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At The First Side...((Ryouta Basket & Pokewriter1)) Kagakise Role Play


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Kagami sighed and closed his phone. At least Kuroko can check up with him. He thought, sighing to himself. He looked at the time then decided it was probably best if he just went home at this rate. He had no reason to stay here. Though as he thought about it home probably wasn't the best option. It would just remind him of everything. I wonder where I should go... His thoughts were interrupted by something he didn't expect to hear. He slowly turned around, and his eyes widened a little bit. He had honestly thought his mind was playing tricks on him...but now he knew that wasn't true. "...Kise..." He saw the bandages and he clearly looked worried in that moment. "...Kise..." He repeated then softly, and looked at him. He didn't move as he wasn't sure if the other was really there to see him or had left something behind...though he wanted to.

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Kise looked at the other sadly and his heart started to beat fast. He was cursing himself for shouting at him, like he was at the fault or something. He walked closer slowly but suddenly ran to the red haired and hugged him tight. He knew that they were still people around so he let go fast and then moved back. "I`m sorry for letting you be like this..." It was good that Aomine wasn`t there, that was the best thing. "Shall we just...go somewhere else??" He mumbled as he grabbed his hand and started to pull him out of the court, he tears were falling down and he couldn`t just stop them. Without thinking, he headed to the boy`s place but suddenly with wide eyes. He saw Momoi and Kuroko in front of Kagami`s door. He blinked and looked away. Momoi walked fast to him, with a worried face. "Ki-chan! Ki-chan, what happened?? Those bandages..." Kuroko also walked closer but didn`t seem to be worry. "It`s because you are so careless."

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Kagami had tensed originally. He didn't know what was going to happen or if the other was going to yell at him again. That's why he physically showed signs of relaxing when Kise hugged him. He softly looked down at the blonde, frowning softly. "Kise...you don't need to be sorry." He said softly before the other began to pull him. He softly followed along, still holding Kise's hand in his own. He looked up when he saw the two standing there and remained silent. He didn't know what he should do. Though he was lying if he said he didn't blush a bit as he and Kise were still holding hands.

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Kise looked at Kurokochi gently as he squeezed the big hands, give him some kind of sign, like that he didn`t want to let go or something but there was no choice! He let go and then groaned at the light blue haired boy as he grabbed his shoulders. "Kurokochi! You are mean!! Aren`t you worried??" He said as Momoi started crying! Kise looked at the other and blinked. "I`m so sorry! Ki-chan! It`s all my fault, if I did`t give him the address, then..." Kise walked closer and the stroked the girl`s hair. "It`s not your fault! Don`t cry..." He said softly and then Kuroko looked at Kagami. "Kagami-kun! I think that it`s all your fault and also why were you out? Weren`t you supposed to study?? The couch will kill you, I`1m sure of that!"

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Kagami let him let go then and then he looked at Kuroko. "What?! How is all of this my fault?!" He didn't like that Kuroko instantly blamed him. Then he groaned. "I know, I know, but a lot has happened in the past two days..." He rubbed his head, and closed his eyes. He wondered if this was his fault. If he had never gotten involved with any of this...would this be happening? And why did Kise come back back to him? He didn't know why the blonde did or why he hadn't yelled at him again... He looked down and clenched his fists, shaking.

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Kise looked at the short and Momoi did the same. "Mou Tetsu-kun! Don`t blame Kagami-kun!" Kise nodded to agree. He smiled at the other and then placed his hand o his back. "It isn`t his fault, he kinda saved me other wise, I would probably have to go with him today no...last night, since he was forcing me to..." He said and then looked at the little ones. "Why don`t you go on a date when you did in the middle school? I`m already fine so I`m going home after I took something from Kagamichi`s house." Momoi blushed and grabbed Kuroko`s arms. "Mm, then we shall leave, let`s go, Tetsu-kun!" They left as Kise looked at him. "Let`s go in!" He grabbed his hand, glancing away.

