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My Savior (Private with ChibiMonkey)


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Cassiel realized that the boy he'd saved was in the room, but didn't really show any sign of actually noticing him, maybe except for a light glance tossed at him. He felt a small feeling of irritation - weirdly - when Cyrus began talking worriedly. "I can get it myself..." He muttered quietly, his voice a bit weak. Finally, the grey-haired male managed to find himself the pills he'd made. He swallowed one without any water and lightly gripped onto the other's shoulder.


"...Go rest." He muttered quietly, dark bags forming underneath his eyes. The angel couldn't help but feel bad about Cyrus working while he was sleeping. "Your leg..." He murmured softly, his vision going a bit blurry. He took a small step forward and nearly fell down. He couldn't remember the last time he felt so weak... Everything around him was spinning...


He managed to make it to his bed - while dragging the boy along. He pulled the smaller body towards himself, lightly hiding his face into his neck. Breathing into his sweet scent, the angel slowly closed his eyes and tried to relax. It felt nice to have Cyrus next to him... He liked holding someone, but he rarely got the chance to do so.

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Cyrus frowned a bit when the other told him to go rest, when Cassiel was clearly the one in more need at the moment. He sighed "I should be saying the same to you" he said, watching the other struggle with opening a bottle to get medicine. He was about to help the other, but Cassiel had already opened it and gotten it for him. He sighed, and took the bottle from the other, closing it back up for him and grabbing him a class of water to bring back to his bed, with the medicine incase he needed more later, so he wouldn't have to struggle about the house to get it.


He stumbled a bit as the other suddenly seemed light headed and about to fall. Cyrus scrambled with the bottle and glass in his hand, holding both in one, while the other wrapped around Cassiel to keep him from falling. He winced slightly as the weighted pressure he had to put on his leg with the other leaning on him, to keep him from falling over, but he ignored the pain. He slowly helped the other back to his bedroom and bed, barely managing to set the glass and pill bottle down on the nightstand before he was dragged down onto the bed with the other.


He blinked a bit, instantly tensing and freezing up slightly at how close the other was to him, and laying so close on a bed...Cyrus had recently gained more trust to the other of course, pretty much fully trusted him, especially since today when he saved him, again. But just being entangled so close to another on a bed brought back fearful memories. He gulped slightly, not wanting to move and discomfort Cassiel, since he seemed so content, and he knew Cassiel wouldn't do anything. He closed his eyes, his shaky breathing slowly calming down as he relaxed slowly as well, letting the other fall back asleep like that so close.

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Cassiel noticed that Cyrus had put the medicine next to the bed and grumbled out something close to a 'thank you'. The angel was exhausted and he felt sick. Having Cyrus next to him was somewhat soothing in this condition... His smell, the warmth of his body, his heartbeat... They all helped him slowly drif off to sleep. His grip remained tight around the thin waist and it was clear that Cyrus wouldn't get the chance to get away until Cassiel woke up.


And that only happened the next morning. They both ended up underneath the covers and the angel let out a sleepy mumble against Cyrus' shoulder. He shifted a bit before yawning and raising his head up with a small smile on. "Good morning..." He muttered softly, feeling dull traces of his previous headache and nauseousness. The angel reached for his medicine and swallowed a pill, sighing softly.


"Don't overwork yourself." Cassiel muttered softly to the other, not really caring whether he was awake or not. "I have to check your leg, too..." And I have to cut off my wings. He thought to himself. The itch was making itself known along with annoying, slightly burning pain. That was horrible, gosh...

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Cyrus smiled softly a bit when the other mumbled out a thank you. He nodded lightly to him and slowly relaxed as he let the other tighten his grip around him. He relaxed as he closed his eyes, resting his head into the others shoulder comfortably. He remained awake for a while before the soft breathing of the other beside him drifted him off to a light and comfortable sleep beside him.


Cyrus was sound asleep the next morning. After staying up late the previous night to be sure he had everything cleaned up and fixed in the house, as well as just using his injured leg a lot, his body was ready for the long amount of rest. He was snuggled close and comfortably against the others body. He shifted slightly when the other woke and moved about, but he just rolled over more onto his side, unconsciously grabbed the others hand and holding on to it.


