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You Are the Sugar in My Coffee:: Zombie_In_A_Box and Ciel


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Plot- An insecure man becomes a regular customer at a local coffee-shop, where he meets a waiter there, and their relationship grows over time.


Ciel's Character


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Zombie_In_A_Box's character


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  • {。^◕‿◕^。}Ciel


  • Zombie_In_A_Box


John sighed quietly to himself as he fixed the bag over his shoulder and entered the coffee shop... Just like each day. He mumbled softly to himself, anxiously checking his pocket for phone as he walked to the counters to see what was there. What did he even feel like having?... A cupcake? Nah, too small. Some doughnuts? No, not quite it... His eyes stopped at the delicious-looking strawberry cake. Yes, he definitely wanted this!


Straightening himself up, he looked at the server and let out a small, awkward smile. "I'll take a cup of red tea, extra sugar and the strawberry cake..." He talked quietly, as if he was nervous - which he was. Even such a small task as ordering himself food sometimes proved challenging. Especially when the server was a nice-looking, even pretty guy. John always felt like people like him were secretly judging people who were... Chubby. Just like he was. His clothing hid that a bit, but it was still visible that he wasn't quite slim... Not at all.

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Aras was a new employee here at the local cafe in the tight-knit town. He had recently moved here from Germany. He was waiting ever-so-patiently for a customer to come in, but for now, he was basically day-dreaming. Well, that was until he noticed the little bell ring on the door, his eye shot up to see who was walking over.


He did see that the man was a bit chubby. Not like he really cared, he had a chubby-phase in his life, and he really wasn't the type of person to judge. But...what people might have thought was ugly in that man, Aras thought... it was actually kind of cute. When he heard the man's order, he smiled rather softly, rubbing the back of his neck nervously as he asked, "I presume you're buying this for your girlfriend, no? It is rather pretty if I do say so myself..." Taking out the cake, he asked, "Would that be a slice or the whole cake sir? For here, or to go?" After he took the cake out, he walked off towards the coffee-making area, and pressed the button on one of the machines and filled up the cup, and put in a packet over the normal amount of sugar the coffee-shop usually would.

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John's cheeks flushed red almost immediately at the assumption. "Ahh, n-no!" He hurriedly said, a bit louder than he intended to. His gaze fell down to his feet where he shifted a bit awkwardly. "I don't even have one..." The man mumbled out quietly, his cheeks and ears as red as a tomato. "A-A slice please... Here..." John said quietly, unable to look straight at the other now. God, that was embarrassing... Why did he even assume he had a girlfriend?!? No one wanted a chubby guy like him for a boyfriend. Not to mention that he was also awfully clumsy...


He was always bad with girls. He thought he was gay, actually... Maybe he was. The black-haired male stared at his huge feet as he waited, silently praying not to get asked any more questions. He was bound to screw it all up in a matter of seconds...

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"A girlfriend? No? You look like the type of cutie who'd have a girlfriend~" chuckled Aras as he sliced a piece of cake and placed it on one of the plates and placed a fork beside it. He then took the cup of coffee and put it next to the cake. "That'll be seven dollars and thirty-two cents, sir." He offered the chubby customer a rather warm smile, propping himself up on his elbows, and glancing up at the other with a rather playful look. Aras was genuinely a happy-go-lucky type of person, and today was no exception. "This is rather odd of me to say... but you have cute dimples."

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"N-No, I definitely don't have one." John answered quietly, hurriedly grabbing his wallet out of his pocket. Of course, knowing him, it dropped to the floor. With a slightly panicked expression, the man crouched down and picked it up, his face red as he took out the money needed and placed it in front of himself. "A-Ah..." He was shocked when the other complimented one of the things he hated about himself. "I, uhm..." He gulped down, quickly shook his head and pushed his wallet back into his pocket. "You- uh, um... N-Nevermind!" John wished he could just sink into the ground. He took the cake and tea and slowly walked off to the table, closing his eyes tightly once he sat down. God, why did he have to be so stupid? He was so damn akward...

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Aras blinked a few times as the other seemed to panic... it made him feel like he was doing something wrong, and he frowned slightly as he said quietly, "I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable, sir." He took the money with a small sigh as he put it in the cash-register and then closed it. He instantly went to the back and washed his hands, hating the smell of money on his hands. Money smelled dirty...how did people touch money and not wash their hands? That was filthy....


Though as he quickly washed his hands, he questioned, what did he do wrong? Was he being too strong with the other man? Did he say something annoying? Was he annoying?

