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- Be My Medicine - (private, {。^◕‿◕^。}Ciel and Ayakashiu) [18+]


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"I would have taken my medication if someone actually came in here to help me with them. It's not like I can get up and do whatever the fuck I want to." Levi said this with a bit of an angered tone. This doctor was daring to blame him for what happened? Not one person came in to give him his medication, or turn the television on... he was lucky he even got fed! He avoided the other's eyes now, not even wanting to look at the other, obviously upset that he was being blamed for something that wasn't even his fault.


As the other man pressed the cup of meds up against his lips, he took them in, swallowing them with a big gulp. It was weird to not have the breathing mask on constantly... he had gotten used to the feeling of it over the past few hours. There was even an odd, slightly red impression around his nose and mouth area. "The lights are horrible... and out of all of the things they did today was turn the lights on... they had the time to turn lights on in the room but not give a patient their meds." He scoffed he slightest bit, looking the other way.


As the other unbuttoned his shirt, he let out a small sigh of relief... it felt nice to get some air on his skin. It felt like he was constricted by the gown that the hospital made him wore while he was here. He closed his eyes tiredly... he was still exhausted, not getting any proper sleep. Though... he could feel eyes on his body; tracing the outlines of his muscles, and the canvas of pale flesh that wasn't covered. It was quite odd...why was the doctor staring at him that way?


And as the other began to wash his body, he let out a sigh of relief. This was relaxing compared to everything else about the hospital... he was almost positive if he had to stay here for more than another day, he'd go crazy. "When can I leave? I hate it here." His voice sounded dry... he really did just want to get out of there, and go home, and go back to work... he missed the taste of coffee and the smell of his apartment... at least he knew his apartment was clean and fresh... though, when he felt the towel rub against one of his pink, flushed nipples, he visibly squirmed the slightest bit.. he had a rather sensitive chest.

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  • Ayakashiu


  • {。^◕‿◕^。}Ciel


It was obvious the patient was angry and it made Eren feel really irresponsible, not to check on him sooner. But he should have known, that the nurses will just drop everything, if he told them he'll take care of Levi. He only meant cleaning him though, but they took the opportunity he's given them. I should have come to at least check upon him..fuck! The way he was feeling towards this patient, started to affect his work and Eren couldn't allow himself to be distracted, not now.


It looked like it felt good to Levi, being washed and that made Eren feel at least a tiny bit better. The situation for the patient's in the hospital was bad by itself, so if there was anything that he could do, to help them get better quickly and get out of the hospital, he was glad to do it.


When he was asked a question, he turned towards the bowl, soaking the towel in water, taking his time before answering. He started to wash the lower part of Levi's torso, under the bandage, before he finally answered. "You can't leave yet, since we barely saved your life. You need constant surveillance." Eren knew that the patient won't like the answer, but he couldn't risk his life, because he hated the hospital. "You can't even stand up, so you can't take care of yourself yet and you need a doctor to come check you up daily. Not to mention infusions in your arm. You can't have all of this at hom, can you?" He wanted to give him good arguments, why he should stay in the hospital, but the truth was, if the patient wanted to leave, the hospital will only give him a statement to sign and they would let him go. But Eren couldn't let that happen, 'cause he knew it was too dangerous.


He was finished with the patient's front. "We will need to turn you to your side for a moment, so I can wash your back too." Eren pulled out the i.v. drip out, only leaving the mount in his arm, so he could turn him. He carefully slipped his hands under the patient's body, feeling how warm he was, before pushing him up and to the side. Levi shouldn't be moving a lot, because his chest wound might open, but Eren knew how to move him, to prevent that. He pulled a shirt sleeve off the patient, revealing one of his arms and his back. As the rest of Levi's body, his back was lean too and the traces of muscles could be seen, making Eren wonder if the guy works out every day or does he have a physical job.


He quickly washed his back and one arm, which was also nicely shaped, barely holding himself together, feeling pressure gather in his lower regions. He changed the previous shirt for a new, clean one, pulling it on, on one side first, then pulling the old one off from his other arm, when Levi was laying on his back again. He quickly finished washing his other arm too, noticing the patient's slender fingers, before dressing him up again. He threw the towel in the bowl, washing it again, before moving up to the patients face. "Can you please close your eyes for a moment, Levi?" Eren asked, when he put the towel on the patient's face, gently rubbing his forehead, before moving down his nose, under his eyes, onto his cheeks. Levi really did have a nice face and Eren could hear his heart thumping in his chest. What is happening to me..?


