InkompleteWish Posted August 11, 2014 Share Posted August 11, 2014 Quote "Report start: Subject Name: 'Aaron Carter’ Age: ‘25’ Height: ‘5 ft and 9 inches’ Weight: ‘143 lb’ Family: ‘Deceased, grew up in an orphanage since his third year of age’ Hair colour: ‘tinted dark blue’ Eye colour: ‘crimson, natural eye colour according to the subject’ Picture: Reveal hidden contents Occupation: ‘Soldier of the Survey Corps, under the leadership of Hange Zóe though often joining the squad of Corporal Levi in missions due to Commander Hange’s orders’ Current Status: ‘Put out of action because of an injury’ Short History: ‘Grew up in an orphanage and was later recruited by Chief Smith to join the Survey Corps. Has proven himself as a good soldier and is often accepted into key missions. Though the subject has no given rank, he is high in the social ladder of the Survey Corps. Due to his own wish he was never promoted. Often soldiers see him as a squad leader since he is befriended with Corporal Ackermann and Chief Smith as well as others. Subject had been nearly eaten during the last mission so he had been out of order for a while. The subject is healed and will soon join the missions and battles again.’ Report stop.” “Do we really have to do this Hange? And what’s with that ‘nearly eaten’? I merely lost my right eye.” a distraught blue haired young man asked the only female in the room. “Yes it has to be done Aaron and you were nearly eaten. The titan had you in its mouth already!” she complained and bonked the soldier on the head. Her assistants just chuckled lightly. It was always the same with those two. Hange had to write a report of her soldier Aaron Carter for the higher ups since humanity can not afford injuries apparently; they only wanted the death of soldiers. Joke aside though, Aaron Carter was soon joining the other soldier’s in the fights again, he had missed a lot of things during his stay in the hospital in Wall Rose. For example the fall of Wall Maria and the joining of the 104th Trainees Squad. The blue haired soldier wondered if the was more that he missed during his absence. And the question lingered if he was still as strong with just one eye. So training was in order for the soldier. But training had to wait for now. First pleasantries had to be completed first. The report was one of those things. Since Hange was his 'leader' the report has to be made by her. After the annoying paperwork was done he would be a normal soldier again. That meant training, cleaning and attending strategy meetings or something. Aaron made it his top priority to train with just one eye. Not just in fights or in general. Heck, he doesn't even see half of the room he was sitting in. The soldier just wondered how he should go about it. If he would sit in the centre of the room like right now then he had to be able to know what happens in the other half. One point of his training would be to improve his hearing obviously. Just turning his head to see won't help him much. He had to account something else for his lost right eye. Something told him that this wouldn't be that easy though. Maybe he can ask Levi later on, the other was 'Humanity's strongest soldier' after all. The Corporal would surely have some tricks for him even if he still has both eyes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
{。^◕‿◕^。}Ciel Posted August 11, 2014 Share Posted August 11, 2014 Erwin was doing his usual agenda. He was in his office, scribbling down his signature on paper-work that didn't quite peek his interest. Really, it was rather annoying being bombarded by sheet after sheet of paper-work when he could easily be organizing a new patrol to take back Wall Maria. His last mission had failed... but it would get better. He'd organize a better patrol next time. Tapping the end of the feather against his broad lips, he let out a small huff before dipping the quill back in to the jar of black ink, and continued to scribble away at the signature areas on the bottom of the verification sheets sent from the high holding government that hid behind the interior walls. The blonde haired man had a lot on his mind, really. He had some good ranking soldiers out due to injury due to the failed mission before. Corporal Ackerman had been in here earlier today, talking about the death toll and about the general premises of what happened and why the mission had gone wrong. Really, Levi could be a cruel man some of the time. Maybe putting Eren with one specific group was far too easy for a titan-shifter to figure out... he had to create some sort of diversion to distract a creature like that... He should probably organize a training session for all of those who had lost minor parts of their body that still wished to stay with the recon corps... he doubted that there would be many, and most probably wanted to go home after the events of what happened that night... but he would still organize a class, just in case. As he thought of this, he was waiting for the reports from Hange, given that she took the death count and the injury data for her squad... Levi had handed in his earlier. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
InkompleteWish Posted August 12, 2014 Author Share Posted August 12, 2014 Aaron yawned when he made his way down the large corridor. Hange had 'ordered' him to bring her reports to Erwin. Really, as if she couldn't do it herself. //Lazy woman. As long as it's not concerning Titan's Hange has a bad attitude with everything.// the blue haired soldier thought and continued his way towards Erwin's office. Aaron hadn't seen Erwin since the last mission and even before then both of them didn't do much together. The soldier was around Levi or Hange more, the latter was his boss after all no matter how he wanted to deny it. Crazy woman that she is, Aaron had often been tasked to 'catch' Titan's for her research before. Even though it was easier and safer to just kill them. But like a good soldier he obeyed his commander and captured that dammed Titan. It wasn't long before he stood in front of Chief Smith's door. Politely he knocked twice and waited for the other's response. Though they might know each other, Aaron still had a knack to act polite around him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
