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♥ ♣ ♦ ♠ Alex in the Country of Hearts ♠ ♦ ♣ ♥ RP Restart


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This group roleplay is based off of a manga, Alice In the Country of Hearts, or, Heart no Kuni no Alice


♥ ♣ ♦ ♠ Alex in The Country of Hearts ♥ ♣ ♦ ♠






Alex Collins


Name: Alex Collins

Age: 21

Personality: Alex is a very curious type of person. He hates being ordered around and told what to do. He's a dreamer, who loves to do things his own way, and if he could stay a child forever, he probably would. He dislikes growing up and wishes fantastical sorts of things were real, dreaming about other worlds and universes out there - which a lot of people call him crazy for. He ignores them, because even if he knows they're not really and don't exist, the thought excites him.

Bio: Born in a rich upper-class family, Alex was always taught to do things the 'proper' way. He was made to be an elegant young man, but he always dislike getting dressed up and fancied, preferring to climb trees and swim in lakes. He enjoyed the free spirited life, feeling that being riche confines him, as did the clothes and standards they refined him to be held to. He doesn't hate his family, but simply wishes they were less controlling and let him be a kid, and simply enjoy himself, do things his own way.




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Perverted, Makes lame jokes, and playful.

Although a secret of his reveals his

coldhearted and ruthless nature.



Ace is a former serial killer that destroys

clocks around the Kingdom. However, he

was beaten up by a stranger and had his

clock almost destroyed. Thankfully, the

clockmaker found him and fixed his clock

for him. To thank the guy, he aides him in

doing the killing in order to protect the

clocks all around the Kingdom of Hearts.[/TD]

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Blood Dupre


Name: Blood Dupre ( Hatter )

Age: 28

Position: Seke

Personality: charming, flirtatious, laid back , and loves black tea

Biography: Boss of the mafia ( The Hatter Family ) and currently involved in a civil war with the queen of hearts


Elliot March

Elliott March (The March Hare)




Age: 24


Personality: Has the usual crude edges of a Mafia member and is very quick-tempered but this is just the surface. Underneath that all he's somewhat sweet in his own little way not to mention shy and his un-mafia-like trait of getting embarrassed easily. He's like a puppy with how easy he makes it to care for him and how lost he really is. A lover of all things carrot except the actual vegetable -which is just denial- and deeply believes that he is not a rabbit. Apparently, he's a long-eared 'dog' .Righttt...


Position: Seke


Biography: He is second in command to Blood Dupre, head of the Hatter Family. Imprisoned on the charge of destroying his best friend's clock and sentenced to over 90 thousand years in jail, he was later saved by Blood -with no clear explanations whatsoever- and has been fiercely loyal to him since then.


Dee and Dum

Since they look alike, they look like this:



I suppose one can have red eyes and the other can have blue hahaha


Blue is Dee - the older brother

he's a lazy butt like the panda on the right

is bisexual

and very quiet

Red is Dum - the younger brother

he's very promiscuous and nosy

is homosexual

and hates his brother


Boris Airay


Name: Boris Aray


Age: 19


Gender - Awesome. (Meaning genderqueer)


Personality: They may get annoying really quickly, absolutely adores riddles and hates when people tell him they have to stick with one gender. They think that's bullshit - why would anyone choose to be one when you can be both? In their opinion, this is the easiest way to live. Boris really likes sweets, but they also like spicy meals. Basically, they like food a lot. And pranking people. They don't really care about one until the person gets sad; Boris is someone who'll do their best to cheer someone up. Unless it's their enemy - then the chances are they'll mock him.


Peter Blanc

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Name: Peter Blanc

Age: 26

Orientation: Seke

Personality: Obsessive Compulsive, Multiple Personality Disorder, Sweet on those he likes, Severely Jealous, Obedient, Always in a Hurry, and Quickly Angered.

