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Vampiric Remedy 18+ (Key-Tokki and Zombie_In_A_Box)


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Name: Edgar Worrick

Age: 27


Dull echoes of heavy steps washed over the empty street. It was dark, already after midnight - the only person walking there was one man. He reeked of alcohol and was currenly smoking a cigarette. Just like usually, he'd spent his night in a strip club, then went to his drug dealer and now was getting home... He lived alone, obviously. No one really wanted to be with a guy like himself - drugs, alcohol, smoking, stripclubs; those were his daily activities. Maybe he would regret it someday, but who cared? Definitely not him. As long as he had enough money - which he did, thanks to his dead parents and no siblings, he would live like this.


Just... This time he wasn't feeling all that good. Maybe he'd overdone it with alcohol a bit. The raven's legs somehow tangled up and he nearly fell face to the ground, but instead hit a wall with his side, earning a pained 'oof'. Aaand his cigarette fell down to the ground. For a while, he just stared at it with blank eyes as a quiet curse left his mouth. This was his last one... He'd have to buy some tomorrow. And now, his main goal was to actually get home. He just had to figure out how to properly stand up...

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Aizen sighed to himself as he dug his hands into his pockets and burried his chin down so he could tuck his mouth behind his warm, white scarf. Many people thought that vampires never got cold, and what a myth that was. He grumbled softly to himself as he let out a loud sneeze and had to take a moment to right himself again before continuing to walk. He needed to get inside, it was going to be light in a few hours, and the idea that vampires were perfectly fine in the sunlight was also a lie, it burned, a lot. While he was trying to figure out where he could hole up he heard a loud smack and stopped. Turning in the direction of the noise he saw a human, laying basically face down on the ground. For what seemed like a long time he just stood there watching him, why was he not getting up? Was he dead maybe? Silently, Aizen made his way over to where the body was laying, upon closer inspection it was clear that the human was not dead. HE took a few moments to look for something he could use, so he settled for a stick. Picking it up he carefully kneel'ed down and poked the human in the cheek with it, then spoke, "Hello? I think it is about to snow, so falling asleep here is probably not the best idea. Thought you could use that advice." He murmured softly as he kept his soft gaze on the human, waiting for a response.

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Edgar had slid down the wall to the point where he was almost lying on his side. The cigarette had burned out, while his blank stare stayed on it. He just didn't feel like getting up... Well, until he got a stick into his cheek. That pissed off his drunk self. The raven groaned and grabbed the stick, tossing it away while shooting a dark glare to whoever did that. "Piss off." He grunted out, his voice hoarse. It wouldn't take long for him to be sick, but did he care? Of course not. He never did. Well, almost never... Now he really didn't have anything planned out for the next few days, so it wouldn't be too bad if he got sick.


"Fuckin' smartass..." Edgar groaned as he pulled himself up on wobbly feet. For some reason, he couldn't pull his eyes off this guy. Something about him didn't seem quite human.. That pissed him off further. The man let out a loud groan as he lifted his right hand, clenched it into a fist and attempted to punch the other. His stupid face was bothering him for real. He looked too damn peaceful for his liking... When he was drunk, Edgar often found himself getting pissed at the smallest of things. Always.

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Aizen watched quietly as the man tried to struggle to his feet, taking a simple step back to give the other space. "You know, "He stated once again, "IF you were to use more intelligent words, instead of 'piss off' when insulting someone or trying to upset them it would probably have a better affect." The smaller boy advised as he watched the man close his fist, and he had taken into account that the other might swing, which is why he stepped back earlier. So he did not even have to move when the human swung at him, instead he just continued to watch the other quietly. His words were delicate and soft, so when he said piss off it almost seemed as though him saying the work itself was a disgrace. "You should really be more careful, you never know what could be lurking around here so late at night." He spoke, then smiled softly, however the smile exposed his almost to white teeth and unusually pointed K'9s. Without a moment of hesitation, he reached up, with no warning, and easily wrapped his arms around the others neck, and pulled him close. Closing his eyes he pressed his soft mouth against the drunken mans skin, however at this distance he could now smell the amount of alchohol the other had consumed and that made him hesitate.