{。^◕‿◕^。}Ciel Posted August 12, 2014 Share Posted August 12, 2014 Erwin sighed softly as thoughts ran through his head. A different formation was in need... He'd ask Hange and Levi about it later, or maybe in a few days. They weren't able to do anything, especially with so many soldier out due to injuries. Sighing heavily, he rested his head on his desk, slightly frustrated by the situation. He was a commander, he sent all of those teens and adults to their deaths... it was ridiculous. And yet.. these soldiers still had respect for him, which intrigued him great. Why did they feel this was? Hearing a knock on his door, he let out a huff before saying, "Oi, come in." His voice sounded tired, yet firm. He was exhausted, actually. He didn't really have anytime to rest, especially when he had to write letters to all of the family about the deaths of their loved ones.. sons, daughters, nieces, nephews, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers... it was difficult. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
InkompleteWish Posted August 12, 2014 Author Share Posted August 12, 2014 After he heard Erwin's voice he opened the door and stepped into the office. Though they knew each other personally Aaron was still acting polite so he didn't say much and stopped before the other's desk. "Good day. Commander Hange sent me to deliver her reports. It took me a bit of time though, im sorry about that." he reported and laid the folder on the tabletop. The older male was clearly stressed so the soldier didn't want to take up to much time but he still waited till the other dismissed him. It wasn't just his mentality as a soldier but rather common politeness. Aaron kind of guessed why the other looked that stressed. The last mission cost them a lot of deaths and injuries. Erwin was usual the one to deal with the paperwork since he was the chief of the recon corps. Hange and Levi only did minor reports, Erwin had the most responsibility. So Aaron hoped that the other would get some time to rest too now and then. They can't have a sick leader after all. That reminded him, Hange talked about some new 'specimen' that arrived at the recon corps after his 'time-out'. She didn't tell him much, only that he was a shifter in some way. Apparently the boy could transform in a titan. A rather intriguing thing he had to agree. But he wouldn't go so far to hurt the other to test his healing abilities. Hange was a really scary woman and Aaron was thankful that he she wasn't really interested to 'examine' him like she did with titans. Humans didn't matter much to her research. The blue head reminded himself to look for the new trainee’s and this ‚shifter’ later on. He had a lot to catch up on and the best way was to find out himself. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
{。^◕‿◕^。}Ciel Posted August 12, 2014 Share Posted August 12, 2014 Erwin sighed as he took the sheet from the young man. Erwin was visibly tired, given the fact that his eyes had bangs under them that seemed to be slightly purple due to the lack of sleep that he received. Looking at the report, he simply tossed it into the trash-bin, a bored look on his face, "Why does Hange continue to write these reports? They're useless really... all they do it tell how someone nearly died. It's better just to count the casualties and then go back to what she does best..." Erwin was really too tired to deal with more reports for the night... though, he knew he had to finish at least ten more sheets of paper-work before he was permitted to leave, which was rather... annoying. He needed to get as much sleep as he could, really, especially if he was going to continue to be the commander of this regiment. "You can stay if you'd like to, it would give me company. Though, if you don't cadet, you may be dismissed." said the blonde man rather simply as he began to focus back on his work, eyes trained on the paper. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
InkompleteWish Posted August 13, 2014 Author Share Posted August 13, 2014 "I told her that too sir but the higher ups apparently want some sort of report on that. I mean the injured soldiers were stationed in hospitals and the government had to pay for their or mine expenses." he answered the other's question even thought the other probably didn't even ask him since it was probably just a statement from Erwin. But Aaron was feeling funny enough to reply anyway. He sighed when he noticed that the other didn't really acknowledge him much but that was to be expected, given how tired the other was. So the soldier didn't make a retort and asked something else instead. "Would you like a drink sir? I would get it, coffee or tea?" he asked the other and waited yet again for the other's reply. Aaron himself was sometimes drinking tea to sooth his nerves or relax. Maybe Chief Smith needed that too right now, since he probably can't go to sleep until the paper work was done. Aaron would have offered his help but a mere soldier can't sign the papers, they had to be signed by someone of Erwin's status or maybe even Hange. Though the woman would probably just burn the paperwork cause she is to lazy to do it. Thank god she wasn't chief and they had Erwin instead. The other did a fairly good job, even if he may appear cold from time to time. It wasn't unusual though, given the world they live in. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
