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The Neko Game ~robertita and KawaiiNekomimiBoy~ {18+}


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Lucas continues playing with the kitties and giggles softly when they lick and softly bit his tail, letting out a squeak once a couple of time bit his tail. He perks up his ears slowly, hearing a small thud sound and tilts his head, going back to playing with the kitties and giggles softly, still wondering what that small thud was.

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Tony found his auntie into the garden and tried to recovered his breathe “Are you ok my boy?” she asked being worried and Tony yelled “Do you keep in touch with her? What she wants from me?”. Auntie sighed “She called me when I was in my trip, she’s sick and wants to see you. She’s your mother after all…but I told her you won’t see her.” Tony nodded and hugged his auntie before he went back into house heading upstairs. “Let’s have a bath in the pool my neko”.

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Lucas continues playing with the kitties and giggles softly, laying on his back while purring. He perks his ears up and notices the window was open a little, getting up and looks down, noticing Tony and his aunt talking, tilting his head as he wondered what they were talking about. Lucas sits back down on the bed and continues playing with the kitties, perking his head up as Tony came into the room and nods his head, "sure that sounds like fun," he wags his tail slowly and sets the kitties on the bed as he got up.

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Tony laughed when they got downstairs “Look behind you Lucas. You let them on bed and they are after you again. Maybe they want to have a bath with us”. Auntie entered into the house to wash her hands “Go first boys. I’m getting my swim suit and join you. I will bring some drinks and towels too. And be careful on the kitties, don’t let them to enter in the pool.”

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Lucas perks his ears up and blinks as he saw the kitties, giggles softly, "they are so silly." He looks at Tony and tilts his head, "but they are so small... are they suppose to," he blinks as he nods his head and walks towards the pool, closing the door before the kitties get outside, "I am not sure if they can swim, I don't want them to get hurt," he lowers his ears.

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“They will grow in cats one day Lucas but for now they are babies.” Tony explained and throw the clothes from him and entered into the pool. “The water is warm, join me my neko” he splash toward Lucas direction. “Boys I bring the ice cream. We forgot to eat it on lunch” auntie announced as she came outside again.

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Lucas tilts his head and lowers his ears, "but for now, they are too young to go swimming." He jumps a little as he saw water getting splashed towards him and looks at Tony, taking off his clothes and goes into the pool as well. Lucas perks his ears up, looking at the ice cream and tilts head, "is it really okay to eat ice cream while eating," he tilts his head to the side.

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“It’s ok to eat my neko. We can stay on a pool corner, eat the ice cream and then swim.” Tony said taking a bowl full with ice cream. “Thank you auntie. You spoil us today”. She giggled and entered into the water. “I even forgot how nice is to swim in the pool” she said. I’m working most of the time to pay your college my dear nephew”. Tony laughed “And to travel in exotic countries”.

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Lucas nods his head as he goes to the corner of the pool, looking at the bowl of ice cream. He sniffs it a couple of times and wags his tail before starting to eat the ice cream with a purr. Lucas looks up at Tony and his aunt, tilting his head as he continues eating the ice cream while purring.

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Tony heard a noisy and he turned his head to the house “Oh my, the kitties escaped again. They are running toward us”. Auntie got out of the pool and took them into her arms “They are curious about you Lucas. I will put them in a special boat and let them in the pool. But you need to look after them”.

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Lucas perks up his ears and blinks as he looks at the kitties coming towards the pool. He watches Tony's auntie pick them up and flickers his ears a little, looking up at Tony's aunt, "are they really that curious about me? Is it because I am half human and half cat," he tilts his head and nods his head, "they are not going to go into the water are they?"

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“I think they like the fact you purr as them.” Auntie answered taking the small boat and she pu the kitties inside. Then taking it into her hands she let it on the water. She pushed the boat near Lucas and the kitties poured louder. “Now they are happy. But be careful that they won’t fall into the water” auntie said petting the cat’s head.

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Lucas tilts head and blinks a couple of times, "they... like when I purr too," he flickers his ears as he watches Tony's aunt with his ears perked up. He looks at the boat and looks at Tony's aunt, nodding his head as he looks at the kitties, listening to them purr loud and giggles softly, starting to swim.

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Since the cat was with them the kitties snuggled to her and soon they were sleeping. Auntie took the boat out of the water so the boys could swim in peace. But she saw a car approached her gates and she knew it was her sister. She got out of the water in a hurry and went to stop her from getting into her house. “Go now Bella, Tony doesn’t want to see you”.

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Lucas looks at Tony and continues swimming, watching Tony's aunt take the kitties out of the pool. He swims up to Tony and starts to splash Tony, giggling softly and dives into the water so Tony wouldn't splash him. Lucas perks his ears as he heard footsteps and tilts his head to the side but just continues swimming.

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“But I want to see my son. You can’t stop me” Bella said and headed to the pool. Tony was busy teasing his neko and didn’t see his mother coming only when it was too late. He looked with furious eyes at her and then laughed “What are you doing here woman? I told you clear I don’t want to see you. Or do you want to hear how much I hate you?”

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Lucas pops his head up, needing some air and shakes his head with a sneeze. He perks his head up and notices another woman, tilting his head to the side, perking his ears up as he listens to Tony. Lucas slowly lowers his ears, unsure if he should really get involved with this conversation.

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Bella looked on her son and had no doubt Tony meant it. He really hated her. She turned around and passed through her sister in silence. It wasn’t the time to speak with Tony. Once she left Tony went near Lucas and hugged him tight. “She won’t bother me again” he said loudly to himself.

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Lucas looks at the woman and blinks a couple of times as she was leaving. He slowly looks at Tony, perking his ears up as he got hugged and slowly looks up from Tony's chest while tilting his head, "w..who was that woman," he flickers his ears in confusion, "and.. what did she do to make you so mad?"

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"Nobody Lucas. She's just a trash who throw me away from her house hearing I'm gay. She claims she's sick now and wants to see me but I hate her" Tony answered laughing. "Forget about the incident my neko, we are here to have fun" he added splashing Lucas again with water.

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Lucas blinks a couple of times as he looks at Tony, lowering his ears as he was unsure if he liked this side of Tony. He whines softly and blinks with a jump as Tony splashes him, pouting a little and starts splashing Tony as well but still wondered who that woman was.

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“Tony your phone is ringing. It’s your boss” auntie said and waited for her nephew to get out of the water and answer. “I will be back my neko” Tony smiled and hurried out of the pool. Auntie entered into the pool and approached Lucas. “I’m so sorry Lucas you were here when my sister came. She’s Tony mother after all but she hurts him so much. I wish I could do something for her but I can’t. It’s her own fault that Tony hates her”.

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Lucas perks up his ears, hearing a faint sound coming from inside. He looks at Tony and nods his head, swimming to the edge of the pool and watches Tony with his ears lowered. Lucas perks up his ears, looking over his shoulder as he saw Tony's aunt swimming towards him. He tilts his head to the side and lowers his ears as he goes back to swimming and waiting for Tony to come back, ~so that was Tony's mom.. but why do they have to hate each other,~ he thought while swimming.

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Tony went into the house after he talked with his boss and saw his mother was on the floor. “Auntie, help me. She’s on the floor. Call the doctor” he yelled and knelt near his mother. Auntie came quickly and took her medical kit. In few seconds Bella opened her eyes and looked around her. “Tony…” she whispered.

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Lucas perks his ears up and looks at Tony, blinking a couple of times as he gets out of the water, shaking himself to dry off and looks at Tony, lowering his ears as he looks at Tony, "is.. she going to be okay," he starts drying himself with the towel.

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