MisuChan Posted August 23, 2014 Share Posted August 23, 2014 Shotaro was taken by surprise there hasnt been a demon yet who could match his speed not prepared for this he was slammed into the trees breaking trough them it did hurt like hell but as soon as he got wounded he was already healing he fell on the ground and was about to get up but he was grabbed by his throat making him groan and grab Jiro his arm Shotaro felt the tight grip on his throat knowing it was bad, he was about to let out his fighting side but he didnt have to as a woman freed him he coughed a few times as he was released and heard the weird words being whispered he looked at the woman getting up. he squinted his eyes slightly at her and nodded finding her fasinating and looked like she was someone he should know about, he signed and sat down next to Jiro letting Lex know everything was alright and they would join him soon glad Lex hasnt found the teachers yet but he did have the last stone by then. Shotaro lifted Jiro over his shoulder and rushed to Lex then the Resting/ meeting point getting graded as A+ they were aloud to go to there dorm rooms or to the nurses office, Shotaro brought Jiro back to his room and let him rest on the bed since he didnt know where his room was and didnt want to risk taking him to the nurses office. he sat in his desk chair resting restoring his energy and thinking about what had happened Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sosuke0549 Posted August 26, 2014 Author Share Posted August 26, 2014 Aoi laid in darkness. His body felt strange and heavy...he felt tired. He slowly cracked opened his eyes and found himself staring up at a ceiling. He slowly sat up. Wincing as he did, he held his head, but quickly realized he wasn't in his room or the nurses office. He glanced down at the bed sheets.. where was he? Aoi had a horrible feeling that he lost control. And what happened to the others? Were they ok? Hurt? Did he...kill them? The thought of hurting Shotaro or Lex was terrifying! "O..oh no..I.... " His eyes watered, thinking he was a monster. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MisuChan Posted August 26, 2014 Share Posted August 26, 2014 Shotaro opened his eyes as he heard the boy who was in his bed mumble he signed and looked at his bed seeing the boy sitting up "oh your up" he said sleepyish and smiled slightly "im glad to see your up you fainted during the exam which we passed whit all three stones" he smiled not sure what to tell him about what had happened and if he should considering what the woman said, Shotaro stretched and walked over to Jiro "you look stressed" he said guessing what happened has happened before and thats how he ended up here at the school, he sat on the bed facing Jiro whit a soft smile "oh yeah your in my room i didnt know where your room was so i took you to mine" he scratched the back of his head nervously Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sosuke0549 Posted August 27, 2014 Author Share Posted August 27, 2014 Quote "oh your up"[/Quote] Jiro tensed slightly and turned hearing Shotaro. Relief hit his body hard! He was so happy.. so happy that he didn't hurt him. The other looked okay.. "S...Sho...taro... " Quote "im glad to see your up you fainted during the exam which we passed whit all three stones"[/Quote] "O-oh.. I.. I see. " He looked down at the sheets. Did the other see what he was? Or did he not? Was he scared of him.. Shotaro stretched and walked over to Jiro Quote you look stressed"[/Quote] He said, sitting on the bed and facing him. The other kept giving him this soft smile that he didn't deserve. "I-I'm..ok" He lied. "Where..am I? " Quote "oh yeah your in my room i didnt know where your room was so i took you to mine"[/Quote] "O-Oh..t-thank you. I've been..nothing but a liability to you and Lex.. I'm sorry." He felt so useless. He didn't do anything. Shotaro and Lex did everything and he just took the credit and the passing grade. Jiro looked away as he tried to get out of bed and stand up but stumbled and fell back on the others bed not feeling so good. His body felt drained. He had lost so much energy and strength. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MisuChan Posted September 7, 2014 Share Posted September 7, 2014 Shotaro saw the boy stumble "you dont seem oke, you should stay in the bed" he signed "can i ask" he paused "do you know what you are?" he sat down on the bed close to Jiro. Shotaro had decided to tell the boy he saw it and he wasnt scared nor would he tell anyone else he wanted to keep this boy save he kind of knew what it was like not to know how to control one side of yourself. he waited for the boy to say something not sure if he would. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sosuke0549 Posted September 7, 2014 Author Share Posted September 7, 2014 Quote "you dont seem oke, you should stay in the bed"[/Quote] Jiro looked away. Gently holding himself. He really needed to stay in bed..But... Quote "can i ask"[/Quote] Jiro tensed up... what did the other need to ask?! Quote "do you know what you are?"[/Quote] Shotaro sat down on the bed close to Jiro. A Monster Jiro thought to himself. Jiro shook his head. Answering the others question with out any words. Jiro looked scared...scared of himself. There was clearly something bothering him...and it was his mere existence... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MisuChan Posted September 7, 2014 Share Posted September 7, 2014 Shotaro saw the boy his reaction and smiled sadly knowing he did know to some extent "you told me to run did you really expect me to do that?" he gently stroked the boys head and signed "when i found out i was mixed breed and started to gain my other powers i couldnt control myself at all or what happened" Shotaro looked away slightly "although i never kill anyone of my mothers clan i was considered something disgusting so i started to believe it and after before i was found by someone of this school i had became somewhat of a monster or well a real one to humans mostly" his smile disappeared and his face look nostalgic Shotaro looked back at Jiro "i have killed a lot but most werent even my intention to" he confessed to the boy not even Lex knew most of this story Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sosuke0549 Posted September 7, 2014 Author Share Posted September 7, 2014 Jiro listened. He was taken aback by the others confession and honestly. Was he just like him? Were they similar and yet...different. Jiro flinched away from the others touch. He had never felt any type of affection So the others warm and gentle hand made him feel strange. "...if I... could wish...for anything...it would be..to never gave existed. " He whispered. "I have...caused nothing but suffering and...pain... i should of...never been born..." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MisuChan Posted September 7, 2014 Share Posted September 7, 2014 Shotaro noticed Jiro flinching away and pulled his hand back then listened to the boys words "well you are here for a reason you just need to find it, im still searching for mine i hated my live for a long time but here you will find a lot like like us" he signed and peered at the boy "who knows after learning how to use your powers who knows you might be able to do good and maybe even make a menace whit what ever you did he paused and smiled slightly "dont give up on live or yourself yet who knows what will happen, but if you give up on life you will never find out" he said in a caring voice Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sosuke0549 Posted September 7, 2014 Author Share Posted September 7, 2014 Quote "well you are here for a reason you just need to find it, im still searching for mine i hated my live for a long time but here you will find a lot like us" Quote Jiro shrugged.. listening. Quote "who knows after learning how to use your powers who knows you might be able to do good and maybe even make a menace whit what ever you did."[/Quote] Was the other...giving him hope? Trying to cheer him up? Why was He...being so nice...after Jiro tried to kill him. Quote "dont give up on living or yourself yet who knows what will happen, but if you give up on life you will never find out"[/Quote] Jiro put his hands to his face. Hiding his expressions. "M...may..be" He said, sniffling. The others words touched him.. they made him feel...okay.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MisuChan Posted September 7, 2014 Share Posted September 7, 2014 Shotaro Smiled and wanted to pett the boys head again but he stopped in his tracks guessing that would make Jiro uncomfortable "go rest some more i will stay here in the room" he went back to the chair pulling out a book he glanced at Jiro over his book "just so you know you couldnt have killed me that easily" Shotaro went back to reading his book so the guy could rest contacting Lex the boy was fine he was just tired Lex was reassured they were both alright and relaxed as he had no ore classes, not long before dinner Lex went to get dinner for Jiro and Shotaro and himself. he let Sho know he was in front of the door, Shotaro opened the door to let Lex in Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sosuke0549 Posted September 11, 2014 Author Share Posted September 11, 2014 Shotaro smiled at him... it had been so long since anyone smiled at him... it was...such a nice feeling...a feeling he always wanted to have. Quote "go rest some more i will stay here in the room"[/Quote] Jiro slowly nodded, Watching the other sit back in his chair. Dispite seeing what he truly was...Shotaro didn't run...or hate him...He still wanted to be near him... He found this quite strange and terrifying. Yet at the same time...overjoyed. for once he wasn't tossed aside or shunned.. he was....excepted. Quote "just so you know you couldnt have killed me that easily"[/Quote] Jiro turned his back to him, snuggling into the sheets... "T...thank you..." He muttered. Thank you for being around me...Thank you for not being afraid...Thank you for excepting me....Thank you....thank you...S..Shotaro. He thought closing his eyes once again, and drifting off to sleep, even when Lex arrived with Lunch, Jiro was still fast asleep. The boy looked so adorable as he slept.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MisuChan Posted September 11, 2014 Share Posted September 11, 2014 Shotaro made Lex be quiet letting him know the boy was asleep and he probably needed it, they both walked into the room and quietly using there telepathic connection to have a conversation whit each other whit out disturbing Jiro they both agreed he was just to adorable when he was sleeping he was already cute when he was awake, it surprised Lex that Shotaro agreed he wasnt one to find someone cute or adorable or something like that he would at most get interested in someones his abilities and nothing else and Lex knew that all to well it took him ages to get Shotaro become his friend he still wanst really friends whit the others. Shotaro ate his food keeping Jiro his share separate so he could eat it later, he could feel Lex his confusion and astonishment that he was so interested in the guy it amazed himself to but after seeing Jiro his bad side he only got intrigued more also about that