{。^◕‿◕^。}Ciel Posted August 13, 2014 Share Posted August 13, 2014 "Well, I suppose. Given it is the tax-payers money that goes to the medical funding of the recon corps." agreed Erwin with a defeated sigh, "But still... don't they know the odds? A lot of people who tend to get injured also end up dying in the end. Its basically a 1/10 chance someone is going to make it back from the hospital, given the effects of their injury." The blonde glanced up at the other soldier, "It's good to have you back, cadet." He was aware of the fact that the blue haired man had received poor injuries onto his eye. He felt rather...guilty. Aaron was a good soldier, and he was the one that Erwin saw least likely to die, well, right after Levi. He felt a bit... sad, when he saw the other with no eye in one of his sockets. It reminded him that he sent him out there, that he was the reason this man could no longer see.. Continuing to write with the slightly worn out quill, the commander glanced back up at the blue-haired soldier. His eyes were visibly tired, mostly due to the fact that he still really needed to get some sleep. Resting his head on his desk, he quietly murmured, "A mug of tea would be enjoyable, cadet. If you could, I would appreciate a mug." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
InkompleteWish Posted August 13, 2014 Author Share Posted August 13, 2014 "Yeah, can't let the titans get the best of me after all. I still have to repay them for the eye." he spoke after having received the others 'welcome back' to the recon corps. It wouldn't just do him good to just don't fight anymore just because he lost a part of his body. If they all died either way, then Aaron preferred to go down fighting. Maybe his death will be a good one because humanity can finally live in peace. At least he wished for that. Just slaying one Titan wasn't going to save the world and deaths were bound to happen sooner or later. The solder knew where his Chief was coming from. If death meant that humanity might live in peace again then he would gladly die in battle. But the titans did a half-assed job and let him live. Though he was a bit handicapped now, I was only a matter of time before he started killing Titan's again. There wasn't much else he can do either way. This was his home since he is an orphan. They didn't really get paid so Aaron doesn't have any savings. If he didn't fight after his injury, he would just end up on the street. "On the way Chief." he only replied to the other's answer after his offer of tea or coffee. Maybe it didn't help much but that was all Aaron could do at the moment. So he turned around and made his way towards the door. Though Erwin's office was spacious and all, he didn't have a kitchen so Aaron had to leave for the communal kitchen to make the tea. It was a bit hard to walk around with just one eye and more often did he find himself nearly crashing into something. But he wanted to keep his pride so he didn't ask anyone to accompany him. His way to the kitchen was short and he heard bickering growing in volume the closer he got. Swiftly and without making many sounds he prepared the tea. The soldiers were probably new here, probably from the 104th trainee squad he heard so much of. So he couldn't help himself but to take a look at them. The one that stood out the most was probably a brown haired kid and also Corporal Levi. Their eyes briefly met and both nodded towards the other. There was an understanding between the two; they will have to talk later on. As much as Levi denied it, he and Aaron were friends. And Aaron felt happy about it. He was able to get closer to a person like Levi and it proved to be the right choice in the end. He hadn't seen Petra or the other's of the Squad around but maybe he will soon (Aaron doesn't know about their death yet). The tea was ready though so the soldier went on his way back to the Chief's office. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
{。^◕‿◕^。}Ciel Posted August 14, 2014 Share Posted August 14, 2014 When the last drop of ink fell above the 'i' in his name, Erwin put the quill back into it's drawer, and then closed the container of ink... over the past day and a half, he had used about two and a half cartridges of ink... probably enough ink to make a portrait of a five meter class titan. Groaning tiredly, the blonde commander nestled his weary head into his arms, his eyes closing tiredly. He wanted to go to sleep... though he had welcoming the blue-haired cadet to spend some time with him. Erwin and Aaron... had a bit of an unspoken bond of some sort, almost like what he had with Levi, except a smaller amount of soldiers knew about it compared to Levi's story. Though, over the years, Erwin just became busier and busier by the day... more and more trainees enlisting to join the recon corps instead of the garrison meant more paperwork for him, and also more letters to families to confirm deaths.. maybe the rest of the humans were right, maybe the recon corps was just a bunch of people who could easily be replaced. Though... whenever the commander had that thought in mind.... he remembered the fact that people in their form might be easily replaceable. But... their skill wasn't, their ability wasn't, their memories weren't, their friends weren't, the lives that they dedicated to the military...they were all gone... every spiritual aspect of them was demolished by the false hopes for a better day to come by, when they wouldn't have to fear the titans... it was all for nothing in the end... it wasn't protection from the titans that they needed... they needed protection from their own government...and only the higher-ups seemed to understand that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
InkompleteWish Posted August 19, 2014 Author Share Posted August 19, 2014 "Sir, I returned with your tea." Aaron replied to the closed door and politely knocked before stepping into the office. As much as he wanted to act normal around the other, Erwin was still his higher up in name. As long as Erwin didn't allow him to act casual around him then he wouldn't. Levi always told him 'Get you're shit together. We are all on the same boat here. In the end we all die one way or another so don't be such a tight ass.' Yeah, pretty comforting words yes? But that's just how the short man was. Levi was lived through many hardships, just like Aaron only that Aaron thought that his childhood wasn't as bad as what the corporal had to go through. An orphanage wasn't a good place, especially not if you came from the lower areas. The blue haired soldier had a hard time to fit in, especially since most of the kids learned early on to steal and 'kill' to survive. It was just a word 'Orphanage' in reality it was just a stinky roof over your head. No food no 'love' or anything. The adult kept the money to themselves and only on rare occasions was some coins spend on the kids living there. But away from the past and back into the present. Aaron made his way in front of Erwin's desk and put the tea cup down. The last expedition is already a few times back so Erwin was surely soon finished with writing reports. At least the older one would get a bit of sleep then. The soldier was able to see the bags under his chief's eyes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