Despite being sound asleep, the younger male hadn't even realized that the gunshot wound on his leg had started bleeding through the bandages on it. He had over-used it too much the day before and put too much pressure on it, that by the time he'd helped the angel to bed and fallen asleep with him, his wound had started bleeding from the stress given to it.

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Cassiel smiled softly when his hand was grabbed by the boy still asleep. He gave it a gentle squeeze, lightly stroking it with his thumb with a soft expression back on his face. Today was his turn to take care of Cyrus - and he was sure as heck he wouldn't let him even step out of the bed, except to go to the bathroom... Though he'd much rather carry him.


The angel had to pull away after a bit, his eyes turning worried as he glanced at his leg. Cassiel got out of the bed after tucking Cyrus in, and walked off to get the cream. He went back then, and quietly began unwrapping the bandages. He needed to clean the wound again... The gey-haired male worked quickly and quietly. Soon enough, the boy's leg was cleaned, cream applied to it, and it was bandaged up.


"There we go..." He muttered out softly and gently ran a hand over the other's cheek, sighing softly as he leaned closer and pressed a soft kiss to his forehead. No romantic intentions were actually there - it was more of a 'get well' sign from him. He used to do this when he was in Heaven, for his friends who happened to get hurt...

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Cyrus was sound asleep, unaware he was even clutching to the others hand, or that the older male had woken up. He was peacefully sleeping, for once, without any haunting nightmare traumas of his past or anything. It was the first time in a long time he'd been able to do that, sleep so peacefully, and he didn't know why, though, he of course wasn't complaining. He supposed it might of had something to do with being close and snuggled up to another, comforted and feeling secure by Cassiel's presence sleeping beside him.


When the other had left the room and left his side, Cyrus shifted a bit at the lack of warmth and security beside him. He remained asleep though, even as the other had left and came back to tend to his wound. He was completely unaware of how he'd overused it and made it bleed through the bandages. It wasn't until the other started to touch his leg and clean it and everything did he stir in his sleep.


But he didn't wake up. Instead he shifted uncomfortably, a troubled look crossing his face. He whimpered a bit as his brows furrowed and he squirmed a bit in his sleep "Please....please stop...." he whimpered out softly, not specifically talking to Cassiel. In his mind, a nightmare had taken form when feeling hands touching across his bare leg to past memories of countless nights with mostly old men ravishing his body.

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Cassiel's gaze shot up the moment he heard a whimper. What did he do wrong? Did it hurt? However, he soon realized that wasn't the case at all. A soft sigh left his mouth as he continued quietly until he was all done. The angel then moved his hands up, resting them on his shoulders instead. He had to wake Cyrus up... Nightmares could be a horrible thing for sure.


The grey-eyed male gently shook the other's shoulders, then took his face into both hands, his hands warm and gentle. "Cyrus... Wake up, you're just dreaming." He spoke soothingly, gently stroking the other's cheeks with his hands. The angel didn't like seeing anyone like this - no, this boy had been through enough hardships already. There was no need for any more.


Cassiel leaned down and pressed his soft lips against Cyrus' forehead, closing his eyes for a moment before he pulled away and smiled. "I'm not going to do anything for you, I promise." He said quietly, feeling the need to say that - maybe just to make sure the boy calmed down, or at least, well, try to make him calm down.

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Cyrus squirmed a bit in his sleep, not aware how much his nightmare was showing through in person in his sleep. He whimpered a bit, as in his dream, or nightmare, it was all the more real and vivid. He was back in the large bed, with a far older, and more disgusting, vulgar man. He Cringed as he had to do things with the man he didn't want to remember in his nightmares.


He felt himself being shaken slightly, and he groaned a bit in his sleep. Feeling lips on his forehead, his eyes snapped open and he glanced up to Cassiel. His eyes widened a bit, realizing he had indeed been sleeping and he quickly sat up, letting out a shaky breath "S-sorry...did I say anything weird?" he muttered, glancing to the other.


