with a cold voice, still holding his jaw. "If you don't.." he let the words hang in the air for a while, before continuing, "I'll just go to the principal and told him about your little hideout." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
yaoi_MiRu Posted July 8, 2014 Author Share Posted July 8, 2014 Tashi was looking completely different from the rumors, he heard about him. The Tashi in front of Keita now, looked cold and wicked. Keita tried to not care about how Tashi called him. He thought if he talked back, it would just make Tashi somehow entertained. Keita was not on his guard, when Tashi came closer and grabbed his jaw, bring him closer to Tashi. "It's not my fault your girlfriend run away. It was me who was there first. You were the one who interrupted my time!" he glared at Tashi. Just because Tashi was a little bigger than him, he wasn't afraid of him. Keita was just about to slap Tashi's hand that grabbed his jaw, but he stopped his hand in the air, when he heard what Tashi said next. He's crazy! that what Keita though. "Why would I ki--" before Keita finished his sentence, Tashi said the things he most feared. "Yo-you would not...." there was fear in his eyes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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