{。^◕‿◕^。}Ciel Posted August 19, 2014 Share Posted August 19, 2014 Erwin glanced at the other, a bit of fatigue in his eyes. The blonde wasn't very talkative when he was tired, or just back home from a mission. Though if you sat him down on a day that he wasn't all that busy, the man would be simply delightful to talk to. He'd have wonder in his eyes, and a loving smile on his lips as he talked about training, and his strategies... he loved it all. He wanted nothing more in life than to be able to live in a life free of the titans... yet also know why they came to be in the first place... they were like the embodiment of sin. Glancing at the blue-haired man... he offered him a small smile. Aaron had never let him down before, he was a good soldier, just like Levi... though he may not be humanity's strongest, he was sure as hell talented. That was why Erwin hand-picked him himself from the stinky area that he came from. Nodding to the soldier, as if telling him "at ease", he watched as the tea cup slid on his desk towards him. Letting out a rather small sigh, he said, "Thank you, cadet. You may stay present or you may leave to your dorming areas to get rest." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
InkompleteWish Posted August 19, 2014 Author Share Posted August 19, 2014 "Then I would like to stay here for a while." he replied to the other's statement. It was his first day (almost night now) in this HQ again. In a sense he really missed it. The 'castle' was a bit old and farther away from the town but it had its own charm. Besides, Levi made sure to keep it clean and all. It was a bit colder than most buildings due to the brick walls and all but it was still warm in a figurative way. The soldiers staying here were acting like a large family at times. Though most didn't want to create bonds since anyone can die at a mission. Still, as long as Erwin, Levi and Hanji (he admitted) were there than this would be always his home. So he sat down on of the couches that Erwin had in his office and relaxed his shoulders. He absentmindly touched his right eyelid, there was no eyeball under it but he could still feel his own touch. It was weird to lose an eye and continue living but he would grow used to it. Just like always. Levi was drowning his sorrow in cleaning and Aaron would just love to stay near someone he trusts and let his mind wander. Though he was a grown man, if he lost someone dear to him of course he would have some sort of reaction. And for him it would be seeking the 'love' and 'friendship' of his friends. To show him that even though he lost someone, he still wasn't alone. He still didn’t know of Petra and the other’s passing but he was already feeling down for the lives they lost during the mission where he was injured too. They were some fine men and woman and Aaron knew most of them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
{。^◕‿◕^。}Ciel Posted August 19, 2014 Share Posted August 19, 2014 Erwin nodded to the other quietly as he got out of his chair and walked towards his dresser, "Understood, cadet." With a small sigh, he looked through it and grabbed a pair of black sweat-pants and a loose white shirt. It was quite similar to what Levi wore in his leisure time, actually. Levi and Erwin seemed to have a similar taste in most thins, actually. Stripping himself of his maneuver gear, the commander let out a rather leisure sigh... taking off his shirt next, he replaced it with the white, silky one. When he took off his shirt however, it revealed red marks that were imbedded in his flesh from the gear. And the same went for his legs once he slipped them to his feet. When he got changed... he really didn't care all that much, actually. He didn't have much shame in doing so. It didn't really matter anyways.. they might as well let everyone know about themselves before they die... they were all going to perish someday, heck, it could be tomorrow, next week, next month, or in years... but in all truth, it just really didn't matter anymore... Glancing over at Aaron after he got dressed, he asked, "Is there anything you wish to talk about, cadet?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
InkompleteWish Posted August 20, 2014 Author Share Posted August 20, 2014 His left eye traced Erwin when said man walked towards the dresser to change. Out of courtesy he avoided his eyes and looked out of the large window that was behind Erwin's desk. Aaron himself had those scars of the 3D-Gear but since he hadn't been in a mission for a long time they faded slightly. But the soldier didn't mind at all. It was part of his 'profession' and he could live with those scars easier than with a missing eye. It was partly his fault that he lost his eye, he wanted to help another fighter but he was in a bad spot to begin with. Aaron was able to save the lad but for that he got chomped on himself. It was gruesome to remember how he really lost his eye and how it felt but....that was in the past now. Thankfully he didn't have any other teeth marks on his body; they faded somehow due to the treatment he received. It didn't take long to wait until Erwin was done changing and his gaze swept back towards the other. "Well, now that I am part of the Recon Corps I would love to train again. But....I will have a little handicap, do we have a special training regime for that?" he asked the other. Aaron didn't want to really talk about work again since Erwin was finally done with the paperwork. But he couldn't wait to ask this question. He hated the thought that he was weaker now so he wanted to train and become strong as fast as possible. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
