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៙BL 'Meant to be' ~Writer Contest~៙


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| ai_kaze69 Graphics |

| Saga Organized |

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| | Information


After being rich on contests for graphic, artists, video making, we decided that it's time to make a contest for people who love to write.


This month we will have a new theme set and it's -

"Meant to be".


You have to present your masterpiece, which describes love between two males. It's up to you how you will interpret "Meant to be". So show us your imagination!



| | Rules


.:: Minimum 400 words, maximum 600 words.

.:: Only stories are accepted, no poems.

.:: The story must be rated as for 16+

.:: No racism, no religious topics, no animal/child abuse.

.:: Love must be between two males.

.:: Title of the story is up to you.

.:: Post the finished work on this thread.

.:: Read the rules once again.


| | Prizes


{} 1,500 points for all that applied

{} 5,000 points for the winner + a Manga cover card from the iShop


| | Deadline


-> Start :: 02 September 2014

-> End :: 30 September 2014

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A/N: Since, I love writing and hopeless in everything else...this is the only contest I could enter :D Enjoy the story!


September BL Writer’s Contest: Meant To Be


You and I are meant to be.

Romance/A little bit of humor

16+ (A little bit of swearing and kissing ;D)

Unbeta'd. Possibility of grammar errors.

Words counted by Word:
607 (Not counted the line-breaks and title. Sorry, I don't know where to cut anymore)




Every soul has their own pair that is meant to be with them.






Rustling of clothes and the blanket could be heard as a delicate hand slammed down the clock. Emerging from beneath the blanket was a messy haired brunet with a cute face. Yawning, the young man rubbed his eyes before he sat up and stretched both arms.


Looking at the alarm clock, he was surprised when it showed…


07:30 A.M.


“Crap! I’m late!” he cursed loudly as he unceremoniously jumped out of the bed and he managed to do his daily routine in a record time. After that, he rushed to the front door while grabbing his wallet, key and briefcase. Opening the door, he quickly slammed it close and locked it.


Looking at his watch, his eyes widened when he had only 19 minutes before 08:00 A.M. Got to go to the subway now!




He fell on his rear end when he collided with something hard. Sitting up, he rubbed his bum, “It hurts…” he looked up and cursed. “What the hell—”


“Are you okay?”


In front of him was a tall and muscular man. He could definitely tell that behind those clothes, muscles were rippling suggestively.


“Are you okay, sir?”


Blinking his eyes, he looked up to meet with the man’s face and gasped softly. His face was… so, beautiful! Though, the man was beautiful, he still had that harshness that made him look so manly.


However, the most beautiful thing was that pair of intense, bright blue orbs.


“Hello, sir. Can you hear me?”


And god! His voice was to die for!


“Hello~?” he heard as the man’s low tenor assaulted his eardrum. “I wonder if he’s deaf…”


Waking up from his daydream, he glared at the taller man. “I’m not deaf,” he scoffed and stood up after picking his stuff.


The man just smirked and raised one perfect eyebrow. “Oh, really? And I’m sure that you just ogled me, Mr. Cutie.”


He immediately blushed and attempted a glare at the blue eyed male. “I was not! Don’t think too highly of yourself!” he huffed angrily.


“Yeah, yeah… whatever, Princess.”


“Why you big ogre!”




He arrived at the office barely on time. As he ran to the front hall, he again, collided with a person. What was with the wall of muscles and him?!


Looking up, he met with those familiar smug, bright ocean colored orbs.


“It’s you, Big ogre!”




Jumping in surprise, he looked back to meet with his boss’s fury face. Uh-oh! He was going to die. “Y-Yes, boss?”


“Why are you rude to our new CEO? Apologize!”


Eh? CEO? He looked up to meet with a smug face. He gritted his teeth as he glared at the taller man.


“Why are you glaring?!” the boss glared at him and pushed him to bow. “I’m sorry, Mr. Kunimitsu. He’s a new worker and still doesn’t know his place. Please, forgive him.”


“Hm…” Mr. Kunimitsu eyed him with calculating eyes. Smirking, he nodded his head, “Fine. I forgive him but in return, I want him as my secretary.”