He frowned, closing his eyes and ashamed with himself with such memories. He huffed, curling his head forward to hold in his hands, closing his eyes, though, only saw images he didn't want to of old haunting memories that shook him to the core, his body shaking lightly as he tried to compose himself from the nightmare.

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Cassiel watched the other quietly, not moving at first. "No, you didn't say anything." He replied quietly, lightly taking his hand into his own. The angel smiled softly before slowly pulling Cyrus into a hug. "It's okay now. I promise." The grey-haired male muttered softly while gently running his hands through the other's hair.


"But, today you're not allowed to get out of bed." He said firmly when he pulled back and let out a chuckle. "I don't want you getting hurt any more than now." Cassiel said with a smile and pulled away slightly, then stood up. "I can get you a book to read if you want, or anything else." The angel added with a smile as he got a few more pillows and put them behind the boy's back so he could be more comfortable.


Cassiel himseld looked way better than yesterday. If it wasn't for that ache in his back, everything would be perfect. Before he did breakfast,guess he'd have to cut his wings again... The grey-haired male sighed sadly at the thought and smiled at Cyrus. "I'll carry you if you need to go anywhere."

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Cyrus sighed with relief, glad he hadn't said anything. Though, he actually had, even though he wasn't aware of it. He was just worried of what Cassiel might think of him...though, the angel did already know who he was, and where he came from, the kind of background and everything. He sighed a bit, closing his eyes as he tried to shake the nightmares and images from his head behind his closed eyelids.


He flinched slightly as he felt the male hug him and pull him close, but he slowly relaxed a bit into the others grip. He rested his head into the others chest, the warm secure arms around him comforting him to keep him from shaking, and he smiled a bit faintly "Thank you so much. I really owe you everything..." he said as he glanced back up at the other, calmed by the soothing sensation of the others hand running through his head.


When Cassiel spoke about how he didn't want him getting out of the bed at all today, and if he did, he would carry him, he frowned a bit "Ah, what? But....but then what should I do? How should I help you today if you keep me bedridden?" he asked with a frown and furrowed brow "I can move around fine, I promise. I was able to clean the whole place up last night, you don't need to tend to me so. You must still be feeling weak from yesterday too, no? How are you feeling?" he asked, worried and concern only for the other.

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Cassiel simply thought it was better to not tell Cyrus he talked in his sleep. It would just create more discomfort and probably fear for the boy, and he definitely didn't like it. No, he was going to do anything to keep Cyrus happy and safe... That was for sure. He'd do anything - and once he had his eyes set on a goal, he didn't let it go.


"You being up all day yesterday was exactly what makes you stay in bed today. Your leg was bleeding, I had to bandage it again... I do need to tend to you, and as long as you're staying here, you'll have to stay calm and not overuse your leg." The angel said firmly before sighing and shaking his head. Gosh, how could this boy still be worried about him when his own leg was bleeding?


"I'm fine, it's you who should be worried about yourself." He muttered out and frowned slightly. "You need to rest. I'll get you food, and you just... Call me if you need something. What will you be doing first? I have books, I have a lot of puzzles and so on..." It was true, Cassiel kind of collected various puzzles for himself. He found them fun to do sometimes, when he got bored.

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Cyrus pouted slightly when the other told him he still wanted him to stay in bed because of his leg and everything. He just let out a sigh as he sat up and leaned back against the propped up pillows for him. How was he supposed to stay in bed all day? Cyrus wasn't sure if he physically could do that. He wasn't used to staying still and bedridden, he was used to always being up and moving about, always busy, always doing something. But nothing? What was he to do with himself?


He blinked, looking up at the other when he said his leg had been bleeding again "Ah, what really?" he asked curiously as he glanced down to his leg, seeing it was indeed freshly bandaged and it had that numbing tingling sensation on the wound that he felt whenever he applied the cream medicine to it. So he supposed that had been reapplied as well. When had all of that happened?


When asked what he wanted to do, he wasn't sure "UHm...I don't know...what do you find interesting? Cyrus himself actually couldn't read, so, books were out of the option. But he didn't dare tell the other that he couldn't read, he was far to ashamed and embarrassed to admit that. So he would just avoid the books and anything else requiring that skill.