{。^◕‿◕^。}Ciel Posted August 20, 2014 Share Posted August 20, 2014 The blonde commander glanced over his shoulder at the blue-haired lad before he walked towards him, sitting down next to him on one of the couches. Erwin, despite the fact that he was known as a brute, was actually rather... considerate. He was seen as passive, cold, arrogant, and snide. Though, despite the fact that most didn't quite enjoy him, after work Erwin seemed to treat others as equals. Really, they were all humans anyways... one not better than the other, they were all the same, really... all flesh and bones. Even the titan-shifters... they were still partially human. What if they were really all titan shifters anyway, but only some could unlock this feature? Erwin always seemed to keep an open-mind this way. He didn't seem to be as mean about it as Levi or as persistent as Hange. Out of the three, Erwin was always seen as the "Destructive Lawful". Levi was seen as the "Neutral Lawful". And Hange? Well, Hange was considered the true "Neutral". Despite being the commander and holding a superior rank above others... Erwin didn't quite follow the rules as they were written. He'd bend and twist them so they could go along with his..."plan". Erwin had this plan for years, but he's just being going through it easily, the only people knowing being Levi and Hange, given the fact that they were his most trusted friends... Oh, and Mike. When the other asked him this question, Erwin let out a long huff, a breath drawing slowly from his chest, obviously a bit tired of talking about work by now. He didn't want to hear about training after he just sent around one-hundred and fifty soldiers to their deaths. Including the hole elite squad that Levi ran, well, except for Levi and Eren. "There will be a course that Levi and I shall be running on the usual days off of training. That will be the day where we train any soldier who wants to stay even after injury." said Erwin with a rather small sigh as he glanced at the wall... There was something a bit different in his office. He had taken down a picture that he had there that had Petra, Gunther, Eld, and Oulo. He had given it to Levi after they had gotten back and he was but in the infirmary. "Oh and...don't talk to Levi for awhile. He's in... not so good of a mood. His whole squad, excluding Eren was wiped out in the last mission." Erwin said this with a rather blank face. He had gotten into a fight about this earlier... Levi was hitting him and actually...crying. It wasn't that pretty of a sight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
InkompleteWish Posted August 20, 2014 Author Share Posted August 20, 2014 Aaron wasn't as closed minded as everyone thought. Most believed he fought so he would die in battle. But it wasn't really like this. It was true that fighting was his only satisfying point in his current life. He had nothing that he could call his own; it was always 'the government' or the 'recon corps'. So he fought to fill this hole in his life and fighting was currently his only joy. Killing titans and bringing humanity one step closer to their freedom. When he thought about it like this it made him eager to fight. He loved the friendship he shared with the others in this HQ but there would be a time where everyone will be gone so he initially wanted to die in a fight against the titans. The soldier didn't want to be left alone as the only one surviving or something, so he did prefer to die alongside his friends. But there was a time and a place for everything. As long as he was still able to function on his own then he would not simply die. So the loss of his eye wasn't a reason to quit fighting. Aaron chuckled lightly at the other's distress. It was clear that Erwin didn't want to talk about business any further so the blue haired soldier decided to stop with that one question. He noticed that Erwin looked around his office and seemed down all of a sudden. But everyone would after hearing the news that the other told him. With a surprised jolt he stood up from the couch and turned to face Erwin fully. He couldn't believe it. "Petra and the others are dead?" he asked breathlessly. He met Levi earlier in the canteen and the other did seem down. So that is what he wanted to talk about later on. Aaron and Levi's squad were actually befriended. They were good people so he didn't really believe that all of them were gone. And no matter how sad he was, it happened every time they went out on a mission. So he swallowed the lump that formed in his throat and sat down on the couch again. " did they die? And who is that Eren you speak of? Last time I was here he wasn't a member of Levi's squad." he asked the other with a downcast expression. Even though Erwin told him not to meet up with Levi, he had to in a sense. Both of them were close, Aaron would even say as close as brothers. So maybe Levi wanted to get comforted by him, in a sense he wanted to get comforted too. Even though Levi tried to hide his real feelings, the blue haired soldier was able to reveal them easily. Maybe it's because they were so alike. Strong on the outside, but already broken beyond repair on the inside. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