Biography: Works for the Queen of Hearts in Heart Castle as a Prime Minister.[/td]










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It was a normal day, just as any other. Alex had gotten into the daily argument with his parents, and run off to the vast garden in the back of the large palace-like home. It really was a gorgeous mansion, showing off just how rich Alex and his family were. It was more so his mothers doing; the woman loved to flaunt her money, she was obsessed with it. Alex was positive his mother bathed herself in the green paper.


But just like every day, here Alex was, in the back of the garden hiding to himself. He was practically counting the sixty seconds that his older sister would follow out after him, as if exactly on cue, to check up on him, and make sure that he was alright. Probably about thirty seconds, she would show up now. Alex really did love his sister, Sarah. She was the only one he was really close with in the family, also his only sibling. But why wouldn't he be so close with her, when all he did with his parents was fight?


Every day, it was always the same. Why haven't you found a woman yet, Alex? When do you plan to marry? You should marry when your young, so you're handsomeness doesn't fade into gray hair and wrinkles - then you'll never find anyone. You're sister is already engaged now too, you know, you should follow and do the same. Are you going to give me grandchildren anytime soon?


Well, that last request and question was more so all on his mothers part - grand-kids this, grand-kids that, its all she ever wanted. But it was just the same every day. Despite him having told his parents he didn't seem to have an interest or care for woman. His parents seemed to specifically ignore the fact Alex had told them many times he was gay. His sister, though, was much more understanding. She accepted the fact a long time ago, never having a problem with it. And still, she fully loved Alex just the same.


Sighing heavily, Alex sat on the ground, leaning against a rose bush as he hugged his knees to his chest, frowning as he rested his chin on his knees, not staring at anything in particular. Until he heard a rusting in the bushes across from him. He blinked a bit, lifting his head "Sarah?" he called out, thinking it was his sister coming to comfort him. She was earlier than usual, though. And he got no response, frowning as he looked at the bushes curiously, as though they would speak to him.

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"UWAAHHHH!!!" Yelled a Rabbit to himself as he hurried from bush to bush, trying to hide from the hound chasing after him. "GRRR-Woof! Woof!" "Dammit! Stupid dogs! Always chasing me... You're just lucky that we're not in wonderland or I'd-" "GGGGGRRRR-WOOF!" The hound leaped towards the white rodent, the cute ball of fluff squishing up and into itself against the fence that lined the edge of a bush. "OH GAWD OH GAWD OH GAWD! I'm to young to die here!!!" Closing his eyes tightly, the little white rabbit tried to keep calm. "Just breeeeathe normally. Just breathe..."


The moment he settled his breath, the sounds of a person pierced the air," Harrison?! What are you barking at?!" Yelled a young boy. The dog barked back lightly, as if signalling for the fluffy white animal cowering behind the bush. Walking over to where the dog stood guard, the young man bent down and looked under the bushes, noticing the rabbit. "oh. It's just a Rabbit. Stupid dog, poor thing is probably scared... Come here lil' fellow..." Beckoned the boy. Wearily, the rabbit walk over towards the human. "I hope this isn't a mistake..." It was.


Moments later, after dashing and hoping for almost an hour away from that disastrous human and his blood hound, the Rabbit came upon a rose bush, collapsing underneath it. Teeth marks and small bleeding wounds covered the pure white animal, staining his fur in a dark red. "I don't want to die here..." Cried the white creature to himself, "I should never have come here, even IF the queen requested me too... I didn't even know what she wanted me to find..." Suddenly, the rabbit heard a soft voice from beyond the threshold of the bush.




It was yet another human, but this one could be nice, this one my not just want to kill him. It's a chance he shouldn't nor wanted to take, but if he just laid here bleeding, he'd surely die in this world. In a last ditch effort to survive this horrid mission, the wounded rabbit pulled himself forward and out of the bushes, showing himself to a young blonde. "Ohh... Please don't hurt me..."

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With a quick vertical slash of the thin yet sharp blade, the black haired knight severed the head of a target who has been destroying clocks around the area. The headless body of the culprit fell on the floor with a loud thud, with the head falling in a vertical arc before rolling further from the body. Blood were gushing forth from both ends, the white skin of the black haired guy now painted red.