Satou’s brown eyes widened at the declaration.


Officially, his life had ended...




...Or so he thought.


Looking back at what happened, the brunet couldn’t help but thought they were meant to be. Because of what happened that day, he was able to meet with his soulmate. Glancing up, he smiled softly when a kiss was placed on his forehead.


“Happy 3rd Anniversary, Satou. I love you.”


As he leaned up to meet his lips with his lover’s, he whispered his words. “Happy 3rd Anniversary, Kunimitsu. I love you too.”



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| Be Mine |

Words Count: 600

Warning: +16



Brother is a kind man. He always praised me when I was a child and would stand up for me in front of my parents. My mother has always been a drunkard, and father left such a long time ago I can’t remember his face. For as long as I could remember, mother would bring her lovers home, one after the other. It was a never-ending cycle. She always promised “this time it would be different”. Some of those men ran away with her money, others took something much more precious than money, my innocence. But brother was always there to comfort me. His long fingers would brush my bangs back and his lips would kiss my forehead, and his strong arms would embrace me till my tears would stop on their own.


Yes indeed, brother is a very kind man.


That’s why I can’t continue to stay with him…


Strong hands grabbed my hips to pull me against him, my current costumer. His pants reached my ears, and his heavy breathing informed me he was close to climax. He buried himself deep into me, and with a loud groan he released all of his sticky liquid inside of me. There was the sound of clothes being picked up, and of footsteps moving towards the door. There was no need to look so I resigned myself to sleep.


If only I would never wake up…





The heavenly voice called, if only he knew how much I loved it when he called my name. I spent a few minutes enjoying the moment, and then I opened my eyes to stare at his beautiful face. My lips settled on his lips and watched as his tongue licked them wet, and I felt tempted to kiss them once again.

“I’ll be out in a few brother”

I reassured him and as usual he ruffled my hair and smiled sweetly to me. He ought to have the brightest smile I’ve seen.


I made my way downstairs that morning with my mind set into leaving our house and him behind. I watched his back as he cooked breakfast for both of us. With time, he had taken over my mother’s responsibilities.

“Brother, there is something I want to tell you”

He glanced at me and I felt unable to speak. I forced out the words though.

“I am leaving this house”

Brother stared at me in disbelieve, he clearly hadn’t been expecting me to say those words. His eyes buried deep into mines as if trying to find proof that this was some sort of sick joke. His tears escaped, and I wanted to kiss his sadness away.



That evening I left my house with a bag of clothes I had already packed the night before. I was heading to my job. The owner promised to give me a place to stay. It wasn’t long before I got there, and was happily received. A room was given to me with a small bathroom. I was to take costumers that night to pay for this month rent.

My first costumer entered the room. Soft steps headed my way, nobody I recognized. When I looked up, standing there was my dear brother crying his beautiful eyes out. I reached out for him and held him in my arms. There was no need to explain; I understood that he knew everything.


I caused u pain brother..


As if listening to my thoughts, he suddenly kissed me. My eyes met his and I kissed back. Now I finally understood..


We were meant to be together forever.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Still Newbie here and since the only thing I could do is write so I'm grateful with this contest... Hope you like the story^^

Title : Home

Rated : 16+ (Just kisses and hugs)

Words count : 600




My childhood wasn’t exactly the best one. I spent it only with my Mom moving from one place to other. We have never spent more than a night in the same place. The other kids called us ‘homeless’ wherever we go. Once, out of curiosity I asked my Mom what a Home was.


She smiled warmly to me, her hands gently caressing my caramel hair. “A home is when you are with the person you are meant to be with, Kanata dear…”


“Where is it Mom?”


“You will find it one day, dear…”






“Professor Kanata! Wait for me, Professor!” An onyx haired boy ran toward me. His hands full with thick books.


“What do you want, Tsukiyama kun?” I asked him boredly. Tsukiyama Rei was one of my students but unlike the others, he kept approaching me even though I kept giving him the cold shoulder.