{。^◕‿◕^。}Ciel Posted August 20, 2014 Share Posted August 20, 2014 Erwin rested his head on the back of the couch with a rather sharp sigh as the oher got off of the couch to face him directly to see if his answer was the right one that he heard. With a rather small huff, the commander glanced at the blue-haired man and repeated what he had said before, “Yes, Petra, Eld, Oulo, and Gunther are all dead. According to Eren, Gunther was the first to die, and was kill by the person who was able to transform into the female titan that had killed nearly one-hundred and fifty of our soldiers. Eld was the next of the quad to go, and he was taken down by the titan-shifter after matter at hand, he was bitten in half by the titan. The third to go was Petra, and she was stomped into a tree… her spinal cord was snapped in half, though he body wasn’t completely demolished. Oulo was the last to go after trying to save Petra, and he was smacked away and died straight on impact.” Said Erwin, basically reciting the report that he was given by Eren after returning home from the forest. “Eren is the teenager who is a titan-shifter. He was able to plug up the hole in Trost with his titan-shifting abilities. He was handed over to us after the fight against the Military Police and the Wall Worshippers. We won him over after Levi made Eren into a public display, showing that he’d be able to kill Eren if he tried anything stupid.” Explained Erwin with a rather short, stout huff. His voice sounded rather monotone as he stated this. “It’s basically my fault that everyone died. I sent Levi away to refill his gas and blades. If I didn’t, he would have been there to save his comrades and tell them that they were able to retreat. But everything happens for a reason I suppose.” Erwin was trying his best to cover up the fact that even he thought that this mission was a failure. They got nothing completed, due to the Female Titan. They didn’t get what they wanted to and achieved nothing with this. They only achieved sending home one-hundred and fifty notifications to family that their child, husband, wife, sister, or brother was never returning home. Not even a body, given they had to sacrifice those to save the soldiers who were still alive… Erwin knew that Levi and Aaron were kind of close. Though it still wasn’t very wise to pick Levi for details on how he felt, or anything across the line of his squad… because it was non-existent… physically at least. Levi would always hold them in his heart, even if he wouldn’t admit to it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
InkompleteWish Posted August 21, 2014 Author Share Posted August 21, 2014 Aaron listened to the report the other gave him. It hurt him to know that the other's died due to one Titan. But though he didn't want to accept it, it happened every time. The soldier didn't have any relatives so he doesn't know how they might feel about the soldier's death. They were surely angry at the recon corps but also sad. In this world stuff like that happened however and they should know that the time for their relatives death will come eventually. And though Aaron was sad about the whole thing, he was also ready to step forward. The past wasn't something he wanted to dwell in. As long as everyone remembered them as good soldiers then they will not be forgotten. The important thing was to venture forward, into the unknown future. And no matter how hurt you are, there will be a time where you will meet them again. So Aaron didn't cry, he was merely sad about their passing. They were good people and deserved to live longer but everything happened for a reason. They just had to try and avoid such a thing to happen every again. He was a bit amazed by this Eren kid though. He must be a pretty good soldier if he made it into Levi's squad aside from the fact that he was a shifter. So many new things, so many things he had to handle. //There will probably come more in the future.// he thought to himself and released a sigh. "I guess.....that Levi might have died too if you look at it. His squad was separated from the other's right? So help would have arrived far too late. And no matter how strong Levi is, he can also die. Petra and the others were probably surprised by the titan's sudden appearance. Now imaging what would have happened if Levi was indeed with them." he spoke. The blue haired soldier trusted his friend but no matter how strong Levi is, he was still a human. That is why Levi suffered right now after all. The other is probably grieving and giving himself the fault for their death. Such a complicated case. "I think I still have much to learn about the current situation. So I will just stand on the sidelines for now since I am in no place to talk literally." he said absent mindly. He was gone for to long and now he was missing some information and news. He just had to ask Hanji later on. For now, it was probably wiser to let everyone to their own devices. His gaze shifted towards the ceiling. There was so much he had missed; Aaron wished that he would have been there. But he wasn't, so he had to make sure that everyone would be able to relax until the next mission. Human minds were fragile and Aaron didn't have much of an experience with talking to people about their thoughts. Yet again, he released another tired sigh. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
{。^◕‿◕^。}Ciel Posted August 22, 2014 Share Posted August 22, 2014 Erwin was the type of bold, broad man that never really seemed to be able to express precisely how he felt. Indifferent was a rather good word to describe the man with the polished blonde hair. He never showed his penitence, not showing the way that events affected him in a rather destructive way. He never showed his true plans or ideas, because what he was plotting… people would go through with only because he was the Commander, not because they were full-hearted in the idea that he was forming. Erwin never cried when someone close to hid died, his broad demeanor never faltered, even when he was around other people that he trusted rather well; Hange, Levi, and Aaron. Erwin knew he was the one who needed to be strong in this corps… he was in charge, he was the one that everyone looked up to for advice and precise guidance. He had no time to be the man with a heart. He obviously had a soul; he showed some enthusiasm towards certain topics… though he never really said anything or did anything that caused tears to shed or cause him to frown. He was like a blank slate. Erwin listened to the other man speak. He was half-listening… though he did get the gist of what he was saying. “Oi, Aaron.” He glanced at him through the corner of his eyes, “We’ll never knew if Levi being there would have made a difference. He’s