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〔SAGA's Wonders〕 OQ: #02


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SAGA's Wonders〕

OQ: #02

Theme: Decision.

The new open question is something I've wondered for two or three years and I have asked it before, and have asked some people on YO. I don't know my answer, in fact, I am still puzzled for my choice. At first the question might seem hilariously easy, but keep it mind, even the small rock can make you lose the war.


Imagine yourself on a beautiful green field. It's sunset, isn't it? Or may be...it's the sunrise. Time, direction and senses don't work here. There you sit on a single wood bench. The horizon is mesmerizing. And once you realize that you weren't there intentionally, a creature appears. Doesn't matter its gender, doesn't matter its origin or look. It just appears before you and gives you the power to make a choice. But not making a choice is also a choice. It tells you the following thing,


"Today is the last day of humanity. And as everything finds its beginning on the end and its end on the beginning, so does humanity. You have the privilege to choose - one good trait for the new (reborn) world but one evil (bad), as well. Remember, the choice can lead to this bench once again, and surely it will. However, the end of the story might be different next time, depending on your choice.


Never forget that good trait shall lead to another bad trait, and one bad trait shall lead to another good trait. Evil without good and good without evil, is not possible. Choose wisely, for the good might be the end instead of the evil."


Today I find myself, again, on this imaginary bench with the question. It hits me just like, to be or not to be. *laughs*

I don't really know. For some years now, I kind of postponed this one in my mind - like, not making a choice at all. But then I realized, not making a choice is a choice itself. And it ticked me off, lol.


I wondered, if that has happened before (yeah, I know - big imagination), and someone has made a choice - what...what good trait and bad one they gave to the world? ...This world, right now, is based on lies. Or if more optimistic, based on the search for the truth.


Then-...if 'to lie' were one of the choices... was it the good trait or the bad? ...Hm.

It's a known fact that history repeats itself, truly it does. Now I remember one line, 'Knowing your past is knowing your future'. Well, knowing something not always guarantees 'a change'.


This is hard. Each one of them.. - lies and truths, hatred and love, forgiveness and ruthlessness, godly or ungodly. Truly, no one said that 'love' is the good trait, for example. Which means, I can switch the firstly engraved good trait to be the evil one. No one said which should be black and which white. Ahahahaha, man. Sometimes I think, it might lead me to insanity and just go with the first things in my mind - not caring enough. But, I do care for my story. If I am in a way a writer, I would try my best.


Seems, I will postpone it again. xD...

It's a thing I don't think I can really choose. After all, it will lead to this bench again, one day. Might be not me who will make the next choice, but...my choice might effect the next choice. It will. If I make a world, a world able to give ..instead of to take - will it make the next volume better? *shrugs* Or it might finalize the book of humanity.


Love leads to sacrifices, they lead to hatred. Hatred leads to pain. Pain leads to isolation and destruction. Rarely shall it lead to something better. But it's like a twisted circle, repeating. Pain healed by love and kindness, which again leads to sacrifices. And so and on. Whatever I choose...I doubt it hasn't been chosen before. To make a change, seems harder than said.


And when I think I am closer to the answer, it proves me wrong. Tch.

Your turn.

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It really doesn't matter what good or bad trait you choose for the new/reborn world, does it? As you said that love can lead to sacrifices and that they lead to hatred and hatred leads to pain and so on.


The new/reborn world might become the same as the present one or then become totally different. As for how the world becomes rests solely on the peoples choices. If the one that has the power to choose these traits creates a perfect society/system and thinks that he/she can create a better world with it. That's not possible, there's nothing that can be called as 'perfect', there's always some loopholes or faults and people who don't think the same way as the society/system. In my opinion the word 'perfect' is more of a compliment than something that can be stated.


Moving on, Yeah, it was never stated that which traits should be white or black, but you really can't say that white is good and black is bad, it can also be that white is bad and black is good.


It's true that the choices can affect the next ones, but there's no guarantee on that either. Choosing the traits can seem easy at first, but in reality it's hard because you have to think of what will happen after that. I said in the beginning of my post that 'it doesn't really matter what you choose because the traits always lead to something else', in a sense, choosing the traits is easy when you think that no matter what you choose it always creates something else like hatred or ruthlessness or maybe it's hard, that depends on the person that has to make the choices.