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Kagami couldn't help thinking it may still be his fault. If he had never been involved...things wouldn't be so bad for Kise, like they were now. Kagami then looked at Kise...wondering if he really thought it. It didn't seem like the other wanted to be saved after what happened earlier... He didn't know what to think anymore, and it really bothered him. He then took a deep breath, realizing the other wanted to go into his house. After waving bye to the two he then opened his door. "...sorry about earlier." He mumbled then, not sure what else to say. He felt like he had to say it though. Even if Kise wasn't about to forgive him for what happened. He held the door open for Kise, letting him in first. He didn't know why Kise wanted to come back into his apartment though.

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Kise looked at the other and then sighed. " I told you, right?" He said and entered the house, looking around again, felt like that he liked the smell of the living room. It smelled of Kagami...he closed his eyes and smiled. After the door was closed, he walked to the other and then sighed, looking at him as he was irritate about something. He grabbed his cheeks in his hands and then stroked them gently. "Bakagami! When are you going to learn?" He said and winked, placed a warm but soft kiss on is lips and then moved back. "I told them that I`ll leave soon but I didn`t really want to...if you are fine with it then I`m going to stay until night!" He said as he went to the bedroom and blushed hard. It was still messy and also dirty...the bed. He looked away and then gulped. "I guess that we should clean this Kagamichi!" He said then deeply breathed, he took of his shirt so that it would not get dirty, started to pick the blanket and the pillow.

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Kagami softly closed the door before he looked at Kise, watching him for a moment. He didn't stop the other when he came back up to him, but stroking his cheek did make a light tinge of red appear on his face. Though the nickname made him huff a little, he didn't like it...but he didn't snap this time about it. "When am I going to learn what?" He asked before the other planted a soft kiss on his lips. He smiled softly at that, but it perked a question in his mind. What does Kise really feel about me? "...you can stay for however long you want so long as you want." He ran a hand through his hair then softly. "It's up to you, I don't mind." He softly followed the blonde and he also blushed at the sight... "Yeah we should probably clean this up..." He sighed and moved to take off the sheets so he could clean them. He paused for a moment. "Hey Kise...I wanted to ask you something...what do you really feel about me?" He looked up at him then, his eyes showing the question as well. "You...you don't have to answer..." He said then after a slight pause. He didn't know if Kise would want to answer the question... He kind of hoped he would, but he was afraid of the answer he was going to receive from him. At least, it would tell him what Kise really thought.. Knowing that would really tell him what he should do and what he shouldn't. I'm so stupid. It's like I'm a girl scared of rejection! What the heck! He thought to himself, the thought was true and it irritated him.

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Kise looked at the other and then sighed. He thought of the question for a wile though it was a it difficult to reply. He brushed the back of his hair and walked to him. Hedidn`t want to hurt the other but didn`t want to lie either. "Kagamichi! I am really thankful of you! Nobody could probably calmed down like you did and I appreciate it. You are an important and a precious friend to me and maybe a bit more. I am not really sure. I hope you understand, I just separated from the person I`ve always loved and admired. He was..everything for me and I would have even go with him to hell but my heart is broken now and I can`t think straight. I can`t give you an answer right now u there is something that I am sure about! I only want you to be here with me and I want to spend my time with you, it makes me to feel better, I hope you understand my feelings.." He said and looked away.

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Kagami didn't even speak once while Kise was talking before he said, "Thank you for being honest." He gathered everything up then. "I'll be right back. I need to go head to wash these so I can hang them out later." He easily carried the bundle along then. He was thinking about everything Kise said and he had to wonder to himself...was it best if Kise wanted to be with him? What really bugged him was how Kuroko had once said he and Aomine were a lot alike... Was that the reason Kise remained with him? Was it because he was like Aomine in a way? He hoped that wasn't the case, but it was possible. He sighed some and once everything was put to be washed he ran a hand though his hair. He would leave Kise be then. He wasn't planning on touching the other unless he wanted to be touched, and he'd let him continue on his own life. He would be lying though if he told himself he wouldn't be lonely without Kise. Because, he would be lonely without him. He wanted Kise to be there, but he knew that was probably not going to happen. He walked back to the bedroom to pull out clean sheets so there was at least something to sleep on later, or for a nap...or whatever.