only human… but he’s a strong human.” The blonde easily gave the corporal praise. Levi deserved praise, so he gave it, it was really that simple. “I do fancy your insight and the way that your mind works however, it can work in marvelous ways if you pinned it on something else other than what “could” have happened instead of what did.” Erwin rubbed one of his eyes with the side of his hand, “We also have to add the factor that Eren, as a titan was there. In whatever state that Eren left her in, Levi might have been able to do something. Though, we’ll never know the answer to it.” Though, instead of edging off of the topic, Erwin then added, “We will be going on a mission next week, in the inner walls. Levi is out of commission due to an injury he sustained saving Eren’s friend and saving Eren. We believe we know the titan shifter who was behind the intelligence of the female titan. You may come with us. It may get rather hectic, though you will not need to fight if you are not able to at that time.” “Maybe if we can find a day of solitude, I’ll have the time to give you the full details, cadet. Until then, that’s as much as I can really give you.” Erwin promised this. Usually when Erwin spoke, it was to give others hope, or the make a promise… or give orders or talk about plans. He never really seemed to stray off the lines of that. The blonde patted the side of the couch as if he was requesting for the other to sit down and relax, “I can promise you that we’ll have you back into shape to fight soon cadet. You do deserve your revenge, now don’t you?” Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
InkompleteWish Posted August 22, 2014 Author Share Posted August 22, 2014 As always, Erwin told his own opinion on the matter and tried to 'charm' Aaron into believing that it was okay for now. They had to concentrate on the next mission and they could grief but it shouldn't stray them from the original path. The other was always like this, the blue haired soldier never saw Erwin actually cry over a death or the like. But that's what most people praise him for kinda, to be able to stay strong and have the best for humanity in mind. Most would rather say that he has a heart of stone but Aaron begs to differ. Though Erwin never talked about himself or his feelings it was hard for him to speak for his chief but if there was one thing he was sure of, then it was that Erwin just wanted the best for everyone, even if he had to step over corpses along the way. Which hopefully will never happen. Aaron nodded and replied with a short "Ahh" to signal him that he heard. His gaze was still directed towards the room ceiling. Before he sat down next to Erwin and willed his body to relax. "I hope so; they did a bad job at trying to kill me. But I won't be blinded by revenge Erwin." he told the other and tried to face him. It was true, he wanted revenge but more for the death of his comrades instead of his eye. But he won't be blinded by it like most others, if there was a better plan than plain fighting then he will try it. That is why he didn't die yet, because he kept himself in check rather than jumping into the fight like a headless chicken. He didn't continue talking further since he actually enjoyed the silence for once. The last few days Hanji started to run around him and ask useless questions. If he didn't know better he would have called her a mother hen. But Aaron did know her better. She was merely trying to collect data. 'How was it inside the mouth?' or 'How did it feel when the Titan closed his teeth around you?' and other questions like that. A scary woman indeed, sometimes Aaron thought that Hanji was more concerned about the Titans than her actual teammates. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
{。^◕‿◕^。}Ciel Posted August 23, 2014 Share Posted August 23, 2014 Erwin sighed rather quietly as the other told him how revenge wasn’t what he wanted. He appreciated that quality about the man. He never really sought any revenge, he just continued to fight on like the brave soldier that he was with no questions asked. “I appreciate that about you, cadet. You don’t need revenge to make you stronger, you just become stronger because you know that this world is a cruel, yet beautiful place, and you want to protect it. At least, that’s the type of vibe that I get from you.” Erwin said this nearly absently. He said things like this to soldiers that he tended to fancy. Just because he was a commander, doesn’t mean that he wasn’t going to act affectionate around those whom he considered interesting. No…not affectionate actually. He felt admiration. He expressed to them through a bit more of an intimate way; not sexual, but a bit warmer than he usually was with others that he didn’t find an interesting or redeeming specimen that might spruce up hope for humanity. Soldiers such as Aaron, Eren, Mikasa, Levi, Hange, Armin, Mike, Jean, Sasha, Connie, Ymir, Reiner, Bertolt, and Krista… he respected them all. And he usually expressed it if it was just him and them one-on-one. “I apologize for putting Hange in charge of your position… though questions did need to be answered so maybe we could understand a titan’s dining habits. Though… I was thinking.” Erwin coughed slightly as he said this, “I’m in the process of molding a new squad for corporal Levi. I’ll be sending him my suggestion in a week or two. If you do better, and you can prove that you are the same quality soldier, I will be putting you on his list, cadet.” And after that, Erwin stayed silent, enjoying the comfort of the silence that the room offered. Most trainees were off to bed or mourning for their losses with the use of booze. Although the fact that Erwin had a bottle of whiskey in his drawer if he ever really needed it to sedate himself… he never really used it in his time here. There was still half a bottle left and he had been here for nearly over twenty years. Despite his looks, he was actually older than Levi, who was in his thirties. Erwin was around the age of forty. And right now… he could really use a drink. And he wasn’t going to let the cadet know that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
