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Silver Blood (syaoran-puu & themasterdances) {{Private - PG18+}}


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Be careful if you go out at night. Be cautious.

Worse things come out at night than you might imagine.


The world changes, springs unendingly forward, but some remain still, unchanged, and dangerous. Shadows hide monsters and magic, but there are those who will always strive to cast a light in dark places. Will there be destruction, or will an unlikely partnership bloom from the fires of hate?


Do worse things lurk before the sunrise?

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“P-please... is a-anyone there?”


A piteous voice called from within an alley, just beyond the spill of light from the street. A man crouched against the wall, doubled over and clutching himself as if in pain. Listening to footsteps to know when the other was close, he made a show of scrabbling at the wall and trying to stand. “Y-ya must help me. I was..” He gave a little wince of pain, “I..” and slid back down the wall, as if standing was just to much, his body language clearly broadcasting 'helpless victim'.


It was an artfully constructed play. Thinking he was the victim, his prey would walk themselves right out of sight of witnesses, and into his arms.


Not much could be seen in the low light besides too-pale skin, and a mess of dark hair. He was nearly 6ft tall, but slender and hunched over his lanky figure seemed much smaller. Though the cool night air had little effect on him, he was wrapped warmly in a bright scarf and black leather jacket, with fashionably ripped blue jeans. His gaze flicked up, trying to catch his would be rescuer in a startling stare of one blue eye and one cats-eye green.


Shasta was not an unkind vampire, but the reason he didn't kill his victims had more to do with being practical than kind; a few rogue assaults draws a lot less attention than a trail of dead bodies. Not drawing attention to yourself was an important part of keeping ones immortality immortal. Quiet and slow was the best way to do it, but hunger had a way of gnawing at your patience, and he'd been starting to think he'd rather find some poor drunk sod and drag him off.


That is, before he'd finally caught himself something.

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Jasper Morgan stood with his arms crossed as he paused in his stride. The night air was much cooler than it had been in the club, the fact that no one was currently trying to writhe and rub against him help greatly... as if he would ever want such attention from drunken idiots! Seriously! He rubbed his arm almost subconsciously, he didn't let just anyone see them.... and he had long since found that random encounters in the bathroom with your clothes on and your cock out were far from satisfying. Not that Jasper knew much else, it wasn't like he had ever had a.... relationship! He shuddered almost at the thought and then chastised himself for his distracted thoughts.


He had a purpose tonight, one that he had to keep at the foremost of his mind. A child had been taken by the vampire scum and it was unacceptable! The kid hadn't done anything other than be the child of some idiot who tried to use the kid as leverage to become a vampire himself. He almost snorted. As if a bite alone would do that! He was living proof of that! His body riddled with scars and evidence of what had happened to him. They fed for a living after all, they couldn't go around converting just anyone! Though Jasper wasn't sure that there was actually a way to become one of the undead. Better that way! He had been the same age as the kid when he'd been attacked... maybe that was why he was so determined to find them! No child should ever have to struggle like that.... he rubbed the back of his neck, the hairs standing on end telling him that something ominous was close.... his instincts long tuned in for those deadly creatures of the night, but unlike most he didn't run away from them but towards them! Never again would be the victim, the weak human completely unable to defend themself! No, he wasn't that pathetic guy anymore.


He set off, patting the hilt of his daggers to ensure they were still in position, while he couldn't go around with them drawn he always wore his daggers. The waistcoat and shirt hiding a multitude of sins. Including his scars.


The familiar sounds of a vampire feeding reached him, and disgusted him all at the same time! Such bottom feeders! Parasites that could only exist on the life blood of others... and they called themselves immortal! He snorted again, his attention drifting to his surroundings, where it should be. It wasn't easy to take out a vampire, and the scar on his head was evidence of that. His first opponent! If it hadn't been for his training partner he would have died.... should have died! He'd been cocky and reckless, things he had learnt from the hard way.


Turning down an alley, his green sun-kissed eyes honing in on the target before him. "Let him go blood sucker. Do it now and I might let you live for a little longer." After all, he needed information! Needed to find that kid before it was too late! Then he could off the vampire.


Jasper had heard from work colleagues about a connected but near rogue vampire that was believed to haunt this area.... could this be him? Or another dead end? He'd dusted a guy three nights again for wasting his time.... would he reach another dead end? You might ask why Jasper would seek the help of a creature he feared and hated more than any other.... and it was simple, he needed something that he couldn't do alone. Once he got what he wanted the vampire would no longer serve a purpose. Then he could rid the world of another scum bag!


After all, Jasper was still looking for those who had stolen his innocence so many years ago!

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Are you alright?” The mortal sounded so concerned, swaying just slightly on his feet in the tell tale sign of the inebriated. He had messy blonde hair, and looked like he'd been having quite the night of bar hopping up until now.


Shasta beckoned the man closer, as he 'struggled' to stand. “Just lend me your shoulder for a moment? I was mugged.” He thought it was nice that the man seemed genuinely worried- more than half the time this particular trick netted him mortals that were happy at what they thought was the chance to kick someone while they were down. He looped an arm around the obliging man's shoulder, but jerked him close rather than let him pull away.


At first the blonde just made a noise of protest, but he started to panic when he realized he couldn't pull himself out of the other's grip. The vampire shushed him as he pinned him against the wall. His voice was naturally soft, with the subtle lilt of an Irish accent as he reassured the other, “Just a moment of your time sir, I promise. It won't be much worse than waking up with the hangover you're going to have anyway.” One hand held the man in place, and the other gripped his jaw, tilting his head up to expose the line of his neck.


He nuzzled the other's neck, before breaking the skin with a sharp bight. The man jerked then sagged underneath him. It would have been easy for a passerby to dismiss the scene as something intimate.


Shasta wasn't so lucky! A voice broke his haze of feeding, and he jerked back from the drunk man with a snarl. Go a few days without feeding, it fucking figures he'd be interrupted as soon as he found a nice bloke. He turned back to the blonde, gently helping the other slid down the wall before he fell over.