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How could simple words piss him off this goddamn much? Edgar felt as if his anger was just boiling inside by now. He growled - literally growled as he continued swinging his fists, trying to hit the annoying guy. Just one punch... He just wanted to fucking shove him t the ground and then beat the shit out of him. Wasn't all that much. However, once the weird man smiled and revealed his fangs, Edgar was sure he was either dreaming or beginning to halucinate from alcohol overdose. Maybe both. He seemed frozen for a while, his jaw dropped as he stared at Aizen with a blank gaze. What the fuck was even going on?


When arms wrapped around his face, Edgar shivered for a moment and... Then lips pressed against his neck. The word 'faggot' flashed through his mind and he, full of panic, tried to push the vampire off. "Get off me... You fucking freak!" He yelled, nearly tripping over his own feet as he tried backing away. God, the world was spinning now.. He felt like he was about to fall down again.

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Aizen cursed softly, trying to clam down the human, or at least steady him enough to get a decent bite in, he did not want to kill the person by accidently ripping his jugular. A few moments of scuffling and he had attempted to push the other back towards the wall but with the struggling human and slick ground he quickly found himself slip and pull the shaky human down with him as well, both toppling to the ground in a graceless mannor. Letting out a yelp of surprise as he made contact with the cold ground. Growling softly now, he climbed back to his feet, loosing his patients. "Now listen, I just need a bit, it will feel great for you and you will not even miss i-."As he spoke he began walking towards the human, however his attention was distracted so he did not hear the oncoming car until it hit him at full force. Sending the vampire rolling off the windshield and thumping to the ground with a dull thud and laying there unmoving. The car turned off and all was quiet for a moment, then a click could be heard as the car doors began to open. Four extremely tall men climbed out of the car and one very young looking girl, all of them looked eerily beautiful. The girl made a squeeking sound as he ran over to the fallen vampir eand quickly pressed her hand to his still cheek. "Reiji, you didn't need to hit him so hard!! IF you bruised my Aizen I am going to be very mad with you." She huffed angrily, her gaze directed at the tallest of the large men. He slip the cloak from his head to reveal a stunning head of blonde hair and extremely bright blue eyes, his gaze went straight to Edgar. His mouth broke into a wide grin and this one was nto soft like Aizn's, it was clearly one of lust and hunger. "Now now little one, did that big bad vampire scare you? Do not worry, just come here and i'll save you." The blonde man extended his hand to Edgar, the dangerous smile not faultering from his face for a moment.

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It seemed like he was correct about how he felt, seeing as he was on the ground a few moments later. His eyes now filled with fear, he tried to shuffle back against the wall, shaking slightly. "Get out! Don't touch me!" He screamed, just before the freak was hit with a car. The raven was left stunned. He stared at the scene in front of him with such a shocked expression, it was almost funny. It became a frightened one when another freak came up to him. Edgar tried to get up and run, but fell back down a few steps away when his feet tangled together. "Get away..." He whispered weakly, completely terrified. He was not dying yet, goddamit!


All he could do was hope that it was just a really bad dream. "Is it money you want?!" He yelled out the question, desperately searching for his wallet. "Take it! Take it! Don't kill me!" He'd turned to begging by now. This guy was different from freak number one. This one seemed more evil. Like, really evil. As evil as one can be. Absolutely evil. Completely evil. This was about all that Edgar could think in his messy mind. Evil, evil, evil, evil. And that he was possibly going to die now.