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Good and Evil, White and Black, Differences. Decisions.

First I'd like to ask: "What is the root of all our choices?" Is it not experience, belief, emotions?


People make their choices based on what they know; on what they decide to be the 'right thing'. Traits such as love and hate are categorized through societal light, on what is good and what is bad. But do such things really exist: good and evil? I see them as nothing more than rudimentary ideologies that categorize what we see as reality. All traits are expressed through these two category; where love is supposed to be good, hate should be evil, and so on. But when you really think about it, it isn't the case. In my opinion, these labels and category don't exist, not really. There just is. Humanity tends to think itself perfect where every trait is justified and defended individually. But traits never really go one at a time, they go in chains where one births another. So in my case, I see no point in choosing from them since it wouldn't really make any difference.


What I would choose though, if it is allowed, is to give humanity universal understanding, not of everything but of what is in the present. With understanding there will be no good or evil, no misunderstanding, no petty arguments, no societal distinctions, no lies. It wouldn't be a perfect world but it would be somewhere where thngs can be better.

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In me opinion that question is not even valid. what is good for someone is bad for the other. Are you asking about good things for humanity? Other animals? the planet? or the universe?In any case, if I'd have to tell the creature something, I wouldn't chose anything. Humanity is slowly learning and if confronted with sudden change we will just self-destruct. And as said, who knows if me choice would be positiv or negativ?


*sigh* hell that was the most serious stuff I wrote in ages =/////////////=

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That question made me reflect for some time....


The current world. It's....twisted.


So why twisted. Exactly because in it you can see, kindness mixed with evilness, forgiveness being born of cruelty, hate and love cohabiting in the same place/person and lies being born from good intentions....


It, yet being relative for each person, group and country....so what's good and evil it's not the same for everyone, furthermore when there's the so called situations where a choice has to be made, and indecision, it's also a choice.


A good trait might lead to a bad trait, and vice-versa....so my choose would give the world four different faces, of the good trait I've choose, it's consequence, and the bad trait I've choose and its consequences.


Both traits that I choose might come with good or bad consequences, right now probably because the balance of the universe, my good trait for instance would/might turn into a bad consequence in an equal force that the force of the trait.


For instance, at first I've considered to give the knowledge of what would be the right and the wrong for the world.


In clear words, not something like riddles or whatsoever that could lead to misunderstand or misinterpreting(happens a lot in laws and in religion stuff when everybody has a different vision of what would be the best).


No.Something clear and direct.


For the full understanding of what's right and wrong to benefit and protect ALL. But it also it would keep existing lies (good or bad) as well the bad consequence (or one of them) corruption would still exist.


So corruption distinguished of good would exist. But I'm hoping the paths of leading people away would decrease.


Again it could lead to a destruction worse than before (Knowledge is power too). Some people would do things assuming that is the best for all when...it's not.


And if we take that ignorance is a bless....



So....Arg....I choose to postpone it as well. : )

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This question made me think a lot about what's happening right now in the world.

My first thought is that we live in a f*cked up world. Everytime I turn on the TV or look at the newspapers, all I see is news about wars, corruption, murders and so on. One can't help but think "What is wrong with the world?". Well, isn't the right answer the human kind?

Then again, I can't help but notice the beauty still lingering around me, sometimes a simple smile or helping hand.


If we were to ask children, for example, what actions would make a men/women bad, they would know what to say; probably things like killing, lying, humiliating, hurting. Those are some examples of the things that are considered bad.

The same way, they would know what to say if asked the opposite. What is good is being honest, altruistic, understanding.

Until we are old enough to realize how everything works, if we ever are old enough, we start realizing that things are not as black and white as we are taught. What is good is not only good. It might be good by itself but when mixed with other feelings and actions, it can turn into something bad.


That being said, if i had to make such choices, i would be in quite a bind. What to choose?

A part of me would like to answer and be able to change how we are. I even thought of possible answers.

At first i thought that a good trade would be forgiveness. Mostly because many arguments and wars come from the fact that humans have a hard time in forgiving the next one. However, wouldn't that same trait promote even more lies, back stabings and such? knowing the other would forgive, one wouldn't waver or think twice. So, no can do.