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"Yes, really. You overused it yesterday, and I want it to heal instead of having you making it worse." Cassiel said with a soft sigh as he sat down on the edge of the bed and smiled. "Please, just try to rest and heal up." He muttered softly as he leaned closer, gently pressing his lips against the boy's forehead again. He seemed to be doing this quite often, actually.


"Well... I like reading, and I like knitting a lot." The angel said with a quiet chuckle. "I also enjoy puzzles. They're fun and a great way to spend time." The man said while smiling widely, tucking the other in a bit. Cassiel looked almost like a bigger brother, or maybe even a parental figure like that. He just wanted to take care of people... To give them the best, because he believed everyone deserved that.


"Or if you want, I could give you some herbs to sort out and then put to dry." He offered after a while. It would be a really big help for him, and Cyrus would have what to do, too... The angel smiled hopefully, one hand placed on the bed next to him, as if to keep him up. If one looked closely enough, he could see small feather-like things poking through his shirt in the back.

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Cyrus pouted a bit when the other reprimanded his ideas of escaping and getting out of bed. He sighed but smiled a bit when the other kissed his forehead. He knew the other was really only looking out for him and wanting to take care of him. It was different to be in the position, to be the one being taken care of. He enjoyed it though, and smiled at Cassiel "Alright...I guess. Thank you" he sighed with a light nod.


He frowned a bit when the other suggested reading, but then went on to suggest a few other things as well. He considered the options, trying to think of what would keep him most occupied. The puzzle game sounded a bit fun, but he wasn't sure. He heard the other mention how he could help sort his herbs and everything too, and he smiled a bit with a nod "Sure....I'd like to do that" he said. Something that could be of use, helpful to the other.


Cyrus hoped he wouldn't screw up in helping the other sort his herbs and everything. He was a fast learner, so he'd understand what was what soon, though, he hoped it was actually helpful to the other to do this for him, instead of actually being a burden. That was of course the last thing Cyrus wanted to be to the other. He looked to the male who sat on the edge of the bed, before blinking slightly seeing the small lumps on his back, barely protruding against his shirt. Sitting up a bit more, closer to the other, his eyes glowed with curiosity "Whats this...?" he asked softly, reaching a hand out as if to touch them.

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Cassiel smiled when the other agreed on helping him with the herbs. "Thank you, then." He said with a smile. He had a bunch of dried ones that needed to be sorted out into boxes, and then fresh ones, that needed to be placed on some boards to dry and then be sorted out into boxes. God, herbs weren't such an easy thing to take care of.


The angel's eyes showed confusion for a moment when Cyrus sat closer and reached for his back. When realization hit him, the man flinched back, nervousness on his face. "That's nothing." He mumbled quietly and stood up, his front facing Cyrus now. He didn't want anyone else seeing his wings. Or, what was left of them. He always felt fragile if someone did...


"I... I'll go get the herbs now." Cassiel seemed to be getting nervous as he quickly walked out of the room. He was soon back with a few big boxes filled with herbs, and then a bunch of smaller ones to sort them into those. He also brought a book with him. "Okay... So, this book has illustrations and names of the herbs. Sort each species into one box and write the name on the box, okay?" The angel asked with softness back in his eyes. He had to cut his wings as soon as possible...

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Cyrus nodded his head with a bit of a smile "of course, it's not problem. I'd love to do anything I can to help, since you've bedridden me" he said with a light smile. He just hoped he wouldn't screw up the others sorting or anything like that. But he was glad he'd still be able to do something, at least.


When the lumps on Cassiel's back had caught his interest, he raised an eyebrow at the others reaction. He had just almost gotten to touch them before the other had quickly stood up, shaking it off as nothing before disappearing from the room with saying that he was going to get the herbs. He frowned a bit at the others reaction, it only making him that much more curious about it now, and a little worried.