He decided it was best, if he leaves the lower part of the patient's body for tomorrow, since he didn't have any underwear on. The hospital only gave the patient's pyjamas and Eren wasn't sure if he could manage to stay cool, if he saw that. "You're probably tired, so let's wash your legs tomorrow, okay? I can't wash your hair, but I can try combing it, if you would like?" Yes, the hair is the safe part to tend too, just focus on his hair..

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Levi hoped that tomorrow, maybe the nurses would give him his medicine. He didn't want to feel like that again... his body felt sore and like it was burning all over. What was wrong with him? Why couldn't he protect himself, and shield himself from everything like he usually did? He wished he could be stronger again...


At least the doctor washing him was enjoyable... it felt like bliss to feel the filth be cleaned off of his body, "Thank you Eren..." He was still a bit out of it. He hardly had manners or patience with other people. Effort to be nice to people didn't really work for him... Niceness got you nowhere in this world, every good person always dies early...


"When can I leave, Eren?" The fact that he couldn't leave...made sense to him, actually, because he still felt horrible. He just wanted to be off of all of these machines that were keeping him alive.. he felt weak. He felt like he couldn't take care of himself... and it made him feel like he had to rely on other people. "And when will I be able to stand? I want to walk again...I hate this..." He felt like he wanted to cry... why couldn't he be good for himself? Why did this young man have to take care of him? "Am I going to have to stay here for a long time? Will I ever get better?" He glanced off to the side, breathing in heavily.


As the other slid off his shirt, he inhaled heavily and glanced at the other as he washed over his side. Levi worked as the head of a business... he used to be in the marines when he was younger... though, due to that, he just kept pushing and working. He ran everyday when he was done with work, he made sure to keep himself in good health... he couldn't tolerate the idea of being unhealthy... "Sorry for being bothersome..."


Once he heard the other tell him to close his eyes, he nodded slowly and kept his eyes closed... it felt nice to have the other wash his greasy face. He felt like his pores were cleansed.... It was obvious that besides the fact that h had a nice face, he also had slight dark circles under his eyes... he was obviously exhausted... he really needed sleep.


When the other announced that they would wash his lower regions tomorrow... it didn't quite go to mind that they also had to clean his... private areas. He just wanted to be cleansed. "Thank you, sir." His voice was hoarse as he glanced at the other, his eyes a bit unfocused, "If you could brush my hair, that would be nice..." Levi felt sick... and horrible. He felt out of it...





Levi was breathing heavily , his lips slightly parted as he watched Eren. He heard his voice... though he didn't quite comprehend at the moment. He was too tired to...and he could feel the medicine starting to kick in. Really, he felt a bit ditzy. His head felt like it was spinning. "Eren..." His voice was rather raspy, hoarse. He felt like he was going to faint... he felt like he was going cross-eyed... "Eren..." He didn't really know what was happened... everything was going blurry. Closing his eyes, he bit harshly into his lip, his breathing turning a bit heavy. He felt like he was going to panic...

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Eren was happy the patient called him by his name again, not sir. A small smile appeared on his lips, when he heard his name being spoken. The fact that made him even more happy, was that Levi didn't want to go home right away, since that would be really dangerous. The questions he was asked though, made the happiness he felt before fade a little and Eren started answering them. "Of course you'll get better, I'll make you get better! And you can leave, when you'll be able to take care of yourself, or do you have someone, who can take care of you instead?" Eren paused a little, kind of hoping that the answer would be no, but he knew that was twisted. "As for the walking part..if your wounds will be healing as they should, we can probably try and make you stand up in a few days and then we'll go from there."


"You're not bothersome, it's not a problem to do this at all," Eren remarked, not really telling the complete truth, seeing what a reaction he got out of this. "At least this way, you would feel more human," he added with a smile. He knew how it felt to be like this, he seen too many people go through this, not to know. Luckily, he never experienced it on his own skin and he was grateful for that.


Eren was already searching for a comb, amongst the things the nurse brought, when he noticed something was wrong; one of the things that made him a good doctor, was his heightened senses. As soon as the patient started to act differently, he was already calling for nurses, rushing to his side.


"It's okay Levi, I'm here," he answered with a calm voice, when the patient said his name over and over. He checked his pupils, that weren't reacting to the light and his chest squeezed uncomfortablly. Focus! You have to foucs now.. "It's going to be okay," he muttered one last time, before the chaos started.