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Aizen felt a hand squeeze his shoulder reassuringly and groaned softy, reaching up and taking a hold of his throbbing head he opened his eyes. His vision was blurry but he could make out Lolita's small frame and inwardly groaned again, if she was here then so was he.Then he heard the drowned out comotion, shifting where he lay, he sat up enough to so that he could see what was going on. When he saw the human, clearly terrified now, and Reiji basically stalking him, his shoulders slumped. He always had a soft spot for humans, he never killed them if he could help it, and he knew if the blonde vampire got a hold of the human, than he would wish he was dead. Sighing to himself he gave Lolita a small, aplogetic smile, which she returned with a knowing nod and helped him climb to his feet. After a moment, just long enough for him to catch his breath, he tackled the blonde vampire to the ground, and before there could be any well thought out retaliation, he grabbed the humans arm and took off. Flying down the street at an inhuman speed and basically dragging the horrified human behind him. "Don't worry, you'll be fine." He spoke soothingly to the human that was basically flailing behind him as he flung through the streets. "I need you to tell me where you live, I will get you home and you can hide. That, or you can deal with big, tall, blondie back there." He threatened softly, aware of the screech of tired now speeding behind him and befroe to long they would catch up without much hassle. Cursing softly he ducked down and ally to get out of the streets view but only made it a little ways before loosing his footing and sending himself and the human sprawling once more to the ground, his head wound still bleeding. HE would get this human home and then he would be taking his compensation in the form of blood, there was no two ways about it. There was no way some piss drunk human was worth this much risk to his own wel being.

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Edgar was so goddamn confused at the moment. What was even happening? Freak number two was tackled down to the ground by freak number one and then, all of a sudden, he was dragged off. His legs kept on tangling up together, so he always tripped, but that didn't stop the man from running. His lungs felt like burning and his legs too. He hadn't excercised in so long... Running was like torture. "I want to be fine not be with you!" He screamed, his voice almost breaking. The raven seemed as if he was about to pass out. When he was asked for his adress, Edgar didn't want to comply at first. Yet, remembering freak number two, he decided on telling. "Rilley street, 22nd house." He said, his voice a bit shaky. The man was both scared and angry. This was confusing... When they both fell down, Edgar was sure he wouldn't get up again. He let out a pained groan, lightly grabbing onto his knee. "You're fuckin' insane! Why can't you all just leave me alone?!" He yelled, holding onto his knee tightly.

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Aizen watched the human basically throwing a tanrum and sat back, rolling his eyes slightly. This human was so loud and extremely rude, compared to Aizen's usual soft and quiet nature it was clear that the two would clash often. Standing up he looked down at his now messy clothes and marched up to the human, clearly not in play mode. "IF you do not calm down and listen to me then I am going to leave you here,"Reaching down he non-to-gently hauled the human to his feet and pushed him against the wall. "And trust me, if that guy gets a hold of you, you are going to miss my company." His short height next to the other would have made the threat comical had the vampires eyes not been so deadly at the moment. With that he released the human and bit into the palm of his own hand, once enough blood was pooled there he pressed it tightly to the mans knee and murmured, "Bare with it," After a few moments he released his grip and saw tat the mans knee was mostly healed. However, the sound of a roaring engine sounded and it was approaching fast. Cursing softly he grabbed the mans arm once again and took off in the direction of the area that had been indicated earlier, all but slaming the human against his front door and leaning in to hastily whisper. "Open it!"

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Edgar was about to snap at the vampire. As if he wanted this freak to stay or something. He didn't want to calm down! He wasn't going to calm down until he got back home, forgot about all this shit and got a nice, long smoke... Then a shower and maybe some drugs. Yeah, that should help him sleep... But, he was suddenly pulled up and pushed to a wall, making all breath disappear from his lungs with a pained 'oof'. The raven groaned out before a hand was pressed to his knee. "I'd never fucking miss your company. And get your fucking hand off!" He yelled, but... His knee was healing? What the fuck?! He didn't get the chance to ask, however, seeing as he was dragged off again. The man didn't even attempt to match up the vampire's pace. He just tried to keep most of his body up until he was slammed - yes, slammed - against his own front door. With a slit lip and a dizzy expression, he stumbled to find his keys, opened the door and got in, falling on his ass when he was home. The room was a complete mess. Empty bottles, dirty piles of clothes, and awful smell was everywhere, so Edgar fitted right in - drunk, angry and confused. "Who the fuck are you? What just happened? What do you fucking need?!"

