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Chishiki's Secrets [Private RP with Noise Prince and Xiulin]

Noise Prince

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Jinn raised a eyebrow slightly. He walked back over to his bed and sat down. "Why are you over the boundaries now, Soshi?" He asked of him. He gulped down some saliva of his and the other's from the french kiss. "I thought you wanted to take things slow." He said as he put his hands behind his own back, leaning on his palms of them on the bed. He sighed. "I really don't know how to take you're advances, Soshi. I am honestly nervous." It was true, he had the butterflies in his gut. He also could not believe just moments ago, he was french kissing the other.

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Soshi's eyes were fixated on his roommate, watching his neck move as he swallowed. He wasn't sure what he wanted next… he knew if they weren't careful they'd both just keep going. He just knew that he wanted to touch him.

"My advances?!" Soshi exclaimed. "Did you forget that it was you who came on to me first?"

The wiry teenager fell on his back against the plush comforter, a rosy color flooding his cheeks.

"I've never done anything with a guy, either." Soshi admitted. "I… I don't really know what's next. We'll still take it slow… once one of us wants to stop, we'll stop, okay?"

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"Yes, That was I." He lightly shrugged it off as the other plopped down on his bed. He then leaned over Soshi on his elbow on the outside of the other's arm and shut him up by another kiss. He made it passionate and heated, he moaned against his lips. He then switched up the position, he put both of his inner thighs on the outsides of the other's thighs. Jinn was not straddling the boxer-clad wearing room mate.

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Soshi's eyes widened when Jinn was suddenly over him, but before a word of surprise could escape his lips- Jinn's mouth was on them. He groaned lightly, his eyes closing as he drowned in the sensation. A hot, slithering desire started to spread from his core, the heated tendrils awakening a desire. Soshi's hand found the hem of Jinn's nightshirt, and snaked it under, greedily feeling his sturdy abdomen, while his other hand, the more demure one, rested on Jinn's hip.


His fingers found one of Jinn's nipples, and began toying with it lightly, letting his touch brush over the smooth areola.

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Jinn groaned inwardly. 'He is making it very difficult to get it up.' He thought, his pace of kissing slowed down and he stopped moaning. He recoiled away, but his chilled but warming up hands on his upper body and nipple teasing, was helping. He sighs against the others lips.

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The hand at Jinn's side began to slide down his thigh, easily feeling the curves of his leg muscles through the thin material, and started rubbing his inner thigh. His other hand, still at Jinn's nipple, started grazing a fingernail lightly over it, and pinching it in-between cupping the pec in his hand. He loved the feel of the hard nipple against his palm. Soshi squirmed under his roommate, though never parting his lips from the other, wanting to be caressed as well.

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Jinn began kissing his roommate more deeply as he felt his inner thigh being rubbed by Soshi's hand, causing a stir in Jinn's carnal instincts. He almost didn't believe that Soshi hadn't been with a man before him. His groin slightly twitched, and Jinn broke the kiss, looking into his roommate's eyes, and at his needy expression. Jinn smirked a little, his roommate's want for Jinn's touch was written all over his face.

"Touch me closer," He whispered, his voice carrying a lusty tone. "Or better yet, touch me there directly." he instructed, sitting up. He was kneeling over Soshi's lap, while the boy beneath him continued pinching and groping his pecs.

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Soshi looked up at Jinn, his skin prickling with desire. He nodded, his heart was pounding too hard for him to answer coherently, though he wanted to answer a bit more enthusiastically. The hand on Jinn's inner thigh moved up to in-between his legs, where his pants were not generous with material. He felt the body heat of Jinn's member as he began to rub it through his clothing.

He looked up, and took a deep breath, as his eyes drank in the sight; from Jinn's crotch up to where his own hand was under Jinn's shirt, playing with his nipple, up to his face. His hand began to work over Jinn's hardening length as Soshi's own was reacting to his roommate, stiffening at the sight of his arousal.