woman who came he was getting more and more interested especially since he looked to darn cute to stay away from but that also confused him at how he was attracted to the other guy not knowing if it was a good or a bad thing. Lex and Shotaro finished there food and Sho let Lex out going back to reading as he waited for the boy to wake up again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sosuke0549 Posted September 14, 2014 Author Share Posted September 14, 2014 After a while Jiro woke up. He slowly opened his eyes, His vision slightly blurry as he sat up. Rubbing his eyes and yawning. He smelled food.. He glanced at Shotaro who hadn't left his spot and was still reading in his chair. "..h-how long..was I out?.. and..what's that smell?" His stomach starting growling cutely. He blushed a little embarrassed knowing the other could hear his stupid stomach. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MisuChan Posted September 15, 2014 Share Posted September 15, 2014 Shotaro looked from his book and smiled "hmm maybe an hour or 2 maybe 3" he said softly he chuckled slightly hearing Jiro his stomach "food is what you smell i already ate but i saved some for you" he paused "can you stand or do you want it in the bed?" he asked knowing he might be to hungry to stand up or walk to the free chair and sit next to him to eat. Shotaro smiled teasingly "i can also carry you here" then realized what he was suggesting might sound weird or something he never really acted like this to others so he didnt know how it would come acrosed as to the other guy he scratched the back of his head slightly embarrassed "uh i dint mean anything weird or something" he mumbled slightly Shotaro was clearly out of his element whit this kind of thing he glanced at Jiro hoping he didnt scare the guy off or something. Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sosuke0549 Posted September 21, 2014 Author Share Posted September 21, 2014 Jiro leaned his back against the beds head board, listening as the other speak. Whatever food it was it smelled delicious! "Um..w-Will you..bring it over to me..if it's not too much..trouble. " He said rubbing his eyes. He felt a lot better then before. But he was still puzzled about the two boys. The fact that they still wanted to be his friends was new to him. The joy of friendship was so...warm... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MisuChan Posted September 27, 2014 Share Posted September 27, 2014 Shotaro chuckled and picked up the food after he put his book down, he walked over whit the food " here you go" he smiled and stretched after Jiro took the food from his hands " im going to take a bath so eat in peace" he looked at Jiro whit a teasing smile " unless you want me to stay" Shotaro didnt even really wait for an answer of the last question because he didnt expect to get an answer an how so he got up and took off his shirt and tossed it on his bed before stripping off the rest getting ready to take a bath, he grabbed a towel from the closet and put it over his shoulder not caring he was still naked. Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sosuke0549 Posted September 28, 2014 Author Share Posted September 28, 2014 Shotaro chuckled at him... how could someone stay so...happy and hopeful all the time? What made him so...happy? Jiro stared at his food as the other male gave it to him. Quote " here you go" [/Quote] "T-thank you..." Quote " im going to take a bath so eat in peace..... unless you want me to stay" [/Quote] Shotaro flashed him a teasing smile the virgin bit his lip.. He use to feel awkward around the other...but now that he got to know him a little bit more...he felt content and safe...but recently...he has begun to feel nervous around his first friend and he is unsure why. New emotions he's never felt or experience before were coming to the surface. "W-Well I...I..." He stop as Shotaro got up and suddenly took off his shirt, tossing it on the Bed. Jiro quickly covered his eyes, as the other stripped! He suddenly realized that his heart beat was...different...abnormal...it was speeding up.. He blushed shyly, knowing the other was nude but didn't dare take s peak. They had the same body parts yes but....why was He embarrassed to look? What was this feeling? Why was He acting strange? Was he sick...was this normal? He had so many questions! He had never experience such a odd reaction before...but...he didn't dislike it...He somewhat...wanted more of this feeling...whatever it was. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MisuChan Posted September 28, 2014 Share Posted September 28, 2014 Shotaro shot a glance at the other male and saw him hiding his face, he didnt get why but just shrugged it off and went into the bathroom running himself a bath to soak in, after about an hour he figured Jiro would be done eating so he climbed out and dried himself off before walking back into the room naked whit a towel over his head "done eating?" he asked before looking up at Jiro. Shotaro dried off his hair glancing still at Jiro "do you want to take a bath or a shower" he asked before putting the towel in the laundry bin he walked to the bed to grab his clothes so he could get dressed, he put on his boxers but didnt feel like putting on the rest so he stayed like that throwing the rest into the laundry bin then sits down on the bed next to Jiro. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sosuke0549 Posted October 1, 2014 Author Share Posted October 1, 2014 Shotaro shot a glance at the shy Jiro, but shrugged and went into the bathroom., When the other was gone Jiro un-tensed his body. Why did he feel like this? This had never happened before...he could barely eat much now...He took a few bites of his food but couldn't even attempt to finish it. He put his plate aside and looked down at himself. A-am I...sick? S-should I tell...S-Shotaro? He bit his lip..and before he knew it, and hour had passed and Shotaro came out of the bathroom naked with a towel over his head. Jiro's normal expression turned into a flustered one as he quickly looked away. Quote "done eating?"[/Quote] He asked... Jiro slowly nodded, barley able to speak..why did he feel so helpless? Shotaro dried off his hair, Quote "do you want to take a bath or a shower"[/Quote] he asked, putting the towel in the laundry bin, walking to him, only to put his boxers on and nothing more! Making Jiro's heart race! He was right next to him! Jiro was staring down at the ground not once looking at his friend. "I.. I'll..t-take a bath. I-in my room.. Um...I...I've bothered you...enough. i-I'll.. I'll go!" He muttered quickly standing to get away from Shotaro. Was he the reason why he felt so strange? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MisuChan Posted October 1, 2014 Share Posted October 1, 2014 Shotaro looked at Jiro as if he went insane "you can just take a bath here" he pulled the boy back "then grinned "or are you afraid of me seeing you naked" he pressed his head on the guys shoulder whit a wide grin. He couldnt help himself as he seriously wanted to tease the guy he was just to cute to not to. Shotaro eyes the guys face "say Jiro are you a virgin?" he asked curious but mostly to tease then pressed himself up against the guy his back pulling him closer. Shotaro knew he might be going to far be he couldnt stop himself now "if you take a bath here i can wash you back for you" he says while sliding a hand over the side of Jiro his back. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sosuke0549 Posted October 2, 2014 Author Share Posted October 2, 2014 Shotaro suddenly pulled Jiro back. Quote "you can just take a bath here"[/Quote] "B-but..but.." The handsome highschool student grinned at him, making his tongue tied. Quote "or are you afraid of me seeing you naked" [/Quote] His face broke out into a deeper blush hearing Shotaro's words and how he pressed his head against shoulder. What was happening! "I.. I.." No other guy had ever seen him naked before.. and he was pretty sure they weren't suppose too. Jiro was always by himself so he had no idea how to respond to the others teasing since this was all new to him...Shotaro met his shy eyes. Quote "say Jiro are you a virgin?"[/Quote] Jiro paused, looking slightly confused only for a moment before tensing up fast as the other touched his back. His skin was so hot... his heart was racing..He felt...this...butterfly feeling in his stomach! "V..vir-gin?.. I... I..don't..know what..t-that is." He answered honestly. Quote "if you take a bath here i can wash you back for you"[/Quote] "I-is...is that...n-natural.. I..I don't.. f-feel..n-normal.." He looked away.. "I.. I think.. I'm sick." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MisuChan Posted October 4, 2014 Share Posted October 4, 2014 Shotaro licked Jiro his ear "it means you havent had sex whit someone yet" he whispered. He loved how cute this guy was he had never took a likeing to a guy before in this way but he could help but want to tease and taunt him but he wanted to do more. Shotaro pulled his head away from Jiro giving him some room to breath. "I dont think your sick just atracted to me" he grinned playfuly "i can show you how i know that" he stayed close to the guy so he could run so easily fom him. He stretched and watched Jiro his reactions. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sosuke0549 Posted October 5, 2014 Author Share Posted October 5, 2014 Shotaro licked his ear! He shuttered feeling the others warm wet tongue. It felt..strange...and yet...kind of nice. Quote "it means you havent had sex whit someone yet" [/Quote] He whispered... Jiro's eyes fell to the bed sheets. His face still a flustered pink. "S...sex..? I.. I...d-don't..understand. " Shotaro pulled his head away from Jiro giving him some room to breath. The boy took a breath, now that space was between them. Quote "I dont think your sick just atracted to me" [/Quote] He grinned playfuly . "A..attracted? Quote "i can show you how i know that"[/Quote] He stayed close to him, preventing Jiro from running. And his eyes... Shotaro was watching him with his beautiful eyes. "I.. I don't..understand... I.. I feel.. strange. How do you...know I'm... I'm attracted to you? Is...Is something wrong..w-with me?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MisuChan Posted October 5, 2014 Share Posted October 5, 2014 Shotaro licked his lips "you really are wet behind your ears" he said in an amused tone then pulled Jiro back against him "sex is not something im good at explaining whit words" he paused "i should show you, but not now" Shotaro gently traces his fingers over the guys cheek "your atracted to some one if your heart beats faster from seing them or hearing there voice, or think of them i supose" Shotaro moved his lips close to Jiro his lips almost touching he couldnt help but having fun whit this as he plays around whit the guy. Shotaro could feel himself slowly wanting to do more, he knew he shouldnt lose his selfcontrol but made it hard on himselfas his lips longed for Jiro his lips. He pulled back again and looked at Jiro his face "do you knowwhat a kiss is?" He watched the guy curriously to what answer he would get. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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