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mitsukixlin & Sosuke0549 }


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Shotaro felt Jiro was getting used to kissing back and he wanted to deepen the kiss again but the cute guy pulled away breathing heavily. The vampire Hybrid chuckled and pecked his lips then whispered "dont forget im the only one who gets to touch you like this, if someone else does i might kill them" he meant every word he just said then took a good hold of the other male.


The vampire hybrid jumps up in the air and "wrap your arms around my neck, i can go faster and you wont fall if you do that" he smiled trying to keep himself from kissing the boy again, he was thankful to Jiro for pulling away as he felt his fangs had grown and staying that close might cause Shotaro to bite the cute male whit out meaning to.


Shotaro speeds up whit litterly walking in the air his hands still under the other guys legs to support him "which one s your room?" he asked as the dorm he belonged to came into view.

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The vampire Hybrid chuckled and pecked his lips quickly whispering,

"dont forget im the only one who gets to touch you like this, if someone else does i might kill them"[/Quote]

Jiro stared up at him, flustered. The way He suddenly got over protective of him was so sexy. Shotaro took a good hold of him and jumped into the air. Jiro wasn't really one for heights. He tensed up in the others grip.

"wrap your arms around my neck, i can go faster and you wont fall if you do that"[/Quote]

Scared, Jiro did as he was told. Wrapping his arms around him rather tightly. Scared he'd fall.


Shotaro speeds up walking in the air his hands holding Jiro firmly.

"which one s your room?" [/Quote]

He asked as the dorm came into view.

"T-the entire thing...that is one of the old dorms when the school was first built. Its not used any more But..My counselor and the head master agreed to put me in there..."


It was so he didn't hurt the other students. So he had his own room and dorm to himself. And no guests aloud.

"I'm..a danger.."

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Shotaro was glad he only needed a small amount of air to live off or he would have been choked by now, Shotaro frowned slightly "your not a danger, you just dont know your powers, if you believe you are a danger then you will become one" he paused "if your one when you can control or not" he said out of his own experience.


The vampire slowed down and landed in front of the building "if you need me, just call for me i will hear it if you call for me telepathically to, if you need one of the others of our group they will hear you to" he paused "um its an automatic connection that formed when we excepted each other" he said while scratching the back of his head.


Shotaro pulled Jiro in for a kiss one more time "good night" he said whit a smile after breaking the kiss "if you want to drop by my dorm feel free to do so anytime" whit that he jumped back in to the air and made his way to his own dorm.

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"your not a danger, you just dont know your powers, if you believe you are a danger then you will become one....if your one when you can control or not"[/Quote]

Jiro bit his lip... Never thought about it like that...and despite his past...Shotrao was still nice to him.. He still wanted to be around him.


The vampire slowed down and landed in front of the building, gently putting him down.

"if you need me, just call for me i will hear it if you call for me telepathically to, if you need one of the others of our group they will hear you to....um its an automatic connection that formed when we excepted each other" [/Quote]

"Okay...t-thank you..Shotaro, you are...my first friend.."

He turned to go inside when Shotaro pulled Jiro in for one more kiss. He slowly melted into it...

"good night"[/Quote]

He said with a smile.

"if you want to drop by my dorm feel free to do so anytime" [/Quote]

Jiro slowly nodded, his face a little pink from the sudden kiss. He watched as the other left and touched his lips.

He...He kissed me...I.. I can still taste his lips..Why do I..want more...

He thought. As he slowly went inside and closed the door. He went to his room and fell onto his bed with a sigh...

"I'm disappointed in you."

Jiro tensed as he Sat up quickly and found a black crow sitting on his desk.

" ...i-it's..Its you isn't it...?"

"Yes... we have much to discuss Jiro.. you have done wrong."


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Shotaro was on his way back feeling good till he felt that weird energy close to Jiro, the energy felt off he couldnt place it but it was there. The vampire hybrid no longer cared if he had to use some of his fairy powers, he focused on the energy flows and spotted a crow whit mixed energy's.


