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[18+] You Belong to Me (Zombie_In_A_Box x Rem)


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Ryuuto nodded and gave him a quick kiss before closing the door and getting into the car as well. He waited until he was sure that Yukki was comfortably seated before driving away. Luckily, the car ride was only about ten minutes. After pulling into a parking space, he turned to the brunet. "Do you need to be carried again?" He asked, a teasing tone in his voice.

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Yukki spent most of the ride trying to shift into a position comfortable enough for his ass not to hurt completely, but failed to find one. When he heard the question, his goofy smile appeared once more and he nodded slightly. "I wouldn't refuse..." He muttered out quietly and let out a warm smile. "If Master doesn't think of it as trouble, I'd like to be carried again..." He asked softly, glancing at Ryuuto.

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Ryuuto found himself thinking that the brunet's goofy smile seemed to get cuter every time that he did it. Pushing the thought aside, he got out of the car and went to Yukki's side to help him. When he was secure in his arms, he carried him inside of the hot spring, going straight to the front desk. "Good morning, I have a reservation for two." he said confidently. The young woman looked a bit confused at seeing him carrying Yukki, but nodded and checked the computer anyways. "Reservation for two, booked by Ryuuto? And is he alright?" the woman asked.


"He's fine. We're tourists and we did a great deal of walking around his morning, so his feet are sore." Ryuuto answered smoothly, to which the woman smiled and nodded. She showed them the changing room and gave them both fresh towels and yukatas to wear before bowing politely and leaving them alone. The changing rooms were very nice, and the yukatas seemed to be made of fine material.

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Yukki seemed rather happy to be carried, holding onto Ryuuto's shoulder while trying not to look down. Heights certainly were not his strong point. When they were at the reception, Yukki wanted to ask to be let down, but it was too embarrassing when Ryuuto already began talking. The teen smiled a bit nervously at the woman, nodding slightly at what his Master said. "I'm really not used to going such long distances..." He chuckled quietly, glad to see the other seemed to buy it.


When they were (finally) left alone, Yukki carefuly got down onto the ground, standing a little bit unsteady. He changed into the yukata, only then realizing his neck was covered in hickeys. The brunet glanced at the mirror, lightly trailing his fingers over one that wouldn't be hidden by any shirt. Now that would be quite a few problems... "Master, I really hope we don't have trips planned out after this one..." He muttered out with a pout, motioning to his neck and chest.

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Ryuuto calmly changed out of his clothes and put on the yukata, glancing over at Yukki when he heard him speak. His eyes trailed over the marks on his skin as he came closer. "They will start to fade soon. But don't worry, I haven't planned anything for us for a while." he assured. He teasingly poked Yukki's lips before turning away. He put their clothes away in a locker, then led Yukki down the hall to the hot spring. Fortunately, the first one was empty. He turned to Yukki just in case he needed help stepping in.

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Yukki just pouted more at the answer and poke to his lips, but followed the man quietly anyway. Each step made him uncomfortable, mostly because he had to take somewhat bigger steps to catch up to Ryuuto. By the time they reached their destination, the teen had a slightly pained expression on his face, his breathing a little bit uneven. He glanced up at Ryuuto before carefully removing his yukata, gently rubbing his ass to soothe the pain. "Can you help me get in?" He asked softly, barely standing on his own two feet.

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Ryuuto noticed the pained expression on his face and realized that he should have slowed down for Yukki's sake. The man nodded and moved closer, holding out a hand and steadying him to step in. When the brunet was safely seated, he shed his yukata as well and got in beside him. The hot spring felt even better than their bath, and he wondered if they'd added something to the water to ease sore muscles. After letting Yukki relax for a few minutes, he asked, "Does it feel better now?"

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Yukki seemed quite relieved when he was offered a hand. The brunet gripped onto it tightly before attempting to get in - and succeeding in doing so. The brunet let out a long, content sigh as he closed his eyes, sinking into the water until his whole body was in. "Mhhmmm..." This was the only answer to Ryuuto's question. The teen had a small, relaxed smile on his face as he leaned against his Master, absolutely adoring the situation. It was almost perfect... Well, he certainly wouldn't refuse a trip like that sometime again.

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Ryuuto was relieved when the brunet said that he was feeling better. He'd felt a bit guilty for having Yukki in so much pain, and he was glad that it seemed to be subsiding. He gingerly put his arm around Yukki when he leaned closer. The warmth shared between them made the hot spring seem even better. "I'm glad that we had the chance to have this trip." he muttered.