He turned his attention to the new man, smiling with a little tilt of his head as he considered how best to do this. Normal people didn't run down alley ways calling people 'blood sucker', so it must be a slayer. “He's fine. Heart still beatin' and everything.” So much for keeping a low profile.. He took a small step back, wondering if he could just book it and give the slayer the slip.

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Jasper spared a glance for the human currently acting as a blood-bank for the vampire, sure enough he seemed fine. Heart beat and everything. Well, as fine as he could be after having a vamp sucking on him. Yeah.... it was a disguising concept. Literally making his skin crawl, and all his own bite marks seemed to tingle and ache. At least it was a good focusing sensation. He wouldn't let it happen again!


His eyes darted down the alley and he grinned, a dead end. "Thinking of running away blood sucker?" He approached, pulling out a single of his daggers as he did, his expression was near deadpan, he wasn't about to underestimate a cornered vampire, he didn't have a death wish after all. "You're lucky that I find myself needing something. Perhaps today is your lucky day." He spun the dagger in his hand then stopped in his tracks, arms crossed loosely but he kept his muscles ready to strike. For a moment he just nonchalantly observed.


He reached into his pocket and held up a silver bracelet. "Put on the bracelet and come with me." The bracelet wouldn't kill the vampire, but it would reduce his strength to that of a human making Jasper feel much safer and more in control. "If you don't, perhaps I will just have to use some of my other tricks on you to get what I want."


There was a challenge in his sun-kissed green eyes, and he blew his hair a little causing the smallest peek of his scar to show before it became hidden by his red locks once more.

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“Yes, I'm feeling very lucky right about now.” He drawled. Tension snapped through him, between the slayer drawing closer and the intoxication of fresh blood. Shasta wasn't scared of the slayer, but he wasn't stupid either. As humans went, slayers had ways of making up for not having the same supernatural enhancements the creatures they hunted did. Even so, he didn't want to kill the man and end up with more slayers coming after him.


The vampire narrowed his eyes at the offered bracelet, “Pretty.” All the same, he lifted his hands in the universal way people did to show harmlessness, and stepped forward as if to take the bracelet. The other man would have only a moment to see the vampire shift his balance to one leg, before shooting out a swift kick aimed for the other's gut. “Promises, promises~” He lilted in reply to the other's threat.


Shasta gave a quick glance around, before jumping onto a trashcan, and reaching for the roof. He'd be up and away in a flash, and the slayer hopefully wouldn't crop up at any more of his preferred hunting grounds! He didn't put much stalk in the slayer wanting something from him, anyway. Probably what the man wanted was for Shasta to have a proper and permanent funeral.

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The kick came out of no where, and too fast for Jasper to see let alone react too.... except in the fact that he grunted and bent in half, his stomach hurting as he tried to push past the pain. Oh crap! For a little guy he really packed a punch!


The guy then leapt with more grace than he should have onto a trashcan and away. Jaspers chances fleeing with him....


Still, he couldn't give up. Forcing himself to fight through the pain he followed, but his movements were sluggish, especially in comparison to the vampire, and as he found himself at the end of another alley leading onto a busy street he couldn't help but grunt. "Damn!" He'd lost the guy! Another fruitless glance around confirmed his first suspicions and he couldn't help chastise himself as he replaced his dagger into its hidey hole. The cravat felt tight around his neck, the heat from the burst of exercise making it almost uncomfortable. He tugged at it lightly, flashing for a moment some of the scars that lingered there before he straightened up his appearance and stepped out onto the street. The night was still young.... there was a chance he would find another vampire.


....but even as he thought it, he was aware that he was running out of time. And a sense that he had just let his one chance escape, an odd instinct that Jasper had learnt not to ignore.


"Hang on Ashley. I'm coming." He grumbled, the frown that seemed to permanently mar his face deepening as he glanced around for a good location. Vampires were known to love this area, so many drunken fools that proved to be easy prey for the seduction of the dark side.... sometimes he almost thought those feeders were as bad as the parasites that fed off them, but perhaps that was too hypercritical, since he had once been nothing but a blood bag himself.


Frustrated and finding himself needing a stiff drink he headed further North to one of his own fairly frequent haunts. "Promises, promises." He mumbled as he walked, heart heavy, as he repeated the vampires parting words. Once more he tucked the bracelet away. Every moment he wasted, every moment he found nothing made it more and more likely the kid was already dead! He rubbed his arm slightly, a habit of his it seemed, as he entered the noisy bar. Not even his normal table seemed free and he had to wonder why..... with a furrowed brow he glanced around, a shudder running up his spine.... something was wrong.... something was off here! There was an ominous feeling spreading down his spine and refusing to leave him! But he couldn't figure out what was wrong, couldn't pinpoint the problem.


Trying to act inconspicuous and not anxious he continued walking to the bar. "Busy tonight." He grunted, his brow quirked and the mole above his eye bobbing slightly. The guy just nodded, not saying anything. That was part of what he liked about this place, you were left alone... too bad that on a night like tonight that went against him. "Whiskey on the rocks." He asked instead of commenting or encouraging more. He knew he couldn't draw attention, couldn't be sure who to trust.....


Still, the feeling of unease refused to leave him.

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Hunger. He'd lost the slayer between the roof and the street, and now he couldn't stop thinking about the nice blonde man left not even half done. Shasta had self control, and a handful of blood bags in the freezer at home to tide him over when he had too, but he'd already been pushing it this week not getting fresh blood. The little taste earlier had only wet his appetite. He'd just find some bloke off the street, and make it quick.


He smoothed out his hair, and wiped his mouth on the back of his hand to be sure there was no visible blood. Ducking the slayer had taken him out of his usual area, but he knew there was a bar just down the way.


Ah, perfect, a rough looking man lighting a cig. Shasta didn't see anyone else nearby, so he slid up next to the stranger. “Can I bum a cigarette?” The man smiled like he thought he was the dangerous one, and fished the little cardboard box back out of his pocket to offer. Shasta plucked out a cigarette, and tucked it neatly behind his ear. “Thanks.”