It finally hit Shotaro that was what was watching them, He knew it wasnt easy to take over or control another live form. Shotaro took a deep breath and started to distort the energy flow just to see if he could interrupt it and see who was behind it or what they wanted.


The vampire hybrid could feel his possessive side start to take over, just when he was able to interrupt the energy flow of the crow, he dropped out of the sky landing on his back on the ground as he grabbed the mark on his neck, he had forgotten it was there it never blocked him since they put it on him.

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"So.. do we understand each other Jiro..."

Jiro looked at the ground and nodded once. The women suddenly sensed someone trying to interfere. Which made her pissed. But she had met her goal...

"I must...go...Goodnight Jiro."

She flew out the window before the control was broken. She sighed as she arrived in her real body frowning.

"Tch...Shotaro...you will not get in the way of my plans. "

She hissed...no one would interfere!


{Next Day}

Jiro stepped into class his head lowered with a book in his hand. He sat in the far back of the room, belittling himself, hoping no one would see him. He was nervous to see Shotaro...

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some teachers who were in charge of Shotaro were notified the seal was active and rush out to the young male, Shotaro was fighting his fangs from coming out and his forms were fighting each other, the teachers who found him reinforced the seal and made Shotaro lose his consciousnesses.


The next morning Lex looked around the room and found Jiro, he sat down next to him and whispered "Shotaro wont be coming today, hes still unconscious" he paused "im not supposed to know this but his special control seal broke, but dont worry he will wake up and come see you" Lex grinned thinking to Jiro 'he really likes you' he wiggles his brows in a funny way.


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  • 2 weeks later...

As Jiro stared into his book, Lex took a seat next to him.


The other smiled and whispered to him.

"Shotaro wont be coming today, hes still unconscious" [/Quote]

Jiro's eyes widened? Unconscious? Why was He unconscious?! Was he hurt? Did he hurt him? Was it his fault?

"im not supposed to know this but his special control seal broke, but dont worry he will wake up and come see you" [/Quote]

Relief filled him... so Shotaro was ok..Lex grinned at him, invading his mind and saying.

'he really likes you' [/Quote]

He wiggles his brows in a funny way. Jiro looked away. Any other time he would of blushes or smiled but... he frowned. Something was wrong.

"B..but I..don't like him.."

He said.

"-from now on..please.. Shotaro has to leave me alone... please pass on the passage. "

He stood and moved up to the front of the class to a different seat to get away from lex as class started and the teacher began the lesson.

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Lex was shocked when Jiro reacted almost if he hated Shotaro but just a bit earlier he was being so concerned, he watched the other male walk off after saiying

"-from now on..please.. Shotaro has to leave me alone... please pass on the passage. "


Lex was astonished and not sure what to do whit this he knew Shotaro would be mad at him for some reason he wanted to hear what was going on whit Jiro but he didnt dare to ask now. Lex waited for the class to be over so he could go see if Shotaro was awake by now.


Shotaro woke up slowly the moment he opened his eyes he knew he was not in his room nor outside he guessed he was found. Shotaro tried to move but his body wouldnt let him, he groaned right before he saw teh last face he wanted to see right know knowing they resealed him again.

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When class ended Jiro was the first to leave. Not wanting Lex to stop and talk to him. He hurried to his next class.


He kept telling himself that this was the right thing to do...but inside his heart was hurting...why was that?

He still remembered the crows words...they were haunting...chilling..but Jiro didn't want to hurt Shotaro so he had to stay away from him... it was better this way but....Jiro really wanted to see if Shotaro was okay...

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Shotaro glared at the woman whit was hovering over him while she was smiling evilly, Shotaro wanted to rip that womans head of but his body couldnt move at all because of that seal that was placed on him, the woman finally spoke "its nice to see you again" she said sarcastic "you are forbidden from using those powers, why else do you think you where banished and sealed up" she said in an dangerous voice.


Shotaro couldnt care less what she was being annoying over he just wanted her gone preferably death the woman who turned his once peaceful live into a lonely hell and aloud him or more like forced him to become the monster he was before he came here.


