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[18+] You Belong to Me (Zombie_In_A_Box x Rem)


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Yukki couldn't help but let out a soft laugh when Ryuuto ran his fingers through his hair - it felt nice! He finished dressing and drying, trying to make himself look as simple and normal as possible before heading to the car. He was glad that Master helped him get in... Sitting on the soft blanket was also especially nice.


When they were at the hotel, he glanced at Ryuuto when his phone rang and just began collecting all of his belongings and "toys", stuffing everything into his bag. When the other came back Yukki smiled, but the soft expression died out when he heard the news. "Your mother? But- how am I supposed to act around her?" He felt slight panic rising in him, his hands trembling the slightest bit. He'd never met that woman before. What was he supposed to do?!

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Ryuuto had been asking himself the same question. But he guessed that if they just acted natural and weren't too obvious, it would be fine. "Just be yourself. But of course, she can not know about us." he said seriously, also starting to pack up his things. "As of right now, we are just roommates. I'll say that you're a friend who needed a place to stay, so you're renting out one of the bedrooms in my house. That's the story we're sticking to, so don't forget it. This woman can sense fear, I swear." he muttered, shaking his head as he pushed the last of the things into his suitcase.

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Yukki felt himself beggining to shake slightly, though he tried to hide that. He stuffed everything into his bag and tossed it over his shoulder, gulping down nervously. "W-What if she asks me what I do? What do I say then?" He questioned, his eyes wide, somewhat pleading for help. The last sentence he heard from Ryuuto about his mother honestly terrified him. The teen was never good in dealing with things he was scared of. There were quite a few times he ended up having panic attacks, though he hadn't had one in a long time; and he never told Ryuuto about them, either. After all, he usually didn't feel that scared with his Master around.

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Ryuuto glanced over when he heard the panic in Yukki's voice, noticing for the first time how freaked out he was. He immediately went to him, grabbing both of his hands. "It'll be easier to just say you're unemployed. Now relax. She's not here to do anything bad, and she's not going to be investigating everything you day, alright? Just calm down, and it will be fine. In fact, I'm pretty sure you two will get along better than you expect." he assured, placing a light kiss on his forehead. This would be the last few moments of intimate contact they would have before having to hide it, so he have him a soft kiss on the lips as well. He ruffled Yukki's hair affectionately before pulling away, then went to grab the last of his things. "Ready?" he asked, standing near the door.

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Yukki felt like he was about to cry, and for what a stupid reason... When his hands were grabbed, the teen just gripped back tightly, trying to even out his breathing, nodding a few times as he listened to Ryuuto. He had the whole trip to convince himself of that, he could do it. Yeah, he definitely could... He had to. For Master, if not for himself. The soft kiss on his lips was something that helped him relax at least a little bit, the few moments when he felt love and safety once more... And then Master's lips were gone and he was left a bit shaken. A small smile appeared on his face, looking a bit forced out when his hair was ruffled, but he went after the man anyway. "Yeah..." He muttered out quietly at the short question, tightly gripping onto the sleeves of his sweater while they walked to the car.

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Ryuuto could tell that Yukki was more than a stressed about the situation, but he knew that saying anything else would probably cause him to panic even more, so he remained quiet. He didn't say anything for the entirety of the car ride, instead allowing Yukki to think and collect himself on his own. The trip seemed much shorter on the way back, and he was soon pulling up in front of his house.


A short woman with dark hair similar to Ryuuto's stood in front of his door, a large grocery bag partially hiding her face. Ryuuto hurried to get out and help Yukki as well, making sure to grab his suitcase as well. He made sure that the brunet was ready before approaching the door. "I'm sorry for keeping you waiting, mother." he said softly, taking the grocery bag politely to lighten her load.


The woman smiled and shrugged as she waited for Ryuuto to open the door. Her eyes flickered to Yukki in curiosity, but she didn't say anything until they were all inside. As soon as Ryuuto had closed the door and set down all of the bags, she pulled him into a warm embrace, the top of her head barely touching the chin of the taller man. "I've missed you, son." she muttered, pulling away and smiling up at him. "I wouldn't have to make surprise visits if you actually called, Ryu." she chided, giving him a light whack on the arm.