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Aizen quickly slipped inside, behind the other man and shut the door as quickly as he could. Taking a few moments he just listened, hearing the approaching car made him freeze wherehe stood, however the car passed the house and the young vampire quietly let out the breath that he had been holding. He turned to address the human however his feet stepped on a bottle, glancing down at it he bent down and picked up. Reading the label he saw that it was alchohol. "I swear, some people drink more alchohol than vampires drink blood." He murmured softly ,bringing his attention back to the human with the bottle still in his hand. "You know, I am perfectly aware of what it is like having to rely on a substance. You have a choice, I do not, you should choose better." Glancing around the place he commented again, "Though it is pretty clear that you do not care, you are going to drink your life away. Such a waste." Quiet he sat the bottle down on the floor where he found it and looked at Edgar seriously, though his exhaustion was clear in his face. "I know you do not like me, but I need somewhere to stay for the day. IF you let me use your bed then I will leave you alone tonight, but if not, then I will jsut take it, and that will not be pleasant for either of us. Sound fair?" He tried his best to reason with the drunk man, knowing that if he went outside right now it would likely be a death sentence in his current state.

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Edgar stared at the other with wide eyes, still unable to really catch onto the situation. He did see the teeth, but vampires didn't exist. No fucking way. "Stop talking nonsense, you goddamn freak. And why are you still in my house?!" He yelled out again, slowly standing up on wobbly feet. "Hell if I care. My life." He groaned out, glaring at the other harshly. He felt anger bubbling up over the confusion as he stepped closer to the other and pushed him off. "Get out." He hissed, stinking of alcohol. "No way I'm giving you my bed and you're not taking it! Get out!!" He screamed, looking as if he was about to fall down. "I don't want to see you! Leave!" Edgar nearly cried out, pushing the vampire away by his shoulders. Fear did have its take in this situation, but not that much.

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Aizen simply sighed in annoyance at the human, this man seemed bad, even for a human standard. "Very well then, have it your way." He spoke, despite how aggitated he was growing, his voice never rose above a soft tone. There were so many ways he could have handled the next scenario, however he was growing annoyed at the entire situation, so he simply rammed the humans head into the wall beside him, not to hard but hard enough to knock him out. He took a step back, not even attempting to catch the other as the now uncontious mortal slumped to the floor. "I would feel bad but he probably would have passed out soon anyway, besides, he called me a freak, which is beyond rude." He concluded quietly to himself as he walked over the unmoving figure on the ground and began to search the house for the mans bed. He knew fully well that he could just rest, however he was beginning to feel a bit guilty for the fact that the human now had a rather large knot on the side of his head were he had hit the wall. "Maybe, I was a bit to violent." Aizen contemplated as he finally gave into his softer nature and thumped over to the man, lifting him with a bit of struggle since he was out of energy and drag him, unceremoniously to the bed, where he quickly deposited him onto the lumpy mattress. Covering him up he looked for somewhere to rest, however knowing that there was a half sane human now sleeping a few feet from him, he decided it would probably be best not to rest. So he simply sat back against a nearby wall so he could keep the human in his few, and began to wait, since the sun was just starting to peek out he could no longer go outside. Resting his head on his knees and sighing he began to think of what his next option could be.

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Eugine wasn't fast enough to catch on what was happening - only the fact that therr was sudden, sharp pain into his head and everything went black. He registered his body falling down and then nothing else was left. The freak fucking hit him! He lost his goddamn consciousness! The raven didn't even know that he was dragged off to his bed until he woke up - which was at about twelve into the morning. He let out a low groan at first, just rolling to his side as usual. Headache... Felt like vomitting... Wanted to die... And then he realized there was another being into the room. He shot up instantly - and regretted it, seeing as burning pain shot through his head. "Fucking shitty bitch..." He groaned, not fully realizing his words. He stumbled across the room and took out the painkillers, swallowing two pills at once. One didn't even help him anymore. Now... He had to get the vampire out. "Why the fuck are you still here?" He groaned, rubbing his bloodshot eyes.