The vampire hybrid remembered he needed to go and see if Jiro was alright but the woman put her knife on his throat so he couldnt move as she realized he was stronger then the seal then she spoke "now its time for this disgusting being to be distinguished" she pulled the knife back so she could stab it trough his throat but stopped in her tracks as she heard something.

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Jiro slowly stepped inside the schools infirmary. He hoped Shotaro was asleep. He looked around, it was empty... He wondered where the nurse was but said nothing. He started looking for Shotaro's bed... having no idea what he was getting himself into..

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Shotaro took the womans distraction as a chance to get away finally getting control back from the seal that was holding him back. The woman looked back at the bed ready to kill her grandson but he was gone she looked around astonished then got furious "you filthy mixed breed you shouldnt be alive to soil the pure bloodline of mine!" she screamed.


Shotaro could feel Jiro his energy get closer, but his seal still hurt like hell he couldnt get rid of his fairy grandmother before she would hurt the only one he cares about for real. "Jiro, if you hear me, please dont come closer i cant protect you now' he couldnt help but hope Jiro heard him.

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Jiro stopped in his tracks as he heard shouting.

W-what's...going on?

He wondered.

Jiro, if you hear me, please dont come closer i cant protect you now[/Quote]

Shotaro? Jiro heard the other in h he head. He bit his lip unsure what was going on but trusted Shotaro. He quickly turned back to run out of the infirmary.

I...I hope...he's ok.

Not sure what to do or where to go. He headed to his dorm, thinking he'd be safe there.

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The woman found Shotaro and smirked "im impressed to see you are able to move already" she showed her evil face that you wouldnt expect on a fairy then went to attack him, Shotaro prepared himself for the impact because he couldnt move in time or pull en of power out to counter.


The vampire hybrid was hit hard but thanks to the hit he was able to pull out his power, his eyes turned red and his fangs came out and the woman knew she had to flee knowing she would be killed herself. Shotaro lets her flee and grabs his neck feeling the pain the seal gave again but he was afraid Jiro might get hurt so he rushes off to find Jiro.


Shotaro pushed the pain back as best as he could looking around, he heard Lex call out for him but he ignored him, he finally found a hint of Jiro his presence and went after it arriving at his dorm and rushed in "Jiro!" he called out hoping the other one would react and be save.


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"I'm disappointed in you Jiro. You fell for that young man's tricks. Do not develop feelings for him my dear friend for he will only hurt you...He doesn't care about you. He is only after your power...your body. . Once he has that you'll be throw away. You must stay away from Shotaro Jiro...He is not to be trusted. If he approaches you...you push him away. No affection He gives will sway you... his affection is all a lie... do you understand. He is bad... very bad."

Jiro thought about what the crow Said to him last night and it hurt...but he trusted the women more then any one... he'd listen to her..He had too. He was terrified of being betrayed...

"Jiro!" [/Quote]

The boy jumped a little hearing Shotaro's voice He went out of his room and glanced to the dorm entrance seeing Shotrao. He hid behind the wall..

W-What do....what do I do!

He bit his lip.

"P-please! G-go away!"

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shotaro heard a door open and rushed to it only to find the one he had been looking for hiding from him and telling him to leave, Shotaro groaned "what the hell" was all he could say. "your not hurt are you, the, the animal f from yesterday, it didnt hurt you di did it"


he could feel his energy flow out of him, his eyes turned normal and and his fangs where pulled back in, his hand grabbed the wall tightly to stay up "that energy that bird had was dangerous" he said whit his voice fading away then right after his body went limp in front of Jiro his room.

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"what the hell, your not hurt are you, the, the animal f from yesterday, it didnt hurt you di did it" [/Quote]

Jiro took a step back as Shotrao appeared before him, but something was wrong...his hand grabbed the wall tightly to stay up.. was He ok? Was he hurt?


"that energy that bird had was dangerous" [/Quote],

Jiro bit his lip, shaking his head. He didn't believe him, but before he could argue with the other his body went limp in front of Jiro's bedroom.