Ryuuto's face flushed in embarrassment for the first time in a while, and he cringed at the nickname he hadn't been called in a while. Before he could answer, his mother shushed him and gestured to Yukki. "Aren't you going to introduce me to your cute little friend?" she smiled.


"This is Yukki. He's a friend of mine that has been staying with me for a while. Yukki, this is my mother, Risa." he introduced.


Risa bowed her head politely, taking a step closer to look at him. Her looked very innocent, a trait she found endearing. "What a nice boy." she added, softly pinching his cheek in a motherly way.

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Yukki's thoughts at the start of the trip were just a big mass of mush. They were tangled up, panic in every corner of his brain, his hands cold and his face pale. The teen realized it was so, so dumb of him to feel like this, but he couldn't help it. He hated feeling like this, but he couldn't stop it. All he could do was try, and little by little he seemed to finally be able to calm himself down enough to at least function properly. Although he still seemed a bit pale, although each second meant getting closer to the source of the stress, he had to be able to pull through.


When the car slowed down and finally stopped, a wave of fear flooded over Yukki upon seeing a waiting woman. He got out of the car a bit shakily with Ryuuto's help, already decided that if the woman was to ask about his walking or anything of the sort, he'd say he fell down. He didn't know how convincing that was, especially when he was in such state, but it was the best he could do. The brunet managed a small smile at the woman, watching how she interacted with his Master. His heart was beating so goddamn fast...


The brunet avoided any eye contact, entering the house last without saying a word. He set his bag down, unsure if he should go to his room or stay, but apparently that was decided for him when Ryuuto introduced him. He let out a smile again, nodding slightly at the woman. "It's nice to meet you." He said softly, closing one eye as his cheek was pinched. Alright, maybe this wasn't so bad after all...


He smiled at the woman again, now seemingly more relaxed. Maybe he could do this after all.

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"You brought food?" Ryuuto asked, picking up the grocery bag. He tried to peek inside, but his mother quickly snatched the bag away from him.


"Stop being so nosy, Ryu." she nagged, giving him a light glare. "I figured that it has probably been a while since you've made a home-cooked meal, seeing as your a horrible chef. So I brought your favorite." she smiled.


"I appreciate that mother, but I have to take a quick trip to the office." The dark haired man muttered apologetically.


"That's fine, I haven't made it yet anyways." Risa shrugged with a grin. She turned to Yukki. "Are you good at cooking? I'm going to need some help. Well, even if you aren't, I'll teach you." she promised, hooking an arm with the brunet and leading him into the kitchen with a giggle.


Ryuuto smiled at the interaction between the two. He quickly went upstairs to change, and when he returned, his mother was taking out vegetables and showing Yukki how to chop them properly. "I'll be back soon." he promised, giving his mother a hug and an assuring smile to the brunet before leaving.


Risa told him to drive safely and said goodbye before turning back to Yukki. "You're very good at chopping up vegatables" She said softly, patting him lightly on the shoulder. "This is Ryu's favorite soup, and I haven't made it in years. I hope you'll like it too." she smiled.

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Yukki quietly observed how Ryuuto interacted with his mother, nervously shifting his weight from one foot to the other. His whole body froze for a moment when he realized he would be left alone with his mother. All alone. The brunet gulped down, supressing his shivering.


"Me? I-I'm really not-" The teen wasn't even given a chance to reply properly before he was dragged off to the kitchen. Of course he managed to place his foot in the wrong way which only reminded him of how much his hips ached. His breathing came out a little bit shaky without Ryuuto around, he could feel himself filling up with panic. Deep breaths, he reminded himself as he attempted to calm down.


All the time he spent alone with Ryuuto's mother felt something like a torture. Not a really bad one, but enough to make him feel uncomfortable. While he was being shown how to chop the vegetables, he tried to follow, as well as stop his hands from shaking. His Master leaving nearly sent him over the edge, but he managed to mutter out a small 'see you' before the man left.


"Thanks..." Yukki said quietly as he was complimented, though he wasn't sure if the woman's words were honest. The light touch that was meant to be comforting didn't help this time... The brunet continued to take in deep breaths while listening, his teeth clenched tightly to make sure no tear escaped. He smiled when the woman was done talking and nodded, pushing his hair out of his eyes. "I'm sure I will, any home-made food is good..." He said softly and glanced at the woman, trying not to show his current state.