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Aizen had become lost in his own thoughts, however was pulled from them when he heard the other begin to stir. With any luck, the human would be much more sensible without all the alchohol in his system. He mentally winced when he watched the Raven jolt up, knowing that he was likely going to have a hang over as well as the additional head ache from the newly formed knot on his head. The vampire had felt a bit bad about that, however when he heard that the tone of the human was exactly the same as last night, the only regret was that he had not hit him harder. Sighing softly he did not move from his spot, he was exghausted and worn out and annoyed, simply remaining in his spot he rested an elbow on his knee and had his chin resting in the palm of his hand. Unlike last night he no longer looking like a fearless creature, there were bags under his eyes and he had what appeared to be bed head though he had not slept yet. "I told you, I can't leave untilthe sun goes down. If you would just have been more reasonable then this entire situation could have been more comfortable." Though his voice was clearly cranky and annoyed it still held a soft touch to it as the bright eyes studied the human.

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Edgar scowled as he glared at the vampire and sighed. He didn't look too good after all, and he did save him yesterday. The raven let out a soft grumble as he walked towards the other, being a bit careful so he wouldn't be attacked - or fall down. He grabbed Aizen into his arms and simply put him on the bed, frowning all the while. "Fine, then get out when the sun is down." He mumbled out and turned around, pulling his shirt off. It was sweaty and even he didn't like that all too much. While he didn't really have a lot of muscles or anything, he certainly wasn't fat. Even with all of the alcohol and drugs, he managed to maintain a body that wasn't chubby or something of the sort. "I swear, if you try something funny, I'll toss you out and feed you to the rats." He grumbled in annoyance, searching for a clean shirt.


- - - Updated - - -


Edgar scowled as he glared at the vampire and sighed. He didn't look too good after all, and he did save him yesterday. The raven let out a soft grumble as he walked towards the other, being a bit careful so he wouldn't be attacked - or fall down. He grabbed Aizen into his arms and simply put him on the bed, frowning all the while. "Fine, then get out when the sun is down." He mumbled out and turned around, pulling his shirt off. It was sweaty and even he didn't like that all too much. While he didn't really have a lot of muscles or anything, he certainly wasn't fat. Even with all of the alcohol and drugs, he managed to maintain a body that wasn't chubby or something of the sort. "I swear, if you try something funny, I'll toss you out and feed you to the rats." He grumbled in annoyance, searching for a clean shirt.

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Aizen had to admit that he was reasonable shocked when the human allowed him to stay for the day, while it is not like the man could have made him leave or anything, it was still a pleasant change to the usually harsh human. However he was not prepared to be lifted to the bed, he had not moved from his spot since he put the other in be hours ago so he was stiff and really just wanted to sit still and rest, not even planning to ask if he could use the bed under the reasonable assumption that the raven would say no. His usually impassive face now held a bit of shock as he felt himself lifted from the hard floor. When Aizen saw the human approaching him, he assumed he just wanted to pick a fight again which would have ended in another smack to the head. So now a rather shocked looking vampire sit in the other mans bed,looking confused and even a bit dazed at the sudden change in the man. Maybe it had just been the alchohol? He thought until he heard the man mutter about throwing him out with the rats. Nope, he is just a jerk. The white haired male decided as he let out a soft laugh at the others comment, if anyone were to be food in this situation it would be the human to him and he knew it. Allowing himself to sink into the mattress he watched as the other began to change his clothes. As he watched he found himself getting lost in the other, eyes looking at the mans messed up bed hair, then traveling down his slender neck down his toned chest. While Aizen never entertained the idea of being into men, he could not help but note how appealing the human was, and wondered if he tasted as hood as he looked. Unintentionally, Aizen let his eyes close for just a moment, but as soon as they did he was whisked away into sleep.

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Edgar snorted quietly at how shocked the other looked. Yeah, he may have been really mean and a complete jerk, but he did have at least the tinyest bit of compassion. The raven knew that at some point guilt would get to him and he would end up drinking all day to drown himself away from it. And honestly, he didn't like that all that much. He much rather preffered drinking for other reasons. The man still groaned when Aizen laughed, however. The sound was unusual and a bit annoying - just a bit. Definitely not the worst thing he'd heard. Edgar scratched his head and finally gave up on searching for a shirt. He couldn't find a clean one. He should probably wash his clothes sometime... Eh, why not today? He wasn't going to leave the freak alone in his house anyway. Might as well busy himself with something.