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John was cursing himself inside his head. Stupid, stupid, stupid! Staring at the cake with sad eyes, the man sighed quietly. He still wanted to eat this... Picking up the fork, John took a piece into his mouth, closing his eyes with a delighted sigh. As always, the sweets here were the best... The cake was gone in little time, and the man wasn't exactly satisfied. Silently sipping his tea, John shot a glance at the cashier. Why did he have to embarrass himself that bad in front of him? God, stupid him.. He should probably apologize. Yeah, he definitely should. Now all that he had to figure out was how to get his fat, scared ass off this chair and open his stupid, dumb mouth to talk. On other thought, that was impossible. Absolutely impossible.

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Aras finished washing his hands in a satisfactory amount of time before he wiped his hands off on a paper-towel and threw it out in the garbage. With a small huff, he leisurely walked back out to the counter, and continued to stand there, waiting for more customers. People didn't really come here that late in the afternoon. They usually came early morning and lunch-hour. With a small smile, he looked at the different assortments of cakes and pastries... they were so pretty. Aras always appreciated pretty things...


Aras glanced at the other male who had ordered about fifteen minutes ago... he was done with his cake, obviously, but why wasn't getting up? Though, he soon noticed he was staring at the other, and started to scold himself inwardly as he glanced away, a strawberry blush on his cheeks.

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John told himself that once he finished the tea he'd go and talk. Just... The tea was getting cold and he was stretching the time out on purpose. When the last drop was finished, the man let out a quiet, tense breath and slowly stood up - nearly knocking off the cup while doing that. His cheeks flushed red again as he stared down, silently picking up the plate and emptied cup. He walked up to the cashier with red cheeks, slowly gulping down. "U-Um... The cake was delicious..." He said quietly, looking up at him a bit shyly. "Could I get a-another piece?" He asked softly, his cheeks a cute red color, biting on his lower lip. "And, uh, um... S-S-Sorry about before!" The man apologized as he looked down. So damn awkward.. He probably looked dumb...

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Aras was still blushing like an idiot as the other walked up, and though he apologized for what happened earlier, Aras still couldn't help but feel bad about it. With a small smile, he said, "Another piece of cake...okay! I'll pay for it as an apology for making you feel uncomfortable..." He took out the cake and took another slice of it and placed it on the other's plate, and then put it away and closing the glass door, and then he took out his wallet, putting his own money in the register with a small sigh, and put some hand-sanitizer in his hand and spreading it all over his hands, "The cakes are quite delicious, I'd come here all the time when I was younger with my parents."

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John stared at the cashier before frantically shaking his head. "N-No! I couldn't possibly let you!" He immediately exclaimed as he searched his wallet for money, placing them on the counter. "T-Take them, please!" The man nearly pleaded as he looked at the other. "I-It's not your fault, I..." John gulped down, turned away and shook his head. "Nevermind, just take the money!" He knew his face was beet red by now. The chubby male sighed quietly to himself as he put his wallet back into his pocket, shifting nervously on his feet. "O-Oh, you did? So you're... You're... You're from around here?" It was so damn hard to start a conversation... How did people just go and do it? How was it possible to just walk up and talk to a person you knew nothing about?..

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"Seriously, it's fine, don't worry about the money, I got the piece of cake covered." said Aras with a small sigh as he propped himself up on one arm, his head resting his head in his hands rather leisurely as he then heard the other's question, and replied simply, "My family moved here when I was fifteen, I'm actually from Germany." Which basically explained why most of the "w's" in a word sounded like a "v" instead. Aras seemed pretty content with talking to the stout man, obviously pretty open about himself, not really caring about what questions were asked.

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"No! I refuse!" John continued arguing, raising his eyes to look at the other. He was a simple guy, there was no way he was letting the other pay for him. "Just take it..." He mumbled out, suddenly feeling his confidence drifting off. His face was still red, he could feel it. Letting out a quiet sigh, the man glanced up at the cashier when he heard the other was from Germany. "A-Ah... Was it hard g-getting accustomed t-to here?" He swore to God, he would kill himself if he stuttered again. It was annoying. Even to him! John didn't really notice the other's accent, however... It didn't really catch his attention that much.

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"Fine, if you want to be that way..." sighed the cashier with a small huff as he took the money off of the counter and placed it in the cash-register, and then instantly sanitizing his hands, hating the smell of money. Nobody knew where their money came from before...it could have come from a stripper's panties or it could have come from the hands of a drug-addict. With a small smile, Aras said, "It took a little bit of time...English is a really hard language to learn, y'know? It's really difficult..I still make mistakes and I've been in this country for almost ten years..."