His grey eyes sparkled when I stopped. Rei tugged my hem lightly before gesturing for me to follow him. I groaned before following the taller boy. He walked toward the library and when I stepped inside he had put most of the thick books on the table except one book which he held tightly in front of his chest.


“What do you want?” I asked him once more with obvious annoyed expression.


He smiled sweetly at me before shoving the book on his hands to me. I read the title briefly before my lips curled up. It was exactly the rare novel I was searching for since last month. How could this kid have it?


I looked up just to find his grinning face. I cleared my throat before getting back my composure. “What do you mean by this, Tsukiyama kun?”


“This is for you, Professor…”


I looked at him with utter disbelief. “Wha…”


“I like you, Professor…”


My already wide eyes got even wider from his sudden confession. I could feel my cheek heated up. “You…, you are aware that I’m a man, right?”


The boy in front of me nodded his head. He walked toward me whilst I took another step backward. Well, I kept walking backward until my back bumped the table and I couldn’t move anymore. Before I could move aside both his hands has already trapped me in between.


“M-move aside, Tsukiya—!” He didn’t let me finished my words as he enveloped my lips in his soft one. It was a sweet and chaste kiss, a very innocent one that made me melted almost immediately toward his gentle and warm touch.


As we parted to take some air, unconsciously I let out a weak sigh disappoint with the loss of his lip’s warmth. I looked up to meet his strong gaze full of determination.


“No, I don’t like you professor…” My chest stung with pain and I felt suffocated hearing his words. I felt like running already but his gazed stopped me.


“I love you, Kanata san…”


“Kanata san? Professor?”


“Huh?” I looked up to see a pair of twinkling silver eyes and a warm smile greeted me.


“What are you thinking?” He asked, “You are spacing out for some minutes already…” He explained after looking at my confuse expression.


I pulled him down and gave him a quick kiss on his lips. “Just thinking about the day you confess to me…”


He chuckled. “By the way, next week we can already move to our home.”


Home... I let my lips curled up into a big smile.

“Mom…, I have found my home…” I thought silently as I hugged the very person I was meant to be.



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Sorry for the late post but i'll be joining this month too. yoroshiku ne ^w^


Words count: 600 with the title!!!



Promise On-hold


“Here goes Makishima-kun, rushing through other players with all his might. Fighting with those last moments and…. GOOOOOOOAAAAAL!!!”


The game ended with the crowd jumping and cheering from all over the stadium; but I could only feel my heart throbbing and beating faster.

In the crowd, I stood knowing nothing of what happened to me except for those flashbacks that I got while looking closer at Makishima-san’s face.

Heading out of the stadium, a glimpse of him came across and I had no choice but to stay still. Again, my heart started pounding more and more. It was strange!!!


“Hey you!!”

A rough voice flew through the air to reach me. I was shaken and woken from my daze. Looking towards the source of the sound, it was him!!!

I got scared not knowing if I was the one he called.

With a shaken voice I replied “y-yes!”

“Come here!” He said while approaching me and standing halfway so I could walk and reach him.

“Have we met before?” He asked …

I was frozen while he asked again “Hey you! Do we know each other?!”


The feeling that I couldn’t shake off was that of a mysterious roundup feeling that I know him. I’ve seen him before, but still…

“N-Not so sure! Maybe we met before the game or elsewhere. I don’t know!” My voice was still shaking.

“Oh well, I just wanted to thank you for cheering for me so loud that I could hear you from the field.”


(Huh?!) What does he mean? I mean yeah I was cheering so loud but I wasn’t the only one. Besides, how did he know it was me who cheered loud while I was among so many people? Also, what’s with that smile on his face? I know it! I’m sure of it…


He started to walk away when… “Makishima-san, H-H-…?”

My nerves were broken, my face was all red, and I was trembling.

“How did I know it was you?!” Makishima-san said.

“Y-yeah. That! And one more thing.” lowering my head of shyness.

“I guess we know each other very well but you don’t seem to remember.” He said with a disappointed look covered by a faint sad smile. “You told me you’ll always be there for me and cheer for me from the crowd. Always!”


What’s he talking about? My head is spinning. (Who is he?)… Losing my balance, I felt an arm holding me within.