At first, he didn't notice the smaller male falling asleep. When he did, however, he felt the smallest twinge of annoyance, which was soon replaced by something... Softer. He didn't know what that feeling was, but, well, it was better than before. Edgar actually pulled the covers on the vampire and then left the room after collecting his laundry. He could just put it into a washing machine and wait... Might as well watch some tv and order pizza while he was waiting. And so, that was exactly how he spent his time waiting for Aizen to wake up. The house still stinked, but at least there weren't messy piles of clothes everywhere anymore.

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Aizen looked up at the sky, watching the stars gleam in bright contrast against the night sky made him smile. His recently pursed lips breaking and revealing the sharp pointed k9's. "What are you smiling about, Aizen?"Asked the blonde tea cup looking girl who stood next to him, her wide blue eyes looking over at him as she sqeezed his hand in her own. "Nothing Lolita, it's just nice and calm tonight." HEr smile seemed to faulter as she nodded, and continued tugging him along. "Come on, Reiji said he had a surprise for us." To which Aizen nodded and followed obediently, his face as somber and calm as always. She continued to tug until they were at the mouth of an alley way, turning into it, Aizens eyes went wide. There was Reiji, a very wide grin on his face, and there, at his best friends Reiji's feet, was not only a dead human body, but the dead human body of a small child. "Oh, Aizen you guys made it? I had a snack, since you made me wait so long!" The laugh that Aizen had learned to hate rang out, seemingly echo'ing off the walls of the ally and rising to the sky.




The white haired vampire shot up in bed, eyes wide and both hands were clenched in the sheets. He enhaled the cool air sharply as he took a few long minute to gather his sanity. "Just a dream then, " He murmured as he tried to remember where he was, which took a few minutes. Reaching up he raked a hand through his tousled hair as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. Looking around he noted that both the human, and a massive amount of clothing were missing. GRumblign softly he climbed out of the bed, the lack of dirty clothing improved the smell of the place extensivly, there was still a lingering musk of alchohol. He definetly did not feel good, he needed blood and new it. Slowly, his moves less graceful and more clumsy he made his way out of the mans room, using the wall as a support he headed towards the direction that he head a t.v. coming from. Only once he saw the t.v. did he see the human, sitting and watching it to which he then stated, "Thanks for letting me use your bed, I can probably go outside soon." Even his words had lost there enchanting ring to them and now sounded more slurred, as though this time he was the drunk one.

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Edgar flinched the slightest bit when he heard a voice. He turned around to reply - probably about to say something nasty again - but the way Aizen looked stopped him. With a heavy sigh, the human stood up and walked towards the white-haired male, scowling. "Sure." He muttered, the slightest bit of weird hesitation in his voice. "What's wrong with you?" He questioned, raising a brow as he touched the other's skin and pulled his hand away immediately. Freaky cold... It felt weird as hell. Yesterday evening he didn't even know vampires were real, and now there was one in his house. Probably sick, from the way he was looking.


"Look, I don't want to be responsible for you dying or something. You need anything?" Edgar grunted out the question, pushing his hands into the pockets of his pants. At some point, he found a loose hoodie and now was wearing it, along with slightly dirty jeans... He only wore them at home anyway, so it didn't matter all that much. His dark blue eyes, however, showed some human emotion at last. Bits of worry, annoyance and somewhat fear were all visible. Underneath the thick layer of alcohol, drugs, sex and rudeness, Edgar was hidden. Deep, deep inside, where even he himself didn't go anymore. He got over it. He got over the death of his parents, his addictions and everything else. Nothing mattered by now.