The nurses rushed into the room, the injections were pulled out and given to the patient, Eren tried to do everything, so that Levi won't slip into a coma, which was what was probably happening. It was all a blur though, just working, without thinking about anything else; in those kind of moments, any kind of distractions the doctor might have, could prove fatal and Eren couldn't afford that.


After some time, Eren didn't really know how much has actually passed, they managed to stabilize the patient. The nurses started to leave, but Eren lingered, hoping Levi will wake up. They could do nothing now, but wait.

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"I don't have anyone to take care of me." Levi admitted quietly before saying, "I don't really...um...have friends, to be completely honest." His green-blue eyes glanced off a bit, his nose a bit of a soft red color as he listened to the confident doctor... Eren was so brave, to be able to work here, and not be able to be scared and sad... "You're a good doctor." He felt a soft blush coming to his cheeks before he murmured, "I um...need to go to the bathroom, to be honest..." Levi hadn't gone to the bathroom since he had been at the hospital.


Though, through those few moments that he was dazed... he realized that there were people swarming around him, with needles... injections, that were going to be put into his body. Was he dying? What was happening? What were they going to do to him? He knew he was screaming, though he couldn't hear it. It was crying, but he couldn't feel it... was he having a panic attack? What was his body doing to him? He couldn't see Eren, he didn't know these nurses


Though... the injections made his body numb... he knew that he was being knocked out and calmed down. He needed to be sedated, and that's what the nurses were doing... and he suddenly felt grief. He knew that no one would care if he died. If he died now... nobody would come to his funeral, because not many appreciated him, nor did they like him.. they'd probably cheer for his death... And his face held this pain, his eyes looking at nothing, and tears streaming down his face, dripping down his chin, his lips drawn back into a frown... and as he began to lose consciousness, he finally noticed Eren's face, his lips forming the word 'Please', as if he were begging....begging for something... he wanted mercy... no, he wanted to be saved, and he wanted someone to stay by his side... he didn't want to be alone like his friends were when they died, with their own friends dead or fighting for their lives, not knowing the outcome until it was too late.


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When all the nurses left, Eren went back to Levi's bedside. When he looked at his face, he found him crying and he looked in a lot of pain; Eren's hearth squeezed uncomfortably in his chest, by that sight. He remembered the patient's words.

"I don't have anyone to take care of me. I don't really...um...have friends, to be completely honest."

In that moment, Eren decided that he will take care of him, even if no one else wants too. He realised, he already has feelings for him, no matter how much he tried to be professional. Levi just turned his world around, as soon as he entered it. No one could say this was love, not yet, but it was definitely something; a beginning of something more.


He held his hand, when he noticed Levi's lips creating the word please. He was confused for a moment. Please? Please what? "What do you want Levi? Can I get you anything?" He didn't notice, that he was squeezing his patient's hand thightly by now, while he leaned down to hear the patient more clearly. In this moment, Eren just wanted to do anything in his power to help Levi.

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Levi glanced at Eren through his blurry field of vision, his breathing hitching the slightest bit as he felt himself slipping deeper and deeper... he knew that the medicine in these injections were going to knock him out in a few moments, he could feel it... everything felt heavy and warped...


"Don't..leave me..." He nearly sobbed as more tears continued to drip down his rosy cheeks, his tongue slowly poking through his lips the slightest bit, his eyes slowly closing, feeling the other squeezing his hand harshly. Tugging lightly on his hand, he brought his hand over to his heart, his eyes slowly closing. He wanted to feel something... at least a little bit of something right on his heart...


"Umm..." His breathing was leisure as he brought the other's hand down firmer onto his warm chest, "Stay..." Eyes closing finally, his head rolled to the side... he needed some rest...

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"I won't leave you," Eren answered, putting on a smile, he hoped looked reassuring. "I'll never leave you," he added quietly a moment later. He shouldn't be saying stuff like this, he was in no position to do so, but it just slipped out, because that was how he felt in that moment. He really didn't want to leave Levi, he wanted to spend as much time with him as possible.


He was surprised, when the patient brought his hand to his heart and the small gesture made him blush. "I'll stay." He saw Levi's hand slip to the side, sleep taking over him, so he pulled up a chair sitting beside his bed. He didn't want to let go of his hand, so he left it there, putting his jaw on his hands. He studied Levi's face and he looked so peaceful when he was sleeping; he never looked like this when he was awake.


