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Ryuji closed his eyes for a moment while Taiga busy with cleaning the cooking club room, felt a bit sleepy since the medicine already reacted.

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Taiga was finish clean the cooking club and so Ryuji was sleeping so he decide to carry Ryuji home, he walked towards Ryuji and lift him up in his arms after that he walked out Of cooking club and start walking towards Ryuji house

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Ryuji didn't realize that he could fall asleep in short time. After a few minutes, he wake up slowly and surprised cause he was being carried by his lover, walked toward his house. "T-Taiga.. why didn't you wake me up? P-Please put me down, everyone watching us.." he blushed, felt everyone on the street gazed at them.

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Taiga smiled"because you need that sleep and since you are awake, I'm going to put you down" he put down Ryuji and start holding his hand

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Ryuji still blushed when Taiga put him down. "I-I know but you don't have to carry me all the way from school to my house right? I'm heavy.." he looked on the ground, squeezed his lover's hand

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Taiga smiled"I didnt have any problem carry you, you was not heavy" he continue walking towards Ryuji house and after awaile he stopped outside Of Ryuji house

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Ryuji's face blushed more after saw Taiga smiled when said he wasn't heavy at all. He didn't realize that they had reached his house until his lover stopped. "I think we'll apart from here. My mom will be angry if she see you.." he sighed but doesn't let go Taiga's hand yet.

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Ryuji blushed as he got sudden kiss but kissed his lover at end, hold on his chest a bit and let Taiga hugged him.

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Taiga stopp kissing Ryuji and smiled"we stopp there, I dont want to Get cought by your mother" he pat Ryuji head before he start walking towards home

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Ryuji was panting softly when Taiga broke the kiss, nod his head slowly. He smiled as his lover pats his head and mumbled I love you cause he didn't want anyone from house hear that then walked inside his house.

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Taiga continue walking home and after some min, he arrive home, he open the door and walked inside, closed the door after himself and walked towards living room for to watch some tv

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When Ryuji just walked a few step, Tanaka appeared from nowhere and looked at him with snicker, made his good mood ruined. "What are looking at, Tanaka?!" He hissed that make Tanaka snicker more. "Ah, it's nothing. I just accidently saw you kissed with your ex fiancee.." Ryuji widen his eyes with a slight blush. "Shut up, Tanaka! Don't you dare say anyyhing to my parents!" He shouted, dashed off to his room.

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Taiga was in living room watching tv, he was watching news and after some min he turn on action channel and start to watch action serie

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Ryuji stomped his steps and locked his door after he got inside his room, throw his body on the bed. "Why he saw us! Is he spying on me now?! This is sucks!" he grumbled, didn't believe that of all people Tanaka was the one who caught him and Taiga kissed.

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Taiga continue watch Action serie but afther awaile he feel to sleep and start to dream about Ryuji, mumled Ryuji name in his sleep

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Ryuji sighed slowly and tried to calm his mind and his anger, didn't want to spend his energy to something bad and decided to take bath since his parents not gone home yet; he still doesn't want to meet them yet.

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Taiga was still sleeping and continue dream about Ryuji, he tell Ryuji at he loved him in his dream

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After refreshed from shower, Ryuji walked back to his room hurriedly and locked it before go straight to his bed and sleep cause the effect of medicine that Taiga's gave before still he felt.

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Taiga wake up next morning and feelt very refreshed since he sleep for many hour, he step out from couch and walked towards kitchen for to make himself breakfeast since he was hungry

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As the morning come, Ryuji wake up slowly and felt refreshed. He stretched his body a bit before preapared to for school with happy feeling since he could meet Taiga after school; already forgot about his problem with Tanaka.

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Taiga was already in his class and waited for his teacher shall arivve, he start thinking about Ryuji and whonder what he was doing right now

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Ryuji walked to his school like he usual do and luckily his parents didn't show up when breakfast so he won't be asked by his mother who seems still curious about his act yesterday. He attend his class like usual but somehow he felt uneasy though he didn't know why.

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Finnaly was school day over and Taiga walked towards cooking club so he can do ready dinner until Ryuji arrive, after awaile he arrive to cooking club and walked inside cooking club, he walked towards counter and start to make dinner

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There's nothing special in Ryuji's lesson cause he didn't really pay attention to it, after the bell of the school end rang, he hurriedly walked out from his school to Taiga's school. But he felt uneasy again, like he was being followed from behind. At first he though that was just his imagination but he panicked cause the person didn't stop following him, start to run until he reached his lover's school and knocked the cooking club. "T-Taiga.. are you inside?"

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