"S-Shotaro! D-don't die! Please don't die!!"

He went to the others side...he did still care about him, He pulled the other into his room and gently laid him on his bed. Scared and unsure what to do.

"I-I'll go get help! I'll go get a teacher !"

He said panicked.

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Shotaro could feel his body being moved and a panicked voice but he couldnt open his eyes or move let alone speak he hated being like this but he knew it wouldnt take to long before he would be able to at least open his eyes. after 20 minutes he was able to open his eyes again and looked around the room.


The vampire hybrid started to recover his energy fast "J Ji ro" he said softly before he was able to move his head to look properly around the room to see if he was still there, he signed softly feeling dazed still.

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Jiro returned with Lex. He had stumped across him and Lex convinced him not to bring a teacher. Jiro came into the room with Lex, his eyes widened As they filled with tears.

"Y-your...you awake"

He whispered. He took a step closer to him but stopped. Hesitating, remembering the crows haunting words. He stayed away, whipping his eyes before any tears fell.

"A-are you okay..."

He said from a distance. Not looking at Lex or Shotrao but at the ground.

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Shotaro looked relieved when he heard Jiro and opened his eyes getting confused at the distance again, he saw Lex and closed his eyes for a bit again, Lex felt weird and petted Jiro his back then walked back out of the room feeling like he was invading something.


The vampire Hybrid opened his eyes again and his eyes almost pleaded to get Jiro to come closer he tried to collect some more energy "w what i is wrong w whit you?" he asked softly he couldnt help but feel something was defenatly wrong he wanted to ask what happened whit that animal but he couldnt find the strength to ask not yet at least, Shotaro just watched Jiro hoping to get some answers to what was going on.

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Jiro felt A warm touch as Lex petted his back and suddenly left. So did that mean Shotrao was ok? Jiro watched him leave before looking back at the vampire Hybrid his eyes almost pleading to get Jiro to come closer . Jiro resisted the urge and looked away.

"w what i is wrong w whit you?" [/Quote]

"N..nothing..i don't..know what y-you mean."

He muttered, taking a seat in his desk chair.

"A-are you okay? ... Are you hungry? Thirsty? I-is there anything...I can get you.."

Jiro kept his distance.

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Shotaro looked sadly at Jiro "what happened before the animal you where attracted to me, now your acting like im about to kill you" he said whit his eyes closed he signed and found the strength to roll on his side "you better get your ass over here and tell me what happened"


The vampire hybrid hoped the other hybrid would come closer he felt hurt that Jiro was so distant to him, all he wanted now was to hold the smaller male to regain his energy, now that Jiro was so distant he knew he really had already fallen for the other male.

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Shotaro looked sadly at Jiro

"what happened before the animal you where attracted to me, now your acting like im about to kill you"[/Quote]

Jiro's eyes fell.

"I-I am..not.."

The other sighed rolling over to his side.

"you better get your ass over here and tell me what happened. "[/Quote]

Jiro tensed. Something about the way Shotrao acted was...a slight turn on... being told to do something was very different from being asked. And his tone of voice....

Jiro couldn't deny it.... He slowly stood up and moved closer, getting near the bed and sitting on the floor. He gripped his shirt nervous. He had never lied before.

"I-I'm...I'm not...s-suppose to t-tell you."

He said not making eye contact with him.

"I.. I just...c-can't be around you..a-anymore..I'm sorry..."

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Shotaro glanced at Jiro as he sat on the ground, shotrao was starting to get annoyed especially when he came whit the line

"I-I'm...I'm not...s-suppose to t-tell you."
the smaller male didnt make eye contact the taller male growled slightly "and who was it that told you that nonsense seriously, get your ass on the bed already, i dont care what you where being told im going to hold you while i recover and thats that"


Shotaro made room for the other male on the small bed "if you dont hurry up i will join you on the floor, i almost got killed because of that annoying animal and trying to protect you so you better be thankful and play my pillow" he blurted out.

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