He didn't know how it happened, but he found himself being woken up again, someone gently shaking him. He opened his eyes slowly, realizing he fell asleep in his patient's room. Luckily for him, Krista found him, the only nurse that he actually got along with. She had a friendly smile on her lips, like always, and Eren couldn't help but smile back. He checked his watch, seeing that his shift ended already, knowing that he'll probably be scolded for going missing.


Krista already left, probably back to work, since she was really diligent, leaving Eren alone with Levi again. Eren's hand was still resting on the patient's chest, squeezing Levi's hand. He felt a sudden urge and being half asleep still, he didn't resist it; he wanted to give Levi a good night kiss, before he leaves the hospital for tonight, so he leaned down, gently brushing the patient's lips. He felt like a thief, stealing a kiss like this, but as soon as their lips touched, he could feel his stomach churn; this time, the feeling was pleasant.

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Levi slowly nodded at the other as he promised him not to leave... it would have made him blush if he didn't lose consciousness that minute. His head lolled to the side in it's sleepy manner, leaving his neck expose. There was some bruising on his collarbone area... though it was obvious that it wasn't from the crash. It was from teeth. Levi didn't really want to explain it... though it was because of the fact that he got drunk the other night at the New Years Eve party... and him and a co-worker, Erwin, got a bit... out of hand. They didn't actually end up having sex, because Levi got really sick really quick. Levi didn't hold his alcohol well, given the fact that he rarely drank.


Levi's lips were parted as he slept, his little tongue poking out the slightest bit as he slept, his eyes closed easily... he looked relaxed, and pretty cute. Though when he was awake, Levi tended to have a look of hatred and power in his eyes that usually intimidated others. Levi was a boss in the city... of course he was mean, nobody would want a nice, sissy boss.


Levi stayed asleep for hours to come... though, when he did wake up, he noticed that Eren was asleep. Levi, being one of those people who couldn't fall back to sleep easily after he woke up, simply closed his eyes, looking asleep. Why was Eren sleeping with him? Oh right... because he was going to stay with him... he had someone who wasn't going to leave him again... hopefully. The idea made him blush with excitement.


Though, when he felt the covers shift against his body, and someone enter and then leave the room, Levi became a bit more alert. And then... he felt something on his lips.



It was warm, it was soft... and it felt oh so good... but of so bad at the same time. This was sinful. He knew it was Eren... he could tell because of the fact that he could recognize the other's scent... and why would anyone else be here to give him a kiss? He saw how the brat blushed every time they saw each other.


A dark, searing, rose colored blush dusted the pale man's cheeks as he found himself weakly returning the kiss...





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Eren just wanted to feel Levi's lips once, to have a little memory for himself, since he could only hope to get that much. But as he gave his patient a peck, he felt him move under him. Did I wake him up? Is he just moving his lips or is he actually kissing me? But this actually felt like Levi was kissing him back; he wasn't struggling or wanting to push him away, so does that mean he likes it?


Eren felt kind of nervous, not knowing what to do. This was definitely bad, a doctor kissing his patient, a helpless patient at that. But it felt so good too and he wanted to taste Levi at least once. He would take every chance that was given to him. So without thinking more, he started kissing the man under him. It was still a gentle, shy kiss, but it was more than a peck before. Eren didn't notice his hand slipping into the patient's hair, gently stroking it, while he slowly kissed his lips.


Eren was feeling so torn up inside. His patient was kissing him back, so he figured he did that, because he likes it. But what if he was sleeping and he doesn't really know what is happening, responding out of reflex? It was killing him, so he broke the kiss, his face only inches from the patient's, waiting for his reaction.


While he was waiting, his gaze was roaming all over Levi's face, looking for signs of disgust or anger. His gaze slipped lower too, grazing over the patient's collarbone, noticing a distinctive shape there. He didn't notice it before, because he was never so close to the patient. It couldn't be mistaken for anything else, but teeth marks. Eren traced it with his finger, unable to hold himself back. "Where did you get this?" He hoped the answer would be something innocent, like getting it in a fight, but Eren knew that would be basically impossible.