The man chuckled and slid a hand over the back of Shasta's neck, gripping slightly, as if he thought Shasta would try to escape. It would have meant trouble if he was the lank young man he appeared to be. But Shasta recognized predators when he saw them, and he was just happy to have someone he wouldn't feel bad not being gentle with..


You out all on your lonesome kitten?


The smell of alcohol poured so thickly from the man's mouth, it burned Shasta's nose. Resisting the urge to grimace, he decided he really didn't have the patience to drag this out. He gripped the front of the rough man's jacket, and jerked him off balance. The hand at his neck dug in, but did nothing to stop him from getting a hand in the man's hair and force his head back. The man was biting off a curse as Shasta bit into neck.




He should have taken a more careful look around. Then he might have noticed the second man, farther up the street, crouched out of sight while he fixed a flat tire. He might have guessed this was the rough man's friend, and ride. If his ears hadn't been full of the sound of rushing blood, he might have heard footsteps. Instead what he got was a tire iron across the back of his head.


Shasta let go of the other man to grasp his head, gasping in pain as his vision swam. He could hear the rough man shouting obscenities that were mostly variations of “Fucking slut bit me!” Shasta resented being called a slut, but not as much as he resented being cracked over the head with a tire iron. He swung himself around, and groped for the second man, but he wasn't quite quick enough, and the second blow took him hard in the ribs.


Shasta gasped again, dropping to his knees in pain. Being a vampire made you heal fast, but it didn't stop you from feeling pain. He must have bad luck tonight, to avoid a slayer just to let some punks on the street get the jump on him.

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Jasper paid and downed half his drink before sitting there for a moment and just thinking. The tingle wouldn't leave, and before too long he couldn't stand to just sit here any longer! Downing the rest of his drink he stood up and head back out.


Two things hit him all at once. One, the fresh scent of blood was in the air. Two, he could hear the tell-tale signs of a fight! Instinct took over as he pulled both his daggers free and legged it over towards the noise, his muscles flexing methodically below the skin. His hands tightened their grip before loosening in preparation of the fight to come. Anticipation and adrenaline were his friends!


When he finally rounded the corner what he saw made him freeze. "You...!" It was the vampire from earlier, the one that had got away!!! Stunned for a moment he simply watched as the guy took a tire iron to the gut... that had to hurt, but oddly enough he was satisfied that the guy got a taste of his own medicine! After all being struck by a vampire was often like being hit by a battering ram.... bloody hard!


"Back off freaks. This one is mine." He said coolly as he approached, the two guys beating on the vampires laughed and turned on him.... and perhaps if this was any other day, Jasper would have simply helped to finish the creature off.... today however was NOT a normal day!


He stopped his progression forward crossing his arms and tutting under his breath. He glanced at the vampire, sternness flooding his features as he asked seriously, "If I help you; will you help me?" Okay, so Jasper didn't trust the word of a vampire, doubted one would know the truth if it struck them in the face like a wet fish.... but he was swiftly running out of options!


He moved then, kicking one with a round kick before elbowing the other. Ducking here, spinning there, he evaded attack after attack before taking a sharp hit to the shoulder, the metal striking true but not stopping him. He had been trained to never stop... to stop was to die! Today was not the day Jasper Morgan died!


A scuffle took place, the rowdy characters soon fleeing the scene with their tails between their legs. He looked at the guy on the floor, taking out the bracelet again and tossing it down. "Put it on and I'll patch you up. Don't and I'll help you bleed out right here and now." He tilted his head slightly and just waited for the vampires next move.

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Shasta couldn't seem to recover enough from each strike of hard metal to stop the next one. He was relieved when the two men stopped because of a third persons appearance. He lifted his head, still dazed as he tried to make sense of what was happening. Ah, the slayer. He hadn't gotten as far from the man as he'd thought. This should have meant things were about to get worse, but instead he realized the other was offering help.


He did not want to agree to anything for the slayer. Not without knowing exactly what the other wanted. And he might have refused if it wasn't dawning on him that he had a concussion. Not only could he not shake this off, he wasn't sure he could even stand for the moment. He wasn't going to heal if people didn't stop hitting him. “Yes... I'll help. Whatever ya want.”


He tried to focus on the three fighting, but trying to follow their movement made his head swim. After a bit he closed his eyes, finding it easier to listen. He might have blacked out a bit then, because the next time he opened his eyes, it was to see that damn bracelet, and the two men were gone. He picked up the bracelet, joking, “Jewelry again? Ya must really fancy me.”


“What will it do to me?” He blinked at the bracelet, turning it over in his hand, but not sliding it on. It must do something bad or the slayer wouldn't keep asking him to put it on. Shasta tried to sit up more, but this proved to be a mistake as he slump back down, and his vision pitched black. Afraid the slayer would make good on his threat, he fumbled the bracelet on without waiting for the other's answer, before collapsing onto the sidewalk, unconscious.

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As Jasper turned and approached the injured vampire he mused over the guys words. "Whatever you want" Evidently that was a lie, who would give such a blanket invitation? Then again, maybe he should insist that the other keep his words? That would certainly be an interesting concept. An honest vampire! He snorted. Yeah, as if.


The guy didn't look so hot as he slumped onto the floor, and if Jasper wasn't mistaken the guy was slurring his words a little. Had he been human Jasper was ninety percent sure that this attack would have killed him, as it was it should just knock the guy out while he healed. He went to open his mouth, but when he was done checking out the guys injuries and returned his gaze to his face he realised that the guy appeared to be out for the count. "Makes things easier." He mumbled, seeing that the vampire had actually slipped the bracelet on. "So helpful," he drawled. Picking up the guys hand he watched as the bracelet contracted until it fit snuggly against the guys flesh..... Jasper had no idea what was in with the metal, all he'd been told was that the warmth of flesh reacted with the materials within and shrunk it to be snug. There was only two ways to get it off. Chop off the whole hand -no one wanted to do that- or the key that Jasper had to release the bonds.