When Cassiel came back with a bunch of boxes and a book, he blinked a bit, he looked at the boxes curiously, then to the book with a frown "O-oh....ah, okay..." he trailed off slightly nervously. He didn't know that this would require him needing to read. He thought it would just be a few types of herbs, and Cassiel telling him where to put which specific ones. He didn't bring it up to Cassiel though, not wanting to tell him he couldn't read and be more of a burden. He was sure he could figure it out himself, right? He turned his current attention back to Cassiel with a small smile "Hey uhm, so...your back..." he started again curiously and a bit cautiously because of how the other reacted before.

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Cassiel found the other's reaction a bit worrying. What was the case in this one? The angel frowned slightly, noting how the boy looked at the book while a thought formed in his head. "...You do know how to read and write, right?" The grey-haired male asked quietly, his expression softening. "I could teach you if you can't." Cassiel offered warmly. That would give him what to do, and besides, it sounded like a good way to maybe get closer.


"It's nothing." The angel repeated again when Cyrus mentioned his back again. The angel glanced down, biting down on his lip slightly before sighing. Maybe he shouldn't hide it after all? Cyrus did know he was an angel, right? "...You know I have to cut my wings. They grow back pretty fast." He mumbled quietly, looking a bit scared to say that. Truly, his wings were his biggest flaw - as he saw them, at least. They were the main thing keeping him from being human.


Cassiel stood up quietly and looked at the boy; straight into his eyes. "I'll go make some food and come back, okay?" He asked with a light smile, facing the other still. Even if he admitted it, he still didn't want his angelic side seen. It wasn't normal... Wasn't human.

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Cyrus flinched slightly when the other asked if he knew how to read and write "O-Of course I know how to" he stammered out quickly, embarrassed as his face was flushed slightly as if to give himself away. He really didn't know how too, but it was far to embarrassing to let Cassiel know that he really didn't know how to read or write. Cyrus had been in captivity, being sold to master after master from such a young age, he'd never gotten the change or opportunity to learn how to do such basic skills such as reading and writing.


When asking about his back again, he wasn't sure exactly what kind of response he was expecting from Cassiel. He could tell the other seemed uncertain, and uneasy about his back area. Cyrus just sighed a bit when the other simply repeated that it was indeed nothing. He supposed he'd have to take that answer, even if he didn't accept it. But then, to Cyrus' astonishment and surprise, the other actually went on to explain a bit more, implying about cutting his wings again.


Cyrus frowned a bit at that and quickly reached out, grabbing his hand before the other could leave "Wait" he said quickly, holding onto his hand from where he sat. He was quiet for a moment. He knew he had no right to ask this. Especially after the other asked him to think of him nothing more than a human. But Cyrus' curiosity couldn't help it, and he hesitantly asked "May I...May I see?" he asked unsurely, expecting the other to outright reject the request.

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Cassiel let out a quiet laugh before shaking his head. "Cyrus, please, you're as easy to read as an open book. I'll teach you how to read as soon as we both eat." The angel said with a smile. It wasn't hard to see through such an obvious lie. He didn't think much of it though. Cyrus just had a really bad fate... He could make it better for now. Everything would be fine, he just knew it.


The man froze up at the request, his eyes filling up with fear. He shook his head finally, staring at his feet quietly. "I-I'm sorry, I can't." He muttered out quietly and pulled his hand away. It wasn't easy to just show his damaged wings to someone. The angel felt bad about them, to be honest. If he had healthy wings, at least maybe he wouldn't have to hide them... Now they were just two lumps of feathers.


"I'm sorry." Cassiel repeated quietly and hurried out of the room. The grey-haired male first went to the bathroom where his scissors were bloodied anew. He felt so much pain... He'd let them grow too big. Cassiel ended up on the floor in the bathroom with a bleeding back, unable to muster up the strength to stand up. Just a few minutes... Just a while.

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Cyrus blushed more as the other laughed at him and said how he was easy to read. He just huffed with a light pout, but was grateful that the other was willing to teach him. Reading was something he'd always wanted to learn to do. He smiled a bit in thought, finding himself excited and looking forward to learning. He wondered if it was hard? He hoped it wouldn't be, he didn't want to burden Cassiel with taking up his time to teach him something that he should already know.