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Levi let out a rather small noise as the doctor continued to kiss him. It didn't really pass his mind that what they were doing.. was strictly forbidden for a doctor to do while the patient was in the hospital. Doctor's weren't allowed to have sexual relations with a patient, because the patient "wasn't in the right mindset" to be able to do so. Though... Levi fancied this.. he fancied the warmth, the nice feeling of the other's lips upon his own... it made him feel like somebody cared for him.


Though...many things slowly began to come to mind. Was this man gay? He certainly wasn't straight if he was kissing him... And why did he kiss him? Did he really like him enough to do that to him? Though, he let out a rather small grunt when he felt the other break away from the kiss. He was looking up at Eren with slightly open eyes, hardly able to keep them open. He loved the feeling of Eren's finger through his slightly matted hair... it felt nice, and it was getting some of the clumps of blood out of his hair. "Eren..." He formed the name on his lips again.. he was finally starting to get used to it.



When he felt the finger of the doctor tracing the mark on his collarbone, he flinched... he hated to feeling. Blinking a few times, he glanced back up at the turquoise-eyed doctor, a small frown itching at the edge of his lips, "I...got drunk...on New Years Day...it was just..a mistake." murmured Levi quietly, his eyes holding a bit of truth. He hoped Eren wouldn't hate him for having a hickey on his neck. Though... why did Levi care what Eren thought of him? He shouldn't care at all! He was Levi Ackerman, he never cared what people thought of him...until now... Eren made him feel kind of...special, and happy, despite the fact that he didn't show it very well.

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It felt good, to make Levi do all this small noises, which appeared cute to Eren. When he heard his name being spoken, he caressed the patient's hair again, only then noticing what his hand was doing. He promised Levi, he will comb his hair anyway, so he left his hand where it was.


Eren could feel the change in his patient, when he asked him about the mark, but he wanted to know. He felt kind of possesive of him already. The facts that he had no one, to take care of him or any good friends, and that he was helpless right now, added to Eren's sense of taking care of others and the emergency before, only heightened the feeling of being somewhat responsible for the patient. Eren was getting too attached, too quickly, he knew that, but it was like being in a giant whirpool, where you know what awaits you in the middle, as you slowly drift there in circles, but you can't break free.


Th answer was just what Eren feared and he felt a pang of jealousy. He shouldn't feel like that, seeing how Levi wasn't his and given he known him only for such a short amount of time, but he still felt like that and there was nothing to do about it.


"Do you think the kiss right now was a mistake too? You can't use being drunk as an excuse."

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Levi gave off a rather soft noise as the other continued to keep his hand in his hair... it felt rather nice, actually. He pushed his head up into the other's hand, nearly like a feline as he did this, like a small kitten would when it would get pet. He enjoyed the feeling thoroughly, actually. He always liked it when others touched his hair... well, as long as their hands were clean and not filled with grease or any other substance...


Levi felt a bit guilty when he told Eren how he got the bite on his collarbone... he let out a rather small sigh as the other questioned him. He felt bad, because he didn't even like Erwin all that much... he honestly felt like Erwin took advantage of the situation that he was in, due to the fact that Levi had always rejected his offers for dates before, and his offers to merge companies and such... Levi was rather vulnerable when he was drunk, and that was a fact. Inhaling deeply, he let out another huff, closing his eyes again.


He hoped that Eren didn't consider him a jerk or get mad at him... Levi didn't want to lose the only person who swore to stay by his side. Sure, he had "friends" like Hange and Erwin left....but Hange would try to test products out on his wounds to see the effects that it had, and Erwin would try to find an opening to get in his pants.


"I don't consider it a mistake, Eren...I'm sorry if I made it seem that way...I um...liked it, Eren... it felt nice... thank you...though I can understand if you never want to do something like that again..." Levi swore he was losing his edge... it was probably the medication... when he got better, he was really hoping that he wasn't going to have to take these damned medicines... they made him feel... like he wasn't himself.

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Eren found something new about his patient every minute, he spend with him. First, he found him intimidating, then he discovered he has a soft side too and now, he saw another aspect of Levi - the cute side of him. When he pushed his head into Eren's hand, he looked like a kitten, snuggling up to his master and it was a really adorable sight. Eren couldn't help but smile a little when seeing that and he continued petting him; he wouldn't mind being Levi's master at all.


Talking with Levi, also made him realize a few things about himself, like how much he liked to hear his own name coming out of his mouth. "You liked it?" Eren asked, although he didn't expect an answer, but it felt nice to hear it again. "So you don't mind if I do it again?" he whispered, closing in on the patient's face, but not kissing him yet. He wanted to wait until the other agrees to it. It was nice being so close to him, feeling his body heat and smelling him, although his scent was mixed with the hospital one right now.


