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[18+] You Belong to Me (Zombie_In_A_Box x Rem)


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Yukki's body shivered a few times while he took deep breaths, with one hand lightly gripping Ryuuto's thigh. "Sorry, Master..." He muttered out quietly before leaning back against the man, soon relaxing again. That would pass in a few hours - at least most of the pain. The teen closed his eyes, focusing on the hot water and his Master's body against his own. That helped him get his mind of the pain, at least.

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"It's fine." Ryuuto assured softly, returning to his light hold around his waist as Yukki leaned back against him. The calm silence between them reminded him of something that Yukki had mentioned briefly before. He had shown interest in animals on the way here, so he wondered how he would react to having one of his own. Not something ridiculous obviously, but perhaps a kitten, puppy, or bunny of some sort. "Have you ever had a pet, Yukki?" he asked casually.

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Yukki opened his eyes at the unexpected question and shook his head. "No, I always wanted to, but my family is too poor." He explained in a soft voice, warmth in his eyes. "The dogs with long fur are my favorites... Um... I don't remember what they're called... Col... Cally? Something like that." The teen finished with a sigh, trying to remember the name. The breed he was thinking of were collies, they were quite adorable in his mind.

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"Do you mean "collies"? I was just asking because I was curious." Ryuuto responded with a slight shrug. He could understand what Yukki meant by being "too poor". When he was a teen, there were many things that he wanted but didn't dare ask for, knowing that his mother couldn't afford much on her slim salary. That was one of the factors that made him work so hard to make money and be successful. He also felt the need to provide for Yukki as well. It was a feeling he wasn't used to, but he didn't dislike it.

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"Oh, yes! Those ones!" Yukki smiled widely, snuggling into his Master. "They're really pretty, don't you think?" He asked dreamily, a smile lingering on his face. The teen knew one of the neighbours had a collie... It was always so friendly and happy, and fluffy, and warm, and... It was just the best thing ever. Yukki let out a soft, longing sigh as he stretched out his arms and neck, feeling a little bit stiff.

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"Yes, they really are. When I was younger, I always wanted a kitten. There was a pet store that I would pass every day on my way to school, and there were always cats playing in the window." Ryuuto murmured. Rarely did he share something as personal as a childhood memory, but talking to Yukki was so easy that he hadn't really noticed. He shifted when he noticed the brunet stretching. "Are you ready to get out?" he asked.

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Yukki's expression softened while he listened to Ryuuto talk about wanting to get a kitten in the past. Honestly, the boy wanted a dog more - that would give him a reason to leave the house sometimes. The teen smiled again as he was asked a question and nodded. "Yeah, I think so..." He answered quietly, turning his body slightly to wrap his arms around Ryuuto's neck. The brunet wanted to avoid as much pain as he could.

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Ryuuto gingerly wrapped an arm around his waist, the other grasping the crook of his knees to lift him up from the tub. He made sure that he was holding him tightly but also avoiding touching anywhere that would cause him pain. He managed to grab a towel as well, and placed it on the bed before setting Yukki down gently. He left him to dry himself while he got his own towel and went to drain the tub.

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Yukki leaned against his Master, eyes closed again as he just drowned in Ryuuto's body's warmth. What could he say; he liked being warm. The teen layed on his back as he began drying himself, holding his ass a little bit above the bed. Even though it hurt like hell, it was definitely worth it. The brunet glanced up at his Master when he came back and smiled before somewhat hesitantly asking, "So... Could we sleep just a little bit longer and then go?"

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Ryuuto returned with the towel wrapped around his waist, coming closer to Yukki as he spoke. "Go ahead and lay down first. I'm going to clean up a few things first and I'll join you." he responded softly, giving the brunet's cheek a light touch before pulling away. He picked up all of their abandoned clothes from last night, as well as all of their toys. Ryuuto just wanted to straighten up a bit before he went back to sleep with Yukki.

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Yukki smiled and nodded, pulling the blanket over himself with his eyes already closed. The brunet was trying to hold out at least until Ryuuto was with him, but it was a little bit hard... Still, the teen didn't give out. Although his eyelids felt heavy, he kept them apart, a yawn parting his lips from time to time. Yukki didn't want to sleep without being sure Ryuuto was next to him... Even if the man didn't love him back, his presence was necessary.

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As Ryuuto finished cleaning, he glanced over his shoulder to see Yukki struggling to stay awake. Was he waiting for him? He smiled at the sweet action and went over to the bed, tossing aside his towel and climbing in beside the brunet. His arm gently slid around his waist as he pulled him against his chest. "Go to sleep, my Yukki." he said softly, pressing a light kiss to his forehead.