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Jinn's body was open to more touching, he was in his head trying to make the decision to take off his clothes once more. The black haired male, finally gave in and began exploring Soshi's chest with his hands. The fit one, felt the other's pounding heart. His expression showed he was enjoying the action's of the other. His eyes are closed, his eyebrows are a bit relaxed, and his lips were being bitten on to. He then, felt his legs and knee stiffening or locking up for the position he was in. So he got off and laid on his side, facing Soshi. He now released the grip of his teeth from on his bottom lip. He was panting now, very faintly as he dared to look at the other's face.

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Jinn's hand on his chest felt good, Soshi's skin felt electric at his touch. He moaned in soft excitement. Soshi smiled as Jinn laid next to him, his own breathing a bit labored. He ran his hand over Jinn's chest, grazing over both his nipples, and ran his fingers over the groove between the muscles. He felt blessed to be able to touch such a sculpted body at his leisure like this.

He looked at Jinn's expression again, and his own grown tingled with crude delight. The hand on Jinn's crotch stopped, and he slid that hand under Jinn's pants, while still over his underwear, where he could feel his roommate's organ better, and gripped it, and slowly rubbed his hand up and down its length, and scooted a little closer to the raven-haired boy. Close enough that he could feel his breath on him.

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Jinn's lips were parted as he was panting out air, but his eyes were open and looking deeply into Soshi. Jinn then reached behind the other, and gripped a cheek. He slid a finger between his boxer-clad wearing rear, and began rubbing him there. The black haired other had no clearance to touch Soshi's front, they were too close. He then stopped rubbing his entrance. "Stop now before I release." He demanded. He had already pre-came to the touching, and his under wear and pants were stained.

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Soshi was mesmerized by Jinn's eyes, as they were so close he could basically only look into to them. They were so sharp and clear, he felt incredibly happy to be the one they were looking at. However, he couldn't look at them long, as Jinn gripped his bottom, and pushed a finger between his cheeks, massaging his bud with the tip- and Soshi gasped, and his eyes shut, and his brows furrowed in anguished delirium. But suddenly he stopped, and Jinn barked his orders.


"Ah-!" Soshi slipped his hand away, feeling a bit of moisture in his palm and fingers, and clenched his fist around it. His face was very red, and he looked back at Soshi's eyes, and smiled broadly. "Well, that was nice…" He told him.

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Jinn gulped down air. He was nervous once again. He did not know what to do next, he was feeling the butterflies were returning to his stomach. "If I push you away shortly or act cold, please be patient with me. I'm kinda shutting myself off from lust now." He spoke clearly and softly. He then laid back on his back, and ran both sets of fingers through his hair, letting out a sigh. "That was a bit much? I liked it, Soshi. Now please go over to you're bed. I'm kinda having fit and want to be shortly ignored." He spoke and sighed again.



(Good night, and see you in the morning or when you log on)

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Soshi's smile dropped at his words. While Jinn had always been kind of reserved, and seemed content not ever talking with others, he had assumed that this was a turning point, at least for the two of them. They had been entwined incredibly intimately, and now Jinn was outright telling him to expect to be ignored for a while.


"Fine, then." Soshi said, trying to hide the disappointment in his voice, as he stood up. He pulled his pants back on and found a t-shirt from his dresser. He collected a few books in his arms, then turned to Jinn.


"I'm going to do my homework in the library. Enjoy your space," He announced, with a bit of venom in his voice, and he left the dorm room they shared. But once the door closed, he leaned against it and covered his mouth, eyes screwed shut. He really thought something was going to change. He really thought this was going to be a new page for Jinn and himself. He thought he was finally going to get Jinn to open up…


'Pull it together, pull it together…' He told himself, and, reminding himself of the homework he needed to get done, he left for the library.