When he had asked about seeing his wings and everything, Cyrus frowned a bit, eyes averting to the ground "R-Right, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked" he said as the other had quickly disappeared from the room. Cyrus frowned to himself, fiddling with his hands were he sat. He'd upset the other now again....he knew he had no right to ask such a thing. Especially after Cassiel had asked him not to recognize how he was really an angel or anything. He was sure it was the same feeling for Cassiel as it was for Cyrus when he was enslaved, and all he wanted was to be free, simply human. Just as Cassiel was an angel, but seemed to want to be human more than that. They both just wanted to be free from their lives that they couldn't escape, to be normal humans.


Sighing, Cyrus got up from the bed. He winced at the initial pressure put on the leg, but ignored it as he walked over to the bathroom where he'd heard Cassiel shut himself away into, and the whimpers of pain come from. He bit his lip, hesitating, before lightly knocking on the door "Cassiel....hey, I'm sorry...." he murmured softly as he slid down to sit against the door on the other side of it "I shouldn't have asked, I had no right to....and I'm really sorry, but..." he said sighing again "But, and I know I have no right to say this either...but...i don't think you should have to cut your wings, just to be human. You already are human to me, Cassiel. Sometimes, yeah, I do think in the back of my head how you're technically an angel. But to me I can't help but feel you're human...wings or not, wings don't have to define who you are...so...I'm sorry" he ended himself with a heavy sigh "I should have said such things...it just bothers me you put yourself through so much pain, for something you don't have to do...." he muttered

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Cassiel's breathing shook as he sat on the ground, unable to lift himself back up. He bit into his thumb so no more sounds would leave his mouth. The least he needed was Cyrus going to him or anything like that. The warm, soft grey eyes were filled with pained tears at the moment. Really, it was almost unbearable. The worst part of it all was the fact that his usual medicine and herbs didn't help the pain at all... Guess it was the price he payed.


When the boy's voice reached him, Cassiel froze. However, soon enough tears were rolling down his cheeks one by one as soft hiccups left his mouth, muffled by his arm. He couldn't help it - Cyrus' words were so... Warm, he couldn't find a better word for it. He felt like the other actually cared when he spoke like this... And yet, he couldn't find words of his own to reply to them. All that left his mouth were quiet whimpers and sobs, all muffled by his hand and the doors. The boy shouldn't be able to hear any of them. However, he couldn't stay in the bathroom forever. The angel worked quickly to wrap bandages around his back and put on his shirt before quitely exiting the bathroom. His eyes were still slightly red from the tears.


Without any words, he picked Cyrus up, simply carrying him off to bed. "..You shouldn't walk." He muttered out quietly and tossed the other a glance, a begging one. He really didn't want to talk about his wings or angelic side for now. Just... He did this for so long, it would be too hard to just stop cutting his wings. Growing them back would prove to be even more painful than cutting them off. After all, there was so much to grow back...

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Cyrus just sighed a bit as he sat there on the other side of the door. He felt awkward for saying what he did, he knew he hadn't any place for it. He sighed as he rested his head back against the door, just hearing silence. He didn't really expect the other to say anything bad. He worried Cassiel was upset for bringing it up in the least, and saying such ridiculous things. It probably would have been better if he shut up and stayed in the bed.


After another moment of silence, he hesitated before speaking up once more "I know I shouldn't be saying things like that, and I know you probably don't care to hear such things. But I won't apologize for any of it. Because it's true, and I really do believe all of it...Maybe I really don't know anything at all about you....what it's like....but I know how it feels, to feel like you're just stuck with no other options. But I think thats why none of it should matter...none of it..." he muttered softly.


He eventually heard movement around coming from inside, and the door soon opened. He stumbled a bit, keeping from falling, since he'd been the one leaning on it, then it opened. He glanced up to the other, before his eyes widened when he was picked up "Ah- h-hey, you shouldn't be picking me up either! The bed isn't far, I can manage without killing myself" he stammered, not wanting to make the other stress his body or anything. He sighed as he was set on the bed anyways, and he huffed, frowning as he looked at the other. He didn't even know what to say....not after everything else he'd just blurted out to the other.