"How foolish of you. Escape wasn't a choice."

The murderer chuckled as he swung his sword to rid the blood stains remaining. Turning over to the headless body, Ace thrust the newly cleaned sword to the clock of the culprit, ridding him any chance of survival. The tip of the sword was once again coated with blood. With a quick swung, the blood splattered on the nearby wall instead before sheathing the sword to its scabbard.


The person the black haired murderer killed was someone who has been destroying clocks on his own whim. He had killed quite a number that clockmaker took notice of him. He was asked by that person to take care of the issue... and taking care of it means to kill the person.


The black haired knight took a step forward, and another step forward... slowly as he began walking away. Walking past the head of the corpse. Ace was sure not to forget kicking it away from his sight.

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A lazy cat, like usual, was laying on a tree branch, enjoying the little sun and warmth there was. Their tail was slowly swaying from one side to the other as hooded purple eyes watched one of the inhabitants. "Ace, Ace... It's not nice to kick heads around..." Boris made themselves known, lazily stretching on the branch. They closed one eye, the other still staring at the knight. "What if the head comes back to life, huh? What then~?" They purred, slowly sliding down the branch until they fell through air and swiftly landed on their feet.


Sharp fangs, purple eyes and matching ears, as well as a thin tail. "Instead of playing headball, you could help me pass time... I could give you riddles~" The cat offered, one of their ears twitching lightly to get rid of an annoying buzzing bug. They hated bugs. Disgusting. Boris yawned and stretched out again, showing no fear at all. Some people doubted Boris ever felt fear... They did, it just didn't show that obviously.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dee flopped onto his belly and sighed for the nth time that hour. "I'm s'bored; I wanna nap..." He slurred the words together into an incoherent mumble that hardly made sense. The lazy brother wanted so much to abandon his job as gate keeper and disappear into a nap elsewhere. He was in front of the gate to the mad hatter's house and it was his job to keep watch with his brother, but his younger brother had already abandoned him there alone. Feeling just a tad bit of responsibility for guarding the mansion, he didn't leave his post. Still, his lethargic body was heavy with fatigue. Seeing as he would fall asleep sooner or later, he decided a nap wouldn't hurt. He curled into a ball and fell into slumber.


Dreaming of his brother leaving him that morning without getting him some breakfast, Dee whined softly in his sleep. "Dum~ don't go... I want my chicken..." He reached out to grab who he thought was his brother but felt his hand land upon something else. Startled that he had actually held on, Dee opened his eyes a crack to peer up at the shadow looming over him. Fear that Blood Dupre had returned ran through him but still his lazy body awoken slowly before he could sit upright and look at the person he'd grabbed.


On the other hand, Dum was bouncing around on his own. He didn't like that his job required him to stand around all day, and on top of that, he had to face his brother all the time. The more hyper of the two brothers rolled his eyes at the thought. He absolutely hated spending time with his brother. The idiot not only slept all the time but also ordered Dum around. "I'm too lazy to get it myself, so get it for me." Dum mocked the words he heard so often. He always kick his brother in the stomach and told him to get it himself but Dee never seemed to learn.


Dum growled at the recollection of the latest incident just this morning as he came across Boris the cat and a man he couldn't quite see chatting. Being the nosy prick he was, Dum snooped over and peered over a bush to eavesdrop. He had really bad habits of listening to others talk and riddles sounded too tempting to pass up. "And what will Boris ask today?" Curious, he leaned against the bush to listen better, but in his attempt to eavesdrop, he leaned in too far and fell forward. The bush rustled as he let out a curse "Ah shit!". Covered by the bush, two panda ears squirmed about and two black sleeves struggled to pretend he wasn't a fool lying face planted on the ground. Dee flushed with embarrassment.