Taking hold of the vampires chin, he turned it this way and that, inspecting the goods before him. A small part of him could admit that the creature was beautiful, most vampires were after all, a trap to lure prey he suspected.... much easier to trust a pretty face, and people were vain. Still frowning he captured both of the guys wrists and moved so he had the guy over his shoulder.... and yeah, Jasper didn't care if he jolted the vampires injuries. "You bite me and I will kick your arse before I kill you." He grumbled, not all that comfortable with how close the guys mouth was to his already scarred flesh. Jasper head off, rather glad the guy was out of it, as he stuck to the shadows.... made things easier.


It took a little maneuvering and a few long walks to avoid crowds and drawing attention to them, to finally reach his car. It was a black Ford Focus, ran like a dream, opening the passenger side (after all, there was NO way he was trusting the guy behind him, for all Jasper knew the guy was faking!) strapping the guy in he got in and head off. His destination was simple, his home..... a dangerous place to take a vampire, but considering the things designed to keep vampires out, he imagined they would help to keep one in as well! Who would have thought that?


His mind wandered to the stolen kid, his hands flexing on the steering wheel. "You better be able to help vampire....." He mumbled, the frown lines on his forehead deepening to a furrow. "....or you're as useless as all the rest." Jaspers gut told him he was headed in the right direction, and either this was the vampire he needed or this one would lead him to the one he actually needed.


He just hoped that time didn't run out!


Jasper's house was quite a distance from their previous location, and thirty minutes later he pulled up in front of a little none descript house. There was nothing special about the exterior, it looked boring and plain. The real secrets were inside. Turning to look at the guy he had to wonder..... "You can open your eyes. I know you're not still out." He quirked his eye in challenge, the mole once more rising as if it to was daring the guy to deny it.

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Sometime along the drive, Shasta started to become aware of his surroundings again. He was a little alarmed to be in the slayer's car, and driven god knows where for god knows what reason. At least the slayer hadn't killed him. Small miracles.


Deciding it was better not to attract the other man's attention back to him, he kept his eyes closed (which lessened the throbbing in his skull anyway), and 'played dead' for the last bit of the drive. Subtly he touched the bracelet, which had slipped easily over his hand before, but now seemed sealed perfectly to his wrist. What was its purpose, and how long would the man make him where it?


When the other called him out, he turned his head lazily in the other's direction, slowly blinking his eyes open. He was relieved to find looking at the other man didn't make him quite as dizzy as it had. “I was resting.” He glanced out of the car, taking in the ordinary looking house. It looked perfectly nice and nonthreatening, but Shasta was feeling ill at ease just looking at it. It was a bit brazen of the slayer to simply take him to his home, if that's what this was. “Am I being taken captive, or do you really need help of some kind?”


It was a little fuzzy, but he was pretty sure the slayer had asked for help in exchanged for scaring off the assholes with the tire iron. He let his gaze wander back to the man, taking a better look at him. Ginger hair, and handsome despite a rather scowling expression. The man looked unfriendly, but not so much like he was planning anything sinister.

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Jasper couldn't believe he was about to do this..... "I need your help." He admitted, and yeah, he didn't hide that he wasn't particularly happy about that fact! He got out, locked the car and then walked around to the passenger side before unlocking the door again, you had to love those electronic door thingies! Once the door was once more unlocked he reached and opened it. "I'll explain inside. Not here." It was clear his patience was quickly fading, but Jasper was also just used to being overly cautious. Being overly cautious had kept him alive this long! And that was something Jasper didn't wish to change.


He examined the still slightly dazed looking creature, saw the bracelet and realised he'd have to help. "Come on." He grumbled, leaning down to wrap an arm around his shoulder. "Bite me and you'll just piss me off more." He warned. The threat clearly spoken in his eyes.... and yes, Jasper did NOT enjoy the idea of being bitten. He had heard of people who volunteered at some of the greater vampire manors, that actually enjoyed the bite! Found bliss and pleasure in it..... that was NOT Jasper!


The mere idea of enjoying the bite was enough to repulse Jasper and focus him again, his expression practically hardening. "There are five hours until sunrise." He stated, as if reminding himself of that fact rather than the vampire. "If we finish before then I'll let you go...." Maybe, if the guy pissed him off he couldn't promise he would be so magnanimous! "Now come on vampire, you're wasting time."

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Shasta started to nod his head at the other's admission, but quickly pressed a hand to his head. Nodding, not a good idea. He watched the other get out of the car, before undoing his seat belt with the intention of following suit. He frowned when the lock snapped back into place, preventing him from getting out. He tried to frown at the slayer as the other opened the door for him, but he couldn't stop his eyebrows from instead lifting curiously. “How cryptic.”


Shasta couldn't entirely tell what was his slowly healing injuries, and what was the bracelet, but he could tell enough that he didn't feel right to know something was up. He flinched when the slayer reached for him, eyes widening for a moment, though he quickly hid the expression for a relaxed one. He let the man put an arm around him leaning into it as much as he needed too to stand. “Not even a nibble?” He teased, though from his reaction a moment ago it might be surmised this was false bravado.


“Alright..”He had little choice but to be agreeable. He wondered what needed getting done in only 5 hours, and what the slayer would do if he couldn't accomplish it. Shasta went along as directed, though he leaned more heavily against the other to manage walking. At least he didn't black out again. That was definitely progress. “I can't wait to find out what is so much trouble you'd need someone like me for help. I hope it's nothing sordid.”

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Jasper didn't talk much to the guy, letting the vampire ramble on a little. He was curious in his observations however. The guy had seemed to flinch when Jasper had reached for him.... either expecting a world of pain, or simply used to being hit. He had seen women who had lived through abuse flinch and recoil back when anyone tried to touch them, no matter how innocent the touch.


The second thing he observed was that the guy ended up leaning rather heavily upon him, as if he was struggling to walk.... at least he hadn't blacked out, that was progression at least. But damn! For a skinny guy he was must be packing a lot of muscle or something.... he weighed a tonne!