InkompleteWish Posted August 23, 2014 Author Share Posted August 23, 2014 "Thank you for the praise sir." he thanked the other shortly. Aaron didn't really like it much when he got praised, that meant he had a reputation to hold. Aaron was still human and though he didn't act on his revenge, it was still deeply anchored in his very being. If someone would be able to push the right buttons than he will surely also fail to think about the right thing to do. At least he often told himself, he wasn't any different than other humans. He was just able to keep his emotions in check better than others. Sadness, anger and regret. He felt them too and that is what's making him human instead of statue or a titan. Even animals were able to feel sadness and fear that is why they are alive. The titans are only out to eat but not quench their hunger but rather for entertainment. To him, they weren't human. They were monsters and that is why he fought them with everything he got. The silence didn't last long however when Erwin talked about Hange. "Yes. I noticed that she was really interested in how it felt. And as long as I live I can give her that information. I don't really mind, as long as she doesn't try to dissect me." he mumbled the last part. Aaron didn't mind to answer her questions but he wouldn't become her test object. "I appreciate the thought though. We will see if I am strong enough when the time comes but I am going to do my best." he stated after Erwin thought about his future plans concerning Levi's squad. Aaron would love to fight alongside Levi but he had to make sure that he won't be a burden to the other. The sky was dark already and signalled that they should probably try and get some sleep later on. The HQ was already silent; no soldier's were walking around the corridors. Most of them were probably sitting in the dinning hall and drinking booze. Not that Aaron minded. The soldier himself couldn't drink much alcohol or else he would be lying on the floor drunk. Two or three little glasses were okay though. "Just say if I should leave soon." he offered the other. Erwin could use some rest himself probably. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
{。^◕‿◕^。}Ciel Posted August 24, 2014 Share Posted August 24, 2014 Erwin nodded slowly to the other as he closed his eyes, nearly drifting into a light sleep. The blonde-haired man was obviously drowsy… he needed sleep. Though, he usually didn’t tell a soldier to leave if there wasn’t anything else to do. However, if they angered him, had something to do, or it was an urgent message he was sending, he’d make them leave. Erwin enjoying the company of Aaron though, despite how tired he obviously was, and would allow him to stay to whatever timed that he pleased to… so long he didn’t do anything to pinch his nerves. The commander tended to get along with nearly anyone, or so it seemed. There were soldiers who would talk trash about him behind his back in the mess hall, and that wasn’t really appreciated. Erwin knew about it… though he didn’t do anything about it. He would let his men and women form their own opinion on him. They were humans; he wasn’t going to dictate their feelings. As the other continued to talk, Erwin opened one of his crystal-blue orbs and peered at the other before quietly saying, “I’ll make sure that Hange won’t do anything too crazy… though you know Hange… always doing things against my orders and not even caring when I scold her for it.” Leaning a bit more against the comfortable couch in his office, he closed his eyes once more. The itch for alcohol was intensifying… he needed a bit of a fix right now, though he didn’t show this need to the blue-haired cadet. “And as for the squad… yes, you’ll have to go through evaluation to even be considered for it… given that the new batch of trainees are some of the best we have ever seen. I can nearly guarantee that Mikasa Ackerman, Eren Jaeger, Armin Arlert, and Jean Kirshstein all hold places in his squad, guaranteed, with the possibilities of Connie Springer and Sasha Brauss. Though, you can also be put on the squad if deemed suitable.” Erwin said this with a rather lax voice, a small yawn coming from his mouth before saying, “You may leave whenever you want to. I don’t mind you staying.” Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
InkompleteWish Posted August 24, 2014 Author Share Posted August 24, 2014 "It would be an honour to fight with the, how do I say this without sounding arrogant, 'stronger' soldiers of the bunch. Though I wouldn’t mind fighting in a small squad either. So let's see when the time comes." he stated and wanted to end the topic at this point. Of course he would love to fight with Levi but he also didn't want to drag them down. Aaron was more than happy if he was allowed to do everything he could. And if it was only half of what he was able to do before then so be it. But he didn't even start training so he didn't even bother to think that hard about it. "I will inform myself about the things i missed during my stay in the hospital from Hange. So you should rest sir." the blue haired soldier stated and stood up from the couch. "Though I appreciate your hospitality, I would rather get some sleep for today. I wish you a good night." he stated and made his way to the door. As much as he wanted to stay for a while longer, it wouldn't do any of them good if they didn't get sleep. And Erwin was probably exhausted from today’s work so Aaron tried to consider that. He just wanted to drop by and tell Erwin in person that he would be returning. That's a habit that stuck with him. Aaron didn't like to write letters or the like; he rather did his stuff in person. His body might be tired from today but his mind wasn't. Though he was told about such shocking news, his mind was still functioning. So Aaron decided to walk back to Hange's 'lab' and try to get a bit of information. The crazy scientist was probably still awake. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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