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Risa was about to say something else, but paused when she saw the discomfort written on the brunet's face. He looked close to tears. Her expression quickly changed to genuine worry. "Are you alright, Yukki-kun? You look pale, perhaps you should sit down." she said cautiously. Scared that he might faint, Risa hurried to pull out a chair at the kitchen table. She also went to grab a glass of water for him. "Are you prone to panic attacks? When Ryu was little, he had a friend that would have them all the time. He would come and get me when they happened, and we found that they go away quicker when you just sit down and breathe, okay?" she prompted gently. "You can go and lay down if you want, sweetheart." she added. There was something important she wanted to ask Yukki, but she decided to wait until he was feeling better.


Meanwhile, Ryuuto had no knowledge of what was going on, but he still worried about Yukki. He had looked quite shaken before he'd left. But why was he so nervous? Risa was the nicest person that Ryuuto knew, after the brunet of course, so why was he freaking out so much. He worried more as he finally got to his office.

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The question 'are you okay' was all Yukki needed for him to be unable to hold everything in anymore. His breathing turned into short, sharp gasps for air while the knife fell out of his hand and onto the cutting board. For a minute or two, he couldn't reply at all, tears in his eyes, his body shaking slightly. The brunet somehow managed to sit down, but he was not able to calm down at first. Having a panic attack after such a long pause of not having any was way scarier than before. He felt as if something was squeezing his chest, like it was in a tight, metal cage, making him unable to even breathe properly.


Yukki didn't risk even holding the glass of water, his arms wrapped tightly around himself as he tried not to cry, at least. Although that proved to be a lot harder than he thought, he was still holding the tears in. For what, he didn't know.

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Risa grabbed some unopened mail from the table, using it to lightly fan Yukki. She tried not to hover over him or coddle him, for fear of making it worse. She sat down opposite him at the table and waited patiently for him to collect himself or if he needed anything. Had she caused this? Perhaps Yukki was the type that was uncomfortable around new people? Maybe she had come on a bit too strong. Risa had just been a bit excited that her son actually had a friend, she hadn't meant to scare the poor boy. She glanced over at him worriedly, not sure if she should say anything.


Ryuuto was glad that he was getting his work done easily. It seemed that he would be able to return quicker than he'd expected. He just hoped that Yukki and his mother were getting along.

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Yukki couldn't help but repeat to himself in his mind over and over how stupid this was. Those thoughts only made him feel worse, and like that made his panic attack worse as well. Feeling light air coming at him, the brunet tried to start breathing in longer breaths; he was familiar with how to stop a panic attack, but just knowing it wasn't enough. The teen only managed to calm down in a good ten minutes, soft apologizes sometimes heard from his side. He was still shaking, but managed to at least get his breathing under control. If he was asked for the cause of this, he certainly wouldn't be able to answer. This was what he hated the most - not knowing why his panic attacks started...

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"You don't have to apologize, Yukki-kun." Risa assured. "Take as much time to collect yourself as you need." she smiled, standing and going back to cooking. She figured that giving him a bit of time to himself would be best, so she busied herself with making the soup. Humming softly to herself, Risa finished putting all of the ingredients in and calmly stirred the mixture in a large pot on the stove.


Ryuuto gave a sigh of relief when he was able to leave. He would finally be able to get home to Yukki and his mother.

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Yukki couldn't believe how nice the woman was acting. There was one time he had a panic attack at his previous Master... It didn't end well for him. The teen took a few minutes to actually collect himself, his chest still feeling tight and the lump in his throat not even close to disappearing. For some time, before saying anything, he quietly watched Risa prepare the soup. Somehow, watching her do it helped him finally relax. He reached for the glass of water, holding it with both hands as he took a few sips.


"...Could you not tell Ryuuto?" He asked quietly, trying to swallow down the hard lump in his throat. His lower lip was trembling slightly as he took in deep breaths, closing his eyes to calm down entirely. Really, this was a disaster...

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Risa turned at his voice and nodded. "Of course. It'll be just between us." she promised with a wink. The woman went back to cooking for another ten minutes, setting aside the pot when it was done. She began setting the table as the front door opened, and Ryuuto's voice sounded from the hallway.