He also noticed the guys healing. The bracelet shouldn't stop him from healing, simply make it a little slower, granted, it must still be pretty fast considering the guy was already conscious. Must be nice to be so resilient!


I bet you can't wait.... He drawled in his head, again keeping quiet as he simply lead the guy to his home. He took out his keys and unlocked the door. The first door looked exactly like any other house, inconspicuous and totally not suspicious. Green paint and a gold mail box. However if you managed to get past that one you would see something very different! There was a small porch and then the actual main door to his home. It was DNA AND password protected, around the outside was running holy water. The pipe of holy water went around the whole house creating a protective ring. The idea was that he could cause it to gush out of little holes with just a click of a button, effectively dousing the area in the liquid. Of course, it wasn't actual holy water..... water blessed by a priest wouldn't harm a vampire after all! It was simply called that by the slayers, irony perhaps, it was actually a combination of chemicals that in effect acted like 'liquid sunshine'. The stuff had saved his life more than once, while it didn't generally kill it was a good stun weapon to make the vampires think twice. The door was thick, layers of silver and other things known to repel vampires. It was believed that such protected abodes actually repulsed vampires and encouraged them to move on. He didn't know if that was true..... but he hadn't ever been breached.


Doing what was necessary he unlocked this door too and entered. Inside everything was minimal. The small hall way held hooks for coats and hats and shoe rack. The colours neutral. He kicked off his shoes. "Take yours off too." He stated, not really asking.... he was stubborn enough not to move until the guy took his shoes off. It was Jaspers home after all! He had worked hard for the things he had.


The decorating wasn't to everyone's taste, but Jasper rather liked the dark oak flooring that ran through most of the rooms, several wooden units and a coffee table lingered in the living room along with the softest corner leather sofa he had ever seen. It was like butter! Smooth and silky! You could literally sleep on it and wake up refreshed it was so soft! A fluffy brown rug sat under the coffee table. And a mirror on the wall that made the room look twice the side.


Leading the way in he sat the guy on the matching leather stool and released him. "Don't touch or bleed on anything." He muttered before heading to his clean black and lime kitchen to grab a damp clothe before returning. "Here." He gave the damp thing to the vampire before sitting at the edge of the sofa. For a moment Jasper just sat and looked at the other.


In truth he was contemplating what to say, he wasn't very good at interacting with others, preferring his own company. Even in the organisation he was known as the lone wolf. That was fine with Jasper. He didn't need anyone else. In reality though, it looked more like he was sizing the vampire up. It was just a natural thing for him, but he often looked ready to attack..... maybe he was. His life was always in danger after all!


"A group of your kind stole a human child. I want them back." He finally said, breaking the silence. "Her father was an arsehole and tried to use her as bargaining chip to become immortal." Yeah, Jasper clearly didn't approve of that! "They killed him and took the child. I want them back." He repeated, making it clear. "Alive." He added, unsure if the vampire would understand that concept since they saw humans as nothing but blood bags.

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Shasta watched curiously as they passed through first one door, to a second much better protected one. He wondered how much unseen danger went into ensuring a vampire couldn't get through that door as the man went through the necessary routine of unlocking it. He shivered when they crossed the thresh hold into the house- the place was definitely reinforced to be anti-vampire.


He quirked a brow at the slayer, but toed off his converse next to the other's shoes. He didn't much mind that the slayer was being quiet, brooding maybe, as it gave him time to take in the other's home. He had half expected to find an iron maiden, and other devices that might do a vampire harm littered about. As far as he could see, the place seemed nice.


“I don't have cooties.” He called after the other as he was left on a stool. He accepted the damp rag when the other returned, immediately rubbing it over the back of his neck where he'd felt blood dribbling down from his hair. “You weren't hurt, were you?” Even if the man was a trained fighter, it was hard being out numbered. After cleaning his neck he dabbed at where he thought the injury was on the back of his head, wincing and hissing at first. The surface damage was still there, but worst of the concussion seemed to be mostly healed up.


The blows to his body had mostly turned to bruises as well. So why did his limbs still feel rather leaden? Then that must be the bracelet. He'd thought it was the concussion making him feel weaker when he'd gotten out of the car, but not so much. The bracelet was sapping his supernatural strength... He hoped that was all it was doing (which was surely bad enough!).


His blue-green eyes settled on the slayer when it seemed the man finally decided to get started. Shasta grimaced, his heart immediately going out to a little girl and her unfortunate new guardians, as it may be. Hesitantly, he informed the other, “Not a lot of vampires would take a child. The community frowns on it.” He wondered whether these vampires wanted her as a pet, a chew toy, or to turn her. None were good options.


He set the rag down and pushed his fingers back through his hair. No one liked hearing about bad things happening to children. Shasta didn't want a little girl to be hurt any more than he wanted people to kick puppies or drown kittens. “Do you know anything else about the ones who did it? Anything identifiable.. or.. which part of the city were they in?” Vampires got territorial. Either the vampires frequented the area, or the ones who did would know if someone else had been prowling around their turf.

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Jasper listened for a moment, nearly getting out of his seat to help the guy with his head wound.... he remained seated though, reminding himself that vampires wouldn't have given him the same courtesy.... in fact, they hadn't! They had left him to die just as parents and sister had. Drained, bloody and hurting in the worst way.


The thought of his lost family hardened his expression, his usual frown changing to become more of a scowl until he forced himself to push it aside. He couldn't let his own grief and heartache get in the way, while usually it fuelled his anger and gave him the strength to keep killing the undead bastards.... he knew that right now he needed empathy and compassion. Both were hard qualities for him to master, he was too antisocial and detached to really empathise with anyone!


The guy then asked if he was injured and Jasper couldn't school his expression in time, the shock at being asked clearly written on his face. Then he frowned once more... what was the guys game? Was he trying to trick Jasper? "I'm fine...." he mumbled.