As he was waiting, he realised how dangerous a game he's playing. If anyone would see this, he would probably loose his licence, meaning he could never work as a doctor again, which meant he would fail to acomplish his life goal. That made him feel more grounded and he realised what he's doing, is wrong. He already did a mistake once, when he kissed him the first time, and he couldn't change that, but he could change what he does from now on. He wouldn't be able to leave Levi now, but he could be by his side as a friend. The patient needed a friend now, more than a doctor who's harassing him. Because no matter how Eren looked at it, it was true; he was taking advantage of the situation.


He decided, this will be the last kiss, if Levi would agree to it in the first place. After that, he'll get a grip and act as he should.

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As the other leaned closer to his face, Levi let out a rather sharp sigh. Contemplating the idea in his mind, he came to the conclusion that he'd allow him to do it again... only one more time... he didn't want Eren to get his license taken away because he was being a greedy patient. Inhaling deeply, Levi looked up at Eren, his eyes a bit groggy before he murmured, "One more time...that's it...I won't want you to get fired..." Though, a worried look soon came into Levi's eyes as he quietly muttered, "You're...not going to leave my all alone, are you? Even though this can't happen anymore?"


As he waited for an answer, he began to think about this. Despite the fact he enjoyed kissing Eren... he felt so gross. Why does he want to kiss me? I haven't gotten my teeth cleaned in nearly two fucking days and I'm hardly hydrated. My lips probably feel like sand-paper and I probably taste disgusting... He was scolding himself for thinking this way mentally, though he also didn't like the fact the other was kissing him in this condition.


Raising one of his pale hands to the other's head, he allowed his fingers to wind and turn in the other's hair. He just wanted to feel it once... and it was so soft, and clean... unlike his hair, with was greasy and bloodied from being unable to wash it. With a small sigh, he basked in the feeling of it, not wanting to forget it. He probably wasn't going to be able to do this ever again... unless Eren was actually interested in being his friend once he was out of the hospital.


"One more time..?" questioned Levi quietly, his muddled eyes having a waiting look in them.


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It meant a lot to Eren, when Levi told him he doesn't want him to get fired. It made him feel being cared about. But what if that's just an excuse? Eren wasn't sure anymore, of the patient wants him to kiss him, or is he just letting him do that, so Eren will take proper care of him?


Eren felt a headache creeping onto him. Why does this has to be so complicated?? He wasn't usually so confused, but around Levi, he felt..lost. "No, of course I won't leave you alone!" Eren reassured his patient, smiling at him. He wasn't like that, but he did regret that this can't happen again. Only god knows, what will happen when Levi leaves the hospital. Will I even see him again?


His thinking was interrupted by the patients voice. "Yes, one more time.." Eren leaned down, this time giving more force to the kiss, wanting to get everything he can, out of this. He wanted to make at least a few good memories for the future.


The kiss was soon broken, Eren feeling a little breathless. He straightened up, taking a look at his watch. "Can I do anything for you? Because I need to head home." He kind of didn't want to leave, now that they kissed and it all still felt intimate. He imagined the next meeting might be awkward for them both.

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Levi nodded quietly to the doctor, his breathing a bit heavy as he was told that the doctor wasn't going to leave him. It made him happy... Inhaling and then exhaling, Levi waited for their lips to meet again. Despite the fact he wasn't going to say anything across the lines of "I wish this could happen more" or "Please don't leave"... his eyes held his emotion. His muddled, green-blue eyes held longing, sadness, and want.


And when the other sealed his lips with a kiss, Levi willingly kissed him back and return, his lips moving softly against the other's. Eren's lips were soft, and nice... they were gentle with his own, and he was relieved... Levi couldn't take anything harsh right now, even though that was the way he usually liked things done.


And when the kiss broke, Levi looked rather... lost. Resting his head back against the pillow, he stared at Eren, not answered the question that was given, but instead asking a question of his own, "When I'm out of the hospital...can we do that again?" His question was childish, yet serious. He wanted an answer to his question. Though, after that, he licked his lips softly, and glanced at the other's turquoise eyes, "Can you...tuck me in? My arms...hurt.." He said this with a faint blush on his cheeks. He felt pathetic having to ask for help to get to sleep...