"I'm home. Somwthing smells really good." he muttered, coming into the kitchen.


"Just in time." Risa added, setting out bowls and spoons for everyone.

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Yukki smiled in relief, finally having managed to calm himself down. The teen closed his eyes, takinga few more minutes before standing up to tidy himself a bit. He glanced at himself in a mirror, somewhat happy to see he looked normal at last. He didn't want to make Ryuuto worried... The brunet took in a few deep breaths, imagining himself pushing all of his bad thoughts into a corner of his mind. He had just calmed down entirely when his Master returned. Yukki smiled at Risa, slight, barely noticable shivers still running through his body from time to time. "Welcome back..." He said softly and smiled at Ryuuto, gripping onto the sleeves of his sweater even now.

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Ryuuto glanced at Yukki when he spoke, noticing his flushed face and him tugging on his sleeves, something he did when he was nervous. Seeing that his mother was busy with dinner, he leaned in a bit closer to Yukki. "Were you alright?" he asked quietly.


Unknown to them, Risa had noticed the interaction between them, and an amused grin pulled at her lips. "Alright, let's eat." she announced.


Ryuuto pulled away and moved to help her serve the soup, not sitting down until he ensured that everyone was taken care of. He sat down next to Yukki, and his mother sat down across from them.


"Tell me how it tastes. I know I haven't made it in a while, but Yukki was a wonderful help." Risa added.

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Yukki smiled softly and nodded at the question, although his heart dropped slightly. That question was never something he liked, honestly... Thankfully, Risa, intentionally or not, rescued him by announcing it was time to eat. The brunet smiled at his Master once more before getting to the table, even more aware of the ache after his panic attack.


When he was given a bowl of soup, the teen didn't begin eating until everyone had theirs as well. Words couldn't describe how grateful he was to Risa, for saying those simple words. "I really didn't do all that much." Yukki said with a sheepish smile, glad that Ryuuto was next to him. He often felt like the man was his own personal shield from everything bad in the world.


The brunet began eating and his eyes closed for a moment. "It's delicious!" He exclaimed with a wider smile, praying it didn't look fake.

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"Oh, you're so nice. Thank you, sweetheart." Risa smiled at him, then turned to Ryuuto. "Why aren't you as nice as your cute little friend?" she teased.


"No one is as nice as Yukki." Ryuuto shrugged, a grin tugging at his lips. "But this is really good, mother. Even better than I remember."


"Don't try to butter me up, Ryu. I'm still mad at you for not calling often." she countered, to which Ryuuto gave an apologetic smile. "But anyways, I just wanted to get a chance to see you before your birthday. Do you have anything planned?"


"Not particularly. You know I don't like making a big fuss about my birthday." Ryuuto responded, which was quite true. As he got older, he liked big parties less and less.


"You're no fun, Ryu." Risa mock pouted, then leaned towards Yukki. "How about we throw him a surprise party?" she whispered rather loudly.

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Yukki smiled warmly at the woman, shaking his head. "It really is delicious." He said with the same smile, truly beginning to like the woman. She was so nice... Reminded him of his own mother. God, he really missed her already; seeing his family once a month wasn't anything near enough.


He felt a soft blush covering his cheeks when Ryuuto complimented him, in a way. He stared down at the bowl of soup, a somewhat shy smile on his face now.


The brunet sat quietly as he listened to the two of them talk about Master's upcoming birthday. What could he gift him? Wait, now that he had the chance to go out for walks... He could think of something nice, right? He just had to figure out what Ryuuto would like.


Yukki let out a soft laugh at the "whispered" words and nodded at the woman, leaning closer to her as well, joining in the act. "I'd love to~" He said quietly, chuckling softly to himself.

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Risa saw the blush on Yukki's cheeks and the smile on Ryuuto's face as he complimented him, the gears in her mind already turning. This was certainly interesting.


"You both know that I can hear you, right?" Ryuuto muttered, trying to sound annoyed but a smile coming through anyways. "I should have known that you two would team up against me." he shook his head.