Finally he answered, "Name?" For some reason it was important to get that piece of information, to know who he was dealing with. Not that he knew all that many vampire names.


Still, he knew that if he got the help he needed it would save time sharing what he knew. "Some details are uncertain. Three individuals were seen escaping the scene with a child. Two had blond hair and the final one had brown. It was believed that two were male and one female however the witness declared that it was possible the 'female' was simply an androgynous male."


Taking a deep breath he thought for a moment before continuing. "The kidnapping took place at..." And he proceeded to give the address. The area was up and coming, a good family estate that was improving steadily. More and more money had started to go into the place reinvigorating it, and the parks and schools had a decent reputation. It wasn't the kind of place that Jasper considered 'normal' for such vampire activity. Which is what made this all the harder!


With a sigh he glanced around his home and leaned slightly into the sofa cushions. What else could he say?


"She was taken yesterday, around the first slice of darkness. No one has seen her since though we've been looking. They were seen heading North but no known vampire clubs seem to be in line with their direction. It is possible they headed North to throw us of the scent." And the fact was.... Jasper feared the worst!


This was the most he had likely ever spoken in one go to anyone, and after saying his piece he found himself quite happily falling into silence once more. He watched the guy carefully, pleased to see that he seemed a little uncomfortable.... at least he hoped that was the bracelet and not an injury. He couldn't have the vampire bleeding out on him in his home.... blood was a pain to get out of wood once it stained after all.

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Shasta wasn't sure why that had surprised the man. The slayer had been helping him, of course he wouldn't want the other to have been hurt. More so now that he knew a little girl's life may hang in the balance. “Good.”


“Shasta.” He couldn't say if the other would know his name- he wouldn't expect him too. In life he'd been a sort of smuggler, bootlegging, and though he'd never made it an official career since, he had a knack for finding or moving things that were otherwise difficult that kept his name on vampire lips, particularly those he'd known as a fledgeling vampire. He leaned forward a bit, asking, “Yourself?”


He considered the trio of vampires, comparing the mental image to any he knew and thought might be capable of something like this. The suburbs weren't exactly a vampire hot spot.. But up and coming money sometimes was. Hmm, and what was North of there that might attract vampires? “Any theories on how the girl's da and the vampires got in contact in the first place? Either the man knows someone that knows vampires, or he probably was going to vampire clubs to find someone to turn him.”


Shasta licked his lips, trying to decide how to bring up his next thought. “If.. If the girl's exceptionally pretty, the ones that took her might want to show her off sometime within the next few nights. I can check around if there's anything going on.” He sighed, “A beautiful or unusual mortal can be good for status. And powerful vampires love showing off to each other. But at least if that's why they took her they'll keep her in one piece for a while.”


He waited to see what the slayer thought of either idea. He didn't know how well connected slayers were to what went on in vampire society. They probably kept track of the clubs, at least, since that was where you saw the most vampire/human interaction. Perhaps this would be a good learning opportunity to better avoid slayers in the future.

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Jasper grimaced a little at the name, it seemed he had found the guy that the whispers had spoke about, of course, it was more than possible the vampire was lying. It was also possible the name he heard was wrong and he was currently on a wild goose chase?! There was no way that Jasper would suddenly just up and trust the creature just because he said so. Still he inclined his head, maybe this was really the guy he needed? His instincts sat still which was usually a good thing.... or a very bad thing, a foreboding. He was hoping for the former. One could only hope, time was running out and it was making Jasper increasingly uncomfortable.


The guy asked his name and Jasper frowned for a moment, considered holding back with it. But, he supposed it would do little harm... other than reveal his reputation to the other. "Jasper." He breathed out. Jasper knew all too well the reputation he had earned over the years. Some called him the scarred assassin, some considering him a ghost... either way he did his job; and did it well. And his job just happened to be killing the very creatures that had stolen everything about him. He wasn't sure how much the vampire world know about his past, the two occasions a vampire had brought it up had ended swiftly with a dagger through the heart. It was not something that Jasper wanted the blood suckers talking about! The memories of his parents and sister were far too precious for a blood suckers lips!


Jasper would protect their memory.




"A few theories." He commented gruffly, not really wanting to tell the vampire everything but knowing that he needed to if the guy was going to be of any help. Deciding to extend an olive branch, since he wanted something from the guy, he spoke again. "We believe he heard a rumour about Blood Rush, the club up on third. It seems his credit card shows regular withdrawals from the area, and surveillance has him entering the club a few times a week. Then about three weeks ago it suddenly stopped. I think he made contact, and being the high and mighty arse he was, demanded the blood sucker came to him." Shrugs a little at that, his green eyes observing the vampire before him. If the guy hadn't been a vampire he would have been rather cute. As it was, he instantly fell in to the category of 'not my type'.


"It's possible he actually had a contact that pushed him towards the club, but that's mere speculation. The mystery person hasn't been identified. My bet is on someone at the law firm he worked at, if they existed at all, but I have no proof." Either way he suspected it was another human, so they didn't really register on Jaspers radar, let someone else deal with them.


Jasper was more than aware that not all humans were good, he had met some greedy and sadistic bastards in his life. Didn't mean he felt they deserved a vampires death. Jasper knew just how much those bites hurt. And he had experienced that pain... again, and again, and again! Never again. He still had nightmares about it. Without realising it he started rubbing his arms, his fingers moving over the marred skin, the lumps and bumps obvious under his fingertips. He would forever be forced to remember what had happened. Still, he had tattooed that word on his hip too. Remember. He would never allow himself to forget!


As Jasper listened to the vampire he begun to feel sick! Vampires did that? Holy crap! His face paled slightly making his red hair even more striking in colour. His pale complexion only getting worst with each word spoken. He knew there was a division that specialised in slave markets.... but.... oh gods! He wanted to vomit. And at the same time a pissed off part of him whispered; yet they killed my beautiful little sister. It seemed.... unfair! Not that he would ever want her to suffer worst at the vampires hands..... but gods!


