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O.O wait...now you have never wondering. What is this sensei? Eiji's father or something. XD Ik that's absurd, but I'm just throwing things out there. OTL you surely like leaving is with cliffhangers don't you. I wikk die if this isn't updated soon. The sensei though.....tsk, pervert.

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aww i ll be glad to read ur poems sometime prez and thank u for reading it ^_^ glad u liked it and u ll can write stories if u can write poems .... (: ...

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X) neither did I know that he would act like that in real ~

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awww dont die dont die ..... ;) its You all who inspire me to continue writing ........



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I could see rage in his eyes and to top it more Mahiro sensei chuckled and said “see you at school! Yoo-ru” as if trying to tease Eiji more.



“Eiji… I will explain …”

I tried to explain Eiji, when I saw Mahiro sensei walking out of the door without even looking back at me once. I was sure by now that I was just a mere toy for sensei with whom he liked playing. But now it was time to explain Eiji who was about to burst in anger.




“Eiji , listen I didn’t do anything, sensei came by himself to checkup on me but … well that’s all happened and nu—nuthing else .” I lied to him as I didn’t really know who he was and he had no right to know about my life. “I trust u Yoru but never break my trust” that line gave me chill down my spine. Excusing myself I went to the kitchen to clean the broken glass pieces.




While picking up the shattered glasses from the floor I was imagining the moment when it broke and I hurt myself in that process. “Ouch! ..



“Yoru … are you alright?”

“I-I’m fine ..”

“But you hurt yourself Yoru … Let me treat it.”



“I’m fine Eiji” snatching my hand back I said and waited for him to leave the kitchen so that I could continue with my work.



“How did the glass break? Hmm “

“ I never asked you to make anything for me, then how did it break Yoru? Were you making something for your Ma-hi-ro sensei? Hmm tell me? “he grabbed my wounded hand and twisted it.



“Uhh.. leave my hand Eiji”




“First tell me how did the glass break? That bastard came into the kitchen right? Tell me .. don’t be afraid. Tell me what did he do? I wanna know all of it.”



“Eiji … you are hurting me! Its none of your business to know what happened or what didn’t.”



“ It surely is my business sweet Yoru. Did he touch you? … Where hmm?”

“Here? Did he touch you here?” Eiji brutally pinched my nipples. “Nhh stop it you pervert!” It was hurting me but he didn’t stop.



“or here?” he viciously rubbed my placid members through my pants. “hnHH .. E-iji… please..” I cried in woe.



With a thrash he pinned me down on floor, still holding my wounded hand “Does it hurt Y-oru? “ he said graving his finger in my wound.



“Ahh …. It hurts Eiji” I cried as I saw blood flowing rapidly down my arm. “Nothing like that happened Eiji I swear … No-thing happened.” I had to lie, he was a psycho, I wanted him to leave.



“I believe you.” He said and licked all the blood off my finger and arm when suddenly his phone rang..



“I will see you tomorrow. Take care okay? Don’t let anyone touch you except me. Understood?”



“Y-yes.” I stammered.

“That’s like a good boy.” He said and walked out of the house.



Laying straight on the floor, staring at my wounded finger and cursing myself for making out with sensei and even for meeting Eiji I turned sideways and hugged my knees. My life was not normal anymore; it was full of fear and lie.I wanted to hide somewhere where nobody can ever find me.



The bleeding almost stopped so I decided to leave the wound untreated. I always liked physical pain more because it had the power to neutralize my mental pain.




That night I slept there on the floor…



Alarm rings…



Forcefully opening my eyes I glanced at the watch “Shit! Its 11 am already?” , then I recalled yesterday’s awkward moment and didn’t feel like going to school. But I was helpless as I was afraid that Mahiro sensei would come again to my house so I decided to go.



In school I kept ignoring sensei, I could feel his uneasiness but it was hard for me to look him into his eyes. He was a player and I didn’t want to become his play piece so I continued ignoring. It was getting difficult for me to ignore while he was teaching. I had a lot in my mind so I just walked out of the class with permission but..



“YORU! “



“Meet me after the class in my cabin else…”




Sorry for the late update... I was dragged away by a game X) but I will try to update stories sooner that before. (: And thank you for reading my updates always.


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... There is More ... *grins\



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aww .... I hate em .. too

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Now am definitely more intrigued to know what's really happening here??

Eiji, Yoru & Mahiro-sansei.. This 3some is kind of creepy O_O

I''m so waiting on fire to know what happens next..

Also: GOOD JOB!! You made my heart pound more X'D

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ne mo chan ... glad u liked it ... ^_^ I ll try to be more active in posting the updates ..... till then hold ur breath XD

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Poor Yoru. *Hugs him* I'm still curious as to what this sensei is, unless a player is what it was? Gods, I hope I'm not embarrassing myself again. XD

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Quietly sitting under a tree near my school, I leaned back and closed my eyes. I was tired of everything going around me, giving a damn to what sensei said I decided to take a nap.