“You promised me to be there for me but then you left, Hiro-kun!”


(Hiro-kun?!) That’s my nickname and only one person called me by that. That’s right! Now I remember!!!

Starting to gain consciousness slowly, I held his face and said “I know you! We-we were always together. You were my first love back at school. We made a promise to stay with each other but w-we were separated. Now we’re back together!”

“Yes, Hiro-kun. That’s our on-hold promise. I kept waiting for you. I didn’t break that promise and here we are after all that time!!!”

I looked at his smiling face before I lost my consciousness again.


Next thing I felt was a soft kiss of the sweetest nostalgic lips. Looking up, it was Makishima-kun’s lips with him holding me and still we were at the stadium when everyone around was staring in shock of realizing Makishima-kun’s true self.


Is that what ‘meant to be’ like? Separated by circumstances to be brought back together by fate?! Oh my, I have him once more. I thought to myself when happy tears began to drop while we kept on kissing…


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Not any more...




"See you later, bye"

I was saying to my love before we separated to go back home. It's always like this for both of us after we went jogging in the evening. Three years passed by quite fast, I really thought so, and I felt so happy we had each other day by day.


Along the way I walked back home, it rained cats and dogs in an instant, I had no umbrella so I had to find a shed to cover myself, the coffee shop seemed the last choice for me to choose, for real I disliked coffee and it really smothers me every time I heard or smelled it but it could't help, I had to save my own health and body.


Then I opened the door and looked for the seat to sit, there were a lot people who's afraid getting wet as same as I was. All seats were occupied, but luckily the furthest corner of the shop, a wooden chair was there but there was a reading guy there, I hoped he'd share with me. So I went straight to that table and ask if I could have a seat or not. But when he looked up on me and said yes, I'd rather blow myself away.

It's him, my ex who broke up with me ten years ago and he seemed surprised to meet me here as well.

I couldn't walk back and I didn't want to sit side by side to him neither. Anyway, I sat down and say nothing.




He smiled and offered me a bottle of water he had because he knew I was allergic to coffee.



WTH, can he still remember that??? I shouted loud in my head after he said like that.

And he continued by telling me that he never forgets me, he even knows about my new love who isn't my type as he is and soon he will tell my love that he will take me back soon. With that stupid phrase again that I was meant to be his lover, he couldn't let me go.



I couldn't help laughing at him and I also nodded my head. Ten years, he went away and spoke easily like this. I asked him to realized what had happened between us since then. When he'd gone he vanished without saying a single word, but at this moment just seeing new me, he dared to take more advantage like this, dumb-ass!!




I used to be gentle but not anymore,I pushed back his bottle and thanked to him about his fantasized word that's almost perfect but no way to be true.



And I wished it's the last time to see him. And for God sake, I added more to my poor ex who's full of proud and confidence as always to be silent and do not think that all would be as egoist as he was.

Only the idiots ones could rely on him, I patted on his shoulder before walking in the rain.......





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Words: 599

Rated: 16+

Title: -Tic tac-




-Tic tac.-





We love each other.


Every day he comes to my room and tells me stories....



-Tic tac-



"Once upon a time.....a brave warrior, second to none."


-Tic tac-


I attentively listen, wondering how these characters can be so brave, courageous enough to stand against the most dangerous adventures. They can do anything. Fear does not take a place in their hearts.

-Tic tac-



The clock resounds each minute in that cramped room. The very same upsetting disturbing echo....


-Tic tac-


I should fix this clock. I always remember that myself but in the end I never do it.


-Tic tac-


He finishes the story and leans against my shoulder and I suddenly remember...there’s only the two of us here.



"Wait.....Not today, Senpai! My parents are coming soon!"



-Tic tac-


He laughs at my fruitless attempt of convincing, He is aware that I live with my brother and he almost doesn't come home. He just knows me too well.


-Tic tac-




He licks the nape of my neck and continues his advances.....


"Please.....I don’t.....Senpai…." I beg him.


-Tic tac-





-Tic tac-



He has taken almost all my clothes and starts to take the last piece, as places his hands on my….


