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What would you do? [Halloween Game] -SPECIAL 2014-


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34g7c40.png WHAT WOULD YOU DO? 34g7c40.png

[Special 2014]

~ Happy Halloween~



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Welcome to

'What Would You Do [Special Halloween Edition]'



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[color=#ffffff]A: What would you do if you wake up in a coffin?
B: Would scream.
B: What would you do if you bump into a talking bat?
C: Would think I went mental.
C: What would you do if one day everyone you know seem to have disappeared mysteriously?
D: Would start looking for them!



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{ Don't forget to ask a question after answering }

{ Always ask a creepy/odd/horror-related questions }

{ Have fun! }



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What would you do if one day you find yourself

in-between the living world and the other world,

a.k.a ghost?



34g7c40.png HAPPY HALLOWEEN 2014 34g7c40.png


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First I would think it's someone wearing a costume, then I'd run like crazy. :hamtaro-005 (5):


What would you do if you'd get trapped in a dark room and you'd be hearing some strange noises?

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Would probably investigate.


What would you do if you suddenly woke up to find yourself in pain, and further analysis tells you that the pain is due to you slowly being digested inside the stomach of something that ate you whole while you were asleep?

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Would scratch open and hurt that something from the inside as much as possible ^^...and scream....


What would you do, if you where cursed to repeat the last 5 minutes for ever?

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ohmy thats a hard one

um try to break the curse the first few times then give up and try to enjoy those 5 minutes over and over i guess


what would you do if you were put in a n torture chair and your fingernails are going to be pulled out.

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I'd run as fast as I could trying to get rid of it and if it was still following me I'd freak out. yoyo6


What would you do if you woke up with a vampire in bed?

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I would try to stay as far as i can from my lover and try my best to not encounter that evil person who asked me to do that..


What would you do if you woke up and found yourself surrounded by blood from an unknown source?

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... .... .... I'd touch it, check meself, check if theres anyone around me and then bring it to the hospital to check whos blood it is ^^"


What would you do if ur best friend died, and turned into a zombie who is now trying to eat u?

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ヽ(゚Д゚)ノ run while screaming their name as loud as i could


hmm what would you do if everyone you touched turned into a pumpkin? (⊙︿⊙✿)

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touch my most hated enemy and then make pumpkin soup and make my second most hated person eat it...


what would you do if you wake up and suddenly have your third eye opened... now you see that you are being followed by a bunch of scary looking ghost...

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Well if i'm living the world between I would like to met the people I've lost and bond with them :hamtaro-005 (5):


What would you do if you saw a lying corpse in the ground?

What would you do if you saw a grim reaper in your room and his fetching you up to go to hell?

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1. I'd grab an ax and hack off the of the living dead

2. I'd look the Grim Reaper in the eye and say "Hope Hell can handle me"


What would you do if you were making out with a person, and as soon as you close your eyes then open them......you find out you were kissing a rotting corpse?

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Close it and keep on watching.


What would you do if you woke up alone in a cave at an unknown island, filled with weird predators?

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Most likely start freaking out and hide. I'm a terrible survivor.... I just know it. What would you do if a mass invasion of evil spirits came that were indestructible and could move things?

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Run for the hills.


What would you do if you awake to pitch blackness, confined in a small space and feel hairy eight-legged things scuttling all over you?

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Scream and Scream and think to myself that its a nightmare, start crying, scream some more, wish I was unconscious so i wouldnt be feeling anything on me, scream for my mum, for my dad, cry some more lol


What would you do if you found yourself in an anime like Bleach with one of the Hollows after you? :leaf5:

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That'd be awesome, i probably tweet it per minute. XD if i survive that is.


You found yourself cornered by zombies, the only weapon near you is a brick, a sack of potato, a foam thumb, and a telephone directory.. how will you survive this seemingly unredeemable predicament?

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i would cry, place the brick in the potato sack, eat the potatos and run though the zombie crowd. Swinging my brick sack around trying to kill them before they kill me as i run away eating my potatos. :leaf16:


what would you do if everyone of your friends on turned into what their costume was on halloween and then they tried to eat you?

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