Risa ignored his words and whispered to Yukki again. "Alright, we'll bake his favorite cake, and we can even go shopping for gifts if you want." she grinned. The woman was glad that Yukki was opening up. He seemed like a such a nice boy, and she was happy that he was feeling better than earlier.

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Yukki laughed softly as his Master failed at looking annoyed, his expression softening a little bit more. If Risa wasn't here, perhaps he would've received a kiss on such a sweet moment...


"Um... I'm really, really not good at baking or anything of the sort." The brunet admitted with a nervous chuckle, remembering the disaster when he tried to make pancakes. "But I'd love to go shopping for gifts." He added with a grin, whispering as well. He felt a lot more relaxed than when he first heard Risa would even be here... Still, his panic attack made him feel worried, and that wasn't going to pass for a long time.


Thing was, at least for him, the panic attacks were something he was constantly scared of. They would come in the moments he least needed to, and... He didn't undertand why they even came back after such a long pause. It didn't make any sense to him.

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"Oh relax, no one is teaming up against you." Risa laughed. "Does he always grumble this much?" she asked Yukki jokingly. "And don't worry about the cooking, I'll just make it beforehand. I can pick you up next week on the day before his birthday and we can go shopping." she smiled. Risa was excited to be getting along with Yukki so well now.


"You two will probably have the time of your lives. Bring me back some of that expensive mall coffee." Ryuuto added as he finished up his soup.


"Still addicted to coffee, I see. Too much caffeine isn't good for you, Ryu. Now help Yukki clear off the table, I'll get going." Risa informed as she stood up from the table. "I know I just got here, but this was only supposed to be a brief visit. I know you've probably got work to do so I won't get in the way." she said softly. The short woman moved to Yukki's side of the table to pull him into a hug. "It was nice to meet you sweetheart. I'll see you next week, alright?" she smiled.


Ryuuto waited until she was finished before getting her coat and following her into the hallway. Once they were out of the kitchen, she stopped short and turned to her son suddenly, a small smile on her face.


"So when were you planning on telling me about you two?" she asked, unaware that her voice was a bit loud.


"What are you talking about?" Ryuuto countered, his tone casual but his heart racing.


"Do you really think you can fool me, Ryuuto? I raised you, for pete's sake. And I can see the way you look at him, like he's everything to you. Like your entire world revolves around him."


Ryuuto fell silent, not knowing what to say. Now that it was presented to him like this, he couldn't deny it.


"Does he make you happy, son?" Risa asked, her voice understanding.


"Yes." Ryuuto answered immediately. He was taken aback by his own certainty.


"Do you love him?" she inquired.


Ryuuto hesitated, finally realizing the weight of their conversation. A voice in the back of his mind was screaming yes, but his lips weren't getting the message. He looked directly at his mother and saw that she was waiting intently, but there was understanding shining in her eyes. ".....yes, I do." he finally answered, still not noticing that their entire conversation could be overheard from the kitchen.


"Then that's fine with me. I'll see you again soon, son." Risa beamed, pulling him into a hug and kissing his cheek before leaving. Ryuuto simply stood in the quiet hallway afterwards, his heart still racing but a small smile on his face.

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Yukki smiled widely at Risa, laughing quietly at the question. "Not usually." He answered with a warm smile, his brown eyes shining with happiness and joy. The teen's grin only increased when the woman continued talking about the plans for next week. "It sounds great!" He said merrily and smiled widely once more, appearing to be completely happy in the current situation.


The brunet stayed quiet later, up until the moment Risa announced she would be leaving. Yukki seemed to be the slightest bit disappointed the woman was staying this short, but hugged back tightly, momentarily pressing his face into her shoulder. It was probably weird to say, but he liked how she smelled... It smelled like home, warm, cozy home.


"I'll do the dishes." Yukki said and shot a small smile at Ryuuto before slowly taking all the dishes and putting them into the sink. He turned on the water, peacefully washing the dishes until the two questions from the hallway reached him. Yukki stopped, his eyes going wide at the heard answers. Honestly, his heart felt as if it stopped when Ryuuto hesitated to answer the second question, but... But the answer was worth the wait.


The teen turned off the water and slowly, step by step, walked to the hallway once Risa left. His eyes wide, cheeks red and hands trembling slightly in nervousness, he stared at his Master for a while.


"Did you really... Really mean it?"

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