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The Neko Game ~robertita and KawaiiNekomimiBoy~ {18+}


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Lucas perks his ears up and blushes bright red, wagging his tail as he was watching Tony. He nods his head as he walks into the kitchen and sits at the dining table, waiting for Tony to return.

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“Done my neko. The house is clean, the sheets are new..it’s time for us to eat now. What would you like for breakfast? Maybe some fried eggs and ham? Or buttle with jam?” he asked sitting down ” I’m hungry so I will like eggs and ham.”

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Lucas wags his tail and nods his had with a smile. He tilts his head to the side, wondering what he wanted to have and purrs, "as long as I get milk to drink, I am okay with anything," he flickers his ears with a purr as he watches Tony sit down, "how much longer until your auntie comes?"

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“Yes my neko. Everyday I buy milk for you” he answered and laughed. “Are you so curious to meet her? She will be here anytime. Then I will make fried eggs and ham” he stood up and headed to the fridge and took the milk, eggs and ham out. In that moment the bell rang and he ran to answer “My adorable nephew” auntie hugged him tight and covered him with kisses.

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Lucas wags his tail and purrs softly, "then I am okay with anything you make," he flickers his ears, nodding his head, "I don't get the chance to meet a lot of people," he lowers his ears a little as he watches Tony get set up. Lucas' ears perk up when he heard the bell rang and watches Tony go to answer it, tilting his head as he continues sitting at the table.

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“Auntie, you will kill me one day with your hugs” Tony said as he finally escaped from her arms. “What were you doing? Did you eat?” she asked and headed to the kitchen. “Awww, you buy a neko, the ones they advertise lately” She ran and hugged Lucas covering his ears with kisses.

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Lucas tilts his head as he listens to Tony talking to his aunt in the other room. He perks his ears up as they walked into the kitchen, tilting his head to the side and blinks a couple of times when he suddenly got a hug from Tony's auntie, flickering his ears a couple of times as he looks over at Tony, tilting his head confusingly.

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“Auntie, you will kill him. Let me introduce you. Lucas, she’s my auntie Mary. Auntie, he’s my lover Lucas. “ he said being curious how his aunt would react to the news. “Did you buy him to sleep with him? You are such a naughty boy my dear nephew” she answered smiling and set Lucas free. “I will cook the breakfast for you. Meanwhile you two go downstairs and bring all the stuff I have in my car”.

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Lucas squirms a little with a whimper and pulls away from Tony's aunt, panting softly and swishes his tail while blushing, looking at Tony and swishes his tail side to side. He perks his ears up and blushes bright red, hiding his face as he gets up, walking to the door and walks outside after opening the door.

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Tony followed Lucas out of his house and asked worried “Are you ok Lucas? I told you she like to hug people…a little to much” He opened the car’s door and looked inside it “She has so many bags here. I wonder what she brought us”.

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Lucas turns his head as he flickers his ears, tilting his head to the side and nods his head, "she asked us to go get the stuff so we better do it or she will get mad," he lowers his ears but then perks them up when he saw all the bags, "there is so much here... is she moving in? Or has it been a long time since she saw you," he tilts his head to the side.

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“She never gets mad my neko. My mother throw me like I was a doll and my auntie took me under her wing. For her I was the same smart and lazy kid she always adored.” He explained and laughed “She’s not moving with us don’t worry, but she was in a trip and I bet she buy many things for me”.

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Lucas lowers his ears and pouts a little, looking to the side and crosses his arms, "well.. I don't know nothing about about her... how am I suppose to know," he perks his ears up. He nods his head slowly and scratches his ear, "well.. she sure did buy you alot of things...," he looks at all the bags.

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“I’m her only nephew so she loves to spoil me. Come on, let’s take the bags inside my flat. I’m hungry and I can smell the food from here” Tony said grabbing 4 bags into his hand. “They are heavy. It seems she bought many games for me”.

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Lucas nods his head as he grabs some of the bags with no problem and tilts his head to the side, "oh? Are they really that heavy? I can't tell," he walks into the house as he carries the bags with Tony. Once inside, he carefully places the bags on the couch.

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“Anyway we took them inside. Let’s go and eat now” Tony said heading to the kitchen. “My dear boys your breakfast is ready. I will go and hang the sheets meanwhile. If I knew you had a neko I would have bring my kitties with me. Lucas could have played with them”.

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Lucas nods his head as he follows Tony back into the kitchen. He sits at the table and wags his tail, tilting his head to the side as he looks at Tony, "k-kitties," he tilts his head to the side and flickers his ears a couple of times as he rubs his head against Tony's arm with a purr.

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“Kitties are cute Lucas. Do you like them?” Tony asked as he started to eat. Auntie was in the bathroom taking care of the sheets. “What you two did in the bathtube? It took me ages to clean it” auntie said as she was back into the kitchen.

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Lucas tilts his head to the side and rubs his chin, "I never saw one... are they like me?" He wags his tail with a purr as he was eating. He perks up his ears as he looks at Tony's aunt, blushing and looks to the side, "n-nothing," he continues eating with his head slightly lowered.

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“So you didn’t see kitties Lucas. They are like you a little – cute, purring and curious about everything” Tony answered just before his auntie entered furious into the kitchen “We have a bubble bath- that’s all” he said as he finished eating. “I buy many games for you Tony, also clothes and food since you hardly get out” auntie explained.

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Lucas tilts his head to the side and flickers his ears, "so a kitty is like me?" He wags his tails and pouts a little, "well if I knew that sooner, I would want the kitties to come over as well," he purrs softly. Lucas wags his tail and tilts his head to the side as he finishes eating, standing up and puts his plate in the sink.

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“Do you want to meet my kitties Lucas? Then you and Tony must visit me. What about today? We can have barbeque in my garden” auntie suggested and Tony smiled. “What do you think my neko? Should we go?” he asked starting to wash the dishes.

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Lucas perks up his ears and tilts his head to the side, slowly nodding his head with a smile but blinks, tilting his head to the side, "but didn't you come all this way to visit us? Not the other way around." Lucas perks his ears up and looks at Tony, rubbing the back of his head, "I guess I am okay with anything you decide on," he swishes his tail side to side.

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“I’m not living far away from town Lucas. In a hour we will be there. Tomorrow I’m taking you two back in town. I have some things to buy anyway.” she explained having a seat. “You are so cute. Maybe I should buy a neko too”.

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Lucas tilts his head to the side and nods his head confusingly, "oh.. so you don't live that far from Tony's house?" He tilts his head and slowly looks at Tony, "is it okay to bring a neko into town with lots of people?" Lucas perks his ears and tilts his head, rubbing the back of his head, "well.. my number and website is on my box if your interested, they have girl nekos as well too."

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