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Aizen already knew that he was not up to par based on the fact that the human heard him come into the room, his race could be as silent as mice, however he was sluggish and clunky so it was a clear indication of his thirst. He did not move as he was approached, instead just stood, leaning against the wall slightly, in all honesty if the human were to strike him right now it would take a bit of effort for him to evade. "I must have a hang over from just being around all the alchohol you have in here." He spoke sarcastically as he glanced around and picked up a bottle, setting it upright and lookign down at it then shaking his head. "You know that alchohol can kill you right? I do not get why humans do things like drink and smoke, knowing how poor it is for there health."As he finished he trailed over, glancing at the human was a mistake. The other simply touching him had ignited his thirt a new, while vampires felt extremel cool to the touch to humans. Humans were the opposite, humans were like portable sources of heat for the forever cold creatures. The mans touch just made him want to once again attack the other. His eyes went to Edgars, and for the slightest moment in time, he could have sworn he saw worry. However it vanished immediately. Aizens eyes slowly lowered to rest on Edgars neck, he could practically see the pulsing that he knew was happening just below the surface. His fangs sharpened against his own bottom lip, drawing a small amount of blood. There was two different things he could do, he could take the others blood, or he could leave. If this human had not shown him the slight mercy that he did, Aizen would have taken the man at this point. But he knew that he couldn't victumize someone who had helped him out. "Where is your door? I'm leaving." His words were drained, almost sounding breathless as he pushed his way past the other to find a way out before he did something he regretted.

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Edgar bit down on his lip to hold in annoyed words from the other's mockery. Yeah, yeah, alcohol was bad, blah blah. He couldn't even count how many times he'd heard this already. He didn't need some freak repeating that over and over again... His blue eyes focused on the way Aizen was biting on his lip - if he was a vampire, he needed blood, right? Even if he was a nasty man, Edgar's guilt took over him too often. He didn't want for it to do so today as well... The raven groaned out and grabbed the vampire's wrist, pulling him back to himself. "I already said, I don't want to be responsible for you dying off." He groaned out as he kept his grip tight on the other's hand.


"Look, if you need blood, fine!" He said loudly, tugging his hand up a bit. "Drink, whatever." He groaned and turned his head slightly, to completely reveal his neck. His heart was beating so loud and fast, he was pretty sure it was about to beat out of his chest. He was scared, but he wouldn't admit that - no way in hell. No, he was actually going to help the guy and then make him leave... Hopefully.

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  • 1 month later...

Aizen was tired, worn out and just felt over all drained, so when he felt the others fingers wrap around his wrist he cursed softly in more of shock then anything else. Stumbling slightly his eyes widened as he came face to face with the other man. The moment the human made the mistake of inclining his neck, Aizens eyes glazed over, his lids lowered slightly he his wide gaze turned into one of piercing and obvious lust. His hair seemed to chane as well, seemingly becoming whiter, if that was even possible, and his incisor teeth sharpening as well. Unable to bring his gaze away, he snaked his hands up around the other in order to help pull the taller man down a bit to make it easier for him to bite.


His entire demeanor seeming to change, tilting his own head up slightly he parted his lips and drug his tongue slowly along the mans collar bone before murmuring softly, "All this alcohol and such, and you willingly now exposing yourself, it's almost like you want to die." His voice trailed of slightly before digging his teeth into the other man, his grip on the man turning to iron to make sure he wasn't pushed away. His skin and eyes seeming almost luminous the more that he drank, the more of the human he seemed to enhale the more enchanting and other wordly his apperance became.

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Surprise was a very light word to describe what Edgar felt when Aizen just changed all of a sudden. The tall male shuddered as he was pulled down, lips pursed tightly while his heart beated as loud as a drum. His body shuddered violently when the vampire dragged his tongue over his collarbone - like some warning about what would certainly happen very soon. The raven didn't even manage to process what the other said before two sharp fangs pierced through his skin. He inhaled sharply, eyes going wide at the pain rushing through his whole body. Shit, this really hurt...


And yet, Aizen didn't seem to be stopping. Soon enough Edgar's knees began shaking, hands gripping uselessly at the vampire to try and keep himself up. Feeling blood slowly drained from him was an awful feeling. His dark eyes closed as he clenched his teeth in pain, just waiting for that all to pass now. Honestly, he couldn't even imagine how could Aizen handle his blood. It was full of drugs and alcohol... Probably tasted horrible.

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