“Ahhh…..Please. Stop...I can't afford to be known....to be seen like that....” I cry out.


He eventually opens his mouth about to say something. Then he closes it, slowly caressing my face as plants a wet kiss.



"Don't you get it, do you?"


-Tic tac-



"You're so afraid that you can’t even push me away and stand up for yourself."



-Tic tac-


"No…More like….You're a coward that prefers living in your reclusive shell than spending time to actually know me. You never take the first step, instead you keep feeding your illusions about me.....Do you know me? DO ACTUALLY THINK THAT YOU KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ME?!!"


-Tic tac-



I get so startled that can’t even speak.


“...What are you saying...”



-Tic tac-



“You...You don't even know the different between this me and the real me….”He mutters almost inaudible.




-Tic tac-




“Stop, I.....”


-Tic tac-



-Tic tac-



He squeezes my dick he was previously holding, making my face squirm in pain.



"Don’t you get it?" He displays a cruel snicker. "So let me make it clearer."


“Once in a time there was a very shy boy.” He sadistically smirks.


"He had a crush on another boy, but never said it. Then, do you know what happened?"



-Tic tac-



-Tic tac-


“….Exactly.” He whispers in my ear.



-Tic tac-



He opens up his eyes almost dilating his pupils.



“Nothing happened.”



-Tic tac-



-Tic tac-


-Tic tac-



“They never were meant to be.”













“The truth is......”


-. . . . .Tic. . . .tac. . . . .-





-. . . . .Tic. . . .Tac. . . . .-


-Tic. . . . . .




“This is.....”




-. . . . Tac.-








"..A dream."










I sit on my bed after turning off the time clock like I do every day.


I stand up from the bed and start to get ready to school.






I walk around the neighbor street and a very familiar man comes to me.


"Good morning."


"Good morning, Senpai." I respectful say keeping my secure distance from him.


A beautiful girl immediately comes running and stays proudly by his side.


A distant but cruel memory comes to light.


“They never were meant to be.”



As the couple starts their conversation, I take one last gaze to my beloved.


You’re right Senpai. I’ve never known anything about you.






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Title: The Stench of Betrayal

Rated: +16 (Violence)

Words: 600



The Stench of Betrayal


‘’I felt like there were a million eyes on me that night. I couldn’t tell Aki anything. He was so excited we were going to spend the night together, i was too but i couldn’t show it. Okonomiya’s words kept spinning in my head ‘’I’ll take that beautiful thing of yours and your debt will be erased!’’ , those words made me sick but i couldn’t say anything to a soul.I kept pretending that everything was alright for Aki’s sake’’.When the clock struck midnight, two men wearing black barged into Hatsuki’s bedroom, it was Okonomiya.Both men got up and Aki hid behind Hatsuki.Hatsuki got restrained by Okonomiya’s man.Okonomiya faced Hatsuki and told him ’’It’s finally time to collect what i came here for’’. Aki kept asking what he was talking about.Okonomiya laughed at Aki and told him’’ Poor thing, you have no clue,don’t you? Let me explain things thoroughly to you then.’’ Hatsuki tried to refrain Okonomiya from talking but it was too late. ‘’Your boyfriend agreed to have his debt erased for a night with you!’’ Hatsuki denied it all but Okonomiya showed a paper of how much Hatsuki’s debt was and it was signed by him as well. There was no escape. Aki felt his heart breaking into pieces and he started sobbing. Hatsuki wanted to speak but his voice wouldn’t raise.Okonomiya suggested to get this over with because a yakuza’s time was too precious.He got closer to Aki,he caressed his hair and said to him‘’Your sobbing is like an angel’s song,we’re going to have so much fun together’’. Aki didn’t even fought back,he was immersed in a despairing nightmare he would wish to be woken up from.Hatsuki was trying to release himself, he only wanted to save the only person he ever loved, the only person who made him happy,the only person who gave him strength to carry on. Okonomiya ordered his man to get Aki to the car.In a mere moment of distraction, Hatsuki seized the chance and he attacked Okonomiya.The two men made a fuss while fighting so Okonomiya’s man returned. He pulled out his gun and aimed at Hatsuki. The gun fired and a man fell down, it was Aki surrounded by a pool of blood. Okonomiya fled the scene at once. Hatsuki stood there staring at Aki for a couple of seconds, he couldn’t comprehend what had just happened. Aki called out to him. Hatsuki snapped out of it and he called an ambulance. Aki was shot in the skull, the wound was not fatal but he would spend the rest of his life in a comatose state. At the sound of all these Hatsuki fell on his knees crying and shouting that it was all his fault, that he should have been in Aki’s place. After a few minutes the doctor appeared in front of him again and he suggested that the only thing that could be done is putting Aki out of his misery. Hatsuki refused with all his might and courage he had left. Ever since that day, Hatsuki has been by Aki’s side, hoping that some day everything will be the way it was meant to be.