It was past 12 at noon and I still couldn’t sleep. My mind said not to go meet sensei but my heart said go meet him once. It was irritating me to decide what to do and what not to. In that process I didn’t know when I fell asleep but the next thing I knew was a faint heavy voice waking me up.


Feeling the shake on my shoulder I opened my eyes slightly to look who on earth didn’t want to see me in peace.


“Eugene ..! Why are you here? ,,, and why always you are the only one who wakes me up from my peaceful sleep!” I frowned looking at him. Eugene was the guy who woke me up before when I was sleeping in Mahiro sensei’s class. He always liked breaking my sleep or disturbing me when I am working, in spite of that he was my closest bud I had in this school or in this town. We were childhood friends and now classmates… he was quite a popular guy in my class with all his dashing personality and amazing looks. Girls drooled over him but he never had a girlfriend or dated anyone before, I wonder why. Eugene was blessed with honey golden eyes, baby pink lips, flawless skin and slight muscular physique. He even had genetic defect called “Dimple” on his left cheek when he smiled and to sum it up he was an elite material i.e. a person with ultimate beauty and behavior.


“Why are you sleeping here?” with a poker face he stared at me.

“And why can’t I? Mr prince charming…” I said and chuckled.

“Eh! I told you not to call me that… I hate it” he pouted and sat near me crossing his arms. He may look all muscular and masculine but he behaved like a kid which always made me laugh and made me tease him more.

“Oh.. I forgot Mahiro sensei was looking for you and told me if I meet you I should tell u to meet him. But I wonder…”

“Wonder what ?... “ I said.

“umm it’s like why is he so much into you?”

“ehh shut up. Don’t just go assuming things. He might be calling me to scold me again. What else can he do. “ and thought to myself that he might be so angry on me because of my behavior but that’s his fault. He was the one to made me feel uncomfortable at the first place …

“Is there something else going on, Yoru?” …

“Whhaat! No –no absolutely not.”

“hmm..” he hummed while standing up and brushing his clothes.

“k then I ll leave now have some work to do, and you don’t forget to meet him.” He said and walked away.

“Let’s see what sensei’s problem is. I will clear everything today..”


The clock showed 4 pm “What the … I slept for so long.. ehh I need to get my books and stuffs from classroom first.”

Running towards the school and up the stairs and in the classroom.. *huff huff*


“Finally… ”

The classroom was all empty and it was so peaceful being there, watching the setting sun rays penetrating through glass windows made me smile.

I started gathering all my books and stuffing it in my bag when a hand grabbed my shoulder and forcefully turned me around.


“Ma-hiro.. sen..”

His emotions were full of anger.. “ Why didn’t you come to meet me Yoru?” he spoke.

“I –I was about to come and meet u sensei after gathering all my books.. and you just can’t boss my life like that, it’s my wish to meet you or not, you can’t force me.”

“Ahhh.. force you .. you say.. hmm…… what in your context is forcing ?”

“Sensei.. I didn’t mean it in that way!” .

“ No tell me … as for me this is forcing..” grabbing my shirt he pulled my towards him and kissed me without even a second thought.

“mmh .. sen-ai.. mmh” I fidgeted a bit and pushed him away. “How could you do this to me ?” I shouted.

“You are just playing with my feelings … I know I’m just a toy for you” and the next thing I knew was tears were rolling down my cheek. I couldn’t make it stop but I needed to clear everything today.

“what did I do to you sensei … I adored you as a teacher then why are you using me?” I broke..

Sensei hugged me tenderly and said “Why do you think that I’m using you hmm? I care for you and I love you Yoru.” caressing my hair, sensei hugged me more tightly.

That moment I felt so protected and loved that I didn’t want to let go of his chest.

“Sensei… I” something I saw made me stop..





PS: I am changing the color of the text for elegant look ( : Enjoy!


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shotto mattaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!

Now am confused... is d sensei good or bad??

I do feel a bit weird when he's around but i don't mind since he makes it all hot and steamy :D

Btw, i like d new chara, Yoro's best bud Eugene :D

P.S: i'm going to wait more & tbh, this chap is my best so far (at least some shared feelings were shown and they were not forced by 1 side) -_-

Keep it up SCAR-sama... :*

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eeh...so the sensei is good?? o.O

guess you like to wrote a twisted story and difficult to predict. you will never know the ending unless you read it hahhaa

i like it. it's like "so, what's gonna happen between them??" yeah, seems like that lol


but it's kinda to fast for the "intimate" scene. it's just my thought. after all it's a good story ;D

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heheh kazy chan ^_^ glad u liked it ..... hahah you cant trust Mahiro sensei for those matters .. he is a ...*shh i cant say its a secret hehe u ll see ..