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John felt relieved when the other finally took the money. He already noticed the weird habit of putting that hand sanitizer, but didn't mention it at all. He wasn't someone to ask about such a thing. "O-Oh..." The man only muttered out that as Aras continued talking. "I-I see." There, it was getting awkward again. What was he supposed to say? Shifting nervously on his feet, he let out a quiet sigh. "Um... If you don't mind, I'll just-.." He bit down on his lip as he took the plate, his face still red. Really, he was probably the most socially-awkward person ever.

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Aras sighed softly as he said, "Sorry if I'm bothering you or anything, you should probably go and eat your cake...sorry for being a nuisance." His blue eyes looked like they were content, help a bit of an upset nature to them. He didn't mean to make the make uncomfortable or anything! With a small huff, he rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand nervously, a soft blush on his cheeks. He should probably learn not to converse with customers....

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John stopped, looking straight into Aras' eyes. "But... You're not..." He mumbled out softly, looking back down immediately. "I-I'm just awkward, sorry." He mumbled out and, before anything else could be said, walked to his table. He hid his red face in his hands, letting out a few soft pants. Conversing with people was exhausting. And very, very scary. This was probably the longest conversation he had in weeks - eye to eye, that is. On the internet... There he could speak a bit more freely.

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Aras sighed quietly as he said, "Okay...as long as you're sure I'm not bothering you..." And with a small huff, he then said, "You're not awkward, I used to be like you when I was about seventeen." He ran a hand through his dark hair as he blinked tiredly. Today was exhausting. He had been here all day and has been the only employee not on leave, well, besides the bakers. But they didn't have to work the register... There were too many people here today...

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'When I was about seventeen'. That was the goddamn point. John sat at his table, sighing quietly to himself. He was like this forever. He was twenty-three now! Damn, he should just get over this, but he couldn't... Silently beginning to eat his cake, the man tried to make himself relax. He didn't want to embarrass himself any further than this... He'd just eat and leave. Oh, wait... No... He still had to buy himself some coffee beans... Damn it.

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Aras sighed softly as he sat down in a chair quietly, obviously bored by now. The shop closed in about fifteen minutes anyways. Then he'd be able to go home, eat, have a nice, hot shower, and watch some movies before he went to sleep... that sounded pretty nice. He also had to wash the dishes though when he got home..which wasn't particularly fun, but it was something. He wondered...what was that man over there doing when he got home? How did that man over there live his life?

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John sighed quietly to himself as he finished the cake, staring at the empty plate for a while. Slowly, he stood up and walked back to the counter, avoiding making eye-contact. "Um... I'd like some of the coffee beans... Those ones." He said while pointing to the coffee beans that had the slightest bit of vanilla mixed in. He usually added in a bit of cinammon and a lot of sugar, and then it was really delicious... His whole life was so simple, when he thought about it. He spent most of his time online, too awkward to go out often. He even ordered things on the net more likely that going to the shops.

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Aras was blushing softly as the customer came back up to his counter, and with a small smile, he sighed, "Vanilla tinted coffee beans? Those are actually quite nice, to be honest. I usually go home and put cinnamon or brown sugar in mine, and a bit of creamer, and let me tell you, it is amazing!" He exclaimed, despite the fact he had no idea that the other did the same thing. "Okay, so vanilla beans, you know, I like those a lot too, it's cool that we have the same exact interest in the coffee beans." He walked over towards the container, and filled a small plastic bag that he usually did for customers, and then tied the knot on it and walked back over to the counter, placing it on the counter, "That'll be four dollars and twenty eight cents." He said this with a small, kind smile on his lips.

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John blinked a few times when he heard Aras' words, a shy smile appearing on his face. "A-Ah... Really? I, uhm... I actually do the same." He said softly, unsure if he should've stayed quiet instead. He was probably boring everyone with each word he said. His expression became a bit warmer as he listened to the cashier, just nodding quickly. He was always better off listening than talking. Quickly taking out his wallet, John managed to take out just the right amount of money before taking the beans. "Um... Thank you." He said quickly and turned around, hurrying off the shop. For now it seemed like everything was good. He shouldn't ruin it by staying even more and making it awfully awkward.

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"Oh, you do the same thing?" laughed Aras softly as he rubbed the back of his neck, "Man, that's so cool." He rubbed one of his eyes lazily before he said, "Well, have a good night!" As the other left, he took the money and placed it into the cash-register, a small sigh coming from his mouth as he then squirted hand sanitizer on his hands, and rubbed it in with a huff. As he checked his watch, he saw it was closing time.. Taking off his apron, he hung it up on the wall with the others, and then started turning off all of the lights. After he was finished closing down the shop, he walked outside and locked the door, and then looked around. Tonight looked beautiful...

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