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The Neko Game ~robertita and KawaiiNekomimiBoy~ {18+}


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“Yes I like to do so love. You are hot and soft inside” he answered finally finishing to clean Lucas. He took a fluffy towel from the rack and wrapped it around Lucas’ waist. He touch his wet tail as well. “It seems I need to dry you off” he said taking another towel for himself.

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Lucas blushes and covers his face while he continues to blush. He purrs and shakes himself a little to dry himself off, looking over at Tony and flicks his tail. Lucas takes the towel and walks out of the bathroom, walking to the bedroom and lays the towel on the bed. He gets ontop of the towel and rolls around on the towel to try himself off.

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Tony looked how Lucas left the bathroom and laughed seeing Lucas was in a cat mood. He cleaned the bathroom a little then followed the neko into their bedroom. “Is that a new style to dry yourself Lucas?” he asked his lover as he laid on bed next to him.

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Lucas perks his ears up and looks at Tony, wagging his tail as he continues to rub against the blanket. He purrs and shakes a little, nodding his head, "its also a easier way to dry of," he wags his tail and purrs, continues to dry himself off. Lucas finished and wraps the towel around his waist, curling up next to Tony and purrs.

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Tony laughed at his neko answer and pulled him closer. “Are you ready for our nap Lucas? I’m sleepy” he said yawning and closing his eyes. “I thought I can make love with you all day but I’m a human after all”.

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Lucas wags his tail and nods his head slowly. He sticks his tongue out and licks Tony's cheek, "I guess that means I have more energy than you," he purrs before resting his head on Tony's chest and purrs more, closing his eyes and falls asleep.

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“I think so my neko. “ Tony said before he fell asleep. “Ding dong” the phone rang and Tony woke up. “Hello…” he answered and smiled “Yes auntie. I don’t want anything special. Just the food and cookies you make”.

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Lucas nuzzles into Tony's chest as he falls asleep purring. He whimpers softly as the phone was going off, hiding under the blanket to continue sleeping. Lucas turns on his stomach and sticks out his tongue while he was sleeping, slowly swishing his tail side to side and purrs in his sleep.

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Tony threw the phone on the night table and looked on his neko. He almost laughed seeing even asleep Lucas’ tongue was out of his mouth. He leaned forward and kissed his forehead before he lay down and closed his eyes again falling asleep with a smile on his face.

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Lucas purrs softly in his sleep with his tail slowly swishing side to side. He blushes softly, feeling Tony's lips on his forehead and slowly turns on his other side to continue sleeping. Lucas wraps his tail around Tony's arm while he was sleeping and purrs slightly louder.

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Tony woke up after few hours being hungry. He looked on his neko who was purring in his sleep and smiled. He headed to the kitchen and looked on the fridge thinking what to cook for lunch. In the end he decided to prepare some fish for them.

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Lucas purrs softly as he continues sleeping, curled up against the blanket. He turns to the side and opens his eyes slowly, looking at Tony as he was leaving the bedroom. Lucas flickers his ears and tilts his head to the side, slowly closing his eyes again and continues sleeping.

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“Meow, the food is ready Lucas. Wake up sleepy neko” he called his lover as he went back to his bathroom with a food tray into his hand. “I made some soup and some fish for us. Tomorrow auntie will bring us food”.

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Lucas flickers his ears and opens his eyes slowly as he looks over at Tony with a yawn. He sits up and rubs his eyes as he looks at Tony, tilting his head to the side, "your.. auntie is coming tomorrow? What do you think she will think of me," he lowers his ears and sniffs the food, walking to the dining room and sits down at the table.

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“I told you she always visit me and will bring us food and cookies. And yep, she will adore you my neko. She likes cats. Actually she has two cats in her flat” Tony explained as he put the soup in the bowls for them.

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Lucas blinks and tilts his head to the side, nodding his head with a smile, "she sounds like she is pretty good at cooking," he wags his tail slowly. He blushes and tilts his head to the side, "but... I am different from her cats she owns.. I am half cat and half human," he sits at the table, watching Tony.

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“She’s good at cooking my neko. She has a small business with cookies.” Tony answered as he ate his soup. “Yes you are different from her cats but you have a tail and ears as them so I’m sure she will love you Lucas. Plus she never liked me to live alone”.

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Lucas looks at Tony and wags his tail as he was eating his soap. He perks his ears up and swishes his tail, flickering his ears, "so.. she will like the fact that I am living with you," he tilts his head to the side and swallows his soup, continues eating and finishes after a few minutes.

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“Yes she will my neko. She may hug you and even kiss you. She does that with me every time she sees me” Tony answered and took his empty bowl to the counter. “We have fish too my neko. I’m hungry after the morning activities”.

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Lucas flickers his ears while blushing, tilting his head to the side, "she will kiss me even If she barely knows me," he rubs the back of his head and swishes his tail, walking back to the table and sits down, "I wanted to finish my soup first," he wags his tail and starts eating his fish.

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Tony laughed and answered “Don’t worry Lucas. She won’t kiss you on lips, just on cheeks. Humans always are doing that. Is a way to show are affection my neko” He then started to eat his fish thinking what they can do next.

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Lucas flickers his ears while blushing and covers his face, "o-oh.. so that is what she will do," he perks his head up. He wags his tail while eating the fish and purrs softly, finishing the fish. Lucas got up from the table and puts the plate in the sink, walking to the living room and rolls around on the couch as an act of cleaning his face.

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“Yes, is nothing to worry about my neko.” Tony answered and cleaned the table once they finished eating. He watched how Lucas left the kitchen and sighed as he washed the dirty dishes. He found the neko on the couch and petted his head. “I will play a game now Lucas. What about you?”

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Lucas looks up at Tony and flickers his ears, swishing his tail side to side as he purrs, "I will watch Master Tony play his game," he gets off the couch and stretches his arms as he walks to the computer, sitting down next to where Tony usually sits, "but first, you should see if you have any emails about incoming games or any from the company."

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“Yes my lovely neko.” Tony answered and followed Lucas on his PC. “Yes I will check my neko but you should be working too so we will get our money soon. I plan to take you in a trip” he said pulling Lucas on his lap.

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