"I have a picture...." He said roughly, his voice dull as he tried to hide his emotional turmoil. He reached into his waistcoat inside pocket and showed the guy. "Here."


He thought for a moment. "As for looking." He tilted his head and considered. "How would you check around exactly?"

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He made a small displeased sound at the other's name. Jasper's name got around for the sheer number of vampires he'd killed. Shasta didn't know much else about him, but he must be impressive at his job, or he'd just be another anonymous slayer picking off rogue vampires. He kept his face blank at this information, though he ran his fingers back through his hair in what might have been agitation. It seemed unlikely someone like Jasper was going to let him go on his merry way after all this was over...


Shasta folded his hands back into his lap, listening carefully as Jasper finally gave up a little more information. Hmm, Blood Rush then. “Probably someone associated with Blood Rush, then. That makes narrowing it down easier.” Finding out where the dead man worked, his mouth quirked into a slight smile, “Well, you know what they say about 'blood sucking' lawyers.”


He tilted his head slightly, observing the way Jasper was touching his arms, and wondering what the man was thinking about, or perhaps remembering. He'd say it was unpleasant, but he didn't think the other had made a pleasant expression since they'd met, so that might just be his face. Underneath the scowl it was a very handsome face, though.


He noticed the other pale, and offered, “I know how bad that sounds, but it's your best bet for finding her with the least damage done.” Least physical damage, anyway, but he thought that was better left unsaid. That was what therapy was for anyway. He accepted the picture from the other- she looked like a little doll. “Maybe.” He wasn't really an expert on what other vampires got possessive about.


He handed the picture back in favor of pulling a cell phone from his pocket. He opened the phone and started tapping out a text as he answered the other, “I am going to text some people about anyone from Blood Rush up to anything interesting within the next week.” Well he was texting different people different things, but that was a summery of what it would add up too.


“If I'm allowed to leave, I'd like to go to Blood Rush.” He wasn't sure how likely that was, since if Jasper let him leave, there was no way for the other to ensure he came back. “I could bring you with? But you can't let anyone know you're a slayer or no on will talk.” Not to mention that'd be a fast way to destroying his reputation.

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Jasper inclined his head as the guy made a joke. While the edge of his lip threatened to tilt up he didn't actually full out smile. Just a small twitch. "Indeed." He conceded, looking away long enough to control himself before he returned his gaze. He agreed with the vampire that the club was likely connected, at least the guy wasn't an idiot that needed things to be explained, that was always helpful. Jasper wasn't known for his patience.


He supposed that maybe was better than nothing. Still when the guy pulled out his phone Jasper stood and tried to catch a glimpse of what he was saying, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Don't try anything funny Shasta. I don't enjoy playing games." He crossed his arms for a moment and simply watched the guy.


His mind had pretty much come to the same conclusion as the other guy, they needed to go to the source, and since he wasn't about to let Shasta out of his sight that meant only one thing.... "I'll come with you." He uncrossed his arms and rubbed his temple, the sleeve of his shirt rising up to reveal the slight hint of several of his bite marks. The crescent moon like marks shining white against his lightly tanned flesh.


He let go of his head and sighed. "I will not reveal my identity. For this evening I can be...." He wiggled his hand slightly in the air as he thought, and the only name that came to mind was his fathers. "Kyle." He snorted slightly. "Though perhaps it would be best to not give me a name at all. A silent observer." He moved closer to the vampire and snarled, growling slightly in a rather impressive interpretation of bear. "Betray me vampire and I will make sure you suffer."


He quirked a brow as a thought passed through his mind. "What do you want.....?" He paused for a moment, contemplating his words. Perhaps if the guy knew what his 'payment' was for helping he wouldn't be so quick to betray Jasper? Especially if Jasper let him have an input? "What payment do you want for helping me? Beside getting to live once we are done."

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Was that almost a smile? Shasta leaned forward, tilting his head as the other turned away. He quickly straightend when the other looked back, but he let a small smile linger.


Mismatched eyes rolled at the warning, even as he tilted the screen so Jasper couldn't see. “I'm not.” He fixed Jasper with a look, smiling just a bit wickedly, “Too bad. Games can be fun~” He supposed he could text his sire for help, but he'd honestly rather take his chances with Jasper.


He nodded, accepting that getting out from under Jasper's thumb wouldn't be quite so easy as that. “It's a club. Watching me or whoever else with a stern expression is going to draw attention. At least pretend to loosen up a little.” Well, they'd find some way to manage. He glanced at the other's sleeve, which had ridden up enough to flash a bit of scar. It made sense that someone with such a record for killing vampires wouldn't be unmarred. It didn't occure to Shasta it might be a touchy subject as he suggested, “You should expose any bite scars you have. Everyone will just think you're another bite junky that way.


Shasta jerked back, and snarled in response to the slayer growling at him. He hated this stupid bracelet! The other wouldn't dare threaten him while asking for his help if he didn't think he'd rendered him practically harmless. Lips still pulled back to show his fangs, he promised, “I give as good as I get, Jasper.” He hated too that that was all bark and no bite in their current situation. He supposed he could betray the slayer as soon as they were out into the city, but.. a part of him understood the man was just trying to save a little girl.


He hunched his shoulders and turned his head away, signaling defensiveness to the other in hopes the slayer would just back off. He didn't look back until the other asked him a question. He gave the man a puzzled look, “Sooo.. that was the stick and this is the carrot, I guess?” 'Not dying' was a pretty good reason to be cooperative, actually. He considered what he might want from the other, eventually settling on, “You owe me a favor. As long as you are a man of your word, that will suffice as payment for my services.” A lot of his 'business' worked on favors, and having a slayer owe him was sure to come in handy at some point.

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"Too bad. Games can be fun~" No, he thought, games were tedious and changing. Jasper didn't like when the rules changed on him Surprises were not all that welcome to him. He liked... routine, predictability. Things that were steady and safe. No, Jasper didn't like games.