(Alright, good night ^^)

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Jin was by no means, impatient. He would wait the other's return and keep himself busy the best he could. So he went over to his dresser, got out clean clothes, and headed to the bathroom that was attached to their dorm room. He removed the clothes he had stained with bodily liquids. He then stepped into the shower and had a quick wash. He dried off and changed into his clean clothes. Soshi was on his mind and their initmacy. 'It honestly felt good. He did not push me too far, and I did not push him to far. We kept a balence almost. But I neglected him. I also shoved him away. I shut down on him.' He goes to get his laptop. He forgets it even there as he pirm presses the creases and wrinkles in his full uniform. He then gets on his laptop after he stores his uniform away. He also looks at his cell phone sitting beside it once more. He dials Soshi's number. Once Soshi was able to answer in the cell section of the library. He speaks to him, "I had to have time to process it Soshi. It is safe to return back. See you shortly."

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Soshi was sitting in the library, staring at an open book without reading it. He had too much on his mind… He managed to get quite a bit of homework done, but once his mind returned to Jinn, he couldn't shake it out.

'Wasn't it good? I really liked it…. Jinn looked like he enjoyed it, too.' He thought 'He even said he liked it!'… Soshi laid his head on the table and groaned. 'Hm… he's always been pretty reserved, though. But I thought that after something like that, he'd open up to me, right?

'Maybe… I'm being unfair. Jinn's always needed space, and needed time to himself. He has to tolerate me since I'm his roommate… Jinn rarely even talks to other people, let alone touch them! I want him to confide in me about it… but I guess I shouldn't expect him too.'

Soshi lifted his head, ready to force himself to finish his last assignment when his phone started to buzz in his pocket- thank goodness he had it on silent! He slid it out and paced quickly towards the door to an isolated room where he could take the call.

'Wait… it's Jinn?'

His eyes widened when he saw the name, and he hit answer before the door was shut behind him.


"Hi, Jinn?"

"Yeah? Okay, good! Good…"

"Okay, I just finished my homework, I'll be right there!" He answered in a bright tone of voice. It was a lie, but he'd be able to finish his homework before class the next day. What was important right now was Jinn.

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"Okay. See you shortly." Jinn said cooly, hanging up. Then a wide grin spread on his face, unable to turn his attention to anything other than Soshi's return. He had left his things on his own bed, and was only in clean, form-fitting boxers. He climbed into Soshi's bed, next to his, crawling under the sheets. It wasn't difficult, since Soshi rarely made his bed. Jinn made sure there was enough room for his roommate to get in next to him when he returned to the dorm.

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Soshi stacked his books and homework quickly, and left the library for the dorm within the same minute of the phone call, with a giddy smile on his face.

It didn't take him long to reach his room, and he smiled when he saw Jinn in his bed… and topless at that. He followed suit, and took off his shirt, nonchalantly tossing it on Jinn's bed along with his books. Hopefully Jinn wouldn't be using his own bed tonight. Soshi slid under the sheets and blanket alongside Jinn, his bed already warm from another body. Soshi looked at his face, his features so lovely and distinctive. He wrapped an arm around Jinn's waist.

"Is this an invitation for "round two"?" Soshi asked his roommate, raising his eyebrows and smiling.

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Jinn's eyes fluttered open to see Soshi, but he felt him get in the bed before that. He smiled when he felt the other's arm wrap around his hip. He spoke softly as he welcomed the other touch again. "Round two of earlier activities? I'm honestly not ready for round two." He asked. 'You're going to open up to him, you shut off.' He thought to himself. "I'm sorry, for driving you out of our room." He apologized, then gave him a kiss on the lips. "I felt I neglected you earlier. But this is my first time with someone else. I don't mind if we keep our thing platonic, and open for the time being as long as it lasts.." He said to him, softly then kissed him again.

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Soshi nodded, smiling at the kiss.

"That's fine. And if you need your space, I'll give it to you." Soshi assured him. "But if we're going to have this kind of platonic relationship, or any kind of relationship, I need you to talk to me, okay?" He asked, his voice growing quieter. "If something is bothering you or keeping you from being happy, I want to know about it."

Soshi began stroking Jinn's back with his fingers.

"Even if it's not about a problem, I want to hear about your thoughts. I want to know about the things you think about."

