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The Neko Game ~robertita and KawaiiNekomimiBoy~ {18+}


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Lucas tilts his head and flickers his ears, wagging his tail, "a trip? Is it really that expensive that I need to work as well," he looks up at Tony while he snuggles against him, purring softly.

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“It's not an expensive trip my neko but we need money anyway. It seems you are such a lazy cat.” Tony answered and kissed Lucas’ lips slowly. “I love you when you are such a cute neko” he turned on his PC and checked his emails. “Oh, my boss wants to meet you next week Lucas”.

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Lucas blushes and pouts a little, sticking his tongue out and wags his tail purring softly, "I can't help it," he kisses Tony, wrapping his tail around Tony's wrist. Lucas watches Tony check his mail and looks at Tony, tilting his head to the side, "is that going to be alright for me to do?"

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“Yes it’s ok my cutest neko. We will go to his office on Monday” Tony said and checked his other emails. “There is nothing important here. Just the email from my boss. It’s time to play the game.” he smiled trying not to giggle as Lucas’ tail was tickling him.

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Lucas lowers his ears and slowly nods his head, swishing his tail side as he watches Tony go through his emails. He perks his ears up and nods his head, crawling over to his gaming area that was next to Tony's and started playing the game.

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Tony started to play the game after Lucas went to his own PC. After a hour he said “This level is hard my neko. I need a break. I will go and have a cup of tea. Do you want one too? Or maybe milk or juice?”

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Lucas continues playing and looks over at Tony as he was playing a game as well, flickering his ears, "is your game harder than mine," he tilts his head as he watches Tony get up from his seat, flickering his ears. Lucas looks at Tony and nods his head, wagging his tail, "milk sounds good to me," he purrs as he puts down the controller after pausing his game.

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“Yes it is my neko. Yours are games for kids, mine are games for adults” Tony explained “I start with such games as well but in time I became faster and the best. My boss always sends me the hardest games”. He petted Lucas’ head. “Then tea for me and milk for you”.

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Lucas tilts his head as he looks at the game system and looks at Tony, pouting a little, "but.. I am not a kid," he whimpers softly as he continues to pout. He flickers his ears and sticks his tongue out as he continues playing. Lucas perks his ears up and nods his head, "I don't like the after taste of tea.. so I don't drink it," he lowers his ears.

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“Yes I know you aren’t Lucas, but my boss thinks some easy games will be perfect for you at first. Don’t worry soon he will give you harder ones” Tony said as he poured the milk into a glass knowing Lucas heard him. “Oh, so you like just juice and milk”.

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Lucas wags his tail as he was playing his game, flickering his ears as he looks up at Tony, "is that why he wants to see me?" He nods his head slowly, "yes only juice and milk I like to drink," he swishes his tail side to side as he continues playing.

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“Yes, I think that’s the reason he wants to see you. Or maybe because of his new game. He has a neko one. Maybe he wants to see a real neko. You can be the inspiration for his new game” he answered giving to Lucas his glass with milk.

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Lucas tilts his head to the side and flickers his ears, "he is making another game with nekos in it? And I can be the inspiration," he blinks a couple of times as he drinks his milk while playing his game, resting his head on his own palm.

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“Come on my neko. Don’t be scared. My boss is a very nice person. He will adore you” Tony said as he sipped from his tea. “Would you like us to have our dinner in town? It’s Friday night after all. We can have pizza”.

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Lucas tilts his head and lowers his ears, "o-okay if you say so, you know him more than I do," he swishes his tail and nods his head, "that sounds good." He looks at Tony, "are we going to go now or later," he tilts his head to the side.

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Tony finished the level and looked on Lucas. “Let’s go now. We play enough. I will send to my boss the email about the progress and we can go” he explained and quickly wrote the email and sent it. “Let’s change our clothes”.

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Lucas flickers his ears and nods his head as he wags his tail, finishing his milk and gets up. "O-Okay," he bends down and gathers his clothes, getting dressed.

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Later they left the flat holding their hands. “It’s a nice weather. Let’s walk until the restaurant” he suggested looking on Lucas. “We can also look for a little gift. My auntie loves jewellery, we can buy her a bracelet”.

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Lucas flickers his ears while purring, enjoying the nice weather and swishes his tail side to side. He looks Tony and nods his head with a smile, "o-okay sounds good." He tilts his head to the side, flickering his ears, "so.. we are going to the jewelry store," he wraps his tail around Tony's wrist.

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“Yes my neko. And after we will buy her a present we will go to have our dinner” Tony said being a little disturbed by the fact people were staring at Lucas. “It seems for them nekos are still a curiosity” he said to his lover and kissed his ears.

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Lucas flickers his tail and swishes his tail side to side, nodding his head while purring, "o-okay it's still too early to eat dinner though," he looks at the other people looking at him. He lowers his ears and holds onto his tail, "should I even be out here? Will I cause a scene if I am out here," he tilts his head and flickers his ears.

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“Ignore them love. Nobody will dare to say anything to you” Tony said holding Lucas’s hand even tigher. “We arrive. “ he stopped in front of a shop and looked on Lucas. “I will let you choose the gift for my auntie”.

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"But what happens if they attempt to touch me when I am not looking," Lucas lowers his ears while whimpering as he holds onto Tony's hand. He looks at the shop and rubs the back of his head, "what is your auntie's favorite stone or birth stone," he tilts his head to the side.

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“I will punch anyone who will dare to touch you even with a finger” Tony explained and smiled to Lucas. “Birth stone? No idea my neko. But she likes colour red so maybe we should find a red stone for her: a ruby”.

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Lucas looks at Tony and blinks a couple of times, "you will punch them," he flickers his ears while swishing his tail a little. He tilts his head to the side and nods his head, "so we should get something that has a Ruby on it," he walks into the store.

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