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Levi didn't really answer his question, aksing his own instead. But Eren didn't really mind that, since the answer he asked..well, it made Eren feel blissful, that's the only word that could desribe what he was feeling at that moment. He was afraid at what might happen after Levi got better. Would he leave and just forget about him? Or would he remeber him, but refused to stay in contact? All the options Eren could think of, sounded pessimistic. He really didn't imagine that the patient might want to continue this, when they weren't in a doctor/patient relationship anymore. But he did, the question he just asked, proved that he did want it.


"Yes, i would like to do that again, when you're out of the hospital," Eren finally answered, a big smile on his face. He was absoulutely beaming, feeling fresh in love. He didn't even consider it weird, that he was feeling this things towards another guy; he was too happy to bother with the details.


Blushing Levi made Eren feel like a little weird inside. It was pleasant weird, but it made him want to do anything, to make him blush again, which he found strange. He tucked him in, as the patient asked. "Here you go. Try to get some rest while I'm gone, okay? And I'll come check on you the first thing, when I come back. Good night!"


Eren had a pleased expression on his face, when he left the room, feeling like he did a good job today! Being able to share the intimacy of kiss with Levi and the fact that it might happen again, was the reason he was like that. He made sure that all the lights were off and the TV too, before he left and now he felt strangely full of energy. He needed to run to the convinience store on his way home, so he hurried to get changed and go home already.

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Levi nodded rather slowly as the other said that they might be able to do this again. He’d smile… but he really didn’t fele like doing so. He was too tired to do so, actually. “Mmkay…” He murmured this quietly as he nuzzled his head into the pillow. It felt weird to have the breathing mask off of his face… and his body still felt somewhat heavy due to the drugs in his body.


As the other tucked him in, he le tout a rather small noise, enjoying the warmth that the blanket offered him. He felt a bit cold before-hand. Though, he still felt filthy, at least on the bottom half of his body. He enjoyed the fact that the other tucked him in… he was really a nice guy. Though, something in Levi really didn’t want to treat Eren like another person… it felt rather weird to treat someone so nice. He was usually cold and indifferent to other people… he wanted to act different, though it didn’t feel natural to act that way…


“Sure, I’ll try to get some rest…” Levi knew that the probability of him getting sleep was rather slim, due to the fact that he was having bad dreams for the past few nights. Though he wasn’t going to tell Eren that, of course…


“Goodnight to you too, Eren.”



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Eren grabbed some already prepared meals at the convinience store, that you only need to heat up. He didn't have the energy to cook something for himself right now, but he tried to eat normally, so he bought some fruits too. Not really a healthy meal, but it'll have to do, he thought to himself, as he was out of the store.


He didn't have a car, so he needed to take public transport. Metro was the fastest, although it was always full and he was pressed against the cold glass of the doors, on his way home. He started out at the passing lights and the darkness, his thoughts wandering. They mostly revolved around Levi, about what happened today, and Eren was really surprised, how he adapted to the situation. He always cared only about his work and didn't have time for romance, but he never thought he'll fall for another guy. Am I gay? Or is it just Levi?


At his apartment, he quickly heated his meal in the microwave, taking the shower in the meantime, then basically throwing the food into himself. He was really sleepy, all the excitement of the day and too much work catching up to him. When he lay in his bed, he was asleep in a matter of seconds, not dreaming of anything this night.

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When Eren left, Levi really had nothing all that great to do. His room was pitch-black and his arms were too heavy feeling to move. The drugs had his head hurt, really. They were slowing down his body to make him go to sleep. Though, the process of this was taking too long for his own pleasure, to be quite truthful. He just wanted to go to sleep…


As his brain lulled on the events that had occurred that day… he noticed that he didn’t really remember anything up to the point of where he was being treated by Eren. Though… he still did have the awful taste of banana pudding in his mouth.


He remembered the feel of the washcloth that Eren dabbed in water and stroked down his rather filthy body. Speaking of filthy body, he really needed deodorant… he felt disgusting. He remembered the way that the other’s hand felt in his greasy, raven hair. He really didn’t know what to do about that though, given that the doctor would probably tell him ‘no’ if he asked for it. It made him a bit sad that he had to smell bad around the other man…

Wait, why did he care so much? Why was this other so important to him that he wanted to be good around him?


These questions that were going unanswered in his mind really bothered him. He didn’t even know how to feel about them.