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Kise looked at the other, seemed distracted by things. His eyes were still following him until he went to bathrooom to wash the blanket and such. Kise didn`t know what to say but he had to help too so he went to the kitchen and started to clean the ingredients of the dinner they were going to have but thy never had. After the things were done, he washed the dishes and then felt like that he was distrcted by the water flowing for a while until the sound of the door opening came and Kagami waked to the bedroom. He looked back at him and then followed him to the bedroom. He leaned to the door and looked at him for a while. He seemed that he was sad. Kise sighed and then looked at the other with a gentle smile. He slowly walked to him and then leaned his head to his back, closing his eyes. "Kagamichi! I want t ask you the same question...how do you feel about me??" He paused a bit. "You, I think you and Aominechi are the same in playing basketball but not in the behaviors. Aominechi enjoys yelling and teasing others, so selfish yet cool but you...you are nice and kind too me, thugh you sometimes lose, you never give up and that why I should admire from now on."

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"...that's what I've been trying to figure out." Kagami said softly then. In truth he thought he knew the answer but he wasn't one to push things on other people when he knew they wouldn't want it. He couldn't answer it truthfully without feeling like he was forcing everything on Kise. And that's not what he wanted to do. Though he was relived by the next words that Kise spoke. "....thanks that does clear some things in my mind." He began to put the new sheets on the bed, focused on this so he didn't look at Kise...if he did look at him he knew he would end up making a dumb mistake and then probably screw everything up.

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Kise puffed his cheeks as he ignored his question and then watched the other avoiding him, continuing with his works. He looked down and fist his hands. "Maybe I am wrong....you are just, like him! You are avoiding my words and my existence. You absolutely don`t want me to stay with you, I knew it, I`m just no good! Maybe I am for one or two days but no more. Don`t worry, I`m going to leave." He yelled and then grabbed his bag and shirt from the ground and headed to the door. He started to get dressed again and then sighed, putting on his shoes, ready to leave.

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Then Kagami softly took his hand and pulled Kise to just hold him. "...Kise I don't know how to say it...how to explain what I feel about you. I don't want to say something wrong, something that will make you disappear and leave me..." He looked down and clutched Kise closer before he let go of him. "....if leaving makes you happy...then you can." Kagami looked down. "Whatever I could say to answer that could make you upset...and I don't want to..." He clenched his fists now that he let go of Kise. "But I'll tell you...you maybe have made me fall for you." He looked away a bit...if Kise left now it would tell him his answer. But that would be okay....because if leaving made Kise happy...it would be okay. I don't want to be left alone...

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Kise`s eyes widened as he heard that, he gulped and looked at the other. "Are you sure??" He said and his tears started to fall. He was actually happy, he didn`t know how to reply to this. He leaned to the door and then he started shaking. "I....how can I be sad or mad to hear that, you are a bakagami!" He mumbled and his tears started to fall, he slowly moved to the other and then jumped on him, wrapped his arms around his neck. "Thank you...you are the first man that told me that! I really appreciate it" He whispered and the gently placed a kiss on his lips and smiled. "Please let me think about your confession, Kagamichi!" He mumbled and then trembled, tearing out of relief.

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"I really do mean what I said." Kagami looked at Kise then. He touched his chin. "I didn't want to speak before because I was scared of what you would do..." He sighed then heavily. "...okay this time I might be...but I didn't want to hurt you or get hurt either. But then he smiled and looked at Kise. "I'll let you think about it. I don't want to push you into something you don't like and I know it's best if I let you think on it. I'm just glad that you are not mad at me for it...I was worried most about that...I didn't want you to end up hating me..."

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Kise looked at the other and then sniffed. That wasn`t really a lie, right?? He looked down and really didn`t know what to say...he was heart broken right now and his beloved Aomine broke up with him. Could he forgive someone so important that easily? He also didn`t want Kagami to hurt, neither by his rejection nor because of the danger that might come to him by the dark blue haired male. He looked at the other and then smiled gently. "Thank you for caring for me....You are so nice and kind...again, I should have fallen for you." He said and then looked at his eyes that was full of mysterious things. He wiped his tears away with the usual expression on his face. "Will you call me Ryouta...from now on??"