Secondly i thought about knowledge. The wiser the man, the best choices he tends to make. Yet, the more one knows, the more he'll find himself superior. The arrogance and the thirst for power would certaintly grow within that same person. Once again, no can do.


In my opinion, the only way I could make a fair choice would be knowing every single trait and learning each and every consequence that it could bring, depending on the scenarios. That way, i could probably try to find the least harmful one.

Well, that doesn't seem realistic or even possible to me.


My choice in the end would be choosing nothing.

Mostly because I would be really scared of being the source of a world like the one i live in right now. Would i be able to bear the guilt? i wonder. In the end my own choice is an act of selfishness, how human of me.

Keeping things as they are now is probably not the right thing to do. Yet, what is the right thing to do? No matter the traits, it will all the depend on the person. The way we choose how to "use" those traits is indeed the key for the change, or so i think.

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  • 3 months later...

Alright, since we already know that Perfection isnt something that can be reached by Humans (Proof me Wrong),

or whatever comes thereafter, what would be the nearest thing to perfection...?

Everyone Helping each other? Sharing? Caring?

Well, thatd be Communism and we all saw/see were the flaw is in that (Stalin *cough cough*)!

So... Good Trait... No Hunger for Power? No Hybris?

Least Bad Trait...Phew...Thats like picking the nuts youre least allergic to in a bag of mixed nuts... Meh... Stupid!

So that new race wont ravage the planet too hard, since nobody leads them and they wont be too succesful since theyre not smart enough. Same for Wars.

And thats where it gets twisted. Now we have two good traits at closer examination... Mission: Failed!

Just give the traits:

Good: Emotionless

Bad: Emotionless

Since it all depends on our perception.

And if that aint enough, just let em all have the receipt for Prozium in their heads

and leddem think its some magical elixir that makes yor hands be made of Blueberry Pie and that they

always regrow when they take it like the well-behaved children that they are!

Man, wheres MY Prozium... And where the Hell are my Pies? Or my Hands??!

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The one big thing that most of the entities in this planet and this era seem to lack is Hope. Of course hope is a double bladed sword as well, nothing really is at a state of pure good or pure bad and even tho Neutral is the center of everything Neutral certainly isn't living or alive itself. I don't think I'd choose not to choose anything since time moves only one way. Even if we end up choosing nothing time will keep flowing and the old world will be desolated and broken at the empty answers coming back to them. Time would still move on until someone else simply sits on that bench right over us shattering our neutral existence to nothing.


I am certainly not perfect myself so the choice that I would make for this new would would be only so they can make a better choice than I ever could. I wouldn't ever hope for a perfect choice to come up to the table but I think I'd gladly give my seat so someone different than me, than any of us. Someone who has seen more than us and thus think different than us. all of us. It's kind of a scary thought. Imagine if there was another planet like earth out there with people just like us but as similar as it may be, they would think differently than us. The scary part comes in play when you can't even begin to image how they would think merely because we think like we do and nothing more.


I'd like a loop. A loop of good that turns bad but ultimately is reborn into goodness.


I'd pick Curiosity as a good trait for the new world. Curiosity won't make them any less greedy or any less aggressive than we are and it certainly won't get them any closer to a better new world but curiosity can break barriers that we can't merely because we live in a world where most like to be in their world and inside their bubbles.


Without bubbles I wonder what would happen. Would people understand each other better? Would people connect to each other in a different way? With the spark of curiosity would anyone feel left out of the world?


Then for all the bad I'd pick Hope. Hopeful people seem to always be let down and to always be the ones with the worst luck. Curiosity killed the cat right? Would that curiosity kill them? most likely but what about the one that do survive? They won't stop. They will become enriched with knowledge with things and topics we can't even fathom to imagine and they hope will turn into despair and disappointment, their curiosity will hit them hard and ravage their lines but in the end they will become like a phoenix and hope will make them carry on.


And one day when the memory of what we once were is completely forgotten someone much more capable, curious and hopeful will sit in that bench look at the eyes of that creature and rewrite everything into something so wonderful that's almost terrifying to think about.


I don't really know if I made any sense but yeah, that ends there.

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