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Yukki smiled softly when Ryuuto wrapped an arm around him, making him feel like he was at home. The brunet smiled up at his Master and moved closer for a short, sweet kiss. "Me too." He muttered out afterwards, snuggling up closer. He really hoped no one would come here... It would be really awkward. "Um... I've been meaning to ask something... Would Master be okay with me taking a walk sometimes?" He asked hesitantly, never before having requested such thing.

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Ryuuto smiled a bit and kissed him back, reveling in the added warmth as he moved closer. His eyebrows raised in surprise at Yukki's question. He had planned to buy the brunet a dog after they returned home, so going on walks was a given. "That's fine with me." he responded casually. He didn't want Yukki to feel as if he was trapped in some sort of prison. He wanted Yukki to be happy.

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Yukki smiled gleefully, lightly pecking his Master's cheek. "Thank you!" He said with a warm smile on his face, snuggling a little bit closer. Hot springs alone were great, but with his Master next to him, they were at least ten times better. The brunet closed his eyes, letting himself relax against Ryuuto's body. He always, always felt so safe next to this man... His arm around him made him feel like nothing bad could possibly happen.

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Ryuuto opened his mouth to say something more but hesitated when he heard a loud voice coming from down the hall. An older man with a towel wrapped around his waist was talking sharply into the smartphone he held against his ear. Ryuuto frowned at the rudeness of the stranger, but he took no notice of him as he settled down across from them in the hot spring. The dark-haired man's arm around Yukki tightened a bit in the presence of the unknown person. Ryuuto didn't care much for strangers, especially when they were invading his personal space.


The stranger continued his rather loud conversation on the phone, only glancing over at Yukki and Ryuuto once. He noticed their close embrace and scowled, then rolled his eyes and looked away.

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Yukki shifted uncomfortably when the loud voice first appeared. He pressed up against Ryuuto, cautiously observing the man. It was rather obvious that the brunet was dissatisfied with how loud he was being... He ignored it for some time, just gently running his fingers over Ryuuto's thigh to distract himself, but the man just didn't stop... "Can you stop talking so loudly?" He suddenly asked, a frown on his face. Yukki wasn't all that scared to act like this when he was with his Master. He wouldn't let anything bad to happen...

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Ryuuto was taken aback by the brunet's outburst, but he couldn't say that he wasn't a bit impressed. He had never seen Yukki stand up to someone that way, but then again, they'd never been in a situation together where he would need to.


"Tell your little boyfriend to shut his mouth." The older man said rudely before going back to his conversation.


Ryuuto's fists clenched in anger at the audacity of the stranger, but he exhaled deeply and managed to keep his temper under control. "Sir, could you refrain from speaking so rudely? And you're being a disturbance, could you be quieter? Or perhaps just move to a different area?" he asked, his words polite but his tone cold.

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Yukki couldn't help but act childishly - when the man replied, the brunet stuck out his tongue and huffed. "Maybe when you learn to speak to me instead of asking others." He muttered out, lightly gripping onto Ryuuto's hand. He may have been acting like this, but his heart was beating so fast it felt like it was about to burst out of his chest.


The teen snuggled up closer as his Master spoke, his honey-colored eyes closing for the moment. Now the other would take care of everything... Or at least Yukki hoped so. He opened one eye to observe the older man, a frown on his face at the rude behavior. It wouldn't hurt to shut up for some time...

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The scowl on the stranger's face deepened at their works, and he pulled the phone away from his ear to stare at them menacingly. "Oh yeah? And what are you going to do if I don't?" he threatened, standing up and glaring.


"Is there a problem, gentlemen?"


Ryuuto turned to see the young woman from the front desk standing near the entrance, accompanied by a taller stocky man. His face didn't not look as pleasant as the young woman.


"Yes, miss. This man here has been harassing us since he arrived." Ryuuto said calmly.


The stranger sputtered to defend himself, but the young woman cut him off. "I'm going to have to ask you to leave, sir." she said politely. He began to protest, but a glare from the stocky employee silenced him. He gave a final scowl before following them out.


When they were gone, Ryuuto turned back to Yukki with a relieved smile. "It's over now, relax." he said softly, kissing his forehead.