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Kagami was silent as he then watched Kise. He took a deep breath, not sure what to do about this if he did get rejected in the end...it would hurt a lot, but he wouldn't be able to blame the other for it. Not after everything that he had gone through. He looked at the other and frowned lightly at him. "Kise are you okay?" He asked softly before he blinked. He looked at him carefully then frowned. "Kise you don't have to say that..." He murmured. He knew the other was regretting it and he held his hand softly then, rubbing it. He then stared at the other and blushed softly. "Y-you want me to call you R-Ryouta?" He stuttered then, not sure what to say about this...he was blushing...

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Kagami looked so cute! Kise aughed gently and then started crying during his laugh, shaking. "Baka! That`s what lovers do..." He confessed and then closed his eyes and then kissed him. "I`ve already decided. I don`t want to make you sad or angry at me later so I tell you now..." He deeply breathed, tried to hold in his tears though the pain could still felt. "I...I am tired and alone, I was always the one who love but now...I want to be loved too, just, if it can`t be the one I choose, then I wanted to look for another person, it happened to be you...that person, I know, I`m just being selfish, hope you understand me...It could have been anybody else too but my heart can`t take it, it would break apart if I don`t do something." He hid his face, he was kinda hard to speak.

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Lovers. That was the fist word that struck Kagami, and he froze somewhat. He didn't know what to say to that, coudln't even respond to the kiss. Then he swallowed and looked at Kise, he wasn't sure what he was going to hear, but he wanted the other to speak. "...alright." He said, to show he was going to listen to him. He looked at Kise with soft red eyes, letting him speak. e listned to him, taking in everything he said. He was still holding Kise's hand and he rubbed it softly as he spoke. "Then..." He said after a moment. "Just...so...so I get this right...what....do you want from me?" He wasn't sure what to get out of all of that. He knew what Kise said, yes, but...what did he want from him?

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Kise looked at him and laughed gently, closing his eyes, squeezing his hands tightly. "I want you to love me, that`s obvious! First, I didn`t care who would it be but now...I feel like..I want the person to be you! Because you are the one who make me forget, protect me! I really thank you for those!" He said as he looked away. "You are regretting what you`ve said earlier to me, am I right?" He sighed and looked away. "I just...wanted happiness!" He mumbled, tears gathering around his eyes.

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Kagami's arms slowly enveloped Kise and he held him in his arms. "Silly, I already love you....R-Ryouta." It was a little hard for him to be able to say the others name like that. He didn't think he would be able to but he did manage to at least say it. He kissed his forehead then. "I don't regret what I said earlier to you at all, if I did then I probably wouldn't be able to hold you like this or act like this...." He looked down at Kise. "I'm going to be here for you as long as you want me to and I'll love you as long as you want me to....even if you don't I will love you....damn I sound so cheesy right now." Kagami chuckled a little bit.

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Kise looked at the other with shock and then looked away blushing. "You really mean it??" He mumbled and then buried his face, feeling he was being called by his name was so gentle and nice. "Then, I`ll call you Taiga...or maybe, mmm...how about Taichi??" He laughed as he looked at him and kissed him. "Thank you for caring for me, Taichi! Please....take a good care of me from now on, nee?" He was really cute when he said that, like a tiny girl telling this to his boyfriend. His face was innocent that nobody could resist that expression. Though he was a man, he could stole any heart around him.

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"Yeah I mean it K-Ryouta....." He said softly and he looked at him. He touched his cheek softly... "I really do mean it." He blushed as the other said his first name. It seemed so strange...he wasn't used to anyone here addressing him like that. But it made him feel...special. Even if he didn't appreciate the cchi part added to his name...it still made him happy. "Yes...I will." He slowly leaned down and captured Kise's lips with his own, holding him close. His heart felt like it was going to soar...Kise had no idea how happy he was right now.

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