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Aye will write soon



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soon the suspense will be over and a new suspense will start XDD

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why do I have a feeling that Eugene might also like Yoru? XDDDDD Im really curious to see what will happen next. really hard to choose, huh? :p

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“Eugene..wait!” I tried to stop him from going but he left. I didn’t know why he acted like this but I had to find out. I can’t lose my childhood friend; he was the only person I had whom I can trust on.



“Eugene…tsk!” ..

I excused myself and ran behind him. “wait.. Eugene..” I shouted but he wouldn’t listen. After making me run for few minutes he stopped.


“What the hell is your problem Eugene? Why didn’t you wait when I told you to?”

From his face it looked as if he was hurt but I couldn’t guess why.



“Yoru… you know that I care for you right?”




“Then why do you always create troubles for yourself?”


“huh??? Trouble ?”


“Yes! I asked you that is something going between you and Mahiro sensei but you lied to me… and now I saw …. You … both..” he stammered.

“No it’s not like what you saw Eugene! That just happened I didn’t do anything I swear, you know right!.”

“He is not good for you Yoru. It’s better if you stay away from him”



“Aww my prince charming……*sniff sniff* seems someone is jealous” I chuckled and plunged to his shoulder.



“I am not jealous u silly!” with a slight smile he spoke and hugged me..

He really had a pure heart and I loved his straightforwardness but still his reaction that time worried me a little.



“Wanna stay with me tonight prince? I got new games to play..”

“Sure. It will be fun”



Still clinging to each other we walked back home. I felt so good when I he was around me. He was like a family to me. After reaching home we played for about an hour and then I went to kitchen to check if there is something to eat but the fridge was nearly empty. I told Eugene that I’ll go buy some food from the nearby grocery store and he agreed to it.



“Ok then will be back in a blink. Adios my prince” I teased him again.

“Shut up and go already” he laughed.



With a smile on my face I started walking towards the store, it was almost dark outside when…


“How are you my love?”

I heard a voice from behind, I recognized the voice as the bad aura surrounded me.. it was Eiji..

“Eiji.. why are you here?”

“I missed you for so long so I came to meet you and that’s how you’ll treat me? That’s so rude.” He chuckled.



I kept walking and searched a place where there were many people, as being alone with him didn’t make me feel good.


“Whoaa… walk slow! Why are you in hurry?”

“I have to cook dinner and its getting dark that’s why I have go back home soon” I tried my best not to exceed the conversation.

“hmm nice excuse, lemme join you in dinner then?” and a slight smirk could be seen on his face..



“I- I have to go now Eiji see you later.” As I was about to go Eiji held my wrist and pulled me to him.

“Enough already, Eiji! ” I exclaimed..



“Shhh… don’t speak!” tracing his finger on my lips he said.

My heart was beating faster because of fear as if a hungry lion was standing in front of me.

I had nowhere to run to when I noticed a dark small silhouette walking towards me. The silhouette became bigger and bigger and at last I could see who he was.



“MAHIRO sensei..” I sighed in relief. With a jerk Eiji left me and turned back. I smiled in my heart and was first time thankful to him for saving me.


“Tch…!” Eiji scowled when I ran towards sensei and hugged him tightly. It was the happiest moment for me and I could never be so glad to see sensei like was now.

“Did you miss me Yoo-ru?” he said and ruffled my hair.


“Sensei, what are you doing here?”


“I thought you might be in trouble that’s why I came for u my darling Yoru”

His words filled my heart with joy. And I couldn’t stop my heart from loving him. “Sensei, walk with me to home please.”

“You don’t have to ask me for such a small thing darling. Do you want me to pick you up?” teasingly he said.

“Ehh .. No I can walk .. “ I pouted and smiled.



“You Bastard! I know what you are and soon will he know too.” Eiji bawled hastily.

That sentence of his left me in confusion. I wanted to believe that Eiji wasn’t right but then I thought I don’t know anything about Sensei too.



“But he saved me! And he cares for me. Doesn’t he?”

“No .. no .. silly mind … how can I believe in someone like that psycho .. Eiji…” I thought to myself..



“Mahiro Sensei …”




“I believe you.” ..

He smiled and kissed my temple.


“I know you do.”

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Nice.. so many events am getting more excited.. ^w^

I was wondering though.. what kind of LIKE does Eugene mean?

Also, how come Sensei came out of nowhere? how did he know where Yoru was?? O.o

What's with Eiji though?? >_

Man am so confused, i really wanna know everything right now *burst in excitement*


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-sama.. great job. i'll always b waitin to see what happens next :3

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