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Patrolling the Hatter grounds as any other hardworking 'guard' would do, he'd come upon a sight that he should have been quite used to by now. Unfortunately, he wasn't; Dee was sleeping once again. He breathed an exasperated sigh through lips slightly chapped from the suddenly windy weather. With how it changed so often here it was had to be prepared for it all. Looking over at the snoozing -too light a word; perhaps dead- twin, he cleared his throat and marched over there with the authority of an army general ignoring the slight twitch of his left eyebrow.


Leaning over, who was sure to be the blue-eyed twin -the other wouldn't be asleep while the sun was so high- he studied his sleeping face carefully, taking slightly sadistic pleasure in the fact that in only a few moments that sleeping face would be as annoyed and unhappy as his at the moment. He opened his mouth about to yell. When that sleeping face contorted into one of a spoiled child being robbed of what he wanted and the murmurings of chicken began, he froze. Thin arms reached up and threw themselves around his neck prior to the sleep talking.


As the sleeping boy became more and more aware of his presence, he finally came to. He was greeted by the charming face of one Elliott March with a prominent annoyed tick at the side of his forehead. Through gritted teeth, he asked,"Why.Are.You.Sleeping... on the JOB!!" despite his attempts to be calm, he ended up shouting anyway. He jerked up into a standing position scowling and ranting.

"What is the point of having GATE GUARDS if they don't GUARD the damn GATE!!, All you do is lie around all day not even conscious for that matter!" Now he was pacing and almost tearing his hair out from sheer frustration.


Growling, he whipped out his gun in a show of extreme anger and the ever present frustration. It a pristine thing -if you will- shiny and a bit unusual. It was a bit longer than a normal pistol and seemed a lot thicker too. Even an amateur could tell that a lot of work was put into his custom made weapon.

"YOU....slacker" He felt like blowing him to smithereens.

Oh how he wanted to but the boss (Blood) wouldn't be too happy about that and he wouldn't want to upset the boss.

Glaring at the formerly lazing twin, he kept his weapon at its current position.


It couldn't hurt to blow off a little steam now would it. He grinned maliciously.

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  • 4 weeks later...

When he received no answer, only more rustling, he frowned. Perhaps an animal? He figured thats the only other thing it could be. He shifted a bit, leaning a bit forward on his hands and knees as he crawled closer to the bush, trying to peer into it to see what was causing the noise. "Hello?" he spoke, as though whatever it was would speak back to him. When a bloody white rabbit suddenly appeared before him, he squeaked, jolting backwards and falling on his but as he blinked a bit, looking at the animal before him, before his eyes slowly widened.


"Oh dear! What happened to you, fella?" he asked leaning back onto his knees as he gingerly held a hand out towards the other to come closer to him, as if trying to show he wouldn't mean any harm "Come here, those are some nasty bites. You get caught up in a fight with a dog?" he asked as he picked up the rabbit and smiled, petting its head between its long furry ears "Silly rabbit....you couldn't possibly take a dog" he said with a pure, warm smile on his face.


Reaching into his pocket, he grabbed a handkerchief in there, rubbing at the furry creatures bloodied face "Oh dear....just look at what a mess you are" he frowned, eyes worried as he looked at the injured creature "Come with me. I promise, I'll take good care of you!" he said as he carried the injured rabbit in his arms back to his house. He snuck in inside, glancing around every door and corner to make sure he wasn't heard or seen. His parents would kill him if they saw he brought such a bloody and filthy wild animal into the house.


Reaching his bedroom on the top level of the mansion, he shut his door, locking it as he walked to the bathroom "I hope you don't mind baths..." he muttered. He didn't even use the tub though. The rabbit was so small the large sink would do just fine. Filling it up and plugging the drain, it was bath enough for the rabbit. He cleaned the animal up, washing all the blood out of his stained white fur, cleaning out the injuries too.


Once he finished washing him, he dried him off with a towel, blinking at the fuzzy puff ball, and unable to keep from falling into a fit of giggles at the adorable site. He reached into the cupboard to grab the medicine kit, wrapping the rabbits arms and legs up where they were injured, smiling slightly at his work "There, all better!" he said with a smile, petting the rabbit once more on the head.

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