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Yukki honestly felt a little bit uneasy when the man stood up, glaring at them. His grip on Ryuuto's hand tightened and he mentally cursed himself for not staying quiet as he should've. The brunet took in a sharp breath just before the woman saved their situation with one simple question.


He glanced at her and let out a relieved smile, his grip loosening significantly. The teen waited quietly until the man was gone and they could relax again... He leaned against his Master, letting out a quiet, slightly shaky sigh. "Thanks..." He muttered out, glancing up at the older man with a soft smile. He moved up to plant a soft, feather light kiss on his cheek while somewhat shyly entwining their fingers. He liked holding hands; he liked all sweet, little affectionate actions between them.

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Ryuuto couldn't help laughing a bit at Yukki's cute shyness. He gently squeezed his intertwined fingers as he used his other hand to gently pull him in for another kiss. It was soft and short, but his hand still lingered against Yukki's cheek. He stared down into the brunet's warm eyes and a small smile pulled at his lips. Even if he'd never said it aloud, he thought that Yukki was truly beautiful. And not just in terms of appearance. He believed that Yukki was beautiful on the inside as well. Ryuuto shook his head at his own mushy thoughts and looked away with a soft chuckle.

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Yukki smiled softly into the kiss, hope sparking inside him. If this didn't mean anything, well... No, that was impossible. Master wouldn't kiss him like this if he was only a sex object, that he was sure of. His heart fluttered at the sound of Ryuuto's laugh as he cuddled up closer, holding the other's hand gently. "Master... I'm really happy we went on this trip." I'm glad I got to spend time with you. I'm happy to be with you. I don't want for this to end. I love you. Yukki's thoughts made him a bit unfocused for a while, staring in front of him, at the water.

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A light feeling bloomed in Ryuuto's chest at Yukki's words. "I'm really happy, too." he said softly, his smile growing. This trip was honestly the best experience he'd had in a long time. It was only made even better by being able to spend it with Yukki. He glanced at him, noticing his dazed expression. Was he alright? Ryuuto blinked, and his vision blurred in and out of focus. He'd forgotten that staying in a hot spring too long could make a person sick. "I think we should get going. I'm getting lightheaded, and if we stay any longer, I won't be in a position to drive." he muttered, moving to stand up.

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Yukki's thoughts were getting a little bit mushy, his cheeks having gained a soft red flush. Still, when Ryuuto said they should leave, the teen couldn't help but pout slightly. "Already?" He asked, a bit disappointed. The brunet sighed quietly and attempted to stand up as well, finding that his ass felt much better after all this hot water. He managed to stand up and even got out of the water, where he immediately put a towel over himself - he was cold. Even though the room was warm, it couldn't be compared to the water.

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Ryuuto noticed the disappointment in his voice and felt a tinge of guilt at having them leave sooner, but he didn't mention it. He quietly stepped out and wrapped a towel around himself as well. The room wasn't as warm as the water, and he had to suppress a shiver. His fingers casually linked with Yukki's as he lead him back to the changing room, this time making sure to slow down a bit, just in case he was still uneasy. He dried himself and got changed, then glanced over at the brunet to see if he needed any help.

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Yukki's disappointment was soon gone when Ryuuto took his hand. The teen smiled slightly, holding onto it as they walked back to their room. Now it was definitely easier to walk, though it still hurt... Yukki seemed happy, really happy. When they got to the room, the brunet began dressing, but found it was a bit troubling to put on his pants. He had to sit down on the bed, and only then pulled them on. His hair was still a bit wet, but he figured he'd just let it dry naturally. When he was done, he glanced at his Master and smiled, the sleeves of the cardigan he wore tugged down to cover his hands.

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Without thinking, Ryuuto ran his fingers through Yukki's damp locks, returning his small smile. He then turned away to fold up their used yukatas so they could be returned to the front desk. He waited until Yukki was ready before leading him back out, to the front desk, then to the car. Even if he guessed that Yukki was feeling better, he still helped him get into the car, and he didn't drive off until the brunet was comfortable. The ride was short, and they were soon entering their hotel room.


Ryuuto's phone rang in his pocket. He pulled it out, frowning slightly at the number he didn't immediately recognize. Was this his office? He didn't have to go in for at least two hours, why were they calling now? He answered the call and stepped out onto the deck, closing the door behind him. He stepped back in minutes later, his eyes a bit wider than usual. "We need to hurry....my mother is coming to visit."

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