"I can not promise that." He said honestly, he wasn't exactly comfortable around that many people, and a club would be bustling with people! Especially at this time of night when the vampires were using it as a feeding ground. Nope! He wasn't about to relax... especially since he knew he would be watched! "But I will try...... to appear..... normal."


He walked over to one of his cupboards, pressing the door slightly until he heard the distinct click that unlocked it and caused the door to silently slide up and open. He reached in and grabbed the nearest bottle of whatever.... a quick glance at the label revealed it was bourbon. Pouring a triple into a glass he sipped it slowly, maybe if he was sporting a slight 'buzz' he would appear slightly looser and relaxed. He didn't exactly have many other options right now. Then the guy said something that had Jasper freezing in his stride.


Show his.... Jasper gulped.... scars? His head snapped back to the other, his eyes flared ever so slightly as a slightly panicked look flickered over his eyes. How had the guy known? Had he seen? Would the vampire insist on it? He understood the theory... but he wasn't sure if the guy was trying to mock him. Hinting at knowledge of something else entirely! His eyes narrowed, did this creature know about his past? Venom and pain laced his voice as he spoke; "If I showed them all I would be walking out of here practically naked." His green eyes shone with something... rage, anger, hatred all mixing together and mingling with pain. His expression darkened for a moment until he forced himself to look away. Could he show off a few? His arms perhaps....? For a child's life? To save her?


The problem was they were nothing to be proud of, he would feel exposed, naked and like a whore having them exposed. Vulnerable. Broken. Could he do it though? Could he at least hold himself stoic with them unveiled? He had hidden them for so long that his skin seemed to busy with unease at the thought of being bare.


He took a breath, downing the rest of his drink as he continued to think.


"Think of it as you wish. Stick. Carrot. Exchange." He shrugged, "that is simply semantics. And this is simply a transaction of services." He quirked a brow and crossed his arms as the guy asked for a 'favour'. That was a deadly thing to agree to.


He considered for a moment. "I will not give you an 'open' favour." No way was he that foolish. "However, you call, and I will help if I can. If not, I will still owe you that favour." He shrugged as if that was the only way he was agreeing. There was no way he was going to leave it open.... he wasn't killing a human or releasing a captured vamp! There were just some things he could never do. "I won't kill a human for you. Or release one of your kind. I won't betray my people and feed you information. So.... what use would a favour from me be?" He enquired almost curiously.

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He lifted a hand, intending to ease the other's worries, “We'll go in together. They can just think you're my friend or lover. As long as you don't interfere with anyone else, we'll manage.” That way if anyone thought Jasper (or Kyle, rather) was a strange fit, they could blame it on Shasta's taste in men.


He licked his lips as he watched the other poor himself bourbon, and begin drinking it. He missed alcohol. The way the other's neck contracted from swallowing reminded him of other liquids though, and he carefully lifted his gaze. It wasn't so hard to distracted from the hunger, though, as Jasper's expression was shifting in interesting ways.


Shasta couldn't help but give the other a curious look, clearly not against the other man being half naked, even as it was obviously not a serious suggestion. “Just the arms, maybe?” Recognizing trauma when he saw it, he gave the other a much softer expression, allowing for an easy out if the other man couldn't push himself, “Or not at all. Some times it is better to leave things to the imagination.”


“Don't under value my help. Being seen with you could destroy my reputation for one, but for a second if anyone thinks I am giving you information that betrays another vampire, my life will still be forfeit. I am walking a very fine line here.” He shrugged, “But helping a little girl is a very good reason. Similarly, I expect that if I ask you for a favor it will be for good reason.” He sat up a little straighter in his seat, “If I asked you to pass over someone, or if I needed to know I should stay away from somewhere slayers are up to something..” He waved his hand vaguely, “Or maybe nothing. I don't know. I just like to have the favor in place, should it come in handy later.”

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Friend or Lover? Really? He quirked a brow, understanding the alibi and shrugging. "Either is fine." He stated.


Part of Jasper was aware of Shasta watching him as he drunk, but he ignored it, he had grown used to the stares of others.... he hadn't always managed to cover his scars after all, though it was the ones on his arms that most people saw. That didn't make him any less self-conscious, and as he looked over at the other when he made a suggestion he realised he had little choice. If he was meant to play a vampires lover or friend he would likely need to show evidence of it. "Okay...." he grounded out through gritted teeth. While he appreciated the 'out' the guy gave him, he knew this wasn't one of those situations.


Returning his glass he turned and looked at the other. Once more observing as he contemplated his thoughts. "Yeah.... fine. I will owe you a favour. As long as you have a good reason I will help if I can." His frown deepened. "....I am not infallible though, and I don't know everything." He shrugged. "But help me and you will have your favour."


He considered his outfit and then what he knew of Blood Rush. "One moment...." He left the room and headed to his bedroom so he could change. He left the door open, uncaring and stripped off. The scars shone silver under the artificial light.


He never wore anything other than dress slacks, so there was no point looking for anything else. So picking out a midnight black pair he shrugged them on before he looked through his tops for something with short sleeves. There weren't many options, he simply never wore them. Glancing in the rear of his wardrobe he found one, probably bought by accident. It was red, close to the colour of fresh blood, and oddly fitting for the situation. He shrugged it on, forgoing the cravat he usually wore. His arms and neck felt bare, the sleeves stopping on his upper forearms. More bite scars than he wished to admit to were displayed, his arms and neck uncovered for anyone's viewing. He kept two buttons open, revealing a slice of his neck and a hint of more scars.


He looked in the mirror, his body trembling for a moment before he closed his eyes.


One. Two. Three. Four. Five.


By the time he was done counting he felt better, more relaxed. Not happier but centred. He could and would do this.


Putting on his game face he turned and headed back towards the vampire. Dread present in his every step though he hid it well. He didn't want to do this but he would. And hopefully when they were in the dark he would feel better about everything...?


"Let's go." He said simply, crossing his arms and almost daring the other to comment on the sheer amount of bite marks on view, to question their origin. It was clearly far more than simply 'a bite junky'

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