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The Neko Game ~robertita and KawaiiNekomimiBoy~ {18+}


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“You can choose whatever you want my neko. I will pay for it. And maybe I will find something for you too” Tony said heading to look on the rings. He decided it was time to ask Lucas to be officially his lover.

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Lucas tilts his head to the side as he flickers his ears, "something for me? But I am a male, I don't wear as much jewels as a woman does," he slowly looks around the store, looking for something for Tony's auntie.

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“Idiot. Is not that. I want to buy 2 rings for us as we are a couple. You will be my fiancee. “ he whispered into Lucas’ ear. “keep looking for a gift for auntie while I’m looking at rings” he said loudly.

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Lucas perks up his ears and softly whimpers after hearing Tony call him a idiot but then blushes, tilting his head to the side, "f-fiancée? You... are," he lowers his head embarrassingly and nods his head slowly as he continues looking around for something special for Tony's auntie, blushing to what Tony said.

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Tony laughed on Lucas reaction. The neko was so cute and blushing was even cuter. He looked on the rings and he found a simple one. He asked the seller to show it to him. “What do you think Lucas? Do you like it? It’s gold” he said smiling.

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Lucas flickers his ears as he picks up a ruby ring and wags his tail slowly. He perks his ears up and looks at Tony, slowly looking down at the ring and nods his head, "y..yes it is very nice," he swishes his tail as he goes to the front desk to get the ruby ring purchased.

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Tony nodded and followed Lucas to the front desk. He paid for the ring for his auntie and then he asked the seller to pack the other ring as well. “This is my gift for you Lucas. I plan to marry you” Tony whispered into his lover ear.

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Lucas watches Tony as he was buying the ring for his auntie and wags his tail. He looks up at Tony while blushing and looks to the side, nodding his head with a smile, "I will look forward to it," he wraps his tail around Tony's wrist.

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Tony knew he needed a special moment to ask his neko to marry him. Meanwhile, he took the rings and put them into his pocket. “Let’s go to eat our dinner my neko. I’m hungry now” he said taking Lucas’ hand into his.

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Lucas watches Tony put the rings in his pocket and flickers his ears, tilting his head to the side. He slowly nods his head as he swishes his tail slowly side to side, "sure I am ready to eat," he holds onto Tony's hand and rests his head on Tony's arm.

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“I’m not sure my neko…but do you like spicy food? Here they have a hot sauce for the pizza. And I love it. “ Tony asked as they entered into the restaurant. Amy, the waitress, came and greeted him “It has been long time Tony.” Tony smiled and followed her to his favourite table.

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Lucas looks at Tony and tilts his head to the side, swishing his tail and nods his head slowly, "I like pretty much anything to eat," he purrs softly. He follows Tony into the restaurant and looks at Tony, following the waitress to a table. Lucas looks at Tony and at the time, sitting down at the table next to the window.

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“That’s good my neko. I’m sure you will like the sauce.“ Tony said and asked the waitress to bring him as usually. “What about you Lucas? What pizza would you like to eat? I may say the tuna one is good here. You like fish”.

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Lucas looks at Tony and tilts his head, wondering what this sauce was and flickers his ears as he watches Tony order for himself. He looks at Tony and tilts his head to the side, sticking out his tongue and shakes his head slowly, rubbing the back of his head, "I...I can't stand cooked tuna, it tastes weird to me.. I like cheese and peppers on my pizza," he wags his tail slowly.

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“Then you should order what you like my neko” Tony answered and smiled to his neko. Once the waitress left Tony teased Lucas “Do you know Amy was in love with me long ago? Imagine her face when I told her I like only guys. She thought I was joking”.

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Lucas looks at Tony and nods his head slowly, "then I want cheese and pepper pizza," he wags his tail slowly. He watches the waitress walk away and looks at Tony, tilting his head to the side, blinking a couple of times and shakes his head slowly, "so.. does she not agree with you liking boys?"

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“She does know. But back then she thought I’m lying so I won’t go out with her. But in time she found a lover and forgot about me. She’s still my friend…well at least when I’m coming here. Do you like the place Lucas?”

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Lucas looks at the side menu and tilts his head to the side, slowly looking back up at Tony and tilts his head to the side, slowly nodding his head, "well.. at least you two are still friends," he swishes his tail slowly side to side. Lucas tilts his head and nods his head slowly, "yes, it's nice here, but all the smells are making me hungry," he lowers his ears.

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“You look a little bored my neko.” Tony teased his lover and laughed when he heard Lucas “You do like to eat love. I bet you have a sensitive nose as a real cat” he asked being curious. “Our food is coming” he said seeing Amy with their food into her hands.

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Lucas looks at Tony and blinks a couple of time, tilting his head while blushing and rubs the back of his head, "n-no just waiting." He flickers his ears and nods his head, "don't you like to eat as well?" Lucas perks his ears up and notices the waitress coming back with the pizza, holding onto his tail, "do they have dessert here too," he tilts his head to the side.

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“Every time you are bored you are playing with your tail love” Tony said wanting himself to touch his neko. ‘Yes, I’m hungry too. And as you know pizza is my favourite food” he said and thanked Amy. “Yes we have. What would you like to eat?” Amy asked Lucas. Tony smiled “They have good ice cream here”.

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Lucas tilts his head as he looks at his tail and blushes softly, rubbing the back of his, "d-do I really," he flickers his ears as he looks up at Amy. He thinks for a few minutes, "what kinds of ice cream do you have," he slowly leans down so he can sniff the pizza.

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“Yes you do my neko” Tony answered and looked on Amy. “We have cherry, peaches, kiwi, fistic, strawberry…” Amy said. Tony laughed seeing his lover was still sniffing the food. “I will like kiwi flavour Amy” he asked the girl as he started to eat.

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Lucas covers his face with his tail as he blushes a little with a pout, flickering his ears as he heard the different flavors. He wags his tail slowly while softly purring, "I like strawberries.. but.. I like peaches too," he whimpers unable to decide, "I will pick one after eating," he starts chewing on the pizza with his tail swishing back and forth.

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“ You can buy both flavours” Tony suggested as he was eating. Amy left and Tony said “I just realised a thing my love - you are shy around girls and even try to hide your face. Don’t be scared, they won’t do anything to you”.

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