Though, as his mind lulled to sleep, he knew that he answered one of his questions…


He liked Eren.


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The sound of the alarm clock was too early, if anyone asked Eren, but at least he got some rest, sleeping properly for the first time this week. He went through his morning routine, taking a quick shower, eating something and making himself a coffee to take with him.


Metro was busy, as was every morning, but Eren was used to it, so he didn't even notice the crowd anymore. At the hospital, he got changed and attended a short meeting, before he was finally free to go check on the patients.


This time, he decided he will first check on Levi. He didn't want the aame thing as yesterday, happening all over again. He told everyone this patient is his responsibility, so he has to take proper care of him. When he arrived in front of the right door, he knocked gently; he only knocked before entering Levi's room, he didn't know why but with others, he just entered, since the doors were usually open, but here, it felt weird to do that.


He didn't wait for the invitation to come in though, but he just entered after the knock, saying "Good morning!" cheerfully, as soon as he closed the door behind him. "How are you feeling today?"

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When the small male woke up early that morning, he tried to roll over, and hissed when he felt the IV drip tug on his arm. He still needed it for a few days more before he could get it taken out. Though, when he thought about that, he also began to think about walking. Walking was something that he wanted to do rather soon, he wanted to get out of here and go back to work, to be able to walk to the café that he does every morning to get his nice, frothy drink. He also wanted to get out… because he wanted to see Eren, and get to know him better. He hated to admit it, but he cared for the brat more than he wanted to…


When he heard the door creak open a little while after he woke up, Levi blinked his muddled eyes open to look at Eren, his lips slightly parted, wanting something to drink. He had really lost his appetite over the past few days… he didn’t even feel like eating anymore, the thought made his stomach hurt even more. Now that the drugs had worn off from the day before, he could see a bit clearer now. He didn’t smile when Eren came in… and he never really smiled anyways… even when they kissed, he didn’t smile afterwards. Levi smiling… was basically had the same probability of seeing the Blood Moon.


“Good morning to you too….” Murmured the Ackerman rather quietly, glancing a bit down towards his chest, a bit nervous. How was the other going to treat him now that they made contact like that? Nearly blushing at the thought, he answered the other’s question quietly. “I’m feeling better, and how are you doing?” Levi could still feel how greasy his abdomen and lower area felt… he hoped that the other would wash him down right after his medicine was given to him.



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Levi was really quiet today and he avoided eye contact, but Eren wasn't really surprised; he wasn't sure how he should act around his patient now, but Levi made things easier for him. If he would smile at him or if he would appear happy to see him, Eren would probably do something stupid again, but this way, it was easier to keep his distance. But he couldn't make himself be as formal as with other patients.


"That's good to hear; I'm doing okay, thanks for asking." Eren smiled warmly at the patient, since he usually didn't get asked how he feels. "So what do you want to do first? You need to eat and take your meds, I need to check your wounds and change the bandages, or would you like to be washed and changed first?"


The nurses didn't ask the patients this things, but Eren didn't see any harm in it. He knew he didn't have much time and he might be called away any time, so it's better to do the things, Levi wants to do the most, first. He also thought they might try and raise him up a bit, so he could eat by himself, if he'll be capable of that. It would be good, if he could; if not, that meant his recovery is slow and that he'll need to spend more time in the hospital.

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Levi glanced up at the doctor, and nodded slowly to him and murmured, “Can we please….wash my body first? I feel greasy.” And that was true, he felt disgusting, like he was put in a greaser for fries and never washed off. Murmuring quietly, “It bothers me that I can’t shower…I really just want to bathe… I feel disgusting.” Muttered the rather short man, inhaling deeply before he lifted one of his hands and wiped his face, the feeling a bit nice given the fact that he had a bit of problems with his hands.


Was the other going to do all of this for him? That would be nice, given that nobody else came by here during the day… so he never had anyone to spend time with. And the channels never showed any good series anymore, unlike a few years ago. Levi rarely watched television, but he still knew what was good and what was just utterly idiotic. Another thing came to mind…what was he eating today? Was it going to be good or was it going to taste like chemicals? What about his meds? Did those change?


Letting out a small sigh, he glanced at Eren. He appreciated the other’s approach to his job… and he also appreciated those full lips, those turquoise colored eyes, and the softness of the other’s hand that contradicted the way he acted. And Levi hated that he was having those thoughts, though it was true…



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