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The Neko Game ~robertita and KawaiiNekomimiBoy~ {18+}


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“Oh, you are so cute with your tongue out” auntie said smiling. Tony nodded and he just remembered something “Lucas likes ice cream auntie. We forgot to buy some”. Auntie laughed “I have ice cream in the fridge my dear nephew. Lucas is not the only one who likes ice cream, you do too”.

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Lucas perks his ears up and blushes softly, rubbing the back of his head and wags his tail slowly. He continues eating and watches Tony and his aunt talking, tilting his head to the side and blinks a couple of times, "aren't.. you two going to eat as well," he flickers his ears a little and goes back to eating, swishing his tail side to side.

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“Of course we will” auntie said and she smiled seeing the kitties and the cat surrounded the neko. “They really like you Lucas. Maybe because you purr like they do” she added putting more salad into her plate. Tony laughed “Auntie is right. It seems you have fans Lucas”.

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Lucas perks his head up and looks down at the kittens as well as the mom, wagging his tail. He looks up at Tony and his aunt, tilting his head to the side, "do you really think so," he rubs a finger under the kitten's mom's neck and moves his tail down for the kittens to play with.

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“The kitties love your tail” Tony said seeing how they fight to go up on neko’s tail. “Tony didn’t like pets as a kid Lucas. Every time he came to visit me he was saying to keep the cats away from him” auntie explained petting Tony’s head. “But he likes them now”. Tony laughed “I think you mean I love Lucas, auntie”.

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Lucas blinks and watches the kittens trying to go on his tail, laughing a little as he looks at Tony, "they are so very playful." He blinks and tilts his head to the side, lowering his ears, "aw.. Tony didn't like cats when he was younger," he looks to the side while watching the kittens, perking his ears up and blushes softly, rubbing the back of his head as he continues playing with the kittens.

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“Kitties are always playful my neko” Tony explained and laughed “Only you are a lazy boy who wants to sleep all time” he added and he yelled when his ear was pulled out. “Don’t tease Lucas about this nephew. You are a naughty boy again”. Tony couldn’t believe his auntie scold him like that. “But I didn’t do anything bad. I’m good boy”.

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Lucas tilts his head as he continues chewing, swishing his tail side to side and looks down as he watches the kittens play with his tail. He perks his ears up when one of the kittens started to nibble on his tail, blushing softly and drinks his juice. Lucas looks back up at Tony and his aunt, blinking a couple of times and lets out a yawn, feeling sleepy from eating.

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“I’m a right auntie. Look at him. Lucas is sleepy already” Tony said looking on his neko with attention. “Then you two go and have a nap. You know which one is your room” auntie answered and stood up to take the kitties into her arms. “It’s time for you to go to sleep as well” she told to the cat and headed to the house.

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Lucas sticks out his tongue and rubs his hand against his face, pouting a little and frails his arms, "I-I can't help that eating makes me sleepy," he blushes softly. He perks his ears up and tilts his head, watching Tony's aunt walk into the house and looks at Tony, wagging his tail as he gets up, "so are we going to your old room to sleep?"

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“True my neko, and you eat lots today. Let’s go for a nap. We can help auntie later with her garden” Tony said and made a sign for Lucas to follow him “My auntie kept my room since I was a baby. I still have games and toys inside it” he answered and opened a door “The bed it’s not big so you need to sleep in my arms”.

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Lucas wags his tail while blushing and nods his tail. He follows Tony to his old bedroom and looks around, flickering his ears and blushes, sticking out his tongue, "I am use to sleeping in your arms," he giggles and gets on the bed, curling up and wags his tail.

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“You really are love. “ Tony answered and started to undress. “Do you plan to sleep like that Lucas? Take your clothes off. I prefer to feel your soft skin over mine…” he teased the neko and jumped in bed pulling him closer.

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Lucas perks his ears up as he watches Tony undress. He blushes and nods his head slowly, swishing his tail side to side as he takes off his clothes. Lucas lets out a squeak as he was pulled into the bed and snuggles up to Tony, wagging his tail.

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Tony kissed Lucas’s ears and closed his eyes. “I have a full tummy my neko. I’m ready to sleep now” he said letting his head on neko’s chest. “Your heart it’s beating so fast Lucas” he added before he fell asleep.

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Lucas flickers his ears as Tony kisses his ear, blushing softly, rubbing his tummy and nods his head, "yes I am full too," he purrs as he looks down at Tony. He blushes softly as he watches Tony lay his head on his chest, purring and swishes his tail slowly. Lucas perks his ears up and holds onto Tony, yawning and falls asleep.

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Auntie was into the kitchen washing the dishes when she heard the phone ringing. She hurried into the living room to answer. “Yes, he’s here…No, I didn’t tell him about it. I’m not sure how he will react, you throw him away like he was garbage. Bye” she hang up and went back into the kitchen.

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Lucas perks up his ears and stretches out his arms, sticking out his tongue slowly as he slept. He mumbles softly and pulls the blanket over his face, swishing his tail side to side and purrs softly, licking Tony's cheek while sleeping.

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Finishing to clean into the kitchen, auntie went upstairs to check the boys. As they were sleeping peacefully she sighed. Tony seemed happy with Lucas, she couldn’t ruin that just because her sister wanted to see her son after so long. She closed the door of the boy’s room and went into the garden. Taking care of her flowers always calmed her down. Tony heard when auntie checked them but pulled Lucas closer and fell asleep again.

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Lucas purrs softly in his sleep, perking up his ears when he heard the door open a little. He lets out a yawn, rubbing his hand against his face and mumbles softly, hiding under the blanket and purrs in his sleep, blushing when he felt Tony pull him closer and licks his cheek while he continues sleeping.

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Tony woke up because of a noise at the door. He jumped from bed and went to open it. He couldn’t believe how fast he kitties entered and climbed in bed above Lucas. He laughed “Lucas you have guests” and went back in bed playing with the kitties. After all they were cute.

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Lucas curls up and purrs, whimpering when he felt Tony's warmth slowly move away from him and hides under the blanket, continues to sleep. He perks his ears up when he heard Tony laughing and rubs his eyes, yawning and looks at the kitties, wagging his tail to tease the kitties and giggles softly, "silly kitties," he wags his tail slowly while rubbing his eyes.

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“Why are they silly Lucas? They seem to like you. And me as well” Tony said petting a kitty’s head. “We slept enough anyway, I should go and look for auntie while you are playing with the kitties” Tony suggested and put the kitty from his hand on Lucas’ tummy.

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Lucas tilts his head to the side and slowly shrugs his shoulders, "maybe it is the first time for them seeing someone like me, a human with cat ears and a tail." He wags his tail and tilts his head to the side, slowly nodding his head as he rubs the kitties head and smiles softly while purring.

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As Tony got downstairs the phone rang. He looked around and seeing his auntie is not there he decided to answer the call. “Hello” he said and he had a shock when he recognised his mother voice. He couldn’t say a word, just dropped the phone and ran outside.

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