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The Neko Game ~robertita and KawaiiNekomimiBoy~ {18+}


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“Oh you are really being cute. I should buy a neko girl so she can help me with my business. What do you think Tony?” auntie asked. He laughed “Then go into my room and look on the box. I buy Lucas by mistake but he’s the best gift ever. I love him very much. He likes milk, to sleep lots and to purr. Everything your kitties do”.

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Lucas blinks and tilts his head to the side while blushing softly, rubbing his ear. He perks his ears up and slowly looks at Tony, wagging his tail and blushes bright red, covering his face while lowering his ears from embarrassment. Lucas looks at the fridge and lowers ears, whimpering softly as he look at his empty glass.

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“Stop teasing Lucas. You make him blush” auntie said and stood up. “Come on Lucas. Show me your box. Your Master is naughty boy now so we will let him to wash all the dirty plates” she added smirking.

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Lucas perks his ears up as he looks at Tony's auntie and looks to the side while blushing, rubbing the back of his head. He nods his head as he stands up and walks towards Tony's room, looking under the bed and pulls out his box he came in through the mail.

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Auntie noted the address into her notebook and smiled. “Here they say you have a charger. Can I see it? How often you need to be charged?” she asked being curious and Tony laughed “Here is the charger and you don’t need to charge them often, they will be sleeping once they have no batery. I finish the dishes. Now let’s get ready for our small trip Lucas”.

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Lucas was watching Tony's aunt, wagging his tail and tilts his head to the side, "I am not sure where that is... Tony might know better since he plugs me into the wall." He perks his ears up and looks at Tony, tilting his head and nods his head slowly as he stands up, "o-okay," he wags his tail as he looks at Tony, "what do I need to bring? Do I need to bring anything special?"

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“I will go and unpacked the things I buy for you until you two will make your luggage” auntie said and let them alone. Tony looked at Lucas “Go in the bathroom and take your toothbrush and some clean towels. I will pack some clothes for us. That’s all we need”.

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Lucas watches Tony's auntie and perks his ears when she walked away. He slowly looks at Tony and nods his head slowly as he walks to the bathroom, grabbing his toothbrush and a few clean towels, walking back to Tony and places the things on the bed.

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“Thank you Lucas” Tony smiled and put the towels and the toothbrush into his bag. “We will stay there tonight so we need our pyjamas too” he added and took some clean ones from the wardrobe. “We are ready to go” he yelled knowing his auntie would hear him.

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Lucas nods his head with a smile, wagging his tail as he watches Tony put the stuff into the bag. He blinks and nods his head slowly, tilting his head to the side, "but I only sleep in my underwear," he sticks his tongue out and swishes his tail side to side as stands up, walking towards the door and sits on the couch until Tony and his aunt were ready to go.

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“You are right Lucas. But we will be in auntie house. Do you want to walk there just in your underwear?” he asked but Lucas was out of the room and couldn’t hear him anymore. He followed him and find his auntie into the kitchen. “I called the company and asked about the nekos girls. I ordered one for me”.

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Lucas tilts his head to the side, flickering his ears a couple of times, "well.. has she ever seen you with your underwear on only after you woke up," he wags his tail. He looks at Tony's aunt and rubs his ear, nodding his head, "only remember that even if we are still half human, we are also half cat, which means every month we get heat cycles," he opens the door and walks outside.

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“Oh, so I need a partner for her. I may order a male one too” she thought taking the car’s keys. “Let’s go now boys” she said leaving the flat. Tony laughed “My auntie seemed to be surprised about the heat cycles. And to answer to your earlier question - no, she never saw me in my underwear”.

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"There are a lot of boy and girl nekos on the website, so make sure to look." Lucas nods his head as he crawls into the back seat of the car. He perks up his ears, tilting his head to the side, "so you didn't live with her," Lucas tilts his head confusingly as he puts on the seat belt.

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“I will look for them when we will arrive to my house. Maybe you want to help me choose, Lucas?” auntie asked smiling. Tony answered to his neko “No, she rents me the flat and let me live alone until now. She trusts me”.

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Lucas tilts his head and nods his head slowly, "s-sure.. I probably know most of the older models anyway. I am not sure about the newer models though," he rubs his ears. He looks at Tony and perks his ears up, nodding his head, "oh so she got you a flat so you can live by yourself," he tilts his head to the side.

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“Oh, so you know the models Lucas. Then it will be easy to choose a couple with your help” auntie answered and continued driving in silence. Tony let his head on Lucas’ shoulder. “Yes she did my neko. I told you she was like a mother for me.”

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Lucas nods his head and rubs the back of his head, "if there are any new models, I won't know them," he lowers his ears. He looks at Tony and swishes his tail slowly, flickering his ears, "well.. it is always nice to have a mother figure around then."

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“We will help you to choose auntie, don’t worry” Tony said and closed his eyes “We should have a nap until we arrive Lucas. What do you think?” Auntie laughed “You are such a lazy boy Tony, sleeping and playing games all day”.

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Lucas looks at Tony and then his aunt, nodding his head, "it will be better to choose when we are on the website," he wags his tail slowly. He perks his ears up and looks at Tony, giggling softly and wags his tail, "h-he does more than just sleep and play games," he purrs softly.

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“Does he, Lucas? What else he’s doing?” auntie asked being curious. “I’m cooking and cleaning, washing clothes and do shopping, even playing soccer with the kids” Tony explained knocking well what Lucas meant to say. But his auntie shouldn’t know about their activities in bed.

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Lucas looks at Tony's aunt and covers his mouth, blushing so he didn't mention what it was. He slowly looks over at Tony and nods his head, swishing his tail, "yes, he is very busy around the house and is very popular with the kids around the area," he looks out the window while blushing.

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“Oh I see. So he’s not a lazy boy anymore. Just when it comes to his studies he is” auntie said while Tony whispered into Lucas’ ear “Stop blushing Lucas or she will realise what you were talking about”.

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Lucas tilts his head to the side as he looks at Tony's auntie and then Tony, laughing a little. He perks up his ears and looks at Tony, lowering his ears and nods his head as he goes back to looking out the window.

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Tony closed his eyes and fall asleep. He woke up later when he heard a voice into his ears “Wake up sleepy head. We arrived” auntie yelled as loud she could. “See Lucas why I told you he’s a lazy boy?” she asked taking her purse and heading to the house’s door.

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