He really wanted to bring it up again. But he knew he shouldn't. He could see the pain in the others eyes, both physical and mental. He knew it was stupid to say all he had...he probably hadn't helped the other in the least. He should have thought before he spoke. He took the others hand in his own, gently tugging him towards the bed he sat on "Why don't we both rest...? We both need it" he compromised softly as he laid down, still holding onto the others hand in hopes he'd lay and join him.

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Cassiel pretty much ignored anything else said by the boy. He didn't answer at all to what he said next about his wings, then about how he didn't need to be carried. The angel just wanted to help, and to not make Cyrus worry about him. His grey eyes were still teary, holding pain and slight confusion in them. This whole thing was confusing. He didn't understand anything by now. Why was Cyrus behaving like this? Why did he take the talk about his wings so hard he cried? These were just some of the countless questions running through his mind.


When his hand was tugged, Cassiel was sure he'd start crying soon enough again. He really couldn't believe just how Cyrus was acting... The grey-haired male slowly got into the bed next to the other, bringing his arms tightly around him. He burried his face into the other's shoulder, a quiet, shaky breath leaving his mouth. He didn't quite trust his voice to actually talk, but he could at least try to express himself through motions.


His arms tightened around Cyrus as he lightly stroked his back and pressed his forehead against his shoulder. Sleep sounded real nice right now... Maybe with Cyrus still here, he would be able to just... Forget. He wanted to forget about eveyrthing bad for the moment. He really did... But could he?

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At some point of the past day or two staying with Cassiel, he'd started to grow more used to and accustomed to the other. He didn't mind being so close to the other, having him pick him up, hold him close. He'd grown close to the male and cared about him. He supposed it was because the male was really the only really genuine caretaker he'd ever had. It made Cyrus want to care for the other that much more, and worry about him. He wasn't used to such human, actual emotions like this, but he truly did care about the other. He wasn't familiar with the feeling, but was slowly getting used to it.


Cyrus was relieved when the other didn't refuse him and moved to lay on the bed with him. He smiled softly and shifted over to allow the other to lay beside him and to have space. He let the other cuddle close, for the first time not even effected or tensing when the other got so close and buried his face into his shoulder. He rested his head against the top of the others, relaxing in the others arms as he wrapped his arms more around the others shoulders - almost cradling the others head in a way, one hand running through his silky hair.


He closed his eyes, relaxing a bit as he got comfortable with the other. It wasn't even that late, only the afternoon, but Cyrus was rather tired. He felt his eyes grow heavy as he got comfortable with the other, and was actually able to fall asleep rather quickly for the first time in a while. Contrary to what he would have thought a couple days ago, when in Cassiel's arms, he felt a lot safer and more comfortable.

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Cassiel felt somewhat happy when in Cyrus' hold like this. As happy as he could be after what just happened... Maybe happy wasn't the word. The angel decided to just not think about it anymore, and just focus on what was happening. He was laying in his bed, with someone he cared for... And that felt quite nice. The grey-haired male just had to forget all the negativity. If people could do that all the time, life would become so much easier.


He ended up falling asleep in minutes, however. He didn't feel sleepy before, but the warmth and Cyrus' steady beating just soothed him into it. Cassiel's hold on the boy didn't loosen for a moment as he slept, dreaming of the life he had before. For example, how he and some others played in the amazing gardens when they were young; how he ate his mother's homemade meals; how his father expressed his love through simply spending time with his son when he had the time... Though there were darker things as well. Like when his father came back from a "trip" with nearly torn off wing. Or when his mother was called out to help the injured soldiers... And then, how he was told he'd be a soldier too.


Cassiel woke up after a few hours, his breathing a little bit unsteady, slight fear in his usually warm eyes. He looked down at Cyrus, a small smile tugging at his lips. No, he was fine now.. But were his parents? His friends? His loved ones? He still couldn't forget any of them. Not even one. Now he just had to not lose Cyrus... Cassiel closed his eyes and pressed a soft kiss to the other's forehead, his lips lingering a bit longer than they had to.

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