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We were meant to be together since I first met you


"Tayo, can you please let me in?", my father knocked on my door. " My door's unlocked, father", I looked up from my textbook.


"Tayo, forgiveness sake", my father let out a sigh of exasperation, " Could I please just get you a tutor? Your mom and I just want what's best for you". " No thanks, father, I don't want to be the only kid that stands out just because of some fancy, rich tutor... besides, I want to learn by myself". I went to pick up my textbook when my father suddenly snatched it out of my hands, " We'll, too bad for you Tayo, because I already hired a tutor for you. "Ryu, come in please", my father raised his voice.


At my father's raised voice, a boy that looked a few years older than me and a few inches taller than me walked in my room and stood at the center of attention in front of me and my father.


"Tayo, meet Ryu, he's going to be your new personal tutor and doubles as your personal butler". "Nice to meet you, Master Tayo, I'm sure we'll work great together, and I'll try to go easy on you.


I only gazed speechless at my new tutor/butler and how beautiful he was, his eyes of sky blue seemed to sparkle at me, his fluffy-looking golden hair ached to be touched, his pink, soft-looking lips were waiting to be kissed, and his 3-piece butler suit was neatly pressed and sexy-looking as I looked at his shoulder's part of the suit, where I imagined his firm muscles would be and I unconsciously licked my lips.


"Master Toya, is something the matter?", Ryu broke my trance, catching me staring at him. "No, nothing's wrong, I'm good", I lightly blushed and cleared my throat. I looked at my father", I'll accept Ryu as my new tutor, so if you please, father", I pointed to my door to make a point. "That's good that you're finally accepting a tutor, your mother will be so proud when I tell her". My father walked out of the room before saying," No funny business, only studying", he revised an eyebrow so I know what that means.


"Well, I am stuck on a problem, here,sit down", I patted on a space next to me. Ryu sat down. I pushed my textbook toward him, pointing to the problem I needed help on. As he explained the formula and rambled on how to solve it, I was paying attention at all what he said, I kept staring at his eyes and long lashes that fluttered every few seconds, his kissable lips were now moistened by his constant lip-licking as he mouthed words that fell on my deaf ears


"I-I'm gay...I just wanted to put it out there", I looked at Ryu nervously. "Th-That's a relief because-", he started to say when I suddenly kissed him, wrapping my tongue into his when all of a sudden he pushed me away. " I-I'm so sorry...night, I ran to my room, slamming my door.


A year later:

"Since I'm done with school and becoming the president of my dad's company, will you be my VP?", I looked up at Ryu. "I will be your VP, but before you say anything else , why did you kiss me that night?", he looked at me quizzically. " Be-Because...Because...I love you... no matter if we're master and servant". " I-I'm glad you said that...because I love you too".


Word count: 598

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|| END OF ៙BL Meant to be ~Writer Contest~៙ ||

[YaoiOtaku Writer Contest]


Thank you all for taking part in our seventh Writer Contest!

The choice has been really hard since all of you are skilled and talented.

The winner of ៙BL Meant to Be ~Writer Contest~៙ is meli2cm with

the BL Love Story "Home"


As promised everyone who participated will get 2,000 points.



The winners win as follow,

- 5,000 points

- 1 Manga Cover card



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Domou arigatou gozaimasu~!

Thank you so much :D

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