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Jinn placed his arm around Soshi's own back, once he began rubbing his back. "Well I feel quilt, for shutting you out of my emotions, blocking you from getting too close. If fact, I'm also jealous of you. You were brought up differently than me, I was breed to be a success in whatever I do. Also I don't have the social freedoms or enjoyment of doing what I please to do with my life, due to being in the family I was born into." He finally opened up to the other. "I also do not want to lead you on with a relationship, if we're both not ready." He said sadly to Soshi.

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Soshi listened intently to his roommate, paying attention to every syllable that left Jinn's mouth. He blushed when Jinn said he was jealous, and further more when he said the word relationship. Soshi smiled warmly when he was finished talking.


"You don't have to feel guilty." Soshi assured him. "You know that I'm hear to listen, that's why we're talking now. And… as for jealousy… I'm not sure what to say about that. I don't know if I could envy your life, since I don't really know it, and you don't really know mine…" He paused for a minute. He wasn't born into his family… he wondered if such a thing had any influence on how ones' family life was. Was there less pressure on him since he was adopted? Soshi frowned a little, and mentally made a note to talk to his older brothers about their upbringing.


"I don't want to push you, either." He replied. "But… since we became roommates, we've had some form of a relationship, in one way or another. That won't change. And it's also true that I would rather talk to you like this every night than ever touch each other like that, because our relationship means more to me than being made to feel good like that." Soshi elaborated.


"You're my first man… but I've had girlfriends before…before I knew I liked boys. I-I've never gotten really far or anything…" The flush returned to his cheeks. "But I'm more experienced than you, I bet. So I'm letting you know that you don't have to worry about leading me on." Soshi added, with a half smile.

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"You are right, I don't really know you're life. All that I know, is we're here right now, in each other's arms. I could not be more happy." He smiled softly, and squeezed Soshi to him. "I'm glad our current form of our relationship won't change." He smiled more by the other's next comment. "Soshi, you are so sweet." He then pulled away and kissed him softly. "Let's just try to get me more sociable for now. Be with me on my journey for that." He said to him. "I'm excited to go to you're meeting tomorrow and see you in you're element." He was saying this with positivity. He closed his eyes for a short moment, but his clear blue eyes opened again. "I don't want to sleep just yet. Soshi, I would like to keep talking. How about you? I could stay up all night." He said innocently and honestly.

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Soshi smiled at Jinn's words, enjoying the warmth of his embrace, now realizing that Jinn also wasn't wearing pants. He kept smiling, even when his heart sank a little when Jinn said he was glad their relationship would stay this way. Soshi had just said he'd choose this over sex… but he thought that they clearly had a romantic spark. He just blinked, not allowing those thoughts to surface, and turned his attentions back to Jinn just as he was calling him sweet.


"Am I?" He whispered amusingly before Jinn kissed him with his soft, firm lips.

"Right, I bet you'll be surprised! By this time tomorrow night, you'll be a regular at drama meetings." Soshi sang in an upbeat voice. He was grinning ear to ear. "I bet by next semester's play, you'll be wanting a part!" He added.


Soshi smiled at Jinn, looking into his sharp eyes, seeing an openness he never saw before glint in them.

"We can sleep when we're dead." He told him. "I only have this lifetime with you,"

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"Are we talking about a friends with benefits relationship?" He said taken by surprise, then gloomy when the other spoke of being a regular in the drama department. "I'm more into art. Not performing. Nor will my family like it, unless I'm great and succeed at it." He let go of Soshi and sat up. "So-soshi, I am not ready for anything too serious with school like that. I'm pretty spread thinly with my activities now. This is kinda pressuring me..." He pouted, as the switch happened again, Soshi was being over powering and Jinn was being submissive. The black haired other gave him a puppy dog look and a soft whimper of uneasy ness. "You do understand this semester I have to keep with being a jock mostly and my school homework and lectures..." 'Maybe I can get myself out of it for the time being.' He said with a little bit of sweat forming on his skin, from being in the bed with the other and the stress of peer pressure.

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