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Yukki felt as if everything around him calmed down when Ryuuto's body was against his. The teen snuggled up close, a soft, quiet sigh of comfort leaving his mouth. "Master... I really do love you..." He muttered softly, his eyes closed already. He'd never let his feelings out if he was fully awake. Ryuuto would probably find them disgusting and would try to just use the teen for sex, or something like that.

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Surprised by the admittance, Ryuuto glanced down at him to see that he already seemed to be falling asleep. The last time Yukki had said this, the man had just assumed he was joking. But now that he'd repeated it, it seemed much more real. Ryuuto honestly was at a loss. He would have expected himself to just brush it off or ignore his words, but for some reason, hearing Yukki say it started a warm feeling in his chest that he couldn't explain. Ryuuto tried to push the thoughts aside and relaxed against him to fall asleep.

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Yukki fell asleep shortly after his confession, waking up after three hours of slumber. He snuggled up against his Master, the memories of him saying that he loved the man still somewhere in his mind, but he thought of it as a dream. After all, he was sure he didn't do it - it would be stupid of him. The teen opened his eyes, smiling up at the other before pressing a small kiss to Ryuuto's collarbone. "Good morning, Master..." He murmured sleepily, stretching slightly. If anything, he'll just take another nap in the car.

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Ryuuto slept a mere hour, but he wasn't tired. He woke up with a yawn at the light kiss. "Good morning." he returned softly. "Did you sleep well?" he asked. Ryuuto pressed a light kiss to his lips, not too keen on getting out of bed just yet. He had grown to like lazy mornings like this with Yukki. Even so, he knew they would need to get up soon.

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Yukki smiled and nodded, kissing back to the soft kiss he received. The teen shifted a little bit, still frowning slightly at the discomfort. He was glad to see that their bath lessened the pain slightly, so it was bearable... That didn't mean he'd refuse being carried. "Master, we should probably get up..." He muttered softly, slowly sliding his fingers up Ryuuto's stomach, adoring the feeling of muscles.

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Ryuuto shivered slightly at the touches, already accustomed to the feel of Yukki's fingers on his skin. "Just a little longer." he muttered. He leaned in to kiss him again, his hand placed comfortably against the small of the brunet's back. After lingering against him for a few more seconds, Ryuuto pulled away with a soft sigh. "Alright, let's get dressed and get going." he added. The man sat up in the bed, holding out a hand to help Yukki up as well.

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Yukki let out a soft chuckle before their lips met again. The teen melted into the kiss soon, liking the warmth that was spreading through his body. He sighed out quietly as the kiss ended and Ryuuto decided to get out of the bed after all. The brunet pouted slightly at the hand and shook his head. "Could you pass me my clothes?" He asked, not really wanting to stand up yet, he didn't even want to sit right now.

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Ryuuto smiled slightly and nodded, getting up and going over to where Yukki had put his clothes. Not that he would admit it, but a small part of him liked taking care of Yukki like this. He grabbed one of the outfits he'd packed for him and brought it up him. He figured that helping the brunet get dressed would only embarrass him, so he decided to leave him to his own devices unless he asked. Meanwhile, Ryuuto began getting dressed as well.

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Yukki smiled gratefully and took the clothes, first putting on the shirt and hoodie, as that didn't hurt. The teen let out a soft sigh as he began pulling on his underwear, letting out a soft grunt when the fabric touched the bruises on his ass. The pants followed after... Yukki was glad they were rather soft, as that way he could feel as little pain as possible.

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Ryuuto dressed in a simple pair of jeans and casual shirt, then went about straightening up the room. They would be leaving as soon as they returned to the hotel, so the less they would have to do later, the better. He grabbed the blanket Yukki picked out from the tourist shop, thinking that its softness could be placed in the brunet's seat during the short car trip to the hot spring. "Are you ready?" he asked.

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Yukki observed Ryuuto as he tidied their room while he stayed on the bed after managing to sit up. Though it still hurt fairly much, it was bearable. The teen smiled and nodded at the question, taking in a deep breath as he slid down off the bed, standing up a bit shakily. "...I don't want to walk." He muttered out and looked up at Ryuuto with his usual puppy eyes. The brunet hoped that Master could carry him...

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Ryuuto shook his head at the way Yukki was looking up at him. "The puppy eyes return, of course." he muttered with a smile. Already knowing what Yukki was implying, the older man made sure to grab his phone and room key before carefully scooping the brunet into his arms. He carried Yukki out of the room, closing the door behind him and carrying him into the elevator as well. He didn't put him down until the reached the car, and he made sure to put the soft blanket in Yukki's seat first.

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Yukki smiled a bit goofily, his cheeks gaining the light rosy color from slight embarrasment. He wrapped an arm around Ryuuto's neck as he was carried, hiding his face in the man's chest from other people. The teen was happy to be carried, of course, but it was embarrasing... When he was put in the car, the brunet felt happy to feel the blanket. "Thanks, Master." He muttered softly, a sweet smile on his face.

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